If Trump wins the White House....???

I'm sorry guys but I do not understand the love affair everyone has with Reagan. I was in high school then so I'm not sure about his politics and if he really was great or not. He did seem to have good character and seemed kind and with those two qualities alone, Trump is out. He is neither. I know most guys like his aggressiveness and call it like it is approach but I can't see that being a quality of a leader of a country. It would end badly. Obama would seem like the best president we've ever had after Trump got finished with us and that's pretty bad!
Ask the women who were raped by her husband just how polite Hillary actually is.

I don't like her. I won't vote for her either. I liked Gary Johnson for the most part until he stooped to Trump's level and called Trump a p*ssy. I want a level headed person who has a professional demeanor in office not a tiny-d**k hot head. We all know how guys like that are (at least women do lol).
How is this different than Obama saying there are 57 states? Focusing on crap like this is one of the reasons Trump exists in the first place. If politicians would focus on solving the problems and the media would hold them accountable then Trump probably wouldn't even be running, much less winning.

Both are gaffes. Maybe Trump got some endorsement money from 7-11 if he slipped their name in there :D . Not knowing how many states are in the country you're trying to lead is more embarrassing, imo, but you know the media and the one they would prefer to focus on.

Good lord, if we can't have a little chuckle about the 7/11 terrorist attacks then Apu has definitely won.

It's definitely chuckle worthy. He's a bozo, we already all know that. The one with the biggest chuckle is Trump though since people keep reporting/posting/reposting about him. Guy is getting so much free publicity - and as they say, any publicity is good publicity.
It's definitely chuckle worthy. He's a bozo, we already all know that. The one with the biggest chuckle is Trump though since people keep reporting/posting/reposting about him. Guy is getting so much free publicity - and as they say, any publicity is good publicity.
This is definitely a business strategy. It has worked for the Dallas Cowboys for years.
Maybe trump will go 3rd party and none of the three get enough electoral votes to win the election. Anyone know what happens then?
Maybe trump will go 3rd party and none of the three get enough electoral votes to win the election. Anyone know what happens then?

What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.
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What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.
That sounds like fun.
Yeah, and too many states, and whatever else you want to chuckle about. Why not?

Doesn't strike me as funny?

Look, if you think this stuff is all a joke, then you should love Trump. He's the one who cracks jokes, is the butt of jokes, has crazy hair, etc.

But you don't like Trump because he's not statesman-like.

I'm having a hard time following your logic. Perhaps I shouldn't try.
Look I don't know what Obama's gaffes have to do with it, or why you're bound and determined to get me to defend him the way you apparently are set on doing with Trump. I'm just having a little fun with it; you seem to be taking me way too seriously.

I think Trump's a joke. One that would stop being funny if he were actually elected, but I'm still fairly certain that won't happen. Some of you guys worry me a bit, but as I've said before, I've yet to run into anyone in real life who seriously believes Trump should be President. I know they're out there, and that's mindboggling, but there can't possibly be enough of them to put him in the White House.
What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

Seems like then whoever the Republican candidate is would be elected President (the majority of states are republican, but the ones with the large amounts of electoral votes and House reps are democrats which usually makes for a close race) but in this case it seems like if each state gets one vote, the majority Republican states would elect whoever it is from their party (Cruz I'm guessing in this scenario? Maybe Kasich?). But, the Vice President would probably be whoever Trump was running with (assuming he made a fairly reasonable Republican choice - like Christie, or even Palin). As it has to be the top 2, and I'm assuming if Trump were to get ousted and run as independent in the general election, it would be Clinton>Trump>Cruz/Kasich in terms of total votes, which means that while Cruz/Kasich would get elected by the House, their running mate wouldn't be eligible as they wouldn't be top 2. There are 54 Republican senators, which would then probably choose the lesser of two evils in their mind and elect Trump's running mate as opposed to Clinton's.

Definitely would be a nice calamity to watch unfold... this is now the situation I'm rooting for. This would accomplish the goal of having the general population realize what sort of a clown show the establishment is... and we don't even need to get Trump in office to realize it. Win-win all around!
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Look I don't know what Obama's gaffes have to do with it, or why you're bound and determined to get me to defend him the way you apparently are set on doing with Trump. I'm just having a little fun with it; you seem to be taking me way too seriously.

I think Trump's a joke. One that would stop being funny if he were actually elected, but I'm still fairly certain that won't happen. Some of you guys worry me a bit, but as I've said before, I've yet to run into anyone in real life who seriously believes Trump should be President. I know they're out there, and that's mindboggling, but there can't possibly be enough of them to put him in the White House.

I'm not defending Trumps gaffes at all. I just don't understand why you find Trump's gaffes noteworthy while Obama's deserve no mention (and never have) by you.

He is going to be elected and its going to be a mauling. I like him because
A) he is best positioned to administer the mauling of Hillary over the other Pubs
B) he has a different slant than any national politician ever has in any of our lifetimes. It may well be that he sucks, but given the level of sucktitude witnessed since 1988 (although a few of the Clinton years were good) I am willing to risk any potential downside to Trump for the possibility of a new direction
C) Trump is a pragmatist. I think he will change tactics as needed in order reach a goal. For instance: is the goal to get a handle on illegal immigration a bad one? No, not by anyones standard. Is building a wall going to reduce numbers of illegals? Not by actually stopping them, but symbolically it states that we are not going to allow open borders and will fight to keep uphold our laws. So if you look at the wall as a means to physically stop illegals, it seems petty. But if you look at it as a symbol of how we will treat our borders, it seems perfect.
D) if you havent run into anyone in real life who wants Trump to be prez, then you should consider the tone of discussion. One of the guys in my office is a flaming liberal. He makes cracks about Trump from time to time and I say nothing, because what's the point? I dont want to disgree with liberals who are casual friends on a face to face basis because inevitably personal accusations (towards me or people I like) will follow. No thanks. But my father-in-law is very liberal and we discuss this stuff, because he's not going to try to put me on the defensive by calling me racist, homophobic, white privileged, war monger or any of the rest.
What happens if no presidential candidate gets 270 Electoral votes?

If no candidate receives a majority of Electoral votes, the House of Representatives elects the President from the 3 Presidential candidates who received the most Electoral votes. Each state delegation has one vote. The Senate would elect the Vice President from the 2 Vice Presidential candidates with the most Electoral votes. Each Senator would cast one vote for Vice President. If the House of Representatives fails to elect a President by Inauguration Day, the Vice-President Elect serves as acting President until the deadlock is resolved in the House.

Omg this would be epic! Cannu imagine the media frenzy! The chaos! And under this scenario u could very well have a pres and vice pres from different parties! I want this sooooooo bad. It would totally turn the two party system and primary method upside down.
I'm not defending Trumps gaffes at all. I just don't understand why you find Trump's gaffes noteworthy while Obama's deserve no mention (and never have) by you.
I'm sorry if I've failed to publicly poast about Obama's gaffes. There seem to have been plenty of folks on this board to carry that banner. Some have been amusing in their own right, and Obama even seems to have enough of a sense of humor to laugh at them a little himself.

But yeah, sorry if I've come off as one-sided to you. I shall evermore strive to do better.

But I'll still be pointing and laughing at Trump and anyone who thinks he should be president. Sorry not sorry.
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I'm sorry if I've failed to publicly poast about Obama's gaffes. There seem to have been plenty of folks on this board to carry that banner. Some have been amusing in their own right, and Obama even seems to have enough of a sense of humor to laugh at them a little himself.

But yeah, sorry if I've come off as one-sided to you. I shall evermore strive to do better.

But I'll still be pointing and laughing at Trump and anyone who thinks he should be president. Sorry not sorry.

It's all good. Now that I know you are in these threads to troll, I will play along.
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I think that may be the first time I've been called a troll. Does that mean I'm a real member of the internets now?

I didn't say that you were a troll, I said that you were trolling- it was the "sorry, not sorry" part that illustrated just this.

And I'm not disparaging the fine art of trolling- I have been known to do it or more than one occasion.
And under this scenario u could very well have a pres and vice pres from different parties!

It's happened before, in 1796. There was also a tie in the 1800 election as well. The 12th amendment was passed after that to make it harder for those situations to happen again.
Great. Anybody care to hold the money?

I mean, I have been playing in betting games on here for years and I'm sure anyone can vouch I have always paid out. And I'm not worried about you paying.

But if you want someone to hold the money, then pick your poaster. Paypal will be easiest, so don't select @gunslingerdick
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I mean, I have been playing in betting games on here for years and I'm sure anyone can vouch I have always paid out. And I'm not worried about you paying.

But if you want someone to hold the money, then pick your poaster. Paypal will be easiest, so don't select @gunslingerdick
Well you should worry because I've never played any of them so I don't have a history but if you trust me. Game on....