It was worth electing Trump

. . and btw, it's not just 'the left' that has some serious questions about Trump's mental stability, Senator Corker has the correct thumb on the pulse of this particular President.

Blame the left all you want, you dumbasses . . your boy, Trump is shooting himself with his own bullets . . plain & simple.

Mueller is going to take your boy down . . he's as dirty as they can come, there will be no hiding from the long arm of justice.

It's just a matter of time, folks . . but, you go ahead and keep pumping up that POS Prez.

Donny is a scared mofo right now, likely with good reason . .

I'd be fine with that. I voted against Hillary. She'll never be President. I'm content knowing that.

But I also loathe that Warren broad. She's hard to stomach. I know this will sound sexist, but it will have to be the perfect candidate for me to pull the lever for a woman.
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I'd be fine with that. I voted against Hillary. She'll never be President. I'm content knowing that.

But I also loathe that Warren broad. She's hard to stomach. I know this will sound sexist, but it will have to be the perfect candidate for me to pull the lever for a woman.
If a CLINTON couldn't beat a white male celebrity from Queens, Pocahontas doesn't stand a prayer.
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And that's why I disagree with uncboy's statement that Hillary was the reason Trump was elected. I mean, yeah, she was an unusually bad candidate (except for being a woman which scored her points with the same people that thought it was high time we had a black man as President). But people were tired of being silent. Tired of not being able to say what was on their mind. Tired of having to hold back in their criticism of anything minority related - be it the Prez, BLM, muslims, etc. So when a guy came along that looks to not give a f*ck like Trump, people jumped on that train quick. "Finally, a guy saying what I've been wanting to say for the last 5 years". So to me, Obama's legacy is indeed Trump. And I will continue to believe that and perpetuate that belief as long as I can.

I'd be fine with that. I voted against Hillary. She'll never be President. I'm content knowing that.
I voted against Hillary. She'll never be President. I'm content knowing that.

But I also loathe that Warren broad. She's hard to stomach. I know this will sound sexist, but it will have to be the perfect candidate for me to pull the lever for a woman.
At least you know it will sound sexist. Sexist, racist, and all the other ist's and ism's are fancy words for prejudice. I'll give you credit; You're one of the few people that actually own their prejudiced attitudes and opinions. You even seem to take pride in them. That's pretty rare.
If you want to keep Trump from implementing his policies (if there are any), just keep him preoccupied with trying to maintain his image. So far, that has worked like a charm.
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If you want to keep Trump from implementing his policies (if there are any), just keep him preoccupied with trying to maintain his image. So far, that has worked like a charm.
Trump got elected because of the policies he was proposing and not being politically correct. Current Dem and Rep politicians are shooting themselves in the foot because they refuse to ruin their own gravy train.
Trump got elected because of the policies he was proposing and not being politically correct. Current Dem and Rep politicians are shooting themselves in the foot because they refuse to ruin their own gravy train.
Oh, definitely. Trump is completely without blame. He's doing everything he can to get things done.

He's so easily led and easily controlled. Between his tweets and mouth getting him bad press, he spends time golfing and then holding campaign rallies.

ETA: He was elected for appealing to the lowest common denominator. That's powerful. And, even with that power, he didn't win the popular vote. That's another institution that will be gone eventually (The electoral college). Prepare yourself.
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At least you know it will sound sexist. Sexist, racist, and all the other ist's and ism's are fancy words for prejudice. I'll give you credit; You're one of the few people that actually own their prejudiced attitudes and opinions. You even seem to take pride in them. That's pretty rare.

I'm not sure I like you and I getting along so well.
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Oh, definitely. Trump is completely without blame. He's doing everything he can to get things done.

He's so easily led and easily controlled. Between his tweets and mouth getting him bad press, he spends time golfing and then holding campaign rallies.

ETA: He was elected for appealing to the lowest common denominator. That's powerful. And, even with that power, he didn't win the popular vote. That's another institution that will be gone eventually (The electoral college). Prepare yourself.
Trump is doing nothing he didn't do on the campaign trail. I don't credit or blame him. Rep had 7 fricken years to come up with a solution to the failed healthcare disaster. He's calling them out just like the voters will. The electoral college may go away but it served the exact purpose it was put in place for, California nor New York were allowed to chose a President and say screw the other 48 states.
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At least you know it will sound sexist. Sexist, racist, and all the other ist's and ism's are fancy words for prejudice. I'll give you credit; You're one of the few people that actually own their prejudiced attitudes and opinions. You even seem to take pride in them. That's pretty rare.
Does it make my wife, mother and grandmother prejudiced that they don't want a woman President?
Does it make my wife, mother and grandmother prejudiced that they don't want a woman President?
I don't know, does it?

If they're discrediting the qualifications of a person they haven't seen or heard because the person has certain aesthetics that they had no choice (unless they're transgender), it would seem like prejudiced and ignorant to me.
Trump is doing nothing he didn't do on the campaign trail. I don't credit or blame him. Rep had 7 fricken years to come up with a solution to the failed healthcare disaster. He's calling them out just like the voters will. The electoral college may go away but it served the exact purpose it was put in place for, California nor New York were allowed to chose a President and say screw the other 48 states.
I'm just trying to prepare you for the electoral college no longer being used in the future.
Well, they are certainly prejudiced if they wouldn't vote for a woman under any circumstance.
To be fair, I have some ultra-liberal friends who would insist that women can be sexist toward women. I don't get it, but that's their assertion. Just like black people can say niggger, but white people can't. I don't get that logic, either. If the word is used as a pejorative, why does it matter what mouth it comes from?
So you think 2/3 of the States or whatever it takes will make such a change to the Constitution?
I think it will be a memory. Whatever it takes, it will cease to decide the presidency. It's obsolete and has been for a very long time.
Interesting. That's a lot of people that you think are the lowest common denominator. It's also pretty arrogant.
I'm not above arrogant. Neither are you. It's not arrogant to acknowledge that we all have the same lowest common denominator. All of our shit stinks.

And, the electoral college will eventually be gone. I can't say when, exactly. But, I know it's obsolete and obsolete eventually gets cut loose... eventually.
So you think 2/3 of the States or whatever it takes will make such a change to the Constitution?
Oh, it's harder than that. 2/3 just gets the convention together. 3/4 have to ratify it. Given the fact that the GOP controls a majority of the states as well as both houses of congress the chances of that happen are about the same as the world ending today. That doesn't even take into account the GOP has been the beneficiary of the electoral college the last two times it's come into play. They have no reason to want to change it since it benefits them.
Oh, it's harder than that. 2/3 just gets the convention together. 3/4 have to ratify it. Given the fact that the GOP controls a majority of the states as well as both houses of congress the chances of that happen are about the same as the world ending today. That doesn't even take into account the GOP has been the beneficiary of the electoral college the last two times it's come into play.
Why thank you kind sir for a fact based poast. Although you are wrong and full of sh!t because Strum said so!
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Oh, it's harder than that. 2/3 just gets the convention together. 3/4 have to ratify it. Given the fact that the GOP controls a majority of the states as well as both houses of congress the chances of that happen are about the same as the world ending today. That doesn't even take into account the GOP has been the beneficiary of the electoral college the last two times it's come into play. They have no reason to want to change it since it benefits them.
I said it was coming. I didn't say it was coming tomorrow. You said "Never going to happen." I have absolutely no doubt that it will be gone. It might even take 50 years. But, it's coming. In fact, the more frequently these elections result in the winner not having the popular vote, the faster it becomes a memory.
Well, I don't think I'm wrong about this issue, but he's probably right about me being full of shit.
I know this much... there are far more people that believe it is obsolete than there are that believe it should remain intact. And like it or not, we are in a democratic society.
I know this much... there are far more people that believe it is obsolete than there are that believe it should remain intact. And like it or not, we are in a democratic society.
You might be right in that more people believe that but good luck getting 38 states to go along with it.
You might be right in that more people believe that but good luck getting 38 states to go along with it.
I don't need the luck. I have the numbers. YOU NEED THE LUCK trying to keep it intact!

It's almost like Marijuana. I can remember being in grade school and being taught that Marijuana was the equivalent of Heroin. It would NEVER be legal. Guess what? It's legal in may states and it's a matter of time before it's legal everywhere.

Once the majority realizes something is obsolete, the political process just has to catch up. And, it always does, eventually.