Chick's IP matches ONE other poster...


Mar 12, 2003
Do an IP address thing, dumbasses! smdh

Per your wish Chick/Strum, and just because you asked so nicely...will this work? You have a shared IP with ONE (1) other poster. I looked at the last 415 times it happened...consecutively. Guess who?

You can give up the charade now, dude.

chick_bleeds_carolina_blue - Shared IPs
The following users are logged as having used IP addresses used by chick_bleeds_carolina_blue recently.

  1. strummingram
    Registered: Oct 1, 2010
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Christmas came early this year. For some reason this makes me smile. If true, can this thread be pinned to the top for a memorial?
Ok strum, or chick, spin away
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Here's Stum's shared IP...with ONE (1) other poster, lol...

strummingram - Shared IPs
The following users are logged as having used IP addresses used by strummingram recently.
  1. chick_bleeds_carolina_blue
    Registered: Dec 23, 2015
Matched 1 users.
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Here's Stum's shared IP...with ONE (1) other poster, lol...

strummingram - Shared IPs
The following users are logged as having used IP addresses used by strummingram recently.
  1. chick_bleeds_carolina_blue
    Registered: Dec 23, 2015
    1. Oct 4, 2016
    2. Oct 4, 2016
    3. Oct 4, 2016
Matched 1 users.

must have been that time I was over blowing him lol NOT.... we are NOT the same person! Y'all are crazy! I am as crazy of a female as you think I am! We have established that he lives near my parents though.
This is the first time I've ever shared a poster's IP address in a forum, but it's just toooo perfect and would be a complete sin NOT to let it see the light of day.

My, my, my...busted by request, lol. I love it!

well since Strum did not say to pull his, you might want to remove it....

We are not the same person but I did meet him one afternoon when I was in his area for something. This is NOT Strum, I can assure you. He is the most awesome man I have ever met though! You guys should show more respect to him. Kind people like him are very rare these days.
Ahem...the evidence show's he DID request it.
No HE did not. Show me where he said that? You should not post anyone's IP address, that is setting someone up for identity theft and you could be sued over it. just a friendly warning to cover your butt.

BUT since you can see them, you surely can see that mine and his will NOT be the same today. Obviously the day I stopped by to meet him my phone must have picked up his. WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON. We ARE two incredibly kind people though but don't push us LOL
This is the first time I've ever shared a poster's IP address in a forum, but it's just toooo perfect and would be a complete sin NOT to let it see the light of day.

My, my, my...busted by request, lol. I love it!

I, Connie, said you could look it up, but I did not say post it. That is not my IP so you might want to move it. I don't want mine published either but YOU can look mine up, just don't post it. I don't need anymore identity theft problems and I doubt Strum wants any as well. Just edit that post and delete his IP address at least, come on! I think everyone would have believed you without doing THAT.
No HE did not. Show me where he said that? You should not post anyone's IP address, that is setting someone up for identity theft and you could be sued over it. just a friendly warning to cover your butt.

BUT since you can see them, you surely can see that mine and his will NOT be the same today. Obviously the day I stopped by to meet him my phone must have picked up his. WE ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON. We ARE two incredibly kind people though but don't push us LOL

Look Strum, I know how to change my IP as well so don't even try that garbage. Here's the deal...YOU requested the IP search in an open forum. I've been doing this a long time and as far as legality problem. You agreed to the terms and conditions of the site when you joined and that includes sharing your IP. You can piss and moan about it all you like but the sad truth is you screwed up and got busted. And, since you claim it's NOT your IP there's no problem to begin there?
Now that's a dead give away! Pure narcissism...straight-up Strum! Keep digging that hole, dude.

You know, as great a guy as I think he is and as horrible as I think some of these others are, don't go there with me because I can sing Strum's praises all day long. Compared to some of these numbskulls.... LOL..... You guys don't even want to get me started! LOL Especially those in that club I make fun of!
Just because I have had the woman visit me at my home doesn't mean you get to share my home IP address and it certainly doesn't prove we're the same person. If anything, this proves we're obviously two different people.

Now, kindly take my IP address off of this thread.
Look Strum, I know how to change my IP as well so don't even try that garbage. Here's the deal...YOU requested the IP search in an open forum. I've been doing this a long time and as far as legality problem. You agreed to the terms and conditions of the site when you joined and that includes sharing your IP. You can piss and moan about it all you like but the sad truth is you screwed up and got busted. The gig is up.

You are soooooo wrong on this dude! I am really, really trying to protect you here! I admitted I was AT HIS HOUSE but I am not STRUM and he did NOT give you permission to post his IP address! We are not the same person, seriously, if you like your little job here you might want to listen to this one! You can call me at my house and then call Strum or something but we are not the same person and I'd hate to see you get in some serious trouble over this.
Just because I have had the woman visit me at my home doesn't mean need to share my home IP address and it certainly doesn't prove we're the same person. If anything, this proves we're obviously two different people.

We have met now.

Now, kindly take my IP address off of this thread.

You guys are a wee bit obsessive over this.
I'm going to take them down because they served their purpose...not because of any liability issues. Already been down that road years ago. There is none.

Now everyone knows....415 consecutive posts with the same IP's.


I have no doubt Chick has been at your house. I mean, since she's your alter-ego and all. How many other people live in your head, dude?
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I'm going to take them down because they served their purpose...not because of any liability issues. Already been down that road years ago. There is none.

Now everyone knows....415 consecutive posts with the same IP's.


So wait? You guys REALLY think we are the same person????? interesting... let's make a HUGE bet on it then. I ONLY bet when I KNOW I will win so let's make it good. I'd like to get me a truck to do landscaping with.... hmmmmm make it big boys.... because we are not the same person!
@strummingram they really think we are the same person, let's make them wager on if we are or not! How much money do you need for something fun? I'd like to go to Hawaii for a vacation..... they need to put their money where their mouth is!

I will bet $50K that we are NOT THE SAME PERSON!

No make it 1 million dollars! That is how sure I am that I would win it! LOL
I'm going to take them down because they served their purpose...not because of any liability issues. Already been down that road years ago. There is none.

Now everyone knows....415 consecutive posts with the same IP's.

So, the two of us now being friends (through THIS FORUM), makes us the same person.

I'll tell you what, genius, I'll let you call me right now, and I'm sure she'll consent to calling her at the same time. We'll have a debunking conference call. Fair enough?
Amazing that as soon as Chick starts griping about Strum's IP being on here suddenly Strum appears in the thread to b!@#$ about it as well. usually strum doesn't show up until later in the day. Good stuff.

As far as the phone calls...forget it. We know dude.
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You guys are a bunch of dumb butts! I will GLADLY make a wager with ANYONE that we are NOT the same person, name the price.... Strum and I will gladly take you to dinner after we win and rub it in your faces on how WRONG you guys have been! smdh This IS getting good!
Apologize? Bite me. You asked for got it. Your holier-than-thou ass is busted dude. Just deal with it, lol.
I asked for what? You have proven nothing, except being a little obsessed. We have now met and are now friends, but we're not the same person.

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