FBI Raided Manafort Over Records of Trump Tower Meeting w/ Russians, Mueller Confirms

No. It wouldn't have. But I wonder how many of you felt the same.

Ahh, a real gambler, you are.

I like to see the flop before pushing all of my chips in the pot.

Trump used .04% Pac money

And you won't catch me criticizing him for taking PAC money. That doesn't mean he doesn't have other flaws. Not taking PAC money is a requirement for me, but not the only requirement.
Couple of thoughts here:

- Trump might not run again. He’ll be 75ish

—> if that happens, look for Nicky Haley to storm through Pubs and win the nomination

- Biden is almost a lock to run. He’s being quiet about it but it’s whispered up here in DC

—> Biden will be older than Trump but stands a good chance to beat him. Don’t think he can beat Haley. Especially if the economy is strong.

Gavin Newsome is my guy but the timing might not be right. If Biden gets the nomination, he’d be a great VP pick.

No thanks to Booker, Harris, Bernie, or any far left candidate.

Mark Cuban could go as a Pub, Dem, or Indy.

Lastly, a lot can change with the economy. We are about to start seeing inflation for the first time in a while. If GDP doesn’t offset lost tax revenues, Pubs have a tough hill no matter who runs. If GDP booms, they win easily.
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- Trump might not run again. He’ll be 75ish
Ya. He already got to say "Barack how's my ass taste?" which was his motivation all along, I doubt he wants the headache anymore.
Nicky Haley
This one would be good, just to watch the role reversal when the left is accused of being racist and sexist for not supporting a particular candidate.
- Biden is almost a lock to run. He’s being quiet about it but it’s whispered up here in DC
Would love to see this as well. He would have won in 2016, and to watch him pass that up only to run and lose in 2020 would be hysterical.
Gavin Newsome
I do have a soft spot in my heart for adulterer drunks...
Mark Cuban could go as a Pub, Dem, or Indy.
Cuban would be like having an intelligent, more emotionally stable, Trump. Might be interesting to see how that would play out.
I was actually discussing Haley as a candidate for the pubs with a buddy of mine last night. She's got legislative, executive (governor), and foreign policy experience now. She's a skilled politician. Probably the best candidate the republicans could put up in 2020.
He found weed, and is a changed man now.

That brings up an interesting thought. I think that the country is ready for legalization of marijuana. But I don’t think someone who has been k own to use it can win anytime soon. In other words, if two guys are running and they both support legalization, but only one of them admits to using it, the guy who did not admit to using it will win.
That brings up an interesting thought. I think that the country is ready for legalization of marijuana. But I don’t think someone who has been k own to use it can win anytime soon. In other words, if two guys are running and they both support legalization, but only one of them admits to using it, the guy who did not admit to using it will win.

Obama admitted to using marijuana, and it worked in his favor. I think it just depends on the candidate. For someone like Newsom, he looks like a straight lace, old school politician. I don't think anyone would hold it against him if it came out that he occasionally smoked.

I would agree that the country isn't ready for a president who openly still uses marijuana. Someone like Bill Maher could never get elected.
That brings up an interesting thought. I think that the country is ready for legalization of marijuana. But I don’t think someone who has been k own to use it can win anytime soon. In other words, if two guys are running and they both support legalization, but only one of them admits to using it, the guy who did not admit to using it will win.
Are there still people who don’t admit to using it? Would it even be a question worth asking?
That brings up an interesting thought. I think that the country is ready for legalization of marijuana. But I don’t think someone who has been k own to use it can win anytime soon. In other words, if two guys are running and they both support legalization, but only one of them admits to using it, the guy who did not admit to using it will win.

If Trump signs an EO legalizing weed, he will be made President for Life.
Yeah . . . the board has been flooded with Trump political threads that I have started hasn't it . . ? GTFOH w/ that BS, and go count them.

Is it that difficult to skip over those threads that you H8 so much . . or do you happen to feel it's required reading here on OOTB . . ?

Hit the 'ignore' button and you won't even have to read the thread title . . . . please do so or just STFU, you complain just like a woman. Whine and moan, cry and sob . . . whimper on some more, all the while you are responding to them.

No one is whining or moaning about your posts. In fact I find your obsession with President Trump quiet entertaining. So GFY