Like Pokemon!Nail head, meet hammer.
“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
Ben Franklin
Like Pokemon!Nail head, meet hammer.
“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
Ben Franklin
First, this is the only one of your long posts I've ever read from start to finish, so you should feel good about that!For disclosure, I am a 58yr old white male. I own a home in A in a mostly white neighborhood that I bought because it was mostly older families in the neighborhood, not a lot of teens walking around. Not that I dislike teenagers just that when you have a bunch of teens walking around a neighborhood there is a higher risk of them getting in to things they shouldn't so my neighborhood being one of older people was a selling point for me. I go to work 6-7 days a week and in my job I work with those that have been arrested by the police (no, I am not a cop). By nature I do not make my decisions on people based on the color of their skin, I make them based on what they did. Do I profile people at times, absolutely and best I can tell everyone no matter their race do as well. I have worked my butt off for everything I have and I have NEVER been given anything extra just because of my race nor would i ever expect anyone to give me any kind of extra just because of my race.
Now I am opinionated, very much so and my opinions have been forged by my life experiences. I see things much differently now than I did when I was 20 and I do because I have many more life experiences than a 20yr old. When it comes to the police, there are good cops and bad cops, there are good and bad people in any profession but the bad cops are the very few. the vast majority of the cops out there go about their job to protect and serve in the best way they can. To portray them all as the enemy, to portray them in general at all as the enemy is just wrong. There is not a single person that will read this that can put themselves in the shoes of any of these cops accused of killing these blacks. You can sit back after the fact and speculate this or that should have been done but you were not there, you do not know the factors any of those cops had to consider before doing what they did. But that does not stop folks from rushing to judgment.
No one seems to care why a cop kills someone in the line of duty, all they seem to care about now days is what color was the person shot and what color was the cop. If the person that was shot was white no one cares but if that person shot is black all the sudden it is front page news. God forbid someone near pull out a camera phone and take a snippet of the incident, no matter what led up to it. It is that kind of thinking that led up to what we just saw in Baton Rouge and now dead cops. WE see BLM protesters screaming "pigs in a blanket, fry em like bacon" and now in back to back weeks we see dead cops, fried like bacon.
Now ya want to tell me that the BLM is peaceful, that they do not support killing of cops? And yet we all heard those chants and we continue to hear them, they fanned the flames so the bacon could get fried. They got what they chanted for, you can not unring that bell now, BLM chanted for dead cops and they have them now. Don't go back now and try to say that is not what they wanted.
For this 58yr old while man, it leaves me to question, why the BLM movement is aimed at white people? It seems to me that it should be aimed at minorities, clean the crime up in your own neighborhoods, stop allowing the drug dealers and the gang bangers to be celebrities in your neighborhoods, work with the cops to clean them out, stop hiding them when the cops try to find them. Try believing that black lives really do matter and live to build black lives up rather than allow them to foster crime. White people are not standing in your way, white people do not keep kids out of college, white people do not force your teenagers to sell dope on the street, to gang bang, to rob, or to shoot each other. Is it fair of me to portray inner city areas dominated by minorities in that way?
When white people think in terms of race it is because they fear the violence in minority neighborhoods will come to their own neighborhoods. White people in general do not today think in terms of race until it is shoved down our throats, until we are accused of being responsible for something we didn't do. That is when we get pissed, anyone being accused of something they didn't do will piss anyone off. When someone says black lives matter it is a 2 fold accusation, first that in some way white people do not think black lives matter. White people believe ALL lives matter, we don't reserve that for any single race. Secondly, to say black lives matter implies very clearly to me that ONLY black lives are the ones that matter? I should not have to "GET IT", I should not have to be able to understand the secret code of what black lives matter says, I take it for face value and I see where it has got us to today and where it has got us is those dead pigs in those blankets, fried like bacon. So the very peace the BLM says they are looking for is now strongly challenged by their own actions and you darn right this 58yr old white guy does not like it nor appreciate that I am being forced to see things thru the lens of racists.
Now I know, when ya read what I just said there are going to be folks say to themselves geez, what a racist ass that guy is. But what you should get your head wrapped around is there are a LOT and I mean a LOT of folks that believe as I do even if they are not willing to step up and say it. I believe the majority of people in this country see things in a similar way and yet folks are afraid of being labeled for expressing what they believe. But before you go lob out the racist tag on me you should understand, if you want anything to improve you better be willing to accept those that see things the way I do. The ONLY way racism in this country is reduced is for people to be willing to sit down and discuss it openly and honestly as as best I can tell few seem willing or able to do that. I say that because as soon as I say something someone else does not like they want to label me as -politically incorrect and racist and less than deserving of an opinion. At very least have the guts to say what you really believe and stop trying to hide it in "you don't understand" when your words and actions show me much different than what you say you stand for.
Yes, that's basically what Hark and I have been saying in all these threads. Too many cops are ineffective at their jobs. The trick is, how do we change this? My theory is raising the pay level for police. Let the market take over.From doing more research and reading more articles; I think there is a real problem with the level of capability with the police, in general. There are some racist cops, yes. But, there are racist congressman and racist doctors, etc. I don't think this is based in racism or racial bias. I think it's coming down to just poor policing.
Here is an article from over a year ago:
I don't mean that all cops are sub-par by any means. And, I am fully aware that the job is very demanding and stressful. But, the trend I am seeing starts to give me a picture that police are not meeting the necessary standard, perhaps. There's just very little room for error these days when you have every citizen holding a camera and posting it online for everyone to see and evaluate.
But the concept of requiring more extensive training cannot be heard or vocalized by the media because the mainstream media is too busy playing videos on loop of black guys getting shot by white cops. How can a meaningful and impactful dialogue take place when all people see is a white man shooting a black man. Gun killings are brutal. The video of these events is ALWAYS going to look horrible.There also needs to be MORE TRAINING period. Once they go through BLET they have next to zero training after that. They need a LOT more and this is coming from my son who is a former Police Officer.
12% of LEOs across the country are black and that number has been flat since 2007. Why only 12% and why haven't we seen an increase since 2014 when Brown was shot in Ferguson and the discussion that started to dominate national headlines was "white police brutality against blacks"? I'd be interested in hearing hypotheses on this from pretty much anyone except 2 or 3 poasters.
The ultimate hypocrites are "white guilt" liberal politicians, especially on the federal level. They talk frequently in public about how black people are "victimized" and "singled out," and then what do they do at the end of the day or the end of the term? They go back to their gated, all-white community and they would call the police faster than you could say "hypocrite" if they saw a black teenager walk into their neighborhood, especially with a hooded jacket on. This is why PC sucks. It does NOT let us have truly open, honest dialogues.
Wow! Black people are responsible for the issues we face today? Wow! If thats your stats, then here are mine. White men need to address the issue of sex offender crimes committed in this country. When are you going to fix this issue? Take a look at page 27 of the pdf. Bottom line is that every one in this country is screwed up. You hardly ever see someone talk about this issue in this country.
Wow! Black people are responsible for the issues we face today? Wow! If thats your stats, then here are mine. White men need to address the issue of sex offender crimes committed in this country. When are you going to fix this issue? Take a look at page 27 of the pdf. Bottom line is that every one in this country is screwed up. You hardly ever see someone talk about this issue in this country.
The statistics that Archer are citing in regard to the black community are related to years and years of systemic racism which has benefited the white community while creating huge disparities for black people including access to education, fair treatment in the workplace. The fact that we don't have generations before us who were able to be college educated, have their own businesses pass down inheritance and all of the things that racial discrimination produced. You can't talk about the state of the black community and ways to help raise up this community without social and historical context. White guilt and white denial continue to be a barrier to these problems. The white community has directly and indirectly benefited from racial inequality and must take responsibility for changing the system that they created. I understand how uncomfortable this might be but guess what black people live with these uncomfortable racial issues every single day. You feel like racial stuff is being forced down your throat because you clearly don't understand the conversation and you really need to as it involves everyone.
You keep saying stuff like "hear the truth" and "we have to change" and "we need to admit there's a problem." Spell it out. What exactly in 2016 can a black person literally NOT do/accomplish/become because of the color of his skin?Tarheelnation all this complaining about having to hear about racial issues and using words like reverse racism are just a few examples. Sometimes it's hard to hear the truth, but we have to change.
You keep saying stuff like "hear the truth" and "we have to change" and "we need to admit there's a problem." Spell it out. What exactly in 2016 can a black person literally NOT do/accomplish/become because of the color of his skin?
The first step in addressing any problem is first acknowledging that there is a problem which has not happened (as clearly indicated by your last post). I sincerely doubt that there is anyway to refute well documented and researched correlations between historical laws and the current effects on the black community. But let's pretend that people who are afraid to recognize the problem with the system actually do. The first step would be to start making the playing field level, there is tons of research and writing on this topic some of it speaks to the heritage tax and other things that create wider and wider gaps between sections of our society. Public education is another issue if you live in a county that has residents with more money than your public school has more resources and so those which the system favors tend to get more advantages and so on and so on. Because people tend to pass wealth and education from generation to generation those who historically had these advantages will continue to have them and build upon them. Changing these advantages would allow those who were not given a historical advantage to catch up to those who did have these advantages. It's a huge undertaking to change the system and it requires those with all the power to agree to those changes unless there is a revolution by those who are being downtrodden (i.e. The American Revolution, the French Revolution, or more recently the Arab Spring) which might happen I guess if nothing changes. By the way the person writing these posts is slick's white wife who openly admits to the fact that the color of my skin has allowed me many advantages and who would like more than anything for other white people to stop acting like victims and start advocating for our fellow human beings to be treated the same way that we have been treated.
You keep saying stuff like "hear the truth" and "we have to change" and "we need to admit there's a problem." Spell it out. What exactly in 2016 can a black person literally NOT do/accomplish/become because of the color of his skin?
The first step in addressing any problem is first acknowledging that there is a problem which has not happened (as clearly indicated by your last post).
. The first step would be to start making the playing field level, there is tons of research and writing on this topic some of it speaks to the heritage tax and other things that create wider and wider gaps between sections of our society.
Public education is another issue if you live in a county that has residents with more money than your public school has more resources and so those which the system favors tend to get more advantages and so on and so on. Because people tend to pass wealth and education from generation to generation those who historically had these advantages will continue to have them and build upon them.
Changing these advantages would allow those who were not given a historical advantage to catch up to those who did have these advantages.
By the way the person writing these posts is slick's white wife who openly admits to the fact that the color of my skin has allowed me many advantages...
... would like more than anything for other white people to stop acting like victims and ....
No, you haven't already done it. You've explained to me how through each generation, many black families remain in poverty and, simultaneously schools in poverty-stricken areas are usually lousy, therefore said black families never "make it out" because of the cycle of living in poor area --> bad schools in poor area --> can't get great education --> turn to crime --> repeat. Now, if you're advocating for enacting new laws on the state level that change the method of funding of public schools from local property taxes to something more streamlined like "pooling" statewide property tax or just a general statewide budget, I would agree with you. I have called for such a change on this board at least once. Property tax-funded school systems keep the status quo because the rich get richer and the poor stay poor.I've already done that for you. Please read the post again closely. If you want more examples of this I would love to send them to you individually.
I've already done that for you. Please read the post again closely. If you want more examples of this I would love to send them to you individually.
But that still doesn't answer my question. What, in 2016, can a black person literally NOT do/become/accomplish because of white people?
Judging by who I work with, the answer is plain Jane.For example, you have two women of the same age going for the same job, both are equally qualified, but one is very attractive and the other is just plain Jane or something. Who do you think they will hire with the SAME qualifications and education?
Sorry, I find this to be completely untrue. I've lived in the country, the burbs and the city and I have never know or witnessed anything to suggest that society does that. I will admit that there are a minority of individuals who do though.sometimes worse because society tends to group the black people in this criminal group and thus they get an underlying fear from some people or that feeling of skepticism over their intentions, etc.
What white people are you talking about? You've already contradicted yourself by saying fat and/or ugly white people are at a disadvantage. Everyone, no matter what color, has some disadvantage. Fat, stupid, race, gender, age... I could go on forever. That being said, you correctly stated that with education and hard work these things can be overcome.I don't think anyone has a disadvantage IF they choose to better their life with education or work but there are disadvantages in how they are treated. THAT is what white people DON'T have.
There is not a competition but there is a problem. I know it's hard for white people to understand as this privilege has been ingrained in our lives and we don't see it. There is no one specific remedy for the social equality gaps that exist but education is one area that affects our whole country. Making sure that every school in every community is given the same resources would be a good a start. Your comment about whites losing out by raising up disadvantaged communities is exactly the reason our country continues to lag behind. A well educated, healthy population gives us more opportunity to succeed and compete in the world. I wish you could see the direct correlation between historical racism and sexism and its effects on those populations today but like many people they only look at a snapshot in time like 2016 instead of seeing our problems in historical context. The stereotypes that we hold even unintentionally impact the way we treat people and how we interact in the world. Changing our world view is hard especially when it means acknowledging that we really don't know too much about people who don't look like us. I have specifically talked about equality in education but individually we can all try to step out of our comfort zone and make an effort to get to know what's happening outside our communities because it effects all of us. Go to your local community center volunteer to help see the struggles that people go through, that would help change things.
What white people are you talking about? You've already contradicted yourself by saying fat and/or ugly white people are at a disadvantage. Everyone, no matter what color, has some disadvantage.
No. They. Don't. That's not a hard and fast rule whatsoever. In some other thread, Strum said that, if anything, he goes out of his way to be even more polite and nice to black people he sees in his daily life. A LOT of white people do the same. And, here's the kicker, a lot of the white people that do this 'above and beyond' treatment of blacks, have preconceived notions and stereotypes of black people. Just like a lot of black people have preconceived notions of white people but many of them are still cordial to white people in their lives.The stereotypes that we hold even unintentionally impact the way we treat people and how we interact in the world.
LOL, you clearly don't know @gunslingerdickindividually we can all try to step out of our comfort zone and make an effort to get to know what's happening outside our communities because it effects all of us. Go to your local community center volunteer to help see the struggles that people go through, that would help change things.
I was simply trying to give an example that may give you an idea what we are talking about. It is not equivocal but the attitudes are similar.
If every time you went in a store and you were followed because they thought you "might" be a criminal, maybe then you would understand it. I don't know how to explain it to you guys. I suspect that more than likely you don't WANT to understand it, as usual, because you'd rather think you were "right." That's usually why we get nowhere on these threads.
Again, you continue to talk in generalities. I have asked for specifics repeatedly and you have failed to give them. If you don't know, then just say you don't know.
Secondly, if the problems exist on the level in which you believe and the stereotypes and prejudices exist on the level in which you believe,...well, then,...I hate to be the bearer or bad news but's an unfixable problem. You're depending on individuals - many who don't see it how you see it - to change their lives drastically. Good luck with that.
What if I walked in a store and was followed around like I was a criminal but wait for it...I didn't give a shit? OMG,...that just happened.
Honest to goodness, you don't really need specifics to get this. If you are finding that you cannot understand it, them maybe you should ask yourself why. It is obvious to most people who don't go around with their head up their ass all the time.
Mrs. slick28376, you will need a Xanax trying to explain it to these guys. They aren't capable of understanding it and really they don't want to anyway.
That explains it all right there, Dick. So why comment on anything.. you already don't give a shit so we don't need any further information or questions from you. Thanks.... NEXT.
Yes the education system needs to be changed and what you're suggesting would be a good step. .
This is how people start non-profits or advocate for local changes in their own communities. .
I work in the community every day with people in community mental health and in the veterans administration as a mental health provider. I know that if everyone could see what I've seen by working in local communities they would see the deficits and mistreatreatment of our vulnerable citizens and want things to change too.