Who did better in the Debate?

But this doesn't mean that Hillary, nor the small town mayor, would do a better job just because they are more qualified.
If it were just a mayor's job we were talking about, I don't think it would be taking a huge risk. If Trump were running for mayor of NYC, even... I'd consider that as a decent "get-your-feet-wet" undertaking. He's a New Yorker, he's had his finger on the pulse of New York business elite. They let Arnold Schwarzenegger be governor, and Jesse Ventura, for that matter. How did those turn-out?

I just do not think that it's a good idea to put a total amateur at the wheel of the Presidency. I'm not willing to let this guy, who has shown a long list of reasons why he shouldn't be president even if he had been elected to offices, to give it a shot for the very first time as our President. That's just irrational and irresponsible. And, people who chalk-it-up to "Well, so what if he drives it into the ground" strike me as irrational and not appreciating how good they really have it and are reacting to media impulses that don't even exist or affect them directly.
Well get ready to kiss your nonprofit butt goodbye then. He'll bend you over and screw you in a very destructive way so enjoy it. This place will be in shambles but at least I'll get to sit back and laugh at all you dummies while telling you I told you so. ;)

Explain. And be specific.

Clearly the Donald didn't prepare for the debate, had he done so, he would have brought up more often the emails, Benghazi, pay for play talking points he's been doing on the campaign trail. His 25 second answers to those Holt questions allowed Lester to pursue another subject or expand on the original question. Had the Donald given a 2 minute answer, then those follow up questions never come . . so, thats on him.

He should have attacked more, but, thats hard to do when you feel the need to rebut everything that Clinton threw at him. Its hard to go forward when you're backpedalling . . and his opponent set the tone and pace last night.

Like any well coached team, having the ability of taking your opponent out of his game is half the battle to winning. DT looked flustered at times last night.

Donald didn't do his homework for the debate and his preparation was non-existent.

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
Benjamin Franklin
I watched it this afternoon, tried my best to NOT read or watch any TV today. I thought Holt did a shitty job. He pretty much followed DEM talking points in his line of questioning. $hillary was robotic in her answers, and seemed to have the questions provided already had memorized answers already lined up. Trump was put on the defensive all night long and Holt never asked her any questions to put her on the defensive. RIGGED!!!
But you have to know that it won't be "what you've gone through" moving forward. It will be "what you've gone through" multiplied. It's a runaway train of sucktitude. And runaway trains gain momentum and power when they are allowed to move in the same direction. Trumps' suckitude will take time to build up momentum. And by that time, his 4 years will be up.

I'll definitely take the unknown over more riots, more race wars, more division, more ISIS, more nuclear weapons testing in N.Korea, more bending over for radicals, more bakeries going out of business because they won't bake a cake for a gay couple, more patting transgendered people on the back for their mental illness, more government regulation, more taxes and more of the same corruption.

Are you so seriously delusional that you really believe all of that will just poof and be gone if Trump wins??????? Please tell me HOW he will bring and end to each one? I would love for that to happen but obviously I'm clueless as to how a president brings those things about and how they will actually end them. If what you tell me he WILL DO to fix those things makes sense then I may have to admit I've been wrong about him all along.
Explain. And be specific.
Specifically he will anger terrorist groups even more and we will live in greater fear right here on our land. If he actually builds that Great Wall it will anger Mexico more and even more will get in via other ways to get here and the drug cartels will have a great time proving they cannot be stopped.

Economically he may get temporary control over the trade issues we currently have and the businesses that go over seas but soon they'll find loopholes around that and our economy will sink again.

Shall I go on?
I watched it this afternoon, tried my best to NOT read or watch any TV today. I thought Holt did a shitty job. He pretty much followed DEM talking points in his line of questioning. $hillary was robotic in her answers, and seemed to have the questions provided already had memorized answers already lined up. Trump was put on the defensive all night long and Holt never asked her any questions to put her on the defensive. RIGGED!!!

The three debates are already arranged and coordinated by the three networks hosting so that they allow more time to cover each topic so we aren't getting the same BS each time and everything is given an opportunity to be covered. I thought you guys were aware. The prior debates were a fiasco because everyone asked the same shit every time.
I remember thinking Obama was separated in his very first debate. I thought then he had no chance. He blew McCain out the water to the point that McCain admitted during the last debate that Obama would be a great prez..

Don't sell Donald short. This is only the first debate. Still a long ways to go before voting begins.

And to be honest, both are horrendous candidates. But then again, this country has turned a corner that it will never recover from. It deserves its demise.
I blame media and political correctness, as well as social media.

My choice candidate would be someone from the actual working class, set on social reform. Get the country back to what made it successful. Plus, overcoming to insurmountable debt. Wonder how it would go down if america simply said, we not paying a dime back, and reset the button. I guess like filing bankruptcy, only on a global scale
OBTW, Trump won nearly every snap poll (phone polls taken either by phone or on the internet immediately after the debate)... CNN (Clinton News Network) - SHOCKER! - had over-sampled DEMs breaking for $hillary in a landslide... No wonder no one watches them anymore...

I wish the Libertarian and Green Party Candidates were allowed to participate.
I remember thinking Obama was separated in his very first debate. I thought then he had no chance. He blew McCain out the water to the point that McCain admitted during the last debate that Obama would be a great prez..

Don't sell Donald short. This is only the first debate. Still a long ways to go before voting begins.

And to be honest, both are horrendous candidates. But then again, this country has turned a corner that it will never recover from. It deserves its demise.
I blame media and political correctness, as well as social media.

My choice candidate would be someone from the actual working class, set on social reform. Get the country back to what made it successful. Plus, overcoming to insurmountable debt. Wonder how it would go down if america simply said, we not paying a dime back, and reset the button. I guess like filing bankruptcy, only on a global scale
That may happen, we pretty much don't have much choice...
Not today.

I guess everyone is entitled to change their minds . . back in the GOP strategy room, it prolly didn't look good to praise the moderator when the candidate looked so poor.

I guess the moderator and microphone both sucked huh . . ?
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I guess everyone is entitled to change their minds . . back in the GOP strategy room, it prolly didn't look good to praise the moderator when the candidate looked so poor.

I guess the moderator and microphone both sucked huh . . ?
I really don't care, I'm not voting for Trump. I'm calling it the way I see it. You, on the other hand, are $hillary's tampon maid. We'll see how that work for you...
Are you so seriously delusional that you really believe all of that will just poof and be gone if Trump wins??????? Please tell me HOW he will bring and end to each one? I would love for that to happen but obviously I'm clueless as to how a president brings those things about and how they will actually end them. If what you tell me he WILL DO to fix those things makes sense then I may have to admit I've been wrong about him all along.

How will he bring an end to each one? I'm not sure. I'm not even sure it can happen at this point. We've bent over now for so long on some things that it's hard to reverse the trend. For example, instead of inviting Black Lives matter to dinner at the White House, Trump would call them what they are - a domestic terrorist organization. And he can promise to prosecute those involved as terrorist. Now, will that work? Maybe. But what it will do is send the message that we're not going to bend over anymore. And most importantly, it will make me feel better. Another example is N. Korea. Taking a hard line with them will probably work. They only want to f*ck with us because we allow it. Another example - transgender people will be free to be transgender. But we won't be acknowledging and legitimizing them. We won't have national conversations on shit so trivial. Trump won't entertain that garbage. ISIS - well, have you heard of carpet bombing? I think Trump has used that phrase before.

Shall I go on?

Specifically he will anger terrorist groups even more and we will live in greater fear right here on our land. If he actually builds that Great Wall it will anger Mexico more and even more will get in via other ways to get here and the drug cartels will have a great time proving they cannot be stopped.

Economically he may get temporary control over the trade issues we currently have and the businesses that go over seas but soon they'll find loopholes around that and our economy will sink again.

Shall I go on?

So what if he angers terrorist groups? There was a time when this country was feared worldwide. You can say all that dumb shit about "we're all the same species" and how we all should learn to live in the world together but the reality is we can't. So with that in mind, I'd prefer to go back to the time when people didn't f*ck with us because they knew we'd lay the smackdown on them. I think Trump will at least posture in that direction. But as I stated above, we've been weakened to the point where I'm not sure there's any coming back.

Piss off Mexico? Oh no...what will we ever do if Mexico is pissed at us. Wait a minute...will I still have tacos. Because I love tacos. Maybe you're right on this one.

Economically, he'll bring jobs back to America (for Americans) with tax breaks for those that employ. If it sinks in the future, well, we'll deal with that then. But a reprieve from the god awful mess that our current economy is would be welcomed by me - 10 years down the road be damned. we don't have the luxury of worrying about 10 years down the road and that's even if I gave your prognostication any credence whatsoever.
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Both campaign manager Kellyanne Conway and the Donald had high praise for Lester Holt.

Lester has taken a beating today by some publications for the way he moderated. I didn't watch so I don't know. But I assure you there were plenty (nonpartisan) folks that said he was awful.
I really don't care, I'm not voting for Trump. I'm calling it the way I see it. You, on the other hand, are $hillary's tampon maid. We'll see how that work for you...

Well . . I am going with what I see is the best option.

You are smart for not voting Trump . . so, in that regard, the country thanks you.
Wonder how it would go down if america simply said, we not paying a dime back, and reset the button. I guess like filing bankruptcy, only on a global scale

China would be pissed. They'd refuse to ever lend the US money ever again - but that's not so big a deal. They're not stupid enough to stop all trade with the US since it would cost them so much more additional money in terms of trade revenue. And they're damn sure not stupid enough to attack the US over it, whether they want to admit it or not - they learn from the Japanese, lol.
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Lester has taken a beating today by some publications for the way he moderated. I didn't watch so I don't know. But I assure you there were plenty (nonpartisan) folks that said he was awful.

Who was awful . . Lester or Donald . . ? The Donald had a far worse night than Lester.

Today, I hear that Rudy Guiliani wants Trump to pass on the final 2 debates . . . LOL, I guess so, one embarrassment is enough apparently.
Today, I hear that Rudy Guiliani wants Trump to pass on the final 2 debates . . . LOL, I guess so, one embarrassment is enough apparently.

That's really not a bad idea for Trump. With the way the polls are trending - he'll be a good amount ahead of Clinton by Election Day just riding the wave. She can't go a week without bleeding in the polls. Clinton can out-politician him in a debate. He's done what he needs to do - and if he avoids a major gaffe in a debate, he can let Clinton's health dig her own grave.

Avoiding the next couple debates would show people he's not your run-of-the-mill politician like Clinton. Could garner some support that way.
That's really not a bad idea for Trump. With the way the polls are trending - he'll be a good amount ahead of Clinton by Election Day just riding the wave. She can't go a week without bleeding in the polls. Clinton can out-politician him in a debate. He's done what he needs to do - and if he avoids a major gaffe in a debate, he can let Clinton's health dig her own grave.

Avoiding the next couple debates would show people he's not your run-of-the-mill politician like Clinton. Could garner some support that way.

I think the bleeding was stopped last night.
Avoiding the next couple debates would show people he's not your run-of-the-mill politician like Clinton. Could garner some support that way.

Or it could backfire and the Clinton campaign could start calling him chicken shit. If I was Trump, I'd continue to do the debates and continue to be who he is - an angry, non-specific, buffoon. It's worked for him up to this point. Plus, I'm of the thought (and hope) that so many people who publicly say they won't vote for him, really will vote for him when no one is looking. I know 71-00 has been beating that drum.
I think the bleeding was stopped last night.

Maybe it was, not sure. I didn't watch the debate - so I really don't know. I've just read today that Trump "won" from a few different places (Time, CNBC, Washington Times, and to no surprise, Fox News). I saw Clinton "won" from CNN (again, to no surprise).

I just find it hard to say the bleeding will stop when the majority of people saw Trump in a more favorable light after the debate.
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The only beef I had with Lester Holt was he allowed them to run all over him. He would attempt to say something and they let him know with their tone while continuing the statement that they WOULD finish their statement.

This is a no win situation. Whoever wins will just tell me who to say I told you so to. All of you die-hards on both camps are so blinded.....smdh.
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Maybe it was, not sure. I didn't watch the debate - so I really don't know. I've just read today that Trump "won" from a few different places (Time, CNBC, Washington Times, and to no surprise, Fox News). I saw Clinton "won" from CNN (again, to no surprise).

I just find it hard to say the bleeding will stop when the majority of people saw Trump in a more favorable light after the debate.

I can tell you who lost.....America :(
China would be pissed. They'd refuse to ever lend the US money ever again - but that's not so big a deal. They're not stupid enough to stop all trade with the US since it would cost them so much more additional money in terms of trade revenue. And they're damn sure not stupid enough to attack the US over it, whether they want to admit it or not - they learn from the Japanese, lol.
China is "lending us money?" Really? How do you figure that?

Our "money" is monetized debt that comes from the US Treasury "selling" bonds to the Fed. The Fed then sells them BACK to the Treasury, as Federal Reserve Notes, at interest. So, how and when do we get money loaned to us from China? We surely do not get US Dollars loaned to us from China.
Jus' curious here, exactly how did America lose last night . . ?
America is not winning or losing anything. America is just experiencing the consequences of it's choices collectively.

That's another load of bullshit that Trump likes to toss-out to Americans- "We lose at everything." That's BS. He is winning. Just ask him! He's always winning. So, if he's winning, how is America losing? He's working the system that he helped to buy and sell and make crooked, by contributing to politicians for 50 years. This winning and losing, Make America Great Again is just his ego and his supporters lapping-it-up.
Or it could backfire and the Clinton campaign could start calling him chicken shit. If I was Trump, I'd continue to do the debates and continue to be who he is - an angry, non-specific, buffoon. It's worked for him up to this point. .
The problem is the only votes he is getting is from the "angry non-specific buffoons" and thankfully that is not close to getting him enough votes to win. I like you and 71-000 both but you guys just can't see this.
I read that both were.

Trump did fine. Lester acted just like was expected. And Hillary was able to stand for 90 minutes, so she did great by her standards.

Put it in perspective another way- according to the media, Trump did not win one single debate in the primary. I would actually be worried if those asshats thought he had won last night.

Like Nuk said, every single snap internet poll showed Trump winning with the exception of CNN. Yet according to CNN, WaPo, NYT, etc., Hillary buried him. You pick which side you want to believe.

And furthermore, Trump didn't go after her at all last night- on purpose. His mission was to successfully show that he didn't have a temper problem, would fly of the handle, etc. Meanwhile Hillary fired the whole arsenal. The next debate will be rather entertaining, which is good because this one was kind of boring.
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The problem is the only votes he is getting is from the "angry non-specific buffoons" and thankfully that is not close to getting him enough votes to win. I like you and 71-000 both but you guys just can't see this.

And I like you Lyles, but you are wrong. He ahead of Romney in Hispanic and African American support. Furthermore most polling models assume the same level of turnout from the past 2 cycles and the polls mostly show them tied right now when the actual result is that he is significantly ahead.