........a possible answer

Jan 12, 2011
You know that pose Roy takes when the team needs a Defensive STOP and he wants to FIRE them up? He crouches down and yells at them on the Defensive end to get ready. Did anyone see that against Texas? In the past when he did that he often fell to the floor experiencing one of his "blackout" spells. Is it possible that the more intense he gets, the more susceptible to the blackouts he becomes. To which, it is not a stretch to believe that he wants to AVOID those blackouts;therefore, he avoids getting too INTENSE? This game is ALL about INTENSITY. Just a supposition.
Because he has no point. Every post he has is bashing Roy or the team but mostly Roy. He sounds like a dookie who is trying to get to DI but keeps stopping by here instead.
Before he posts another misinformed bit of information using incorrect terminology, he might learn something on the topic.

for the's called vertigo....
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OP you mean when he hulks out in the defensive stance? It's awesome.

Yes he is getting older. What happens as some get older? Does he have blackouts....yes or no? Getting mad at me for pointing out the obvious doesnt negate the fact. Do people retire from old age disabilities? Do COACHES retire from getting older and failing health? If I am wrong please enlighten me.
You know that pose Roy takes when the team needs a Defensive STOP and he wants to FIRE them up? He crouches down and yells at them on the Defensive end to get ready. Did anyone see that against Texas? In the past when he did that he often fell to the floor experiencing one of his "blackout" spells. Is it possible that the more intense he gets, the more susceptible to the blackouts he becomes. To which, it is not a stretch to believe that he wants to AVOID those blackouts;therefore, he avoids getting too INTENSE? This game is ALL about INTENSITY. Just a supposition.
Yes he is getting older. What happens as some get older? Does he have blackouts....yes or no? Getting mad at me for pointing out the obvious doesnt negate the fact. Do people retire from old age disabilities? Do COACHES retire from getting older and failing health? If I am wrong please enlighten me.

I can see your time here will be limited, Roy does not suffer from blackouts, it is called vertigo. You have been politely corrected and yet persist in using incorrect terminology, so take your lame stuff elsewhere. Please.
He was straight up mocking Roy. Not tolerated, by me at least. We have lot's of folks here with the same old worn out "meltdowns" after every loss, but this guy was a Troll, likely a dookie. I doubt any woofie or kensucky troll would have tried to be slick like he did.
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This board and the mods are too quick to judge and ban guys who have diverse opinions of Roy. How dare anyone question the almighty Roy Williams.
I have the answer to the Roy questions.......

Who you going to get that equal much less better?

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