Who's your favorite college football team?

What David said, and I just have to say this portion of UNC71-00's post is inaccurate "But given that Carolina football has been pretty mediocre for the past 60 years or so".
Its actually a desire to knock you down a few pegs. Dont take it personally- i try to do it with all the cocky assholes I encounter.

And what you said Archie was that I am a Football first fan. Simply not true, but a typical assumptive post made by the self appointed sherrif of Radar should come as no surprise to anyone.

The point of this thread was to find out if there were actually people who root for Carolina in bball and some other team for football. My assumptiom had always been that Carolina hoops only fan is indifferent to college fooball. Bobby brought up a point I had not really considered, so we started this thread.

And no, I dont think I am any superfan. I love all things Carolina, sports and nonsports alike. The Superfan monniker should be reserved for people like you who watch every game on TV but couldnt find the Old Well without asking someone where it is.

Another internet tough guy who can't have a difference of opinion without resorting to childish name calling. But I'm going to treat you like an adult regardless, since you've graduated from our fine institution.

You've got a burr under your saddle re: what you perceive as basketball only fans. Though I think you grossly overestimate the number of BOF's, I'll admit there are bound to be some. But when Mike tells you there are also some FOF's, you don't want to admit it because it doesn't agree with your opinion. Mike is certainly in a position to know.

The bottom line is that we'd all like to see better attendance at our sporting events, ALL of them. Unfortunately, the cost of attending events prevents many people from doing so. Throw in the fact that we haven't won an ACC Championship on the gridiron in 30 years and you get the resulting attendance issues. When the product improves, attendance will as well.
Another internet tough guy who can't have a difference of opinion without resorting to childish name calling. But I'm going to treat you like an adult regardless, since you've graduated from our fine institution.

You've got a burr under your saddle re: what you perceive as basketball only fans. Though I think you grossly overestimate the number of BOF's, I'll admit there are bound to be some. But when Mike tells you there are also some FOF's, you don't want to admit it because it doesn't agree with your opinion. Mike is certainly in a position to know.

The bottom line is that we'd all like to see better attendance at our sporting events, ALL of them. Unfortunately, the cost of attending events prevents many people from doing so. Throw in the fact that we haven't won an ACC Championship on the gridiron in 30 years and you get the resulting attendance issues. When the product improves, attendance will as well.

I don't think you understand "internet tough guy" gramps. Better stick to what you know. Oh wait...

As far as admit FOF, I never challenged Mike- just surprised. And was kind of joking around.
And I have no problem admitting when I am wrong about anything. So strike 2.

And I don't really care about whether or not others attend. I really don't. And regarding games being cost prohibitive- I would bet any amount of money that you could pick up a ticket today for $10. Hell, someone with a nice smile and decent personality could get one free. So you better bring a $20. Oh wait- you aren't going are you? Look for me on TV then with another guy from the board- I will be the one in white shirt shooting you the bird.
Nah. Lots of football first fans there but not sure any of them are football only. Let me start a poll to see....


I'm not denying that there are football firsts. But I am surprised to hear there are football onlies. The only person I can imagine who fits that bill is a person who hates all basketball and has no basketball team at all. Show me a person who pulls for UNC in football and another team in basketball and I will show you someone who goes through life disagreeing with everyone just for kicks.
UNC71, you just confirmed my opinion of you as a immature internet tough guy. Trying to get a rise out of me by calling me "Archie" and "gramps" and "shooting me the bird"? I'll just ignore your childish drivel henceforth.
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UNC71, you just confirmed my opinion of you as a immature internet tough guy. Trying to get a rise out of me by calling me "Archie" and "gramps" and "shooting me the bird"? I'll just ignore your childish drivel henceforth.

You really take yourself seriously, doncha Archie? I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries
Play nice guys. Nice discussion on Blue Heaven UNC71. You should join in.
Play nice guys. Nice discussion on Blue Heaven UNC71. You should join in.

I would but I am on my phone waiting to pick someone up at the train station in Burlington who was supposed to be here at 9a. However another train has broken down on the track and he is stuck near McCleansville- we might be late for kickoff now.

Actually, let me see how hard it is to go premie from the phone.
It's a good topic and a good thread in a slow time leading up to the season, let's try to keep it that way guys. We're all on the same team here.
It's a good topic and a good thread in a slow time leading up to the season, let's try to keep it that way guys. We're all on the same team here.

Yep, it was a decent thread with good intentions.
Been very respectful Mike, unlike UNC71. He actually makes me laugh.

Funny. You are the only one who thinks this on the whole thread.

Here's a tip Archie- don't start something if you don't know what you are talking about.
But Arch, we can settle this up at Kenan. People were giving tickets away as we walked in- it's only half full. You could be here in an hour from Greensboro and sit where you want for free.

Unfortunately though, you just missed the honoring of HBarnes and JMM. Thought that would have interested you.
I'm hesitant to participate in this thread because unlike most on this board, I post on Blitz and I know what you're up to.

Exactly. Anyone who posts on Blitz should have seen what was going on here. When it comes up on the football board I always considered it to be half-hearted mostly jokes, but now I see its an actual belief/fear.

Obviously there are Carolina BBall onlies. That's what happens when you have one of, if not the, most premier programs in the country in basketball, and a football team that hasn't been to a legit bowl game since 2001 (and even that was only the Peach bowl for crying out loud).

Blaming the basketball team for the football teams woes is a joke. I pull for both equally, but won't despise someone for just pulling for the basketball team.
Exactly. Anyone who posts on Blitz should have seen what was going on here. When it comes up on the football board I always considered it to be half-hearted mostly jokes, but now I see its an actual belief/fear.

Obviously there are Carolina BBall onlies. That's what happens when you have one of, if not the, most premier programs in the country in basketball, and a football team that hasn't been to a legit bowl game since 2001 (and even that was only the Peach bowl for crying out loud).

Blaming the basketball team for the football teams woes is a joke. I pull for both equally, but won't despise someone for just pulling for the basketball team.

Woad doesn't speak for Blitz. I don't think Carolina bball keeps football down. You are reading way too much into this.

My ONLY point of interest was that I have never considered that people who root for UNC bball would have a different football team. Nothing more, nothing less.
I think the reason for the lack of interest or attendance is pretty simple really. Sustained success breeds interest. Look at the teams with the largest fanbases for various sports. They generally have had huge success in that sport. Teams that have success draw fans. Often those fans become fans of other sports at that school but sometimes they don't. It usually happens at a young age. So they definitely grow up passionate fans of that team in that sport. Many of these fans are not people who attended the school or ever will. Some of them, like me, would have loved to but the distance and cost was too much. Some of them don't for many other reasons. So those fans are fans, not alums. Locally, I'm sure plenty of people grew up on UNC sports but basketball was always the jewel because of the success. This causes the passion to be greater there IMO. It isn't that they don't want the football team to do well. They just aren't going to go to the game or be as invested in it.
If UNC wants to get more attendance, they have to make it easier and more cost effective for families! They need to open all the decks and lots for parking, make ticket packages for lesser games more affordable, allow faculty/staff to use their parking stickers on game days, and create a fee cap of $10 dollars for all parking. If they do this in conjunction with increased success on the field, attendance will jump. My wife, a UNC professor, and I despise paying $20 for parking when she already pays hundreds for a sticker! We use park and ride sometimes, but it makes the tailgating inconvenient and it can be difficult on the ride home.
PennState, bleed both colors of Blue.. never miss a game, for either..Graduated from PSU97'.. Dad was born and raised 10 mins from Chapel Hill, so I have deep roots in both places.. If PSU played UNC in basketball I root UNC.. in football I root PSU..
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Heels all day everyday. At a lower level I am also an avid Western Carolina fan. Live two miles from that campus and am an alumni as are my wife, brother, and children. Makes it kinda easy. I know lots of dual UNC/WCU fans.
Born in Alabama and my Dad worshipped the ground Bear Bryant walked upon. During football season, I could not sit with my best friend at church because his folks were Auburn fans. They sat on the other side of the aisle. Hard to outgrow such an upbringing, but I went to Carolina which changed the color of my blood forever. Love our team, just question our coach's decision on our starting QB! It's way past time to Free Trubisky! I understand Quise is a 5th year senior, but Mitch is our future and a much better decision maker. Given more PT, he will only get better. And Williams can always play the Wildcat and RB with Mitch! Still our program is a lot more exciting now than when I was a student with Dooley & Crum's 3 yards and a cloud of dust game plan!

And Mike is right! I know fellow alumi who still blame DES for Mack Brown leaving for Texas and refuse to follow college basketball!
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Born in Alabama and my Dad worshipped the ground Bear Bryant walked upon. During football season, I could not sit with my best friend at church because his folks were Auburn fans. They sat on the other side of the aisle. Hard to outgrow such an upbringing, but I went to Carolina which changed the color of my blood forever. Love our team, just question our coach's decision on our starting QB! It's way past time to Free Trubisky! I understand Quise is a 5th year senior, but Mitch is our future and a much better decision maker. Given more PT, he will only get better. And Williams can always play the Wildcat and RB with Mitch! Still our program is a lot more exciting now than when I was a student with Dooley & Crum's 3 yards and a cloud of dust game plan!

And Mike is right! I know fellow alumi who still blame DES for Mack Brown leaving for Texas and refuse to follow college basketball!
We had some pretty dang good years with Dooley's 3 yards and a cloud of dust. Bill Dooley rescued FB at UNC. He came in and started kicking azz and started with the players.
You really take yourself seriously, doncha Archie? I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper. I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries
"fart" I don't care how old you are that's funny.
We had some pretty dang good years with Dooley's 3 yards and a cloud of dust. Bill Dooley rescued FB at UNC. He came in and started kicking azz and started with the players.

Didn't say it wasn't good, just said it's more exciting averaging 32 pts/gm so far this year!
Don't follow every sport but support the Heels in everything ! Have told people before I would pull for the Kick ball and dodge ball team if we had them. Was born in the Great state of North Carolina , raised here , live here , pay taxes and support the Heels here and will die here ! Go Heels ! After all it is the flagship of our 16 campus system and a great deal of pride for the citizens of the state of North Carolina.
I pull for UNC in every single sport. There are no 2nd favorites. Well, unless you count my high school... Asheville High. If not plaing UNC, I guess I would pull for Western Carolina University as my dad played football for them and I am getting my grad school degree there. But, I really dont have an emotional connection ot WCU at all.