It was worth electing Trump


Which speech are we speaking of . . ? The scripted, follow the bouncing ball, teleprompter speech in which he sounds like someone reading a Dr. Seuss book or the 'speak from the racist heart' speech in which he sounds and is the racist fvck he truly is . . ?
I was hoping for something a little more nuanced, but ok.
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Vegas odds are out for the 2020 election ...TrumpWins leads at 3.5 to 1 (low for an incumbent) ...Uncle Joe Biden is next at 8 to 1 ... Pocahontas Warren checks in next at 15 to 1 ....then a long list of other hopefuls.

LOLOLOL. Biden and Warren are SERIOUSLY the best that the Left has? TrumpWins would DESTROY both of them in the same fashion that he destroyed Hildabeast (minus the Snowflake factories in NY and CA of course).
Biden and Warren are SERIOUSLY the best that the Left has?

They certainly better get something better than that, otherwise they'll be looking at another 4 years of Trump. I have to imagine Biden could have had it this time if he wanted it (unless the party truly was that wrapped around Hilary's finger). He'd be 78 before he was even inaugurated, and 82 before he was out of office (presuming he didn't run/win again). Warren would be 72 before she was inaugurated (2 years older than Trump was, who was old).

They need to get some younger blood in there. As much as I didn't agree with Obama's policy/rhetoric, he related very well to the younger generations, he was 47 when he was inaugurated. Trump should have shown them that the country doesn't need another old crusty politician lifer as president (ok, maybe Trump didn't show them the old/crusty part, but definitely not a politician lifer).
And to follow up on Warren - even though I hate her policies as well, and think she has absolutely sucked for MA, there would be a part of me that wouldn't mind her winning the presidency. The look on Hillary's face as she watched her inferior get elected as the first ever female president, something Hillary had worked her entire life for and failed at, would be priceless - and borderline worth 4 years of shitty policy.
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The Left loves to hate on Trump but their insistence on nothing but 'identity politics' is KILLING them ... and I love it. they are clueless and out of touch!
The Left loves to hate on Trump but their insistence on nothing but 'identity politics' is KILLING them ... and I love it. they are clueless and out of touch!

Hating on Trump comes all too easy . .

Clueless and out of touch more precisely describes Trump than the Dems . .

Jus' saying . .
. . and btw, it's not just 'the left' that has some serious questions about Trump's mental stability, Senator Corker has the correct thumb on the pulse of this particular President.

Blame the left all you want, you dumbasses . . your boy, Trump is shooting himself with his own bullets . . plain & simple.

Mueller is going to take your boy down . . he's as dirty as they can come, there will be no hiding from the long arm of justice.

It's just a matter of time, folks . . but, you go ahead and keep pumping up that POS Prez.

Donny is a scared mofo right now, likely with good reason . .
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It's hard, but I've been trying to ignore Trump's bluster and only focus on the actual policy decisions being made and laws passed. His Charlottesville comments are the exception here and it'll be interesting to see how history remembers that moment.

What he seems to struggle with is the fact that a President usually needs to forge relationships with Congress to get his legislative agenda passed. That's especially true when bi-partisan support is weak. Not only has he not cultivated those relationships, he's lashed out at GOP party leadership -- McCain, McConnell, Ryan, etc. His penchant for revenge whenever he feels slighted or betrayed only ends up sabotaging himself.
. . and btw, it's not just 'the left' that has some serious questions about Trump's mental stability, Senator Corker has the correct thumb on the pulse of this particular President.

Blame the left all you want, you dumbasses . . your boy, Trump is shooting himself with his own bullets . . plain & simple.

Mueller is going to take your boy down . . he's as dirty as they can come, there will be no hiding from the long arm of justice.

It's just a matter of time, folks . . but, you go ahead and keep pumping up that POS Prez.

Donny is a scared mofo right now, likely with good reason . .
I wonder if Gavin Newsome decides to run?
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It would be great if Trump could present his ideas about creating jobs by focusing on infrastructure. He's probably got some great ideas in that regard. So, do it! Get going on it. Stop being fixated on what some TV News station said, or some left-wing celebrity. Stop having campaign rallies! You already won! Show us what you can do!
McCain, McConnell, Ryan, etc. His penchant for revenge whenever he feels slighted or betrayed only ends up sabotaging himself.
McCain is barely a Republican, and that is part of the GOP's problem. Their long-time power figures are woefully out of touch with what the typical 2017 Republican voter wants/believes/expects.

What in particular resonated with you?
Sorry, I just now saw this. What resonated with me is what has always resonated. The man acts nothing like the typical politician stereotype we all know. I said from the day he started running for the GOP nomination that I wanted Trump to win because I believed/still believe it will usher in a new era of politics and will massively help to cut through the bullshit cloud of political correctness that engulfs every part of our society.

Sure, his Phoenix rally was over the top at times and he went on too long bashing the media, but I love that he actually calls out the media. No president has ever given a speech like Trump did the other night. But Good Lord, am I sick of the status quo stereotypical politicians in Washington, on both sides. They talk big and tough in campaign speeches, and then turn into emotionless robots who talk the party line and vote the party line once they're in office. Trump's campaign and now presidency, I believe, has and will continue to chip away at that paradigm. And frankly ** warning, this is just my opinion ** I think it's fantastic that Trump mercilessly rags the liberal segment of the media (so like, a massive portion of the media) for stoking civil unrest by painting incredibly skewed versions of everything that happens in this country. The liberal slant of most media outlets is out of control in this country and it's causing actual, real-world problems now. Again, that is my opinion.
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McCain is barely a Republican, and that is part of the GOP's problem. Their long-time power figures are woefully out of touch with what the typical 2017 Republican voter wants/believes/expects.

Sorry, I just now saw this. What resonated with me is what has always resonated. The man acts nothing like the typical politician stereotype we all know. I said from the day he started running for the GOP nomination that I wanted Trump to win because I believed/still believe it will usher in a new era of politics and will massively help to cut through the bullshit cloud of political correctness that engulfs every part of our society.

Sure, his Phoenix rally was over the top at times and he went on too long bashing the media, but I love that he actually calls out the media. No president has ever given a speech like Trump did the other night. But Good Lord, am I sick of the status quo stereotypical politicians in Washington, on both sides. They talk big and tough in campaign speeches, and then turn into emotionless robots who talk the party line and vote the party line once they're in office. Trump's campaign and now presidency, I believe, has and will continue to chip away at that paradigm. And frankly ** warning, this is just my opinion ** I think it's fantastic that Trump mercilessly rags the liberal segment of the media (so like, a massive portion of the media) for stoking civil unrest by painting incredibly skewed versions of everything that happens in this country. The liberal slant of most media outlets is out of control in this country and it's causing actual, real-world problems now. Again, that is my opinion.
What's your take on Fox News?
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Mueller is going to take your boy down . . he's as dirty as they can come, there will be no hiding from the long arm of justice.

It's just a matter of time, folks . . but, you go ahead and keep pumping up that POS Prez.

Donny is a scared mofo right now, likely with good reason . .

riiiiiiight .... and he'll never win the nomination ...or the election. but keep believing the media hype, its that mindset that has caused Dems to lose control of any and all government majority, and that ain't changing anytime soon.
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And frankly ** warning, this is just my opinion ** I think it's fantastic that Trump mercilessly rags the liberal segment of the media (so like, a massive portion of the media) for stoking civil unrest by painting incredibly skewed versions of everything that happens in this country. The liberal slant of most media outlets is out of control in this country and it's causing actual, real-world problems now. Again, that is my opinion.
Right, and he's exacerbating the problem. Civil discourse is dead and we're more politically polarized than ever. That's not what I want for this country.
Right, and he's exacerbating the problem. Civil discourse is dead and we're more politically polarized than ever. That's not what I want for this country.
So politically polarized. People... like not politicians, just everyday people... see someone as the enemy if they identify with the opposite party. That's ridiculous.

I really don't know how you fix how polarized we have become since about the early 2000s.

Back to Trump though, I think the brash words and bashing the media from someone in the role of the presidency is needed. It's needed to make the media shut up and get back in line, if you will. I hope Fox does some slanted coverage of Trump that he takes offense to so he can fail on Fox for a bit too. I think the media establishment needs to be yanked down several pegs.

The problem is, though, the previously discussed polarity renders it so that no one listens anymore. It's pointless for politicians to even give speeches anymore because most people who identify with the other party won't even watch or listen to your speech. People close themselves off to things that don't support their views. I don't know how you break that cycle.
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So politically polarized. People... like not politicians, just everyday people... see someone as the enemy if they identify with the opposite party. That's ridiculous.

I really don't know how you fix how polarized we have become since about the early 2000s.

Back to Trump though, I think the brash words and bashing the media from someone in the role of the presidency is needed. It's needed to make the media shut up and get back in line,
It's not the media's job to "shut up and get back in line" WTH does that even mean??
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So politically polarized. People... like not politicians, just everyday people... see someone as the enemy if they identify with the opposite party. That's ridiculous.

I really don't know how you fix how polarized we have become since about the early 2000s.

Back to Trump though, I think the brash words and bashing the media from someone in the role of the presidency is needed. It's needed to make the media shut up and get back in line, if you will. I hope Fox does some slanted coverage of Trump that he takes offense to so he can fail on Fox for a bit too. I think the media establishment needs to be yanked down several pegs.

The problem is, though, the previously discussed polarity renders it so that no one listens anymore. It's pointless for politicians to even give speeches anymore because most people who identify with the other party won't even watch or listen to your speech. People close themselves off to things that don't support their views. I don't know how you break that cycle.
I saw a piece, can't remember where about a Wall Street Journal editor had sent some articles back to his writers because they were biased. He wanted reporting only, no opinion. He was absolutely hammered by the NY times and others. Dammit, I'll google and find the source.
So politically polarized. People... like not politicians, just everyday people... see someone as the enemy if they identify with the opposite party. That's ridiculous.
Agreed. The vast majority of people get along fine with each other regardless of their political beliefs. The media is in the game to make a profit, so they pump up all of these protests and people fighting to get clicks/viewers. Nobody is going to watch everybody getting along at the neighborhood block party.
Back to Trump though, I think the brash words and bashing the media from someone in the role of the presidency is needed. It's needed to make the media shut up and get back in line, if you will.
I completely disagree, because if you haven't noticed, it's having exactly the opposite effect. Trump's boorish behavior is a ratings bonanza for media outlets of all stripes. They love it and people read/watch it, so they'll peddle it for everything it's worth.

So politically polarized. People... like not politicians, just everyday people... see someone as the enemy if they identify with the opposite party. That's ridiculous.

I really don't know how you fix how polarized we have become since about the early 2000s.
1987 - Fairness Doctrine eliminated
1988 - The Rush Limbaugh Show becomes nationally syndicated
1995 - The Drudge Report launches
1996 - MSNBC launches
1996 - Fox News launches
2005 - Huffington Post launches

There are obviously hundreds of other media outlets that launched in the 20 years after 1987, but I think you see what I'm getting at. Generally speaking, people don't listen to opposing points of view if they don't have to. We like hearing things that confirm our worldview.

I don't know how to fix it either. I can only influence my own discussions of politics with other people, like genuinely asking why Trump's speech was meaningful for you. And look, now we're having a civil discussion about it despite the fact that we disagree. Restraint, compromise, empathy. These seem like ideals of a bygone American era.
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I completely disagree, because if you haven't noticed, it's having exactly the opposite effect. Trump's boorish behavior is a ratings bonanza for media outlets of all stripes. They love it and people read/watch it, so they'll peddle it for everything it's worth.

1987 - Fairness Doctrine eliminated
1988 - The Rush Limbaugh Show becomes nationally syndicated
1995 - The Drudge Report launches
1996 - MSNBC launches
1996 - Fox News launches
2005 - Huffington Post launches

There are obviously hundreds of other media outlets that launched in the 20 years after 1987, but I think you see what I'm getting at. Generally speaking, people don't listen to opposing points of view if they don't have to. We like hearing things that confirm our worldview.

I don't know how to fix it either. I can only influence my own discussions of politics with other people, like genuinely asking why Trump's speech was meaningful for you. And look, now we're having a civil discussion about it despite the fact that we disagree. Restraint, compromise, empathy. These seem like ideals of a bygone American era.
Are you trying to imply that the Fairness Doctrine being eliminated is the reason all of that happened?
Are you trying to imply that the Fairness Doctrine being eliminated is the reason all of that happened?
Not the reason. Just one of many contributing factors. The Internet has been another major influence since it has supplanted traditional print and television news, plus democratized the news so that anyone with an internet connection and a few apps can become a reporter.
Trump will not be impeached. So, I would encourage anyone waiting for that to stop getting your hopes up.
NO NO NO ... let the tools keep dreaming of and talking about impeachment, it's a great distraction for the average voter who is tired of partisan politics and knows that the media is now entirely 'fake news.' Let them continue to preach identity politics and get their asses handed to them in yet another mid-term election then back to back POTUS elections. Shhhhhhhhh, don't advise them, please!
It's not the media's job to "shut up and get back in line" WTH does that even mean??
I was typing on my phone while waiting in line at the barber, so I apologize for not being clearer. What I meant was the media needs to get away from letting their opinions and skew get into every NEWS article they write and need to shut up and get back to writing objective news that is as free from bias and spin as possible.

I'm quite informed on the role of the media in society, since that's what my education is in. However, I'm very disillusioned with the state of journalism in 2017.
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....the media needs to get away from letting their opinions and skew get into every NEWS article they write and need to shut up and get back to writing objective news that is as free from bias and spin as possible.

but that's exactly who 'the media' is nowadays. they cater to the whiny 25% of the population who live their lives and make decisions based on emotion vs fact. the mainstream media DOES NOT want people thinking for themselves because (GASP!) that may lead to lack of dependency on the government and the election of politicians who understand and value work ethic and personal responsibility over victim-hood and hand outs.
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