Climate Change

Just for the sake of this argument, what if we concede that the deniers are stupid. Or in other words, lets agree that a lot of carbon emissions are pumped into the environment / air.
When you say "we" in your post above, I assume your "we" refers only to evil capitalist America and its corporations.
Or does your "we" pertain to ALL countries, ALL planet inhabitants, including China and India, who are factually, real scientific measurements based, proven to be a significantly larger contributor to the emissions than US?

I assume your "we" doesn't include China and India because a general reflex of the left is:
1) America -and especially capitalistic America is always bad
2) Other lesser developed less responsible than America countries are always good
3) Facts and science be damned if they refute your preconceptions on 1) and 2) above
note: does 3) above really sound like science? or more like some "cult / religion?"
4) Since US has no viable way to convince or encourage the primary polluters (China, India, Europe) to change.....
a) Let's just continue to shame and blame the very minor polluters (US) -
b) who by the way are going much further in reducing their already relatively small emissions than the major polluters / offenders whose pollution levels are actually increasing -
c) because it just feels good for some to hate on America and capitalism - again facts and science be damned.....
d) when in reality America is the most responsible developed country in the world, and is responsible on the accord of its own moral compass, (not strong armed by UN, Kyoto, etc)
e) and American capitalism has done more to improve the health and well-being of all inhabitants of the world, than the combination of all other economic and social systems combined, since the beginning of time.

Or in short: when I hear people spout to me about global warming, I just want to say:

"I won't even make any arguments that the deniers make. But if you really discuss the issue and its main causes, and causers, America and its citizens and companies are the wrong audience. Learn to speak Chinese and go tell it to China. Get the most blatant polluters to change. Good luck. Any changes in America, that it isn't already pursuing will have little to no effect on the environment.

Til then, the arguments shaming and blaming America and capitalism are extremely agenda-driven, with a frightening level of science-free, fact-free ignorance to boot. Like a cult or religion"

Omg lol. Well i’m speechless
All you beefeaters need to back off as well. Cows give off methane which is worse than CO2.

We don’t need to completely eliminate beef though. Just the ridiculous factory farming that allows us to have 1 dollar double cheese burgers at McDonald’s. Which is another reason not to eat that garbage
We don’t need to completely eliminate beef though. Just the ridiculous factory farming that allows us to have 1 dollar double cheese burgers at McDonald’s. Which is another reason not to eat that garbage
I'm 100% in favor of closing down the shithole known as McDonald's.
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Me too. I don't wanna see burger prices go 3x everywhere else though too, just to do it.
I doubt burger prices will triple just because McDonald's closes. There will still be plenty of competition to keep prices low. The only difference is there will be one less piece of crap "restaurant" to go to.
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I doubt burger prices will triple just because McDonald's closes. There will still be plenty of competition to keep prices low. The only difference is there will be one less piece of crap "restaurant" to go to.

If we ended “factory farming”, why do you think McDonalds would be the only restaurant effected?
Have you ever seen a cattle ranch?

I have, but I haven't been to one of the factory farm style facilities because they all have to sign NDA's to keep their practices under wraps.

None of it is particularly pretty, but the factory farming is the real concern IMO. Especially when you factor in the amount of grain/corn we have to grow to feed them.

I'm not going vegan anytime soon.
I doubt burger prices will triple just because McDonald's closes. There will still be plenty of competition to keep prices low. The only difference is there will be one less piece of crap "restaurant" to go to.

Ya, the tripling might have been exaggeration, I forgot I need to specify that sometimes.

And I'm not concerned with there being a lack of competition if McDonald's closes, lol. That's actually pretty funny to think about there being a lack of competition for burgers in the US.

My concern was if beef prices rose due to lowered supply.
My concern was if beef prices rose due do to lowered supply.
McDonald's closing doesn't have an impact on the supply. The supply would still be there. You could make the argument that it would hurt the supplier of the beef, but that assumes people will stop eating a hamburger because they can't go to McDonald's.
Just where are these "factory farms"? Kansas and Nebraska are two of the largest cattle producers in the US and I have never seen a "factory Farm". Hogs are grown more like factories. Cattle are pastured for the most part until it's time to feed the out at a feedlot.
Most fast food burger is australian. When i worked at burger king the aussie frozen patties came 144/box with no plastic or packaging. Just patties and cardboard. I think we paid like $55 for a cs. I know hardees and taco bell was aussie meat as well at that time.
Most fast food burger is australian. When i worked at burger king the aussie frozen patties came 144/box with no plastic or packaging. Just patties and cardboard. I think we paid like $55 for a cs. I know hardees and taco bell was aussie meat as well at that time.
That's kangaroo meat. Speaking of Kangaroo meat a school cook in western Nebraska served Kangaroo chili a few weeks ago......he gone.
I read a survey on twitter recently that blew my mind. And this is the la times surveying californians who supposedly are enlightened on healthy eating!

On any given day;

40% of american adults eat fast food
30% of children eat fast food
20% eat a meal in their car
25% of americans eat two fast food meals
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I wasn't talking about closing factory farming. It was related to closing down McDonald's.

McDonald's closing doesn't have an impact on the supply. The supply would still be there. You could make the argument that it would hurt the supplier of the beef, but that assumes people will stop eating a hamburger because they can't go to McDonald's.

FFS, closing factory farming is what we're talking about. Not the closing of McDonald's. Boy said: "We don’t need to completely eliminate beef though. Just the ridiculous factory farming that allows us to have 1 dollar double cheese burgers at McDonald’s"

You then mentioned closing McDonald's, which I agreed with, but then stated that I wouldn't want to increase the price of burgers everywhere else drastically [due to the increased price of beef due to the hypothetically closed factory farms] just to get rid of McDonald's.
I read a survey on twitter recently that blew my mind. And this is the la times surveying californians who supposedly are enlightened on healthy eating!

On any given day;

40% of american adults eat fast food
30% of children eat fast food
20% eat a meal in their car
25% of americans eat two fast food meals
Country full of fatties!
I read a survey on twitter recently that blew my mind. And this is the la times surveying californians who supposedly are enlightened on healthy eating!

On any given day;

40% of american adults eat fast food
30% of children eat fast food
20% eat a meal in their car
25% of americans eat two fast food meals
I may eat fast food once every 2 or 3 months
FFS, closing factory farming is what we're talking about. Not the closing of McDonald's. Boy said: "We don’t need to completely eliminate beef though. Just the ridiculous factory farming that allows us to have 1 dollar double cheese burgers at McDonald’s"

You then mentioned closing McDonald's, which I agreed with, but then stated that I wouldn't want to increase the price of burgers everywhere else drastically [due to the increased price of beef due to the hypothetically closed factory farms] just to get rid of McDonald's.
FFS, my original comment about closing down McDonald's was a joke about how their food sucks. It had nothing to do with the farms. That being said if you wanted to talk about factory farming you should reply to the post that was referring to factory farming. Also, get a f**king snickers and calm down.
FFS, closing factory farming is what we're talking about. Not the closing of McDonald's. Boy said: "We don’t need to completely eliminate beef though. Just the ridiculous factory farming that allows us to have 1 dollar double cheese burgers at McDonald’s"

You then mentioned closing McDonald's, which I agreed with, but then stated that I wouldn't want to increase the price of burgers everywhere else drastically [due to the increased price of beef due to the hypothetically closed factory farms] just to get rid of McDonald's.

But the practices I’m talking about only supply low quality beef like you get at McDonald’s. I don’t think very many quality burger joints are interacting with that supply chain anyways.
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Yepp a typical fast food meal, sandwich fries and soda, has a days worth of calories for an avg person and like a weeks worth of sodium. Lol.
I allow myself 2, maybe 3, meals like that every month. I also do rigorous exercise regimens 4-5 times a week. It's harder in the winter... especially like now when it's fvcking freezing outside!
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I would challenge anyone to view forks over knives on netflix and still eat factory farmed meat. Take the emotion out of it regarding the animals crying at slaughter and living entire lives not being able to turn around in cages and being skewered by fork lifts and so on and just look at the sanitation. Absolutely disgusting. Havent touched factory farmed meat since. I do enjoy grass fed meat free range chicken and wild game as much as anyone.
Take the emotion out of it regarding the animals crying at slaughter and living entire lives not being able to turn around in cages and being skewered by fork lifts and so on

Oh, I most certainly would. I try to take the emotion out of everything.

just look at the sanitation. Absolutely disgusting.

Ya, that's where I'd draw the line too. I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I've eaten a fast food burger.
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I would challenge anyone to view forks over knives on netflix and still eat factory farmed meat. Take the emotion out of it regarding the animals crying at slaughter and living entire lives not being able to turn around in cages and being skewered by fork lifts and so on and just look at the sanitation. Absolutely disgusting. Havent touched factory farmed meat since. I do enjoy grass fed meat free range chicken and wild game as much as anyone.
As long as it still taste good and it's not going to immediately kill me I'm going to eat it. I grew up on a farm. Part of it was spent working on a hog farm. I've taken a tour of Nahunta Pork Center and saw the process from beginning to end. I ate a sausage biscuit as soon as the tour was over. Leave me alone and let me slowly kill myself with fatty meats.
I would challenge anyone to view forks over knives on netflix and still eat factory farmed meat. Take the emotion out of it regarding the animals crying at slaughter and living entire lives not being able to turn around in cages and being skewered by fork lifts and so on and just look at the sanitation. Absolutely disgusting. Havent touched factory farmed meat since. I do enjoy grass fed meat free range chicken and wild game as much as anyone.

That movie turned a good meat eating friend of mine into a vegan. No thanks. I’ll take the red pill please. Or is it the blue pill? Whichever pill is the one where I’m none the wiser about all that awful shit.

Look, I got one life and I plan on living it.

I’d kill myself if I was as worried about everything in life as some of y’all seem to be.
It's based off of U.S. Department of Agriculture data. Not sure what the government would have to gain by making up numbers.
I'm just telling you that I have driven all over Kansas and Nebraska I have not seen this "factory farming" people are talking about other than hog confinements. Cattle farming out here is done by family run ranches and ranchers. Hog farming is a whole other story.
I'm just telling you that I have driven all over Kansas and Nebraska I have not seen this "factory farming" people are talking about other than hog confinements. Cattle farming out here is done by family run ranches and ranchers. Hog farming is a whole other story.

You haven’t seen god either but you have no problem with believing he exists...
I'm just telling you that I have driven all over Kansas and Nebraska I have not seen this "factory farming" people are talking about other than hog confinements. Cattle farming out here is done by family run ranches and ranchers. Hog farming is a whole other story.
I guess it depends on your definition of factory farms. The map wasn't trying to say that the majority of the farming was factory farms, it was just showing where they were located.