Jalen Wilson we're excited about your visit !

I just find it hard to believe that Self is still running that program. What that says about the NCAA and college basketball in general is that things are worse off than I thought. And it is hard to believe these kids signing up want to be part of that.
As CarolinaMagic and Troy point out moving pieces in recruiting might just influence this decision., we'll see around 3pm....time was moved as it was originally 2pm...not sure why but we will all know.
I would agree with you DeuceMan, but Goodman's opinion is not the point. What may be of interest to UNC in regards to Jalen Wilson is KU wing position is more crowded with the Moss transfer. So if Jalen is looking to carve out a role in his first year (maybe even a starting role), he may see it as more difficult now at KU. One of the factors that many were considering in KU's favor is KU had (emphasis on had) more PT available next season at JWill's position than UNC might be offering. Now that factor is pretty much negated, or at least diminished with the Moss news.

And maybe JWill's decision is already made and this has no bearing at all!
I would agree with you DeuceMan, but Goodman's opinion is not the point. What may be of interest to UNC in regards to Jalen Wilson is KU wing position is more crowded with the Moss transfer. So if Jalen is looking to carve out a role in his first year (maybe even a starting role), he may see it as more difficult now at KU. One of the factors that many were considering in KU's favor is KU had (emphasis on had) more PT available next season at JWill's position than UNC might be offering. Now that factor is pretty much negated, or at least diminished with the Moss news.

And maybe JWill's decision is already made and this has no bearing at all!

Yeah, I was just quibbling with Goodman’s blatant and lazy hot take. They’ll be good because of Dotson and Azuibuke returning, and with the illegal kid being granted eligibility. But there’s absolutely no reason they should be ranked ahead of MSU who had a better season and actually return more than KU.

But Goodman is a hack so not surprised.
He may rue this decision when/if KU is put on probation. The position is wide open after this year. Hopefully, Puff will see that and avail himself of the opportunity.

And he won't be able to use the hardship waiver to transfer since the fact that Kansas is being investigated is common knowledge.
I am not really upset that this kid is not coming to us, I didn't expect him to and frankly, I like the scholly for other guys much more. What is a bit surprising and disappointing is that Kansas has been able to get the commits they have while being in the sports media cross hairs, which places them in the NCAA's cross hairs.

Having said that, the sports media has taken this on in more of a "well maybe they should have been paid" fashion rather than blood in the water shark feeding frenzy, as if maybe they are in the cross hairs but not sure I see them wanting to fire the kill shot? That same sports media was all to willing to try to fire kill shot after kill shot at us for doing what every other NCAA program does and that is have easy grade classes that their athletes take. No matter that in our case there was no, zip, nada NCAA authority meaning, we broke no NCAA rules or guidelines which was crystal clear from the very onset. When the NCAA finally admitted that the NCAA was pounded by the sports media talking heads. It was that same sports media that kept hammering at the Penn St under Paterno issue that eventually goaded the NCAA to take action against Penn St when they really had no authority to do so.

And yet this FBI stuff, is directly to the core mission of the NCAA, it is the NCAA's main area of authority. In that whole NCAA rule book, it (their responsibility) can be boiled down to 1 thing and only 1 thing, to enforce that student athletes get no extra benefits outside of their scholarship than any other students are afforded. They fail miserably at this primary task but will jump on issues that are not within their scope of enforcement like a dog with a bone. The media calls the tune that the NCAA dances to it not their very own charter and it's guidelines put in place to carry on their original mission.

The media is driving the agenda that players should be paid to play, of course some of these programs have seen their coaches in the head lines in a negative way but that was unavoidable, I mean the freakin FBI was indicting assistant coaches, head coaches were caught on wire taps, it does not get more open and shut than this stuff. And yet look at the classes both Kansas and Arizona have pulled from this 2019 class? Roy was barely able to get 3 star recruits to visit us during our 6yrs of investigations but Kansas and Arizona get really solid classes while caught red handed doing so much worse?

It really isn't that hard folks, a total and complete house cleaning at the NCAA head quarters should have occurred months ago, how does Emmerty still receive a pay check when he has failed in such a huge way? It isn't the NCAA that has failed, it is the people in charge that have failed and those people need to go and should have been gone well before now. As I stated so many times during our AFAM investigation, there is a major story to be told but the media failed to tell the real story that their followers deserved to know, so far, there is a real story that needs to be pounded by the media about how the NCAA has so totally botched their primary mission and no one seems to want to ask those in charge at the NCAA why or demand them to be cut if they refuse to answer.
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Ugh that tweet his dad replied to was disgraceful.
I saw it. It was so bad, that it makes me wonder if it was some POS fan of another school, or just a Heels hater, trying to put a bad light on UNC. FWIW - I don't think any legit Heels fan or person connected with the program would condone any part of that guy's alleged fandom. Anyone with an ounce of class would not type what he did.

Even if a superstar top kid made a verbal commit to the Heels, then did a switch at the press conference to committing to Dook - I can't think of any Heels fan typing that sort of hateful, ugly stuff, even as much as we hate Dook.

How hard is it to keep sports (entertainment / leisure) in perspective? vs. calling people ugly personal names and spreading ill will about the kid personally? I'd tell him "get some help, dude."
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One thing that hurts the medias coverage going after the schools is that FBI case was built on the schools being the "victim". The agents, shoe companies, AAU, etc. were the targets. You need a victim for fraud. The players and families weren't defrauded, so Kansas, Arizona, etc. had to be the victims to have a crime.
I saw it. It was so bad, that it makes me wonder if it was some POS fan of another school, or just a Heels hater, trying to put a bad light on UNC. FWIW - I don't think any legit Heels fan or person connected with the program would condone any part of that guy's alleged fandom. Anyone with an ounce of class would not type what he did.

Even if a superstar top kid made a verbal commit to the Heels, then did a switch at the press conference to committing to Dook - I can't think of any Heels fan typing that sort of hateful, ugly stuff, even as much as we hate Dook.

How hard is it to keep sports (entertainment / leisure) in perspective? vs. calling people ugly personal names and spreading ill will about the kid personally? I'd tell him "get some help, dude."

My thoughts exactly. I really hope it was a “false flag” so to speak.

For anyone wondering what I’m talking about, I’m not going to link the tweet. It’s pretty graphic, including a racial slur aimed at a freakin high school kid for choosing to go to Kansas. His dad’s reply was pure class though. If you really want to see it, it won’t be that hard to find on twitter.

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