2016 recruiting.

Worst tine for Carolina in my 40 years as a fan .I am Hopeful but realistic and the outlook is not good IMO .Just stating reality and it is not pretty.
Originally posted by gteeitup:

you mean you didn't hear about ingram's blue dot?
BI is 2015 . .


I really like our chances with :

Dennis Smith

Bam Adebayo

Tony Bradley

Seventh Woods
heard the exact opposite with fact, other schools are cooling on him...i loved his game two years ago because i could go right down the street and watch him he looks like just a guy that doesn't like being a pg.

that would be an interesting, and versatile haul for sure.
Giles is the Stud...he is the type big man recruit we need but never seem able to land...this one us in our own back yard. Shame if we miss.
Originally posted by TeamCarolina71:
Who do you think we get. How much of the North Carolina talent do we bring in.
I'd prefer to put together a class with some names that aren't on everyone's list. We don't need to waste time with guys that are going to act wishy washy and waste Roy's time.

That being said, my realistic dream class would be Simmons, Adebayo, Bradley, and another Wing player.
Hopefully Pinson can convince his former teammate (Giles) to stay away from the dark side.
That being said one has to wonder how long the egomaniac in derm will continue to coach. He is getting up there.
I still like Woods' game, but he may have peaked a little early in his High School game. A system like ours that has two lead ball handlers might be perfect for him if he is tiring of being a full time PG! Locking down our state is a great place to start to change the minds of the media and peeps who believe the hype! Why peeps say we don't have impact bigs I don't get, however. Our problems are shooting and perimeter defenders right now.

Bam Bam is going to be fun to watch in college too.

Heels are Family!
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by TeamCarolina71:
Who do you think we get. How much of the North Carolina talent do we bring in.
I'd prefer to put together a class with some names that aren't on everyone's list. We don't need to waste time with guys that are going to act wishy washy and waste Roy's time.

That being said, my realistic dream class would be Simmons, Adebayo, Bradley, and another Wing player.
I kind of agree with this sentiment. But just for the record, a lot of schools want the guys you listed. It just so happens that we have a better shot at those and so it feels like they wouldn't "waste Roy's time". And I think that wish list of yours is realistic and attainable.

Bam Bam is going to be an absolute beast.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by TeamCarolina71:
Who do you think we get. How much of the North Carolina talent do we bring in.
I'd prefer to put together a class with some names that aren't on everyone's list. We don't need to waste time with guys that are going to act wishy washy and waste Roy's time.

That being said, my realistic dream class would be Simmons, Adebayo, Bradley, and another Wing player.
I kind of agree with this sentiment. But just for the record, a lot of schools want the guys you listed. It just so happens that we have a better shot at those and so it feels like they wouldn't "waste Roy's time". And I think that wish list of yours is realistic and attainable.

Bam Bam is going to be an absolute beast.

Kentucky is very strong with Simmons . .

UNC is very strong with Dennis Smith, and he and Seventh want to play together . . those 2 would make for a killer backcourt.
Originally posted by BillyL:

UNC is very strong with Dennis Smith, and he and Seventh want to play together . . those 2 would make for a killer backcourt.
From your fingertips to the basketball gods' eyes. Those two would be a great tandem.
Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by TeamCarolina71:
Who do you think we get. How much of the North Carolina talent do we bring in.
I'd prefer to put together a class with some names that aren't on everyone's list. We don't need to waste time with guys that are going to act wishy washy and waste Roy's time.

That being said, my realistic dream class would be Simmons, Adebayo, Bradley, and another Wing player.
I kind of agree with this sentiment. But just for the record, a lot of schools want the guys you listed. It just so happens that we have a better shot at those and so it feels like they wouldn't "waste Roy's time". And I think that wish list of yours is realistic and attainable.

Bam Bam is going to be an absolute beast.
I meant on most people's list on the forum. I see a lot of people here that want Smith, Giles, etc. but not a lot mention some of the other guys we offered like Simmons or Bradley. Now, I'd love to land Smith or Giles, or whomever else are our top priorities are, but the thing that worries me is that they may drag their recruiting and end up picking elsewhere. IIRC, Wiggins' recruitment went like that. We kept a spot open for him by not offering other easier-to-get recruits later in the class and he ultimately chose Kansas.

I agree about Bam Bam. I feel very optimistic about our chances with him too. IMO, he could be the first guy we get in 2016.
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
Originally posted by BillyL:

Originally posted by gunslingerdick:
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by TeamCarolina71:
Who do you think we get. How much of the North Carolina talent do we bring in.
I'd prefer to put together a class with some names that aren't on everyone's list. We don't need to waste time with guys that are going to act wishy washy and waste Roy's time.

That being said, my realistic dream class would be Simmons, Adebayo, Bradley, and another Wing player.
I kind of agree with this sentiment. But just for the record, a lot of schools want the guys you listed. It just so happens that we have a better shot at those and so it feels like they wouldn't "waste Roy's time". And I think that wish list of yours is realistic and attainable.

Bam Bam is going to be an absolute beast.

Kentucky is very strong with Simmons . .

UNC is very strong with Dennis Smith, and he and Seventh want to play together . . those 2 would make for a killer backcourt.
Interesting. I thought it was the other way around. I'd love to land Smith, but I can't shake the feeling he might be a dookie in the end. Of course, I can never predict these kids' recruitment as much as I follow it, so what do I know....
Hey everyone...Haven't posted in awhile now...I'm the same as everyone, really getting nervous about our lack of what most consider "top flight" recruits the last few years...But I am a DIEHARD Tar Heel fan for sure and hoping we land a major haul of great young players in 2016...So I'm not posting this to upset anyone, but wanted to comment on a recruit I have a little info on...I'm from the Pinetown area in NC....I have been watching Bam Adebayo for awhile now and agree he has great potential....I would love for the Heels to land his services, but unfortunately the word here is that he is far from a "lock" to go to UNC....While although he greatly appreciates the offer from us(UNC), the word straight from his close family and friends is that he is actually seriously considering staying close to home and going to of all places ECU....I was shocked at first, thinking he was a lock for the Heels for sure....But the underlying word again is, he'd be close to home, all of his family could easily attend home games...AND he would be THE MAN on that squad for sure, one of the biggest recruits to ever sign there....Only time will tell and maybe after considering all his options he'll decide to play for UNC....I certainly hope so...Just throwing the word from his hometown area out there for all that thought he was a sure thing....I think "sure thing" recruits for the most part are a thing of the past, there is just too much to consider and too much at stake for these kids....and too many people in their ears from a young age trying to tell them what's best for them...Here's hoping we land him and several other great kids in 2016...We really could use a top 3 class!!
This post was edited on 4/8 6:59 PM by Eviljedi187
Originally posted by Eviljedi187:

Hey everyone...Haven't posted in awhile now...I'm the same as everyone, really getting nervous about our lack of what most consider "top flight" recruits the last few years...But I am a DIEHARD Tar Heel fan for sure and hoping we land a major haul of great young players in 2016...So I'm not posting this to upset anyone, but wanted to comment on a recruit I have a little info on...I'm from the Pinetown area in NC....I have been watching Bam Adebayo for awhile now and agree he has great potential....I would love for the Heels to land his services, but unfortunately the word here is that he is far from a "lock" to go to UNC....While although he greatly appreciates the offer from us(UNC), the word straight from his close family and friends is that he is actually seriously considering staying close to home and going to of all places ECU....I was shocked at first, thinking he was a lock for the Heels for sure....But the underlying word again is, he'd be close to home, all of his family could easily attend home games...AND he would be THE MAN on that squad for sure, one of the biggest recruits to ever sign there....Only time will tell and maybe after considering all his options he'll decide to play for UNC....I certainly hope so...Just throwing the word from his hometown area out there for all that thought he was a sure thing....I think "sure thing" recruits for the most part are a thing of the past, there is just too much to consider and too much at stake for these kids....and too many people in their ears from a young age trying to tell them what's best for them...Here's hoping we land him and several other great kids in 2016...We really could use a top 3 class!!
I've heard the ECU rumor . . that to me is a colossal head-scratcher for sure.
I agree 100%....As I said, I hope he reconsiders and takes the Heels offer...

And Billy L, you nailed that one on the head!! haha
This post was edited on 4/8 8:49 PM by Eviljedi187
Anyone got any info on the kid from Drexel, Damion Lee. I saw a headline that "70-75" schools are recruiting him!
Originally posted by BillyL:

Yeah, . . . but, he'll get laid a lot.

Originally posted by Eviljedi187:

And Billy L, you nailed that one on the head!! haha
Originally posted by phiffr:
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
When did any of the aforementioned schools win titles? This is North Carolina, not a program that is content with elite 8 appearances.
Originally posted by kc2525:

Originally posted by phiffr:
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
When did any of the aforementioned schools win titles? This is North Carolina, not a program that is content with elite 8 appearances.
4 out of 5 of those teams did better than us in the Tourney. In our current state, we'd be lucky to get an Elite 8 appearance.

Being North Carolina means nothing when we can't back it up.
You mean about 7 minutes away from being in the elite 8 just a couple weeks ago? if this is our "bad" stretch, I will take it. It was just 3 years ago everyone was saying with a healthy KM we are cutting down the nets....
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by kc2525:

Originally posted by phiffr:
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
When did any of the aforementioned schools win titles? This is North Carolina, not a program that is content with elite 8 appearances.
4 out of 5 of those teams did better than us in the Tourney. In our current state, we'd be lucky to get an Elite 8 appearance.

Being North Carolina means nothing when we can't back it up.
We are in everyone's preseason top 3 next year, so please expound on what you mean by our current state. I'll be the first to admit, this isn't typical dominate UNC basketball, but college basketball is so watered down, that our current state is still Final Four capable. Do you really think Roy is going to stick around to get tot he sweet 16 every year? Of course not. Why? Because this is UNC and this program expects to win titles, unlike the teams you mentioned, most of which are just pleased to do well in the NCAAs.....
Originally posted by kc2525:
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by kc2525:

Originally posted by phiffr:
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
When did any of the aforementioned schools win titles? This is North Carolina, not a program that is content with elite 8 appearances.
4 out of 5 of those teams did better than us in the Tourney. In our current state, we'd be lucky to get an Elite 8 appearance.

Being North Carolina means nothing when we can't back it up.
We are in everyone's preseason top 3 next year, so please expound on what you mean by our current state. I'll be the first to admit, this isn't typical dominate UNC basketball, but college basketball is so watered down, that our current state is still Final Four capable. Do you really think Roy is going to stick around to get tot he sweet 16 every year? Of course not. Why? Because this is UNC and this program expects to win titles, unlike the teams you mentioned, most of which are just pleased to do well in the NCAAs.....
First, those rankings were before JP declared. I expect an update unless we pick up a recruit. Second, and most important, The preseason rankings mean nothing. That's no justification of how we're going to do next season. We were preseason top 10 and even top 5 in some rankings last season. Some analyst even had us in their Final 4. We see how that turned out.

Unless you have your head buried in the sand, It's easy to see that we are not doing too hot. We haven't gotten a top 5 recruit that came in and dominated in ages, We haven't made it past the Elite 8 since our last title in 2009. And let's not forget Big Brother NCAA just waiting to drop the hammer on us. Meanwhile, Schools like Dook, Kentucky, Arizona, etc. continue to recruit miles ahead of us and compete for titles every year. Something that we should be doing. That's what our current state is.

I'm not sure what you mean by "College Basketball is watered down". These schools continue to reload and pick up recruits year after year. While we are forced to settle. And unless we see major improvement out of everyone from next year, expect yet another season like last year. Maybe 3 or 4 less losses.

Contrary to belief, there's a lot more that goes into winning titles than just expecting them from our Program. Like I said, our name means nothing when we can't back it up. Which circles back to my point that simply making a deep run should be celebrated. Whether you're a Blue Blood or a One Hit Wonder.
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by kc2525:
Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Originally posted by kc2525:

Originally posted by phiffr:
Ask Wisconsin, Mich st, UVA, Gonzaga, N Dame and Nova about there success with the LESSER names. Seems to work for them so why cant it work for us???
When did any of the aforementioned schools win titles? This is North Carolina, not a program that is content with elite 8 appearances.
4 out of 5 of those teams did better than us in the Tourney. In our current state, we'd be lucky to get an Elite 8 appearance.

Being North Carolina means nothing when we can't back it up.
For the record, it's 4 of 6 that went further than us in the NCAAT (MSU, ND, Wisconsin and Gonzaga). And other than MSU, those teams had their best teams in decades. Last year Mercer went further than duke. Were duke fans worried about their place in history being taken over by Mercer? Don't be so reactionary.

Originally posted by RoseHeel:

First, those rankings were before JP declared. I expect an update unless we pick up a recruit. Second, and most important, The preseason rankings mean nothing. That's no justification of how we're going to do next season. We were preseason top 10 and even top 5 in some rankings last season. Some analyst even had us in their Final 4. We see how that turned out.
On the first point, I think if JP's leaving has any effect at all on our preseason hype, it's that his departure will make us better. I'm not saying I agree, but that's pretty much the general thought regarding JP and his fit on our team. But your second point is a valid one - we were indeed top 10 preseason this year. Where did we finish? 13. Not too far off from where many had thought we'd be but I guess - from the most pessimistic view - that is underachieving. Thanks for pointing out with such vehemence that we ever so slightly underachieved.

Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Unless you have your head buried in the sand, It's easy to see that we are not doing too hot. We haven't gotten a top 5 recruit that came in and dominated in ages, We haven't made it past the Elite 8 since our last title in 2009. And let's not forget Big Brother NCAA just waiting to drop the hammer on us. Meanwhile, Schools like Dook, Kentucky, Arizona, etc. continue to recruit miles ahead of us and compete for titles every year. Something that we should be doing. That's what our current state is.
My head if firmly above sand level and I'm still struggling to see the evidence of us "not doing so hot". We are 6 years removed from winning a title. You do realize that it was 11 years between Dean's two titles. And then you do realize that it was 12 years before we won it again. And think of the really old timers around here that had to go 25 years between the 57 title and the 82 title. How long have you been following UNC basketball? If it's been just since Roy came to town, then I almost can't fault your expectations. But suffice it to say, winning titles doesn't happen very often at any school. Duke and UConn have won the most in the past 30 years. But even the great UK program - which many believe to be the best program in history - have only won 1 title in the last 18 years.

In regards to recruiting, that's a fair point. But basketball isn't won in the recruiting rankings. If we win with 2 star players, I couldn't care less how many McDonald's guys we have. But I get it. We have to get talent. But we're loaded for next year. If Roy strikes out for the 2016 class, then I might get concerned. But for 2015, it's not at all surprising that we didn't sign anyone. Remember 2007? We went hard after some prospects - namely Kevin Love - and whiffed. Why? Because we had just brought Lawson, Ellington, Wright, Thompson and Stepheson into a team that already had Hansbrough, Green and Frasor. It looked like there was not going to be room. And that was on the heels of a season where we made the EE. So basically the same as this year. Were you freaking out then? If so, I hope the 09 championship put your head at ease. Be patient. Next year might do the same.

Originally posted by RoseHeel:

I'm not sure what you mean by "College Basketball is watered down". These schools continue to reload and pick up recruits year after year. While we are forced to settle. And unless we see major improvement out of everyone from next year, expect yet another season like last year. Maybe 3 or 4 less losses.
I completely agree that college basketball is watered down. The OAD rule along with the emergence of mid majors has done it. 25 years ago, Emmanuel Mudiay goes to college...and probably stays 3 years. Shoe contracts have kids going to schools that they probably don't go to without that school being an Adidas school or a Nike school.

Next year, 4 less losses puts us at 28-8 entering the tournament. With the schedule we played this year, that would have had us on the 2 seed line. That might have changed everything. Plus, why would you assume that Berry and Jackson's remarkable play down the stretch won't continue. And remember Theo Pinson? He's almost like an incoming freshman (even with a touch of college basketball experience). Oh yeah, and that Marcus Paige guy?...he might even be healthy next year. All of this added to a team that finished 13th in the final poll. Tell me again, exactly, what's not to like.

Originally posted by RoseHeel:

Contrary to belief, there's a lot more that goes into winning titles than just expecting them from our Program. Like I said, our name means nothing when we can't back it up. Which circles back to my point that simply making a deep run should be celebrated. Whether you're a Blue Blood or a One Hit Wonder.
I'm not even sure what to make of this last part. No one is suggesting that just because we're UNC that we're owed championships. I think kc was simply saying that you should give Carolina the benefit of the doubt because as we've shown many times - in fact, more times than any other program - that making the final four is an attainable goal.

If you're looking for negatives, I'm sure you can find some. We could do that with every single team in the country before last year and before next year. The college basketball season is about managing your strengths and weaknesses over the course of the season and putting things all together when it matters most.

This post was edited on 4/10 3:20 PM by gunslingerdick
For the record, it's 4 of 6 that went further than us in the NCAAT (MSU, ND, Wisconsin and Gonzaga). And other than MSU, those teams had their best teams in decades. Last year Mercer went further than duke. Were duke fans worried about their place in history being taken over by Mercer? Don't be so reactionary.

You're right, It's 4 of 6. I counted incorrectly somehow. Anyway, Dook had the 2nd best recruiting class coming in the very next year and returned pieces that were key to their success. Like Quinn Cook and Matt Jones. Our case is somewhat similar. But while we are returning all our guys other than JP, we have 1 3* recruit coming in. That means that we should expect each of our guys to have significant improvement. And they will have to improve. Otherwise, it's just another season like this one. We expected the same thing this year and didn't get that.[/B]

On the first point, I think if JP's leaving has any effect at all on our preseason hype, it's that his departure will make us better. I'm not saying I agree, but that's pretty much the general thought regarding JP and his fit on our team. But your second point is a valid one - we were indeed top 10 preseason this year. Where did we finish? 13. Not too far off from where many had thought we'd be but I guess - from the most pessimistic view - that is underachieving. Thanks for pointing out with such vehemence that we ever so slightly underachieved.

Perhaps you're right about JP not affecting our preseason hype. But we won't know until we see the team play next year. Although I'll admit I was tough on JP, I still think having him is better than not. Just like I would have rather had JMM this year than not. Maybe I am looking at this with a glass half empty view, but considering how much so many people on this board hyped this team up this year, I don't know why that's so unbelievable. I still love UNC Basketball and hope for the best, but if this previous year has taught me anything, it's that staying optimistic with 12 losses and not picking up any new talent while other schools get 5 star recruits that compete for titles year in and year out with the snap of their fingers is not an easy task.

My head if firmly above sand level and I'm still struggling to see the evidence of us "not doing so hot". We are 6 years removed from winning a title. You do realize that it was 11 years between Dean's two titles. And then you do realize that it was 12 years before we won it again. And think of the really old timers around here that had to go 25 years between the 57 title and the 82 title. How long have you been following UNC basketball? If it's been just since Roy came to town, then I almost can't fault your expectations. But suffice it to say, winning titles doesn't happen very often at any school. Duke and UConn have won the most in the past 30 years. But even the great UK program - which many believe to be the best program in history - have only won 1 title in the last 18 years.

According to kc2525, we're "expected to win titles". I disagree with this. I don't care who you are. Expecting to win titles is a fool's bet. Almost everyone picked Kentucky to win a title this year. Wisconsin ended all of that talk.

Now, i'm not as old as some of the guys on this forum. Meaning, I didn't experience that 26 year drought you mentioned. That being said, t
he problem with being 6 years off of winning our last title, is that we've absolutely dropped out of title contention since then. Minus 2012, until KM got injured. We haven't even had a whiff of the Final Four. All the ifs and coulds don't help me. I do think the coming year could be different. And I hope I'm right.[/B]

In regards to recruiting, that's a fair point. But basketball isn't won in the recruiting rankings. If we win with 2 star players, I couldn't care less how many McDonald's guys we have. But I get it. We have to get talent. But we're loaded for next year. If Roy strikes out for the 2016 class, then I might get concerned. But for 2015, it's not at all surprising that we didn't sign anyone. Remember 2007? We went hard after some prospects - namely Kevin Love - and whiffed. Why? Because we had just brought Lawson, Ellington, Wright, Thompson and Stepheson into a team that already had Hansbrough, Green and Frasor. It looked like there was not going to be room. And that was on the heels of a season where we made the EE. So basically the same as this year. Were you freaking out then? If so, I hope the 09 championship put your head at ease. Be patient. Next year might do the same.

I'm with you on the recruiting part. My original point was that we could win titles by going after smaller named recruits. Apparently kc felt different. I also agree that the guys coming back are going to play a big part so long as we see improvement.

I'm patiently waiting to see how 2016 turns out, when we'll lose at least 4 guys. Should we get a nice class that can compete, then I'll be content.

I completely agree that college basketball is watered down. The OAD rule along with the emergence of mid majors has done it. 25 years ago, Emmanuel Mudiay goes to college...and probably stays 3 years. Shoe contracts have kids going to schools that they probably don't go to without that school being an Adidas school or a Nike school.

I was unsure what he was referring to by "watered down". I hate that shoe companies can control recruits like they do. I have even worse opinions on OAD. Though, I wish Roy would attempt to land one of them every now and then. IIRC, Roy didn't go after Trey Lyles for this reason. Not completely sure on that though.

Next year, 4 less losses puts us at 28-8 entering the tournament. With the schedule we played this year, that would have had us on the 2 seed line. That might have changed everything. Plus, why would you assume that Berry and Jackson's remarkable play down the stretch won't continue. And remember Theo Pinson? He's almost like an incoming freshman (even with a touch of college basketball experience). Oh yeah, and that Marcus Paige guy?...he might even be healthy next year. All of this added to a team that finished 13th in the final poll. Tell me again, exactly, what's not to like.

Again, I'm a little pessimistic left over from this year. Maybe you're right. One thing that worries me is Paige's Plantar Fascitis (however you spell it). I had heard that it sticks for quite some time. Which is something that worried me. Brice, who had off and on games each year, worries me as well. But I'd rather worry for nothing and be pleasantly surprised in the end.
I'm not even sure what to make of this last part. No one is suggesting that just because we're UNC that we're owed championships. I think kc was simply saying that you should give Carolina the benefit of the doubt because as we've shown many times - in fact, more times than any other program - that making the final four is an attainable goal.

If you're looking for negatives, I'm sure you can find some. We could do that with every single team in the country before last year and before next year. The college basketball season is about managing your strengths and weaknesses over the course of the season and putting things all together when it matters most.

You'd be surprised how many Carolina fans actually think this. But that's a story for another time.
Like I said, I'm a little burnt out from this year. Maybe I'm overreacting. We'll see in about 7 months.
Lest it infuriate some on here, there is a reason Seventh Woods is dropping in the eyes of some programs.
Has never been a good fit for UNC anyway... and I don't believe for a second that Smith will insist on playing with Woods, BTW.
Why do the nay-sayers so quickly dismiss 2012 as if nothing happened that shouldn't be mentioned? Also PJ and Lmac really put the screws to our season last year. Why is all that so quickly discounted?
Originally posted by gary-7:

Lest it infuriate some on here, there is a reason Seventh Woods is dropping in the eyes of some programs.
Has never been a good fit for UNC anyway... and I don't believe for a second that Smith will insist on playing with Woods, BTW.
Neither Smith or Woods have said anything about a package deal.

They are the closest of friends that have spoken of possibly playing together on a couple of occasions. Could be just players wondering out loud, so who knows but them. They are both holding offers from UNC . . I do know that I'd like to see both here at UNC along with Bam, Harry and Tony . .

First on 7th Woods, the reason he is dropping is that he insisted on being a PG yet the kid is about like Dexter in that he has not been a PG up to this last summer. A kid looking to be a PG in college for the most part better have been a PG his whole playing life, it isn't normally a thing a kid picks up this late in the game. As we saw with Dexter, he was never the PG until he got to UNC and IMO never really filled the PG role well. He just started trying to be a PG because he believes that at his measurements that the PG role is where his one day NBA future lays. I so wish these kids would just play the position they belong in and stop with all the trying to tell a coach what position they should play. Just go be a freakin basketball player no matter what position your coach sticks you in for.

That is a rub I have with INgram, he and his family, well meaning as they may be, are telling coaches what position Brandan will play, rather than taking any oportunity available to play and just being the best player you can be. It shold not be about being the best PG or small forward, just go out and be the best basketbal player you can be and everything else will take care of itself. Ya know, they do actually still have 2 guards and power forwards on every team in the NBA. But these kids seem to feel like some positions on the floor are less glamorous than others for some strange reason or that a guy 6'0" can not be a 2 guard in the NBA?

Next, on Bam Bam, as you guys knoiw, that is my guy right there, I want him more than any other player from that class, yeah, even more than Giles, thats right, I did actually just say that and I mean it to. I get what the poster that is saying he hears ECU is strong, but ECU will not get him, the kid isn't stupid, kid knows that at a power program he will get the show case that opens the door for his future s0o much better than at a mid major like EZU. Yeah, he wil flirt with them, he will blow them a kiss or 2, heck he may even suggest they finiished a close second for his comit, but they are not going to get him in th end and yeah, I do believe we end up with the kid and you guys are gonna love Bam's motor, ya gonna absolutely love it.

I think this thread was asking who we get from this class, I suggest 2 names of Bam & Bradley. I would LOVE...LOVE for us to get Dennis, kid is a total MANSTER, and yeah I would LOVE 7th Woods if he can get his mind wrapped around being a 2 gaurd, the kid has Rodney Purvis like talent but he ain't a PG. He & Dennis would be a LETHAL back court and add in Felton in the next class, telling ya, NASTY (in a very good way) ! But the question is, is Joel berry going to be a road block to Dennis, hope not but remains to be seen.

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