Any of you Trump supporters starting to get nervous?

A scenario of the military and civilians fighting would be the end of America as we know it. You would have some states go along with disarming their people. Other states would possibly call the NG in to keep from disarming. Deserters from the military. I think the military would ultimately take over before it would come to that. I know it would be like something out of Hollywood, and most likely never happen.
A scenario of the military and civilians fighting would be the end of America as we know it. You would have some states go along with disarming their people. Other states would possibly call the NG in to keep from disarming. Deserters from the military. I think the military would ultimately take over before it would come to that. I know it would be like something out of Hollywood, and most likely never happen.
I'd be interested in seeing what all the troops that are scattered throughout the rest of the world would do.
I'm sure or government has some kind of contingency for this scenario. I'm sure the military does as well.

If you can dream up the scenario, then there is already a contingency drawn up for it.
Its how we roll
the libtards: "but but but RUSSIA ... but but but STORMY ... but but but IRS ... but but but MUELLER ... but but but ... waaaaaaah, he sucks ... waaaaaaah he's a crook ... waaaaaaah he must be impeached, everyone hates him ... waaaaaaah"
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the libtards: "but but but RUSSIA ... but but but STORMY ... but but but IRS ... but but but MUELLER ... but but but ... waaaaaaah, he sucks ... waaaaaaah he's a crook ... waaaaaaah he must be impeached, everyone hates him ... waaaaaaah"

Take your meds.
the libtards: "but but but RUSSIA ... but but but STORMY ... but but but IRS ... but but but MUELLER ... but but but ... waaaaaaah, he sucks ... waaaaaaah he's a crook ... waaaaaaah he must be impeached, everyone hates him ... waaaaaaah"
They’re not wrong though
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The best way to have people not take you seriously is to repeatedly say dumb shit and then brag about your own intelligence and self importance.
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The best way to have people not take you seriously is to repeatedly say dumb shit and then brag about your own intelligence and self importance.

This is another poster, a doctoral candidate, personally insulting a bachelor's candidate because they can't argue their point. It just goes to show that intelligence is the engine, and education is the fuel.
I personally don't know why @uncboy10 even responds to me anymore. I constantly stone him at every avenue, and he doesn't have the temperance for debate. If I were @uncboy10, I would stick to ignorant high school students that I could bully.
Has it ever occurred to you that he doesn’t care what you think? It sure has for other posters.
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"You didn't build that."

"If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it."

"If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon."

"I've now been in 57 states with one left to go."

"The Cambridge police acted stupidly."
- he was right

- this is probably accurate

- slip of the tongue

- they did
How stupid of me. I thought I knew what I did and didn't care about. Evidently I've been wrong this entire time. Thank goodness OOTB was here to correct me. ;)

I bet if we did average posts per day over the past 2-3 months you'd be top on OOTB at a minimum, possibly the entire site.

You definitely care.
Hopefully something else comes out soon.

The whining about Russia, Daniels, and the Wall doesn't quite make it move like it used to. Need some fresh material.
Apparently some of the dossiers is correct. I need to look into it. I’m hoping the golden showers are legit