"He knew what he signed up for."


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Apr 14, 2008
This POTUS is a fukkin disgrace. Doesn't even bother to call several families of deceased soldiers. Then tells the grieving wife of a fallen soldier "he knew what he signed up for." Seriously? Weren't we supposed to believe Trump had "emotional intelligence?" Seeing as he obviously doesn't have the ordinary kind.

This is the same POS who was on the golf course when their bodies arrived back home. And not one peep from the right. The hypocrisy on this one actually astounds me.
Trump apologist will once again remind us that he is not a wordsmith - but tbt no one is asking him to be a sesquipedalian. Is it too much to ask the potus to display a modicum of decorum when speaking with family members of a loved one that recently made the ultimate sacrifice for this country? After all he had 13 effing days to choose his words. If he wasn’t so morally bankrupt he would apologize and move on, but no he triple downs and makes it worse.
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I just hope that what is being reported wasn't taken out of context. I feel sure that Trump wasn't trying to maliciously insult a widow of a soldier who was killed. It's possible that he was saying that in a way to sort of cover his own ass, too.
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This POTUS is a fukkin disgrace. Doesn't even bother to call several families of deceased soldiers. Then tells the grieving wife of a fallen soldier "he knew what he signed up for." Seriously? Weren't we supposed to believe Trump had "emotional intelligence?" Seeing as he obviously doesn't have the ordinary kind.

This is the same POS who was on the golf course when their bodies arrived back home. And not one peep from the right. The hypocrisy on this one actually astounds me.
In your hatred for Trump, You are are quick to believe what a liberal Democratic congresswomen, who also hates Trump and skipped his inauguration, recounts. She was not even on the call and only could hear snippets of conversation. She is far worse then Trump for even making this a political issue without all the facts and you are right there with her..

Also, one of the other 4 service men that was killed with this fallen soldier was the son of one of my friends. I have not spoken to him yet, but when I do, I am willing to bet his recount of Trump call will be much different.
I just hope that what is being reported wasn't taken out of context. I feel sure that Trump wasn't trying to maliciously insult a widow of a soldier who was killed. It's possible that he was saying that in a way to sort of cover his own ass, too.

Spot on, Strum. Of course it's taken out of context. Just maybe a dim senator has an axe to grind. Nahhhh, that's not possible.

I imagine what our prez said was more along the the lines of "He knew what he was signing up for...but he did it anyway."

To that I say, "Ooooo rah!"

Every service member who takes the oath knows what they're signing up for. If they don't they aren't intelligent enough to even be in the uniform. It's serious business and it's a deadly business. You know that going in.
You are right Heelbent. My youngest graduates HS this year and has already determined that he wants to go to college, get his degree and then join the Marines. He and I had a very frank discussion about this. One of the first things we discussed was the very real possibility that he would be put into a dangerous place and could easily be killed. We also discussed that because of the nature of the training, he could just as easily be killed in the middle of the USA doing something he has done hundreds of times before. He knows the risks, as do all who sign up. And they do it anyway, which is why they are a cut above most of us, IMHO.

As for THIS situation, I don't think any of us knows exactly what was said, but I have two major issues with what has been reported. First, this democrat congresswoman has made no bones about her loathing of the POTUS. The fact SHE brought this out was my first red flag. Second, the press running with it knowing item #1 and also doing so with no proof of the conversation and not even asking anyone with the WH about their version.

The discourse in this country is absolutely the worst I have ever seen. People do EVERYTHING for political reasons and there is no decorum, respect or, in some instances, common decency in anything anymore. This was a private call to someone who had lost their husband and yet even this is turned into something political.

Regardless of what Trump did or didn't say, this woman had no business airing it out in public like she did, especially since she wasn't part of the conversation and since common decency would dictate that the family be allowed to grieve and not have already raw emotions stamped on.
This POTUS is a fukkin disgrace. Doesn't even bother to call several families of deceased soldiers. Then tells the grieving wife of a fallen soldier "he knew what he signed up for." Seriously? Weren't we supposed to believe Trump had "emotional intelligence?" Seeing as he obviously doesn't have the ordinary kind.

This is the same POS who was on the golf course when their bodies arrived back home. And not one peep from the right. The hypocrisy on this one actually astounds me.

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Maybe y'all should check out Ms. Wilson's voting record on Veteran issues.

What could that possibly have to do with Trump talking like a jackass? Do you seriously not see how illogical of a response that is?
In your hatred for Trump, You are are quick to believe what a liberal Democratic congresswomen, who also hates Trump and skipped his inauguration, recounts. She was not even on the call and only could hear snippets of conversation. She is far worse then Trump for even making this a political issue without all the facts and you are right there with her..

Also, one of the other 4 service men that was killed with this fallen soldier was the son of one of my friends. I have not spoken to him yet, but when I do, I am willing to bet his recount of Trump call will be much different.

The story was corroborated by the widow. The POTUS made himself look like a jackass, and disgraced the office in doing so. I'd love to read all of your responses if Obama had been on the golf course when the bodies of fall American soldiers came back home. Half of you would be clamoring to "send him back to kenya."
I just hope that what is being reported wasn't taken out of context. I feel sure that Trump wasn't trying to maliciously insult a widow of a soldier who was killed. It's possible that he was saying that in a way to sort of cover his own ass, too.

Nobody is accusing him of malice. We are accusing him of a level of tactlessness that is only attainable after you reach a prerequisite level of stupid. The kind of stupid that tries to cut a check to get himself out of the situation after he puts his foot in his mouth.
Maybe he should spend less time making up stories about Obama from the golf course instead of actually showing up when the deceased are brought home. Is anyone actually naive enough to think Trump honestly gives a shit about these soldiers? He is the most narcissistic, solipsistic human being on the face of the planet.
Is anyone actually naive enough to think Trump honestly gives a shit about these soldiers?

I'd hope not. It's blatantly obvious he doesn't. Neither did his predecessor, or his predecessor's Secretary of State who essentially sentenced several of them to death, which ultimately cost that person the office. Seems to be a trend.

I'm not sure who the last President was that did give a shit about the soldiers. It probably has barely happened in my lifetime (I was born a month before Reagan left office).
What could that possibly have to do with Trump talking like a jackass? Do you seriously not see how illogical of a response that is?
It's called the pot calling the kettle black. She claims Trump was disrespectful to a fallen soldier all while she continually votes against veterans. The context, as @heelbent pointed out about "they know what they sign up for" is very important here.
Nobody is accusing him of malice. We are accusing him of a level of tactlessness that is only attainable after you reach a prerequisite level of stupid. The kind of stupid that tries to cut a check to get himself out of the situation after he puts his foot in his mouth.

Oh, I have no doubt that how he said it came off as most everything else he says- insensitive and lacking empathy. He lacks empathy and humility more than any president I've ever seen. He seems to revel in his lack of those characteristics. And, his supporters give him a pass, or even defend him, no matter how insensitive it is. But, Donald is just being Donald. His behavior has been the same for as long as he's been a public figure. It's partly why he became a public figure.

I think it's somewhat tacky that the congresswoman is trying to use it to score political points, but... that's what politicians do for a living.

It shouldn't really surprise anyone that Trump just naturally comes-off as a jerk. When he said that he liked people who didn't get caught (referring to John McCain). Or, probably my favorite, most insensitive, crass, uncouth Trump-moment:

What's really amazing about Donald Trump is that he is completely unaware of his indiscretions. He's like a 5 year old who sees a crippled person and says "Why don't your legs work?" The parents are embarrassed and try to correct the child, and the crippled person feels awkward, but no harm done. Instead of wanting to correct Trump, his supporters prefer to defend his behavior. Go figure. I guess they justify it with "I hate The Left so much that I will defend the shitty behavior and attitudes of this asshole just to show how much I hate it." Whatever works for you, I guess.
I'd hope not. It's blatantly obvious he doesn't. Neither did his predecessor, or his predecessor's Secretary of State who essentially sentenced several of them to death, which ultimately cost that person the office. Seems to be a trend.

I'm not sure who the last President was that did give a shit about the soldiers. It probably has barely happened in my lifetime (I was born a month before Reagan left office).
I think Jimmy Carter was the only president in the last half-century or more that did not deploy US Troops to go shoot-up some other country for some BS reason and keep them there for an extended period.
I think Jimmy Carter was the only president in the last half-century or more that did not deploy US Troops to go shoot-up some other country for some BS reason and keep them there for an extended period.
Yeah he did a great job on that Iranian hostage crisis too.
I think Jimmy Carter was the only president in the last half-century or more that did not deploy US Troops to go shoot-up some other country for some BS reason and keep them there for an extended period.
Reagan sending troops to free American students held hostage in Grenada was a BS reason?
Yeah he did a great job on that Iranian hostage crisis too.
Well, I'm sure he has regrets and I never claimed he was perfect. I'm definitely not saying that Jimmy Carter will get his face on coins or Mount Rushmore.

I just mentioned that he was the one president, that I knew about, who didn't send troops into BFE somewhere for some BS reason. So, he didn't have to make those phone calls and potentially embarrass himself.
Well, I'm sure he has regrets and I never claimed he was perfect. I'm definitely not saying that Jimmy Carter will get his face on coins or Mount Rushmore.

I just mentioned that he was the one president, that I knew about, who didn't send troops into BFE somewhere for some BS reason. So, he didn't have to make those phone calls and potentially embarrass himself.
And Grenada?
Reagan sending troops to free American students held hostage in Grenada was a BS reason?
I guess if it were as benign as just "saving the students", sure. But, I don't typically trust the incentives of military invasions as being as simple as Superman saving Lois Lane. It did have a real dick-hardening name, however- OPERATION URGENT FURY!
And Grenada?
Jimmy Carter sent troops to Grenada?

The Carter administration was the most peaceful we've ever had. I know it's impossible for you to just admit that without bashing him for something else because.. you know, he's a Democrat and you're a Republican.
I guess if it were as benign as just "saving the students", sure. But, I don't typically trust the incentives of military invasions as being as simple as Superman saving Lois Lane. It did have a real dick-hardening name, however- OPERATION URGENT FURY!
It was to prevent the spread of communism by Cuba as well and lasted only a couple of months. I'm sure many Cuban Americans can vouch for how wonderful Cuba has been though.
It was to prevent the spread of communism by Cuba as well and lasted only a couple of months. I'm sure many Cuban Americans can vouch for how wonderful Cuba has been though.
Ohhh, yes! Mea culpa! Mercy, mercy we have got to "prevent the spread of Communism!" A Marxist president Bishop is suddenly "overthrown" and in comes the cavalry to make everything safe for democracy! Reagan was planning an invasion before he was overthrown, from what I've read. But, he waited. I'm sure it was for all the right reasons and God wanted America to do its job and keep the world safe from all the Simon Bar Sinister's of the world.

Now there's an airport named for Bishop in Grenada.
Back on the subject, if Trump says stupid shit and gets rewarded for it, then you can't blame Trump.

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