Game Thread Tar Heels v. Fowl

Well, at least the defense has improved tremendously. Maybe we'll get lucky and they will fumble it or we can get a stop and have some remote chance to at least try to win.

Scratch that. wiles just ran it down our throats for a first.
Even the analysts who always try to take the high road are baffled. Analyst just said I don't ever like to call out a player at this level but Marquis Williams has been horrible
MW has had a pass from the media since he got the starting job. Only last year against Moo and then Rutgers did we hear and read about his passing weaknesses and how much they hurt the offense.

Fedora and Littrell seem to be the last 2 to realize the problem.
So the game is ending, and somebody is comforting MW. Sitting beside MW, several inches away, is Trubisky with a towel over his head.

He has to be wondering if Fedora and Littrell would play him if MW tossed 5 INTs.
there was nobody there...nobody but #81 and he was leading the opposite direction...that's a freshman mistake by a senior at the most important position on the field.

this is an insane way to run an offense...hood/logan were doing work, yet for the sake of prolific statistics, let's f'n throw it.

as a supporter and fan of this program, these are the games that blow your mind...even more than the ecu games.
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Gee whiz. Even the announcers are baffled as to why Hood wasn't running it more. No, let's let MW try to make a play passing the ball?

And Wiles runs for another first down, so that is pretty much it. Yet another loss to the hens and that prick Spurrier and we get to listen to the hen fans run their mouths even more.

To say this is a disappointment is an understatement. Frankly I am tired of "moral" victories and looking for positives. This was our game and we had plenty of chances and blew it. I am tired of hoping things will change with this football team only to see the same crap happen again. I will ALWAYS pull for the 'heels and support the team, but I just cannot get excited about this. Maybe Fedora does need to go. I don't know, but I just cannot understand some of this.

Time to call it a night.
there was nobody there...nobody but #81 and he was leading the opposite direction...that's a freshman mistake by a senior at the most important position on the field.

this is an insane way to run an offense...hood/logan were doing work, yet for the sake of prolific statistics, let's f'n throw it.

as a supporter and fan of this program, these are the games that blow your mind...even more than the ecu games.
The offense will work bets with a QB who is a real threat in the passing game.

MW is never going to be that QB. His great skill is as a power runner between the tackles. We have Hood and Ty'Son Williams for that.
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MW can make it work, they need to stop forcing him into being a pass happy QB. We have the talent to run the ball down people's throats and yet the coaching staff completely ignores it! Almost as if they didn't know that Hood and Logan moved the ball down the field! What game was Fedora at?
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As a Head coach and OC, you have running backs that were getting the job done and you go away from it. It is no different from last season when we would march down the field and not run Hood on short yardage. It isn't that hard. Make them stop the run and then throw more; especially when you SR. qb is stinking up the place. You return everyone on offense and regardless of it being the first game of the year, the result is a game where our O looked like pop warner. SMH, we are officially the Chicago Cubs of college football.
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Well, if Mitch is not good enough to take the spot from Marquise then either someone isn't evaluating him fairly or something else is wrong. We have plenty of running backs with power and speed, so we don't need a running QB. We have some of the best receivers around. Bug Howard is what, 6'-5"? And we can't see that IF we are going to pass it inside the 10 yard line maybe we should throw it where only he can catch it? I am sorry, but even as dumb as I am I can figure that one out. With the running backs and receivers we have along with the OL experience we bring this year we should have a QB that can make good decisions and thread a needle, not run for 100 yards a game.

I like MW and I certainly appreciate all he has done for this program, but it is time for a change. The mistakes made tonight we're almost all on him, aside from the head scratching play calling. Even those I believe would have been compensated for by someone who can make good decisions and pass it better.

Just my opinion and that with a dollar might get you a cup of coffee.
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Who does Fedora think he is with these red zone calls and end zone interceptions when we could have Hood pound it in??.....Pete Carroll?
The glaring sign at the end of the game was Hood visibly pissed off in front of the bench flailing his arms saying give me the ball. Once your better players lose trust in the staff, it's all she wrote.

There really are no words to describe the lack of logic in our play calling most of the game but in particular on that last drive after Hood marched us down the field with relative ease to put us at first and goal inside the 10.

Fedora should be shackled to the fence outside Kenan and tarred and feathered until he resigns. He's nothing more than a slimy used car salesman with a lot of sizzle and no steak.
Mw is not the first qb to look bad against scar and wont be the last. We showed we belonged on the field and were the better team despite the def not even having a single game with the new system going up against a pretty competent offensive mind. Lot to be optomestic about.
Yeah, I hate to agree but if we don't turn it around this season then goodbye Larry. Pathetic play calling and the inability for the coaching staff to see what they have in Hood and also what they don't have in MW is ridiculous.
Gee whiz. Even the announcers are baffled as to why Hood wasn't running it more. No, let's let MW try to make a play passing the ball?

And Wiles runs for another first down, so that is pretty much it. Yet another loss to the hens and that prick Spurrier and we get to listen to the hen fans run their mouths even more.

To say this is a disappointment is an understatement. Frankly I am tired of "moral" victories and looking for positives. This was our game and we had plenty of chances and blew it. I am tired of hoping things will change with this football team only to see the same crap happen again. I will ALWAYS pull for the 'heels and support the team, but I just cannot get excited about this. Maybe Fedora does need to go. I don't know, but I just cannot understand some of this.

Time to call it a night.
Just got to keep the chin up.
Yeah, I hate to agree but if we don't turn it around this season then goodbye Larry. Pathetic play calling and the inability for the coaching staff to see what they have in Hood and also what they don't have in MW is ridiculous.
It is obvious to me that MW is not the best decision maker in the clutch and also overthrows his target a lot more than he should. I think the media has made him out to be a darling simply because he is an upperclassman and doing things that average at best qb's should be able to do.....Renner was a better qb and Chaz will be here next year to show everyone how its done......
I will not call out a player or coach, but what I will say is, going into this game I said win or lose, as long as we look competitive on D and keep it close, I will be pleased.
I WAS WRONG! I find myself beyond pissed off right now!
I'm out, Goodnight!
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That would've been a season changing win right there and we shat all over ourselves.

No moral victory crap but daggum the defense only gave up 17 TOTAL points instead of 17 per quarter. I'm thrilled to see that.
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This defense is easily good enough to win the coastal if the offense could live up to expectations
Very questionable calls from the OC. He failed the team tonight. Imo

Defense looks great and the linemen are stout. The running game should have carried UNC to victory.
This defense is easily good enough to win the coastal if the offense could live up to expectations

I'm not usually one for the moral victory, but I found myself thinking this after the game. We gave up 17 points and that was even after turnovers giving them good field position and a botched punt.

If you told me South Carolina would have 17 points I would have bet my life savings on UNC. I don't wanna harp on Marquise too much but he did contribute to costing us the game along with the play calls. Maybe Trubisky will get some burn and the staff will wake up while watching the game tape and realize what they have here in Hood.

While this one stings - it was an OOC game. We have the goods to make a run at the division and conference which is more than I would have guessed to start the season. Next big test is GT, get the kinks out before conference play.
MW can make it work, they need to stop forcing him into being a pass happy QB. We have the talent to run the ball down people's throats and yet the coaching staff completely ignores it! Almost as if they didn't know that Hood and Logan moved the ball down the field! What game was Fedora at?
In Davis, Howard, Switzer, and Hollins, we have the best 4 man WR group in school history. It is stupid to waste them. I say we should pass more, the caveat being that we have another QB who can read coverage and react it quickly and make the throws.

The simple fact, that you seem to ignore, is that if we aren't throwing often, teams will stack the box against us and shut down the run. If our offense has any chance to be effective against any halfway decent D, the QB must throw at least as often as MW did tonight. The primary reason Hood and Logan had nice lanes to hit past the LOS is that DC Hoke had to account for our 4 top receivers at all times.

MW, a 5th year SR, is always going to be a between-the-tackles power-running athlete playing QB. That limits the offense. Plus, the fact is that this still young team is playing for next year, when we can win the Coastal. Not playing Trubisky under those circumstances is nearly criminal.

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