20% Tax on All goods From Mexico

Are you trying to say Lincoln's actions were all political? Geez, talk about seeing the worst in people.
Were they ALL political? I hope not. But, he was a politician. Are doctor's actions all medically-driven?

I'm sure he had a conscience. I'm sure he was good person at heart, like all people are. I'm just not overly-impressed by politicians.
I admit I lean more to the left. The only things I lean to the right on are guns and abortion but not enough to vote their way.

Ok - maybe you and I should just stick to talking about guns together then; that seems to be the only thing we agree on. I lean more to the right on most issues except abortion (and some other social issues like drug legalization)

NO ONE is asking for MORE rights just to have the SAME rights. Do you understand that?????? I don't think you do.

I realize that most people probably aren't asking for more rights. Except, some of the leftist politicians decide the way they're going to try to get equality is by doing the ol' "two wrongs make a right". They feel (and maybe it is true) that women and minorities get underpaid compared to equivalent white men. Instead of correcting that problem, they give incentives and applause for hiring women and minorities. So now they create a double problem of giving women/minorities an advantage in the hiring process, while still not addressing the original issue where white men are paid more once they are hired. Talk about putting a band-aid on a problem. And that band-aid is bacteria ridden to just made the initial problem worse.

you don't get it either..... LOL omg, you white guys are truly clueless on this! omg it's hopeless!

You have to be the most ironic poaster I've ever witnessed.
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legalize them. The crime and profit margin goes straight down as soon as you do that. Prohibition taught a valuable lesson.

Crime goes down when you make the action you're describing legal.... you don't say.

Similar to some politicians process to decrease the illegal population in the US - by granting them all citizenship. Well ya, I guess that would decrease the illegal population a good amount. Doesn't fix the problem though.

^ All this said I agree in legalization of many currently controlled substances.
So the libs telling us we have to accept homosexual marriage and unified gender restrooms isn't a for of control?

I have no problem with accepting homosexual marriage. That is something that only affects the two parties involved. The impact doesn't seep into society and negatively affect others.

Unified gender restrooms on the other hand affects many more people outside of the individuals that it is created for. Which is why I have a problem with it.

I'm all for people doing whatever the hell they want on their own time, and to themselves. People can build a shrine to Hitler in their basement and worship him non-stop if they want to - they just better not bring any of his policies or beliefs outside of their house and impact other people.
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You don't have to marry anyone you don't want to marry. No one is forcing you to be gay. They're simply making it legal for people who are gay to marry, and not be discriminated because of it. It's called enabling liberty.

And, you're free to malign black people verbally. Just don't be surprised when more people call you a racist after you say it.

Thanks for writing all that. It makes you easier to be identified. Let your true colors shine bright.
So you have called me a racist and a homophobe all in one post. All this simply because I do not agree with lifestyle choices of others. It's people like you who muddy the waters so much that others simply cannot have an opinion. You make my point quiet easily. I even mention black people and you pull the race card. You yourself said that you go around make it a point to speak or nod to black people now. I've always done that. Are you a recovering racist? What's different now than before.
You think in your mind that you are a solution to the problem when in turn you are a contributor to it. As is your little parrot that clings to your every post
I have no problem with accepting homosexual marriage. That is something that only affects the two parties involved. The impact doesn't seep into society and negatively affect others.

Unified gender restrooms on the other hand affects many more people outside of the individuals that it is created for. Which is why I have a problem with it.

I'm all for people doing whatever the hell they want on their own time, and to themselves. People can build a shrine to Hitler in their basement and worship him non-stop if they want to - they just better not bring any of his policies or beliefs outside of their house and impact other people.

I have no problem with gays being gay. Where my issue comes from is my state voted to not allow them to marry. The supreme Court took it upon themselves to over rule that.
As for the issue itself, it goes against my core beliefs. I teach my kids it's wrong to be gay. And because of that, I'm labeled for not conforming to a social hot topic. And I promise this would be a non issue if the liberals weren't such a cancer to this country
Only thing I'm gonna add to this thread, in reference to a poast by @Grayhead ...

Republicans (the party and the voters) need to STOP fixating on gay marriage and abortion as key issues. Stop. It's wrecking the party and fracturing it. It leads to woefully bad candidates like Mike Huckabee getting some votes in early primaries.

If abortion and gay marriage offends your Christian/moral beliefs, the way to handle this is to NOT get an abortion and NOT to enter into a same-sex marriage and to persuade all your friends and loved ones to also not do those things.

But please don't let it be the most important thing you look for in a candidate.
I have never said that was the driving factor for my vote. I do the vote for presidents to be my preacher. But I will vote for one who I think has better morals. Hence the fact Hilary did not get my vote
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I have no problem with gays being gay.

As for the issue itself, it goes against my core beliefs. I teach my kids it's wrong to be gay.

I'm having trouble reconciling these two statements, they don't seem to match. I feel like gays being gay as no impact on me or anyone other than themselves, so it's fine by me. I'd be lying if I said deep down I didn't somewhat hope that my future kids aren't gay, but if they are - that'd be ok and I wouldn't have a problem with it.
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I'm having trouble reconciling these two statements, they don't seem to match. I feel like gays being gay as no impact on me or anyone other than themselves, so it's fine by me. I'd be lying if I said deep down I didn't somewhat hope that my future kids aren't gay, but if they are - that'd be ok and I wouldn't have a problem with it.
He's saying he has no problem that other (read: people not related to him or affiliated with him) people being gay. I.E., he doesn't want all gays rounded up and shot or anything like that. But he does take steps to try to educate those he loves not to be gay because that goes against his core beliefs.

It's basically the same as saying I don't mind that other people have stupid opinions about XYZ because that's their right as Americans, but at the same time, I strongly disagree with their position on XYZ.
What's wrong with playing covers? I love playing covers! Playing covers unites people!

"socialist apologist"... now, THAT was funny!

I have different answers.

ETA: Technically, I'm not an amateur guitarist. I get paid for it... so, that is professional.
If they really knew you, they'd all be jealous! Yes, he is a GREAT musician, great artist and an excellent businessman who is very successful but more importantly, he is a very kind man, he is respectful of others and does not box people into the stereotypes that many do. He is empathetic and compassionate and has a true love for all human beings regardless of whether they agree with him or not. You guys could not hold a candle to this guy. I have seen this man do the kindest things to strangers. A guy walked up to him and asked about his rollerblades and he took the guy to his house and GAVE him his old ones so he could try rollerblading too. He was in line behind a lady at the grocery store and she was short around 10 bucks and he handed her a 20 and told her not to worry about it. He does things for people ALL THE TIME just because he is kind. He helps his friends when they need help, whether it is physically or financially, and you do not even have to ask him. So go ahead and make fun of this somewhat liberal minded man. He walks the walk of kindness, not just talking about it.
If they really knew you, they'd all be jealous! Yes, he is a GREAT musician, great artist and an excellent businessman who is very successful but more importantly, he is a very kind man, he is respectful of others and does not box people into the stereotypes that many do. He is empathetic and compassionate and has a true love for all human beings regardless of whether they agree with him or not. You guys could not hold a candle to this guy. I have seen this man do the kindest things to strangers. A guy walked up to him and asked about his rollerblades and he took the guy to his house and GAVE him his old ones so he could try rollerblading too. He was in line behind a lady at the grocery store and she was short around 10 bucks and he handed her a 20 and told her not to worry about it. He does things for people ALL THE TIME just because he is kind. He helps his friends when they need help, whether it is physically or financially, and you do not even have to ask him. So go ahead and make fun of this somewhat liberal minded man. He walks the walk of kindness, not just talking about it.
This is a chess match, and Mexico doesn't have many pieces left on the board.

As one poaster pointed out, regarding Corona...if they are facing the potential of going out of business as a result of this, don't you think they would entertain opening an American plant, which further creates jobs in this country?

Sometimes, I am amazed at how many people can't see the forest for the trees.
Blue nailed it. This will be created to be an incentive for Mexican Corps. to move production and business north of the border to avoid the tax and keep prices low for the US consumer. This is how global strategies play out. And Trump knows globalism better than any of his predecessors.
Blue nailed it. This will be created to be an incentive for Mexican Corps. to move production and business north of the border to avoid the tax and keep prices low for the US consumer. This is how global strategies play out. And Trump knows globalism better than any of his predecessors.

Exactly. In 5 days, Trump has managed to play everyone like a fiddle, most notably his opposition in this country. He kept them talking about crowd sizes for days while he began signing executive orders.
I was directing that at all the whiney butts calling him out for being too liberal. Those of you who think he is weak for not believing as you do and wanting to control things the way you think should be done, then take his way and your way and stand before Jesus with it.... wonder how that would go???? hmmmmmm ;)
He's right and since others aren't like him they are "whiney butts" and wrong. Your biggest problem with your posts on this board are your extreme generalizations which are almost exclusively done as an insult. It's just worn itself out.
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I'm having trouble reconciling these two statements, they don't seem to match. I feel like gays being gay as no impact on me or anyone other than themselves, so it's fine by me. I'd be lying if I said deep down I didn't somewhat hope that my future kids aren't gay, but if they are - that'd be ok and I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Just as you believe, I could care less what anyone does in their own home. I just don't want it force feed to me or my kids that I have to be acceptant of said lifestyle
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He's right and since others aren't like him they are "whiney butts" and wrong. Your biggest problem with your posts on this board are your extreme generalizations which are almost exclusively done as an insult. It's just worn itself out.
Are you going to criticize everyone equally about making extreme generalizations?
My PR agent pushing for a raise. My Kellyanne Conway.
why must you insult me like that? LOL ;)

You're a woman and you stated that you were in favor of the feminists marches yet you and other like you want to drag down the first woman in the history of our country to run a successful Presidential campaign. A groundbreaking, intelligent and incredibly successful woman...that's on the right. Yep, you';re a feminist for sure.
Exactly. In 5 days, Trump has managed to play everyone like a fiddle, most notably his opposition in this country. He kept them talking about crowd sizes for days while he began signing executive orders.
Shhhh. Keep them focused on crowd size and Putin. By the time they figure it out (ok, maybe that's giving them too much credit), it'll be too late. I forgot to add, the tax on imports would also pressure US companies that have moved production (and jobs) overseas to move back to avoid the tax as well. Imports are imports, no matter who's doing it. Just leveling the global playing field and forcing other countries to get their REAL currency values in order. Playing chicken with the US is still a bad idea.
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My PR agent pushing for a raise. My Kellyanne Conway.
why must you insult me like that? LOL ;)

You're a woman and you stated that you were in favor of the feminists marches yet you and other like you want to drag down the first woman in the history of our country to run a successful Presidential campaign. A groundbreaking, intelligent and incredibly successful woman...that's on the right. Yep, you';re a feminist for sure.
I never said I was in favor of them. I said I know why they do them. Learn to read.
Getting back to the the subject have any of you bothered to look at a map and see where this wall is going to be built? lol...