Kanye and Chance the Rapper

And in case you're wondering why you're an idiot, it's because you wasted your time finding my poast in an attempt to make me look like a hypocrite when in reality the purpose of my response was to be an idiot. You idiot.
I only came across your post while I was at the Utah board searching for anything similar to the cry closet thread that is currently on this board. It was one of those funny coincidences in life, not me attempting to track down your previous posts to prove anything. I gave you enough credit to think you would get a kick out of it rather than soil your panties.

Go f*ck yourself, you smarmy jackass.
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I only came across your post while I was at the Utah board searching for anything similar to the cry closet thread that is currently on this board....
You should have stopped at "You're an idiot." Instead, you stewed over it for 24 minutes before pouring it on with that limp-wristed effort to justify your hypocrisy as well as a somewhat ostentatious display of self-flattery.
I was actually taking a shit during that 24 minutes, but it's no different than reading one of your poasts so let's call it even.
I was actually taking a shit during that 24 minutes, but it's no different than reading one of your poasts so let's call it even.
You must have wiped your ass with your hands because the crap on your keyboard shows through in your posts.

In almost five years on this message board I have less than 1700 posts. Obviously I don't spend a whole lot of time here, and yet you want to convince yourself I spent who knows how long poring over your thousands of posts through the years on the off chance I might find an example of you correcting someone else's grammar? I would say YOU are the idiot.
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You must have wiped your ass with your hands because the crap on your keyboard shows through in your posts.
Is there a way to wipe without using your hands?

In almost five years on this message board I have less than 1700 posts. Obviously I don't spend a whole lot of time here, and yet you want to convince yourself I spent who knows how long poring over your thousands of posts through the years on the off chance I might find an example of you correcting someone else's grammar? I would say YOU are the idiot.
Sounds like you've done a lot of thinking about my thinking even though I didn't actually think about it.
That's probably the biggest difference between us as individuals.
That's what you're going with? Okay then.
I don't need to be liked by strangers on a message board in order to bolster my self-esteem.
a) Insightful and cutting analysis. It's true. Most nights, the adulation of message board poasters is the only thing keeping me from putting a gun in my mouth and ending it all.
b) They're not strangers, you twat.
c) Nobody likes you.
Because everyone likes it so much (as evidenced by the "likes"), they've decided to make it a full trilogy. In the third movie, @Raising Heel and @Heels Noir have had gender reassignment surgery. However, RH (in the pink tank top) is still at it.

And every trilogy needs it's own video game. @Raising Heel is wearing the green shorts in this one.

My brother had a Nintendo game console and we played that game for HOURS... probably days and months, altogether. I used to make funny commentary and get him laughing to where he'd mess up. Good Times!
It's an all time great game. Probably top 10.
No offense, Raising Heel, but it appears your fan club is made up of a bunch of autoerotic leghumpers.

Can I get you a towel?

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