It was worth electing Trump


Hall of Famer
Mar 9, 2007
Lowell, NC
Just for the "fire and fury" comments about North Korea. Finally, finally we have a commander-in-chief that has some balls and isn't afraid to tell another nation to chill the F out or there will be hell to pay because we are America.

Y'all know I don't participate in a lot of political threads, but in this case I'm making an exception. Obama was such a pussy when it came to foreign diplomacy that it was sickening.
I think it is more of a case of him just running his mouth again. He isn't going to back it up IMO, as we are seeing right now. I don't think anyone believes anything he says anyway. It is entertaining as heck though.
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Y'all know I don't participate in a lot of political threads, but in this case I'm making an exception. Obama was such a pussy when it came to foreign diplomacy that it was sickening.
I think he just didn't care about foreign policy. He just wanted to ignore it and let someone else do it because he didn't care about it. It was an annoyance to him.
I think it is more of a case of him just running his mouth again. He isn't going to back it up IMO, as we are seeing right now. I don't think anyone believes anything he says anyway. It is entertaining as heck though.
Not sure what's going to happen with NK, but he did retaliate against Syria so I think it's likely that something is going to happen. The question is what exactly is he going to do.
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I think he just didn't care about foreign policy. He just wanted to ignore it and let someone else do it because he didn't care about it. It was an annoyance to him.
Which is just a reflection on the core of liberal belief. They want to be 100% isolationists and stick their fingers in their ear and pretend like if we just leave everyone else alone, we'll be fine.

I believe in small government. One of the only things the federal government should do, IMO, is ensure national security.
Not sure what's going to happen with NK, but he did retaliate against Syria so I think it's likely that something is going to happen. The question is what exactly is he going to do.

Probably not what he threatened, which is the point. It is silly to make idle threats. I think he could end up being ok if he just starts to think instead of react.
Finally, finally we have a commander-in-chief that has some balls and isn't afraid to tell another nation to chill the F out or there will be hell to pay because we are America.
I like the notion of the POTUS in the bully pulpit using his power to keep the world safe (think Reagan with the Soviets), but Trump's response, like pretty much all of his remarks, is just another feckless exercise in piss-poor diplomacy. He is easily the most inarticulate President in our lifetime. By comparison, he even makes Bush II sound smart.

I doubt most Americans feel any safer after hearing Trump's threat. I certainly don't because it is obvious the man isn't playing with a full deck. In fact, it's hard to tell who the bigger nutjob is, the Donald or Dictatertot.

Anyway, for Trump it's just talk/gibberish at this point. Let's hope and pray he doesn't screw it up.
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Probably not what he threatened, which is the point. It is silly to make idle threats. I think he could end up being ok if he just starts to think instead of react.
To my knowledge he hasn't made any specific threat. Just the standard no options are off the table type of stuff. He's been more blunt than most about using military options, but he hasn't said specifically what he would do. We won't know for sure if the threat is real until it happens, but his past actions would indicate that he is more likely to do something.
To my knowledge he hasn't made any specific threat. Just the standard no options are off the table type of stuff. He's been more blunt than most about using military options, but he hasn't said specifically what he would do. We won't know for sure if the threat is real until it happens, but his past actions would indicate that he is more likely to do something.

Didn't he say he would unleash fire and fury like the world has never seen. I mean, technically that isn't a specific threat but it isn't the standard 'no options are off the table type stuff' either. It was just a silly thing to say considering he isn't going to do that.
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Didn't he say he would unleash fire and fury like the world has never seen. I mean, technically that isn't a specific threat but it isn't the standard 'no options are off the table type stuff' either. It was just a silly thing to say considering he isn't going to do that.
It's just more blunt than normal, but it's standard stuff. Presidents always say nukes are on the table. Nukes are fire and fury.
If you honestly believe something this absurd, then it's no wonder you hold them in such contempt.
To me, that's how the 21st century liberal prefers to operate. Diplomacy, never military action, is always the suggested course of action.

Sometimes the shepherd has to fight off the wolves in order to protect his sheep.

I don't hold anyone in contempt for their political views, though. That's another modern trend that's damaging our society.
Which is just a reflection on the core of liberal belief. They want to be 100% isolationists and stick their fingers in their ear and pretend like if we just leave everyone else alone, we'll be fine.

I believe in small government. One of the only things the federal government should do, IMO, is ensure national security.

cmon, dude...being an isolationist is not a core liberal belief.
To me, that's how the 21st century liberal prefers to operate. Diplomacy, never military action, is always the suggested course of action.

I think you explain it a little better here. Liberals aren't isolationists IMO, they love getting involved with other countries and telling them what they think is the right way to live their lives.

And diplomacy is my preferred method over military action, but my problem with many liberals is that when diplomacy breaks down or isn't an option, they're not willing to then move to military action.
Newsflash: some countries/people/cultures cannot be reasoned with. And yes, liberals refuse to acknowledge this.

This is just silly. Not all liberals think like Strum on matters of military intervention. People like Sam Harris have done hours worth of podcasts on the ethics of necessary violence, specifically with regards to the NK dilemma.

This is the exact same thing as saying that all conservatives are just knuckle dragging tribalistic racists who just want to start wars so they can kill brown people and steal their oil.
I believe in small government. One of the only things the federal government should do, IMO, is ensure national security.

Why do so many non-liberal people want small gov, but want government to govern bathroom-usage, abortion, etc? Which is it, less gov or more?

As for national security, I think there is a yuge diff tween national security and playing world police. South Korea and Japan are at risk, not the US (the thread on guam is joke compared to sKo and jp). Are you a fan of playing world police?
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Why do so many non-liberal people want small gov, but want government to govern bathroom-usage, abortion, etc? Which is it, less gov or more?

As for national security, I think there is a yuge diff tween national security and playing world police. South Korea and Japan are at risk, not the US (the thread on guam is joke compared to sKo and jp). Are you a fan of playing world police?

Uhh... That's not how ICBM's work. We definitely are in danger if their missile technology continues to progress.
Uhh... That's not how ICBM's work. We definitely are in danger if their missile technology continues to progress.

The leader(s) of north Korea aren't suicidal. They want to be able to bully SKo and JP without our interference and are using nukes as a threat against our interference. But they also know they might take out a single state of ours, while we'd wipe out their entire country each day of the way for a few weeks. It is geo smaller than Mississippi. And they know this without seeing a tweet from the trumper.
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Why do so many non-liberal people want small gov, but want government to govern bathroom-usage,

Oh no you don't. That's revisionist history. It was the uber liberal Charlotte city council that started that fight. It was them that decided to create a city ordinance that trans people could use whatever bathroom they wanted. This was out of the blue and unnecessary as those trans people were already doing that and no one cared. The state legislature simply was answering the bell. And then they were crushed by the media for doing it. Which, IMO, was the exact intent of the Charlotte city council. If not, why speak to a non-problem?

As for national security, I think there is a yuge diff tween national security and playing world police. South Korea and Japan are at risk, not the US (the thread on guam is joke compared to sKo and jp). Are you a fan of playing world police?

We play police when it's beneficial for us to do so. People get all riled up when the US gets involved with some conflict and they say things like "we're just being self-serving". Well, yeah. Personally, that's what I want from my government - whatever is best for America. So if I can get a 65" Sony TV for a couple hundred dollars less because we took out North Korea, then I'm all for it.

Also, while we could sit by and let North Korea light Japan up, because as you noted, it's not us that is at immediate risk, we cannot allow evil to gain momentum. Sure, right now it's just South Korea and Japan, but after that conquest, North Korea will have more power, more resources and more momentum. They'll eventually come for us. So I say, let's nip this thing in the bud. If we were wrong and they never were coming from us, oh well. They shouldn't have postured like they did. Better safe than sorry.
Oh no you don't. That's revisionist history. It was the uber liberal Charlotte city council that started that fight. It was them that decided to create a city ordinance that trans people could use whatever bathroom they wanted. The state legislature simply was answering the bell.
Ah, so you are okay with big gov. Get it? I'm talking about big gov vs small. if you are for smaller gov, let Charlotte (the city or county) handle their own biz. Why make it a state issue? Nobody anywhere else in the state cares 2 cents about bathrooms until the state became big gov and tried to shove it onto us.

I like our support of Korea, but if someone needs to play police, it is china. They border that country and will def get some radiation if it hits the fan.
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Ah, so you are okay with big gov. Get it? I'm talking about big gov vs small. if you are for smaller gov, let Charlotte (the city or county) handle their own biz. Why make it a state issue? Nobody anywhere else in the state cares 2 cents about bathrooms until the state became big gov and tried to shove it onto us.

But people in Charlotte cared. Many people in Charlotte didn't like the ordinance. They count on their state representatives to speak to concerns from their constituents. And what I'm saying is that was a set up job by the dems from the jump. It was a non-issue. But they made it an issue just to get the reaction from the GOP they got.
The leader(s) of north Korea aren't suicidal. They want to be able to bully SKo and JP without our interference and are using nukes as a threat against our interference. But they also know they might take out a single state of ours, while we'd wipe out their entire country each day of the way for a few weeks. It is geo smaller than Mississippi. And they know this without seeing a tweet from the trumper.

If they achieve the capability to launch ICBMs they will be able to strike virtually anywhere in the world. And we will have to act accordingly. Its already enough of a disgrace to humanity that NK is allowed to exist as a state. I'm personally not in support of allowing them to hold the entire world hostage.

I completely agree that we would wipe NK off the map. That doesn't make me feel any better about NK's ability to land a nuclear weapon on top of New York City or LA before we do it. What happens if Kim is in a position where he feels like he is about to be unseated from power and has one last chance to take as many people as possible with him?
NK has an American ship they stole back in '68, the USS Pueblo. They tortured 83 sailors for a friggin' year. What did we do about it? Nada. The damn thing is a museum now sitting in one of their harbors. Makes me sick to think about it.

My dad fought them and said his time in Vietnam was like shore leave compared to Korea. He despised that place and never understood why we allowed it exist.

Neither do I.
NK has an American ship they stole back in '68, the USS Pueblo. They tortured 83 sailors for a friggin' year. What did we do about it? Nada. The damn thing is a museum now sitting in one of their harbors. Makes me sick to think about it.

My dad fought them and said his time in Vietnam was like shore leave compared to Korea. He despised that place and never understood why we allowed it exist.

Neither do I.
Your dad didn't understand why "we" allowed what, exactly, to exist?