Feds Arrest Man in Possible Connection with Bomb Packages . .

Technically justice is a part of the executive branch. The separation of powers are between different branches.

Obama supporters were ok with cancelled elections as well. Supporters are always going to want that kind of thing. Doesn't matter what side they fall on.

The three branches are Executve, Legislative and Judicial. The justice department is part of the judicial branch, not the executive branch. Law enforcement is in many ways an extension of the court system. They are officers of the law, and the judicial system establishes and enforces the law.

That article started by saying they supported suspending elections, then changed to saying they would prefer a third Obama term over Hillary or Trump. Those are two very different things. I’d be interested to see the actual question that was polled. The primary difference is Obama would never claimed elections were rigged to attempt to get a third term.
Also immigration has been thrown around a lot in this thread. Honestly, how many people are ok with immigrants just walking across our border and not following the process to gain citizenship. What does the term illegal immigrant mean to you?
You point out one sides hatred of the media. You also take of fox news as if it's the only outlet that tells fake news. There are no news outlets that have no political agenda for one side or the other. The news media as a whole has influence people with their own propaganda for years. The feed the fear of the people themselves. Let me give you a perfect example that we can all agree on. The N&O pushing the UNC issue for all these years. That's more of a local thing, but is a great example. The media worshipped Obama and Clinton, but for the most part hates everything trump does. All the chaos that you say he loves is directed at keeping them occupied on something. Just as Obama and his birth certificate. He could have at any time released it, but it keep the right occupied for a while. Trump is no different in this area. The media and the left hates the fact he was elected. Their prized Hillary was humiliated. No one took into account that people were/are sick of the status quo that Washington produces. Even if he only serves 4 years, he has proven the mold can be broken. I dont agree with everything he says or does. But I do know my day to day life is better. I have more money in the bank. My job is more secure. I still pay health insurance at a clip of over 20k per year for 3 people. Still paid almost 15k in medical Bill's from surgery and other things on top of that. Insurance will be going up several hundred dollars dollars a month next year and less coverage.(as it has for the last 5 years) All of that is a byproduct of the last administration. If you want to address topics that hit home for people, then those are the kind of topics people relate to. Not how many hookers and porn stars someone has sleep with

I never said that Fox News was the only problematic news source. I’m talking about the trump base and their affinity for Fox News talking points.

Trump’s issues run far deeper than infidelity with hookers. Though that is a great example of the hypocrisy on the right. They were willing to impeach a president for a blowjob, but now they happily embrace a president who left his wife and newborn at home to bang hookers.

The economy has been trending positive since before trump took office, and there’s no evidence that his policies are improving the economy. Trade wars and tariffs are not good for the economy. They stifle growth. Also, there is quite a lot of evidence that are we are basically mortgaging our future in order to pump up the economy right now. Artificially low interest rates and deregulation may look good in the short run, but eventually that will come back to bite us. Lots of econometrics data suggests we are not far off from another recession. Especially if we stay our current course.

Bernie Sanders also would have broken the status quo. We didn’t need a narcissistic sociopath to break the mold.
Also immigration has been thrown around a lot in this thread. Honestly, how many people are ok with immigrants just walking across our border and not following the process to gain citizenship. What does the term illegal immigrant mean to you?

This is a straw man. Nobody has said they’re fine with people just walking across the border. Trump and Fox News lying about how the left wants open borders is a boogeyman. Take it from me, I don’t want open borders and nobody I know on the left does either. But I do want a compassionate policy towards refugees that carefully vetts people but grants asylum to those who desperately need it. And you can deny that those people in the caravan are refugees, but the situation in their home country is pretty clear. It’s ugly, and mothers wouldn’t walk their children for thousands of miles across the desert just on a whim.

Even illegal immigrants can only steal jobs if they get hired. Why do we blame desperate people for stealing jobs instead of blaming the wealthy people who choose to save a buck over hiring citizens and legal immigrants? Let’s be honest, nobody here wants to pick bananas for a living. LEGAL migrant work is extremely important to our economy.
I never said that Fox News was the only problematic news source. I’m talking about the trump base and their affinity for Fox News talking points.

Trump’s issues run far deeper than infidelity with hookers. Though that is a great example of the hypocrisy on the right. They were willing to impeach a president for a blowjob, but now they happily embrace a president who left his wife and newborn at home to bang hookers.

The economy has been trending positive since before trump took office, and there’s no evidence that his policies are improving the economy. Trade wars and tariffs are not good for the economy. They stifle growth. Also, there is quite a lot of evidence that are we are basically mortgaging our future in order to pump up the economy right now. Artificially low interest rates and deregulation may look good in the short run, but eventually that will come back to bite us. Lots of econometrics data suggests we are not far off from another recession. Especially if we stay our current course.

Bernie Sanders also would have broken the status quo. We didn’t need a narcissistic sociopath to break the mold.
Bringing jobs back home is important. What would Bernie do to benefit companies to return to the US. Would he make any attempt at fixing the cost to import or import goods for the US to make it more balanced? I'm not saying what trump is doing bbn is right, but it is an attempt to balance out the world market. Would you rather fight a trade war, or a real war?

Also, those low interest rates have been that way for years. Not trumps fault. I guess if the economy does go down, we get to see if trump bails out the auto and banking industry as did our last potus. Maybe some of Bernie's free handout policies would be better today

And the reason Bernie lost was because of Hillary being propped up and the people not rolling the dice on another 4/8 years of a liberal potus
This is a straw man. Nobody has said they’re fine with people just walking across the border. Trump and Fox News lying about how the left wants open borders is a boogeyman. Take it from me, I don’t want open borders and nobody I know on the left does either. But I do want a compassionate policy towards refugees that carefully vetts people but grants asylum to those who desperately need it. And you can deny that those people in the caravan are refugees, but the situation in their home country is pretty clear. It’s ugly, and mothers wouldn’t walk their children for thousands of miles across the desert just on a whim.

Even illegal immigrants can only steal jobs if they get hired. Why do we blame desperate people for stealing jobs instead of blaming the wealthy people who choose to save a buck over hiring citizens and legal immigrants? Let’s be honest, nobody here wants to pick bananas for a living. LEGAL migrant work is extremely important to our economy.
So would you agree that everyone crossing our border without begging vetted is a criminal according to our laws?
The three branches are Executve, Legislative and Judicial. The justice department is part of the judicial branch, not the executive branch. Law enforcement is in many ways an extension of the court system. They are officers of the law, and the judicial system establishes and enforces the law.
Seriously dude? You don't know this basic civics lesson? The justice department is part of the executive branch. If you don't believe me, then perhaps you will believe the United States of America.

Also, laws are established by the legislative branch (congress) and enforced by the executive branch (justice department).

That article started by saying they supported suspending elections, then changed to saying they would prefer a third Obama term over Hillary or Trump. Those are two very different things.
Actually, it started off by saying they supported canceling the election so Obama could stay in office.

"A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found."
The justice department is part of the judicial branch, not the executive branch.... the judicial system establishes and enforces the law.
Literally everything quoted above is incorrect.

Seriously dude? You don't know this basic civics lesson? The justice department is part of the executive branch. If you don't believe me, then perhaps you will believe the United States of America.

Also, laws are established by the legislative branch (congress) and enforced by the executive branch (justice department).
Thank you for saving me the trouble here.
So would you agree that everyone crossing our border without begging vetted is a criminal according to our laws?

I never said they weren’t. My issue is with politicians who try to make it impossible for them to cross the border legally.
Seriously dude? You don't know this basic civics lesson? The justice department is part of the executive branch. If you don't believe me, then perhaps you will believe the United States of America.

Also, laws are established by the legislative branch (congress) and enforced by the executive branch (justice department).

Actually, it started off by saying they supported canceling the election so Obama could stay in office.

"A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found."

Okay I should have said the judicial system not the Justice department. Laws are not just established by Congress though. In the common law system, precedent is relied upon to establish future rulings. Congress can obviously overwrite precedent, but the courts often effectively establish laws. Trump has also gone after federal judges when they rule in a way he doesn’t like so I think the point is still valid.

I read that part. Later in the article it said the poll indicated that most democrats would prefer Obama getting a third term over Hillary or trump. I’m simply curious how the original question was worded. If they just want a third term for Obama they could have meant through the electoral system. I’m not saying it’s okay for them to say that, I’m just wondering what they actually said.

“The state of our political discourse in America is an embarrassment to all parties and those involved in the political process. Neither Democrats nor Republicans own the high ground on this issue. Sooner or later, both parties are going to have to stop suffering idiots within their own party, and cast them out on their own.”

Agree with that statement. This is insane. Anyone engaging in political violence (or violence in general) should be locked up. Whoever did this should rot in prison.
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Okay I should have said the judicial system not the Justice department. Laws are not just established by Congress though. In the common law system, precedent is relied upon to establish future rulings. Congress can obviously overwrite precedent, but the courts often effectively establish laws. Trump has also gone after federal judges when they rule in a way he doesn’t like so I think the point is still valid.
Ugh. You should really just stop. Precedent is not the same as establishing a law. Precedent is set by the interpretation of the law. The law itself never changes. The meaning is clarified.
Ugh. You should really just stop. Precedent is not the same as establishing a law. Precedent is set by the interpretation of the law. The law itself never changes. The meaning is clarified.

Laws can be dismissed by courts, and precedent can establish new interpretations of existing laws that lead to enforcement of new rules under those laws. They may not literally pass laws, but they determine which laws should be enforced which is not all that different than establishing a new law. They also rule in cases where there is no clear law, which establishes a rule of behavior that functions exactly like a law.
Laws can be dismissed by courts, and precedent can establish new interpretations of existing laws that lead to enforcement of new rules under those laws. They may not literally pass laws, but they determine which laws should be enforced which is not all that different than establishing a new law. They also rule in cases where there is no clear law, which establishes a rule of behavior that functions exactly like a law.
You're picking a really weird hill to die on here. I'm just going to let you be.
I never said they weren’t. My issue is with politicians who try to make it impossible for them to cross the border legally.
Point being is they will cross the border illegally. Once here, the want immunity. It's almost as if they know if they make it past the border patrol, then they are home free. I could care less how ma y people they bring in legally. But the whining and crying about those who comes in illegally is the big issue. We have a multitude each day committing criminal acts to gain access to this country by entering illegally. If the left would help stop that, then there would be no arguement. I understand the heart string story that people put out about leaving impoverished areas. I know they have their kids in tow. But there is a process that takes place to gain access. Part of the citizenship requirements is to speak English. Trump stopping the flow coming in is politicised by the left and the media to make him the boogeyman. He is trying to control our border. Which is within the context of our law.
Point being is they will cross the border illegally. Once here, the want immunity. It's almost as if they know if they make it past the border patrol, then they are home free. I could care less how ma y people they bring in legally. But the whining and crying about those who comes in illegally is the big issue. We have a multitude each day committing criminal acts to gain access to this country by entering illegally. If the left would help stop that, then there would be no arguement. I understand the heart string story that people put out about leaving impoverished areas. I know they have their kids in tow. But there is a process that takes place to gain access. Part of the citizenship requirements is to speak English. Trump stopping the flow coming in is politicised by the left and the media to make him the boogeyman. He is trying to control our border. Which is within the context of our law.

They are seeking refugee status. That’s completely different than economic migration. They shouldn’t have to speak English to get refugee status.

Trump is separating children from their families and holding them in detention centers. That has been the focus of the criticism I have seen. Not simply controlling the border. Obama deported tons of people, and it’s not like democrats defund ICE when they’re in power.

Not deporting people who are already here is really an economics argument. It’s far more expensive to deport them, when we could put them through a reasonable citizenship process for far cheaper. Most of them aren’t criminals in the sense that they aren’t committing crimes now that they’re here. They could be productive members of society if we let them be.

That doesn’t mean we allow new people to freely cross the border. Protect the border, but dont deport people who have been here working and contributing to society. We can’t deport all of those people anyways.

Also, building a 2000 mile border wall is the most laughably stupid way to defend the border that I could imagine. That’s the other focus of criticism on trump. That and his obsession with villifying Hispanic people as criminals and rapists.
They are seeking refugee status. That’s completely different than economic migration. They shouldn’t have to speak English to get refugee status.

Trump is separating children from their families and holding them in detention centers. That has been the focus of the criticism I have seen. Not simply controlling the border. Obama deported tons of people, and it’s not like democrats defund ICE when they’re in power.

Not deporting people who are already here is really an economics argument. It’s far more expensive to deport them, when we could put them through a reasonable citizenship process for far cheaper. Most of them aren’t criminals in the sense that they aren’t committing crimes now that they’re here. They could be productive members of society if we let them be.

That doesn’t mean we allow new people to freely cross the border. Protect the border, but dont deport people who have been here working and contributing to society. We can’t deport all of those people anyways.

Also, building a 2000 mile border wall is the most laughably stupid way to defend the border that I could imagine. That’s the other focus of criticism on trump. That and his obsession with villifying Hispanic people as criminals and rapists.
Did trump mandate that the children be separate, or laws/rules put in place by others. Also, anyone crossing illegally is committing a criminal act. Doesn't matter if they cease to once here. They still crossed in droves thru Obama's terms as well.

As for refugees, if something like that is granted, then 90% of south American will be at our border demanding access. You cannot open the floodgates. I know it's bad down there, but bringing them in freely isn't the solution.
I saw trump saying he is trying to do away with allowing those children born here to not be granted citizenship automatically. The will be greatly debated in the coming weeks as well. I'm sure it will be another atrocity committed by our potus
I saw trump saying he is trying to do away with allowing those children born here to not be granted citizenship automatically. The will be greatly debated in the coming weeks as well. I'm sure it will be another atrocity committed by our potus
There is zero chance of that being upheld by a court. It's just a political play before the midterms.
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My guess is that its Stephen Miller telling trump that he can overturn the 14th amendment with an executive order...
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All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.

Subject to the jurisdiction will be the grounds the area he uses to justify IMO. I am sure it's due to illegals having kids knowing they cant be exported due to this ammendment. I want them to enforce people illegally entering. If they fix that, I'm good with them coming the right way. They need to enforce the English speaking requirement for citizenship of this country as well.
Not deporting people who are already here is really an economics argument. It’s far more expensive to deport them, when we could put them through a reasonable citizenship process for far cheaper.

That's foolish. It also sends the message that if you're able to sneak in, you can stay because it's cheaper than kicking you out. So you are rewarding criminal behavior.

Close the borders completely for 10 years. No immigration - legal or illegal. Let's get our shit together and in 10 years we'll start letting people back in. But when we do, we'll be convinced that they can contribute to society in some fashion or they don't make the cut. And I'd cap it at 200k-400k per year.
That's foolish. It also sends the message that if you're able to sneak in, you can stay because it's cheaper than kicking you out. So you are rewarding criminal behavior.

Close the borders completely for 10 years. No immigration - legal or illegal. Let's get our shit together and in 10 years we'll start letting people back in. But when we do, we'll be convinced that they can contribute to society in some fashion or they don't make the cut. And I'd cap it at 200k-400k per year.

Who gon pay for social security then?
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The three branches are Executve, Legislative and Judicial. The justice department is part of the judicial branch, not the executive branch. Law enforcement is in many ways an extension of the court system. They are officers of the law, and the judicial system establishes and enforces the law.

Seriously dude? You don't know this basic civics lesson? The justice department is part of the executive branch. If you don't believe me, then perhaps you will believe the United States of America.

Also, laws are established by the legislative branch (congress) and enforced by the executive branch (justice department).

Actually, it started off by saying they supported canceling the election so Obama could stay in office.

"A strong majority of Democrats would cancel the 2016 presidential election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump if it meant President Obama could serve another term, a new poll found."
