Dead Poasters

I think he's still mad I broke up with his mom.

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I think him and chick are planning a new message board....
Strange the dude simply vanished.
Hey, sorry haven’t been spending as much time on the board lately, been busy with stuff at work and rehearsing for upcoming shows, in addition to just some other stuff. We were supposed to perform Little Women the weekend after the hurricane, but that’s been pushed back to the final weekend of this month. However, speaking of holiday classics, we just had auditions for It’s a Wonderful Life and I got cast as George Bailey so I’m really excited about that because that’s one of my all time favorite movies and characters.

As for going to the movies, have done some of that lately, not as much as I would like, but I’m going to two today, gonna see A Star is Born and Venom, basically about the biggest polar opposite movies you can watch back to back haha. Best movie I’ve seen recently was Crazy Rich Asians; I had high hopes for The Predator and it kind of falls apart in the last half hour or so after a somewhat promising start. I’ll try and poast a better sort of movie thread soon