FBI Raided Manafort Over Records of Trump Tower Meeting w/ Russians, Mueller Confirms

Trump removes dandruff from French President Macron's suit . . LOL, this man is just a sick POS and an embarrassment to this country.

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Oh the horror in this terrible, unpatriotic move. Absolutely treasonous.
It's not that it's "unpatriotic". It's just... in poor taste. He acts like an adolescent. There's nothing really wrong with that, either. It's just that... well... he's the president of the United States. It comes-off as tacky and juvenile. But, then again, maybe that is what the USA has become in many ways.
It's not that it's "unpatriotic". It's just... in poor taste. He acts like an adolescent. There's nothing really wrong with that, either. It's just that... well... he's the president of the United States. It comes-off as tacky and juvenile. But, then again, maybe that is what the USA has become in many ways.
It has, just look around.
Trump removes dandruff from French President Macron's suit . . LOL, this man is just a sick POS and an embarrassment to this country.

1) Even if he did it with ill intent, it's hardly the kind of thing worth getting upset about.
2) He was actually laughing -- a Trump rarity -- so I don't think he was being malicious.
1) Even if he did it with ill intent, it's hardly the kind of thing worth getting upset about.
2) He was actually laughing -- a Trump rarity -- so I don't think he was being malicious.
He wasn't being malicious... just inappropriate and uncouth. That's his m.o., 24/7. It's not upsetting, really. It's more like tragic. I should clarify that. It's tragic and unsettling (maybe upsetting, semantics), if you ever really had any kind of respect for the office. And, it shows just how average- while, at the same time, ostentatious- we're willing to settle for someone to represent us as a nation.
He wasn't being malicious... just inappropriate and uncouth. That's his m.o., 24/7. It's not upsetting, really. It's more like tragic. I should clarify that. It's tragic and unsettling (maybe upsetting, semantics), if you ever really had any kind of respect for the office. And, it shows just how average- while, at the same time, ostentatious- we're willing to settle for someone to represent us as a nation.
He was making a dumb and awkward joke. Meh. Look, I've said since the start of his campaign that he's a horrible excuse for a human being. This just wasn't an incident worth getting upset about. It sounds a lot like the hand-wringing conservatives did over Obama's gaffes* but now the shoe is on the other foot. It's all just unnecessary noise IMO.

* I'm also on the record pointing out that in today's environment, public figures are under constant scrutiny and bound to do and say stupid things from time to time. This was one of those times. It's not some indictment of his character. There are plenty of better examples of that.
He was making a dumb and awkward joke. Meh. Look, I've said since the start of his campaign that he's a horrible excuse for a human being. This just wasn't an incident worth getting upset about. It sounds a lot like the hand-wringing conservatives did over Obama's gaffes* but now the shoe is on the other foot. It's all just unnecessary noise IMO.

* I'm also on the record pointing out that in today's environment, public figures are under constant scrutiny and bound to do and say stupid things from time to time. This was one of those times. It's not some indictment of his character. There are plenty of better examples of that.
I'm not upset about the incident. I was addressing nc transplant's comment.
If you had snot on your face and you were about to take a picture, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you so you don’t have snot on your face in the picture?

@Raising Heel’s poast nailed it. My sentiments are the same.
If you had snot on your face and you were about to take a picture, wouldn’t you want someone to tell you so you don’t have snot on your face in the picture?
Not that it matters, but I don't think he even had dandruff on his lapel or shoulder. It was just a dumb joke but also an opportunity for people who want to find fault with everything he does to over-react.

So, it sounds like the liberals in this thread would allow guys to walk around with their tie like this without "fixing it". Help a brother out! I thought that was what liberals were supposed to do?
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Huggy huggy . . kissy kissy . . let's hold hands and skip to my Lou.




Please, please come to my military parade in November . . you promise.
Arresting him would be a black eye to America, it just wouldn't look good . . . him being gone is all we really want.
You've got two more years before that's possible. And, unless the Democrats provide an alternative, other than trying to arrest Trump or just constantly cast him in a bad light, you may have to wait until 2024.

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