Heels getting Bahamas exhibitions again...

Yeah, this is excellent, allows extra and earlier practice time as well as team building and bonding. With the question marks we have, specifically what happens at the point and how far do our soph bigs develop, the extra time is huge for us.
So we get ten extra practices, some game time and evaluation time of current roster for our coaches.
Far more structure than pick up on the Hill.
I'm excited, not expecting too much but great fun to see how the "kids" fit in and yes, David, I am expecting big things from our soph bigs (Sterling and Garrison!)
I'm excited about our team next year. Great senior leadership with Kenny, Cam and Luke. An exciting freshman class joining the family. And I definitely have high hopes for our rising sophomores. I think Manley, Brooks and Platek will all show big improvements next year. Huffman may take a little longer, but I think he can at least become a contributor off the bench.
This is a very big deal. For the players to take a trip like this as young as this team will be with a huge question mark at PG. It will definetly help them gel and be farther along before the season starts. Anything that will help us progress
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This is excellent and the timing is pure genius!

By the time they return from this trip, we may well know who our PG should be and the question marks around 7th's development could be largely answered. We will definitely see the team grow closer together, and nothing but game time can get the youngsters up to speed. Will we see the growth curve I expect from our bigs and will BRob break out? I am optimistic that most of what we hope will come to fruition!

On a personal note, AWESOME early bball from my Tar Heels!
Yeah, this is excellent, allows extra and earlier practice time as well as team building and bonding. With the question marks we have, specifically what happens at the point and how far do our soph bigs develop, the extra time is huge for us.
Well well, he IS alive. So, clear up this mystery once and for all --- were you banded or did you leave the Bunker voluntarily?
Ha. Well Gary if you must know I decided to leave. JG tried to convince me to stay but my mind was made up. Tried to ban me on the backend to save face but that’s ok.
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Ha. Well Gary if you must know I decided to leave. JG tried to convince me to stay but my mind was made up. Tried to ban me on the backend to save face but that’s ok.
Ha! Kudos for the spin, but fair enough.

Well anyway, as I remember you're a legit Heels hoops fan, so I'll vouch for ya here (your disturbing love affair with Jimbo Fisher notwithstanding).

Just be careful not to bring any trolls with you... as witnessed already ITT, they don't last long in these parts.
This is great news, there’s a ton of benefits to this trip and really it should be a very enjoyable one for the guys. It should really help start their chemistry building both on and off the court and prove to be valuable as the season goes on. They will be able to build some connections with each other and the Senior leaders wiIl be able to emerge and gain the trust of the rest of the guys.

It will especially be beneficial that Roy and the staff is able to have up to 10 practices with the team during which they will be able to evaluate them. He’ll be able to see how his returning guys have come along and if they have made those improvements that he was looking for out of them. The in game action will allow him to see where each guy is and what they need to focus and refine more for the rest of the summer and going into the first practice. This is also great for Roy to see the Freshman more than he would’ve been able to and in particular to see how they work together with the other guys on the team as we are going to need them to all connect to impact our team early on.

The best part is that we as fans get to see some very early action of our Heels in AUGUST. I really can’t wait for the season, Go HEELS Go!!
I also saw it listed as Friday 17th 7pm and Sunday 19th 3pm.
There is one game going right now, one tomorrow...
Bet he does this year, Billy. I sure would if I were him. And every practice session would last as long as possible.

I think he's already been quoted as saying he would not use them all. Said he didn't want to take all of the kids' summer break. Another reason why we're lucky to have him as Coach. He knows there's more to this thing than basketball
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3-4 more practices is hardly taking all their summer break. I think you avail yourself of every minute of practice time allowed, especially since it’s quite limited to begin with.

Just repeating what Coach Williams said. I think it was in his last summer press conference. Go back and watch.
Looks like we might have streaming availability for the Friday game...
UNC v Bahamas All Stars Summer of Thunder August 17 5:30pm

Curious, the original schedule for us changed. We play the Friday afternoon 5:30pm game then Saturday afternoon, not Sunday as originally set, Saturday 3:00p.m. Then the team gets Sunday off to enjoy. Then, back to the reunion on Monday in CH.
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Game should be on one of the ESPN networks (I haven't ;checked to confirm). Kensucky's games were on there. If not, I will light up my firestick and see what I can find.
I saw where puke was being broadcast on DSPN+. that really sux!

Hopefully, they will put a real team on a real network!
I'm hearing the streams have been cancelled, can anyone confirm this?
Tar Heel Dan Dewitt who originally posted the stream on his twitter account says the stream has been cancelled because UNC does not want the games streamed. There will be no coverage of either game.
Tar Heel Dan Dewitt who originally posted the stream on his twitter account says the stream has been cancelled because UNC does not want the games streamed. There will be no coverage of either game.
I get this.... as much as we fans want to see the team play, Roy has a lot of work to do and maybe he thinks it's better to do it without undue attention.... last thing he needs is the peanut gallery chiming in with questions in August about starting point guards and how many minutes Nas Little is getting..... that'll come in December (along with the: "why didn't you call a time out blah blah blah)
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I wondered about this since the early games on this Bahamas trip for other teams were not streamed and had no reporting on results. That and previous link I mentioned above went away then CB5's link...
Game should be on one of the ESPN networks (I haven't ;checked to confirm). Kensucky's games were on there. If not, I will light up my firestick and see what I can find.
Actually Kentucky games were on the SEC network and not ESPN.

I don’t know if there’s a ACC network or not but if there is I’d say that would be the way to go.
There is an ACC Network. It is accessible thru WatchESPN online if your internet provider is eligible.

I have no idea if the Bahamas games will be hosted there. Will check though.

edit: "There are currently no live events for this selection.
Please check upcoming or replay or clear all filters."

Not looking good.

Somebody Hook Us Up!!
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So the ACC Network doesn't technically launch until 2019.
There is an acc digital network over on you tube.
Guess we are all Jones-n for some basketball.