Why do you march?

Without research we won't know if it can help those kids or not, will we?
So you think a kid with special needs would benefit from weed?
I know they will. Although it isn't legal, I personally have seen it benefit someone tremendously with a mental disability and make them "normal" and able to focus clearer and handle normal situations that most of us have no problem with. I'm not suggesting the child with special needs light up a joint but there are ways of taking it to help someone. I'm not an expert by any means and do not have a need for it but I have seen it work and improve someone's quality of life in a major way. With more research, we can develop ways to treat people with it. It doesn't mean all these people will start sitting around smoking joints, it means they will be able to benefit from it in other wAys/means.
I know they will. Although it isn't legal, I personally have seen it benefit someone tremendously with a mental disability and make them "normal" and able to focus clearer and handle normal situations that most of us have no problem with. I'm not suggesting the child with special needs light up a joint but there are ways of taking it to help someone. I'm not an expert by any means and do not have a need for it but I have seen it work and improve someone's quality of life in a major way. With more research, we can develop ways to treat people with it. It doesn't mean all these people will start sitting around smoking joints, it means they will be able to benefit from it in other wAys/means.
I guess my kids need to fire one up right before going into my woodshop then.
I guess my kids need to fire one up right before going into my woodshop then.
I gotta say i aint a fan of "litmus tests" in judging people. Whether its abortion, guns, god, gays, i can tolerate a wide range of opinion. But if u think pot should be illegal when it's;

1. Proven non addictive

2. Not responsible for one single over dose death EVER

3. SCIENTIFICALY PROVEN to have medicinal benefits

4. Been debunked as a "gateway drug" many times over

Yet u support legal nicotine and alcohol which have addicted, maimed, and killed literally MILLIONS of people with absolutely zero medicinal benefits,

Then you are an idiot

Sugar and big macs are a much bigger health risk than pot.
I gotta say i aint a fan of "litmus tests" in judging people. Whether its abortion, guns, god, gays, i can tolerate a wide range of opinion. But if u think pot should be illegal when it's;

1. Proven non addictive

2. Not responsible for one single over dose death EVER

3. SCIENTIFICALY PROVEN to have medicinal benefits

4. Been debunked as a "gateway drug" many times over

Yet u support legal nicotine and alcohol which have addicted, maimed, and killed literally MILLIONS of people with absolutely zero medicinal benefits,

Then you are an idiot

Sugar and big macs are a much bigger health risk than pot.
Hold on a second. You going to start talking shit about sugar?
