Important question facing our country


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Which song recorded in 1989 titled "Poison" is the better song?

Alice Cooper?

Bel Biv Devoe?

The rocker in me says AC
THE white guys who loved hip hop, BBD

So it's a tie in my book
I knew immediately as soon as the BBD video opened that it was the better song...but then about midway through Alice Cooper's offering, strong inroads were made and it seemed to be a tie at that point. But then toward the end, BBD made a strong recovery (at the four minute mark, to be precise) and pretty much slammed the door shut on any AC pretensions to the honor.
The Alice Cooper song holds some serious nostalgic value for me so this is a close race. But the sage wisdom in the BBD line, "never trust a big butt and a smile" is too much for Cooper to overcome.

BBD for the win.
Love Alice in general, but it's BBD everyday and twice on Saturday night for this one.

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