FBI Raided Manafort Over Records of Trump Tower Meeting w/ Russians, Mueller Confirms

Trump just admitted that Cohen represented him in the stormy Daniels case. Apparntly when he said he had never even heard of the agreement, he was lying. Shocked.

I’m sure Cohen plead the 5th “because he has businesses” too.
Trump just admitted that Cohen represented him in the stormy Daniels case. Apparntly when he said he had never even heard of the agreement, he was lying. Shocked.

I’m sure Cohen plead the 5th “because he has businesses” too.
Bullshit. Trump never said first denial.
Bullshit. Trump never said first denial.

LOL . . here's another one that is always late to the party.

You can pretty much count on anything that comes out of 45's mouth as a blatant lie. He's been caught in so many that folks have lost count . .

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Lol, you should read your own article. Nowhere does it say he never had Cohen work on SD case. Try again.

He never had even admitted there was a Stormy Daniels case. Only that Cohen had worked for him in the past. He had previously denied any involvement with SD. The moron just screwed himself in court and made their case a lot stronger.
He never had even admitted there was a Stormy Daniels case. Only that Cohen had worked for him in the past. He had previously denied any involvement with SD. The moron just screwed himself in court and made their case a lot stronger.

Don't blame Louigi . . he gets his any misinformation from Faux News. He's on tape saying he knew nothing of Cohen paying 130K to $tormy, and which was recorded on Air Force 1 . .

45 truly is his own worst enemy . .
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The FBI has imaged 16 cellphones that belong to Michael Cohen . . . and oh, btw, the FBI found that Paul Manafort had 12 such cellphones.

Cohen's could have been upgrades or possibly burners . . ? That's a ton of upgrades . . or were they just burners to record conversations . . ? Criminals use Burners to hide their name and addresses.

Manafort also used a cell phone that was not in his name when he traveled to China, the FBI also found that he was in possession of 3 different passports, 2 of which were not in his own name.

What could they possibly be hiding . . ? Inquiring minds would like to know . .

Witch Hunt . . ? Our Government has indicted 19 Witches and 5 have plead guilty . . if, these were Democrats, this board would be going apeshit . .

Oh, and btw, ladies . . . 45 has finally admitted that he did stay overnight in Moscow in 2013, something he has long denied ever doing . .

Have a nice day.
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You can pretty much count on anything that comes out of 45's mouth as a blatant lie.
But the more lies he tells the more often he slips up and contradicts himself and, ironically, the more he inadvertently delivers the truth which he was trying so hard to conceal in the first place. It's sheer madness this deliberately untruthful game of his . . . and funny as hell.
But the more lies he tells the more often he slips up and contradicts himself and, ironically, the more he inadvertently delivers the truth which he was trying so hard to conceal in the first place. It's sheer madness this deliberately untruthful game of his . . . and funny as hell.

Hey Noir, . . did you see his Fox & Friends News conversation he had on live TV on Thursday . . ? They had to cut him off while he was rambling about Ronny Jackson's withdrawal for VA Secretary . . they used the 'we're running out of time excuse, sir, so, we'll let you go' exit.

LMFAO It's freaking hilarious and just more evidence that this man is totally unhinged.

Watch the video and the look at the faces of the 3 morning show hosts . . and see the 'Stable Genius' at his very best.

But the more lies he tells the more often he slips up and contradicts himself and, ironically, the more he inadvertently delivers the truth which he was trying so hard to conceal in the first place. It's sheer madness this deliberately untruthful game of his . . . and funny as hell.
I agree with this. I wonder if his true understanding of truth is ever on-course.

This reminds me of another interesting nugget from the Netflix documentary about Trump. There was a guy who was somehow involved with Trump's casino dealings, in the beginning. Anyway, the guy was interviewing Trump about the casino business, and he was trying to test what Trump knew and didn't know. So, the interviewer intentionally mentioned three or four points about the casino business that were obviously incorrect,, assuming Trump would catch them and tell him "that's not gonna work, and here's why." Trump missed them entirely, and even assumed those falsehoods were legit and then went out of his way to embellish on those mistakes as if they were good ideas.

Okay..., now, I know Meyers' skit was a rehearsed slam. As I've mentioned earlier in the thread, I haven't been following any of this stuff at all lately. That was a crash-course, obviously. But, I wasn't expecting that. I gotta say, that election outcome has delivered some unprecedented hilarity. The rambling on Fox and Friends was funny, but also not-so-funny. After actually seeing and hearing Trump's comments and behavior there, anything is possible.
Hey Noir, . . did you see his Fox & Friends News conversation he had on live TV on Thursday . . ? They had to cut him off while he was rambling about Ronny Jackson's withdrawal for VA Secretary . . they used the 'we're running out of time excuse, sir, so, we'll let you go' exit.

LMFAO It's freaking hilarious and just more evidence that this man is totally unhinged.

Watch the video and the look at the faces of the 3 morning show hosts . . and see the 'Stable Genius' at his very best.
I saw it -- or at least the highlights -- on the Colbert Show last night. Some days I don't know whether to laugh or cry for this country. Yesterday was one of those days.

Strum may be right when he says we will never see Trump in prison orange behind bars, but Trump in a straightjacket in a rubber room is looking more and more like a real possibility.
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What in the hell dude? Yes Trump did use some PAC money. The 2nd source I provided showed it more clearly. So what, I could care less. All candidates used PAC $
You claimed he used .04%. Then provided a link that refuted that. Your second link does as well. It appears PAC money made up approx 13% of his spending. Hilary was around 14%. PACs are just one source for campaign finance. Each candidate also has non-profits where donors can funnel money.

I’m not sure what your initial point was to begin with.
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You claimed he used .04%. Then provided a link that refuted that. Your second link does as well. It appears PAC money made up approx 13% of his spending. Hilary was around 14%. PACs are just one source for campaign finance. Each candidate also has non-profits where donors can funnel money.

I’m not sure what your initial point was to begin with.
The first link I misread the information. The second link was just to back up what you said, that he did in fact use PAC money. It's called "I made a mistake". You ever do that?
The first link I misread the information. The second link was just to back up what you said, that he did in fact use PAC money. It's called "I made a mistake". You ever do that?
I don’t make mistakes...

But seriously, you just provided a link with no context. No clue what you were inferring. Doesn’t matter anyway. Happy Friday and GFY
More good news . .

Manafort loses in his bid to challenge Mueller's authority in civil court . .

. . desperate peeps doing desperate things and getting the door slammed in their faces . . ! Sorry Paulie . . we so sorry.

From the article linked:

A federal judge on Friday tossed out former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's lawsuit challenging the scope of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.

In her decision, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson wrote that a civil suit is not the way for Manafort to challenge actions by the prosecutors who are working for Mueller's office.
Apparently, Trey Gowdy has absolutely no respect for Devin Nunes :

Gowdy admits Americans should not trust House Intel Comm review of Russia collusion—should trust Mueller instead:

House Commtee is “what you should NOT have confidence in. Have confidence in the Exec Branch investigations and if Mueller finds stuff, more power to him”

Can anyone tell me how any of this directly effects my life and why I should care?


Because this happening, means that if another thing happens, and then if both of those things get linked to that other guy, who at one point used to do business with that other lady, who is found to have made phone calls to Russia during the huge timeframe of August 12-August 14, then Trump will be impeached. And if Trump is impeached, your life will be impacted only by having to read poasts on this board along the lines of "The last 3 years of dedicating my life solely to psychoanalyzing Donald Trump and all of his friends was not wasted time at all!!!! Suck it Pubbies!"
Can anyone tell me how any of this directly effects my life and why I should care?


To my knowledge, no one here is asking gunslingerdick to care about it, simply put, you should not have any worry about this thread, unless your ego is somehow affected.

Have a nice day.
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To my knowledge, no one here is asking gunslingerdick to care about it, simply put, you should not have any worry about this thread, unless your ego is somehow affected.

Have a nice day.

Oh good. I didn’t know if there was some obligation on my part to care about this. I mean, there are some in this thread making it seem like a big deal so I was just checking to see if they’re just being drama queens or if I need to pay closer attention to this non-issue.

Thanks for your help.
Oh good. I didn’t know if there was some obligation on my part to care about this. I mean, there are some in this thread making it seem like a big deal so I was just checking to see if they’re just being drama queens or if I need to pay closer attention to this non-issue.

Thanks for your help.

You are most welcome . . no obligation on your part is ever required here on OOTB. I mean, who would have the gall to start a thread w/o thinking I hope this subject affects ________ life . . ?

GOP drama queens be damned and all that.

Thanks for your disinterested participation though . . you may move on from it now.
You are most welcome . . no obligation on your part is ever required here on OOTB. I mean, who would have the gall to start start thread w/o thinking I hope this subject affects ________ life . . ?

GOP drama queens be damned and all that.

Thanks for your disinterested participation though . . you may move on from it now.

While it is reassuring to know that no offense will be taken by me not caring about this thread’s subject matter, I might stick around just for heckling purposes. I hope that’s ok too.

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