20% Tax on All goods From Mexico

In an attempt to get this thread back on track.......

Someone against the wall please explain to me why protecting/securing our border is a bad thing? TIA.
Because we should all love one another. We need to throw all our hard earned money into a bucket and divide it up with everyone. That's what I have gathered from chick/strum so far but in my defense they are not speaking old, racist, homophobe, sexist,white guy so I could be wrong.
even IF a wall would keep the drugs out, do you think it would end the drug war over here? Do you think Americans would suddenly start making/growing and selling them here???? You really believe drugs would be in control because of a wall?

Why did the discussion turn to drugs? That's an issue but it's not the issue. The issue is people living in our country, on our dime. And often, those doing it don't subscribe to the American values that we want for our people.
even IF a wall would keep the drugs out, do you think it would end the drug war over here? Do you think Americans would suddenly start making/growing and selling them here???? You really believe drugs would be in control because of a wall?

Yes. I believe it would cripple the flow of drugs getting into this country from Mexico, which would free up enough security personnel to focus on the remaining stragglers. They would have to find alternative means of getting them here...tunnels, boats, planes...but those are tough avenues to pull off with any consistency. I believe it would force companies to grow marijuana in this country and sell legally. Of course, you'd have some who learn how to skirt the rules, but it would be MUCH easier to track those down and deal with them without just having a free-flowing border, as we do now.
Why did the discussion turn to drugs? That's an issue but it's not the issue. The issue is people living in our country, on our dime. And often, those doing it don't subscribe to the American values that we want for our people.

I was being sarcastic. I should have known better.
Go back to Germany.

That is fvcked-up thinking, dude. Who DICTATES those values? Our people?

American = every culture mixed together.

Why? You keep saying that but you're providing nothing else. You're not providing any reasoning as to why a wall won't work. And you're not providing any other options. Are you just being disagreeable or what. C'mon, what do you have?
I said months ago why I thought it would not work. IF you want to control illegal workers coming here, then control the employers who are hiring them. Patrol THEM and fine them for hiring them.

As for the drugs, those cats will get the drugs over no matter what. You cannot stop those idiots and IF you were somehow able to, then the drugs would be grown/created and sold right here by Americans who were too afraid to go against those cartels.

For every problem we have here we need to get to the ROOT of the problem, not just band-aid it. That is all we ever do. Put a good fence up, sure, but there is no reason to spend billions on a tremendous wall, that will be a waste of money, put that money in patrolling, drones, and controlling the ones who hire them. Don't give them a reason to WANT to come here for "free stuff" since that seems to be a draw. Make SURE there is no reason to want to be here other than a nice vacation.
and the root of the problem with this thread is that any moonbat with a keyboard can poast in it.
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For every problem we have here we need to get to the ROOT of the problem, not just band-aid it. That is all we ever do. Put a good fence up, sure, but there is no reason to spend billions on a tremendous wall, that will be a waste of money, put that money in patrolling, drones, and controlling the ones who hire them. Don't give them a reason to WANT to come here for "free stuff" since that seems to be a draw. Make SURE there is no reason to want to be here other than a nice vacation.

That is lucid and well articulated. I agree.

But I'm also not against Mexico spending a bunch of money on building a wall. If they won't spend it, then we'll just take it out of the roughly $300 million we give them in aid annually. Or at least we'll start there. And then we'll leave NAFTA and start taxing everything they want from us. We'll leave them to deal with their own problems and I guarantee, they'll come around.
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Wouldn't it just be easier all the way around if you would just go? And take the broad with you when you go.

Please and thank you.
You'll still be here, along with the rest of the nationalist, tribal-superiority mentality. So, I think I'll stay.
Take him with you.

Hahaha. But then we'd have to take his face off of Mt. Rushmore - you know, that mountain in which our nations best Presidents' likenesses are carved? Should I take Jefferson and Washington too? Maybe so, then you and the other lunatic fringe liberals can make this country exactly what you want it to be.
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Christ on a GD bike people. Calm down. Go back to my question....

chick's response referenced drugs. That is moving the target from what I intended. I'm talking about people/immigration when I say why is it a bad thing to protect our borders with a wall.

Someone who disagrees with the wall please answer.
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Because we should all love one another. We need to throw all our hard earned money into a bucket and divide it up with everyone. That's what I have gathered from chick/strum so far but in my defense they are not speaking old, racist, homophobe, sexist,white guy so I could be wrong.
you must equate love with money.. I do not. That is where the disconnect between us lies, money. You put more value in money apparently than I do. We need it, yes, and we should be generous and helpful to others when we can but I do not suggest giving it away to everyone just because I have it. When you can help someone, help them. The Bible tells you that much. Learn what it means to love those you don't know and don't agree with. I love you very much, even though I don't understand why you think the way you do. I love that you are a human being and I know that you love the best way you know how. I work VERY hard for my money too but if there were someone that crossed my path that needed it more than I for survival, I'd gladly give it. I am not talking about supporting someone's need to party or have a dang cell phone. I am talking about people who are in NEED. Those who work their asses off and never seem to get ahead. Not everyone in need is a worthless bum that does not want to work. MOST people on food stamps actually work! I am not saying you are a racist, but I can tell you do not understand fully what racism is. If you think a homosexual does not deserve to love and have a committed relationship with the benefits you get, then you might have a homophobic issue to address. I do not know how you feel about it.
Hahaha. But then we'd have to take his face off of Mt. Rushmore - you know, that mountain in which our nations best Presidents' likenesses are carved? Should I take Jefferson and Washington too? Maybe so, then you and the other lunatic fringe liberals can make this country exactly what you want it to be.
I don't care who's faces you carve into some mountain. Ask the native-born people what they think of them being there. Glorifying them in that way projects a false sense of superiority about them as well. Those 4 men were just as full-of-shit as you and I.
Oh, yeah. A man who literally makes a living by perpetuating the illusion of a division between people. He's quite an asset.

Yeah, a successful, America loving proponent of common sense and rational thought media icon and author. What a terrible guy.

You on the other hand, a cover song playing amateur guitarist, conspiracy theorist, socialist apologist have all the right answers.
You on the other hand, a cover song playing amateur guitarist, conspiracy theorist, socialist apologist have all the right answers.
What's wrong with playing covers? I love playing covers! Playing covers unites people!

"socialist apologist"... now, THAT was funny!

I have different answers.

ETA: Technically, I'm not an amateur guitarist. I get paid for it... so, that is professional.
Yeah, a successful, America loving proponent of common sense and rational thought media icon and author. What a terrible guy.

You on the other hand, a cover song playing amateur guitarist, conspiracy theorist, socialist apologist have all the right answers.
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That's an interesting take. I guess I just interpret the purpose of the monument differently than you.

I don't know. I'm pretty sure no one on this board helped free any slaves.
None of those people "freed" any slaves by themselves. 2 of them owned and perpetuated teh slave trade. One of them played politics and gets the credit for what legions of other people actually did to free them.

Politicians are hardly people I believe deserve statues and monuments.
legalize them. The crime and profit margin goes straight down as soon as you do that. Prohibition taught a valuable lesson.
A lot of liberals would love to legalize drugs yet do away with guns(not saying you do) talk about bassackwards!!!
I guess technically you are correct that it wasn't done by one single person, but I think Lincoln played a bigger part than most.
Yes, he did sign legislation that his predecessors probably wouldn't have signed... unless they thought it would bring them political favor and influence. Politicians are hypocrites and bullshit-artists.

Even Thomas Jefferson wanted any memory of him to exclude his presidency. I guess he preferred being an inventor, or philosopher, or who-knows-what, over the politician label.
Yes, he did sign legislation that his predecessors probably wouldn't have signed... unless they thought it would bring them political favor and influence. Politicians are hypocrites and bullshit-artists.

Even Thomas Jefferson wanted any memory of him to exclude his presidency. I guess he preferred being an inventor, or philosopher, or who-knows-what, over the politician label.
Are you trying to say Lincoln's actions were all political? Geez, talk about seeing the worst in people.
They don't see it and when someone tries to "act" (or react) as they do, they cannot stand it. They cannot see that they are doing the VERY thing they hate about the other side. Sometimes I just do it on here for kicks because I know I am being extreme just as they are and I want to see just how hypocritical they can be.

Personally, I would NEVER want to put a wall around anyone or anything. I would not want to hush up those who disagree with me either. Freedom is being able to do things freely without having to conform to another's belief. We are all free to believe as we want to and do as we want, providing we are not harming others.

We are free to marry who we want to and who we choose to love. A book written by many MEN, thousands of years ago does not dictate HOW we are to love. It just says we ARE TO love each other. They tend to get all that mixed up. They pick out certain things, mostly sexual things, and try to rip people apart over it, when they do the very things that the book says not to do to begin with, divorce, adultery, lust, etc. I suppose pointing out another's "sins" will make one think they are better off because they're sins are less than or something. It's a crazy belief.

When we live in a country founded on freedom of choices and freedom of what we believe, some may not believe the same as another group of people but if it is not causing you personal harm, they can do as they please.

:(:eek::confused:o_O So confused..... and I could not disagree more with you! I say that with Love though!!! That is really all I have to say about the above comments!!