legalize pot

Or.......if you didn't tax the shit out of people, maybe then they would DONATE more money to charities such as community food banks which, wait for it, give food to the needy.

the people who give NOW would be the ones to continue to give, the ones who are pissed about helping with food stamps are less likely to donate, sadly.
Great job on working through the tough times, I commend you on the hard work put in. I also assume there's some lazy bum out there that also commends you on the hard work you put in, so that he can reap the benefits of the taxes you now pay in, so that he doesn't have to put the hard work in himself.

because we have been educated on this thread that ALL people who need help ARE LAZY bums who rely on YOU to take care of them, it's their goal in life! Every dang one of them! We should probably just kill them all and be done with the problem! Someone get Trump on that one right away! Please! smdh
because we have been educated on this thread that ALL people who need help ARE LAZY bums who rely on YOU to take care of them, it's their goal in life! Every dang one of them! We should probably just kill them all and be done with the problem! Someone get Trump on that one right away! Please! smdh
A hyper-cynical response from Hark met with a hyper-sarcastic response from chick.

Man, I love this place.
the people who give NOW would be the ones to continue to give, the ones who are pissed about helping with food stamps are less likely to donate, sadly.

Nope. The ones who give now will stop giving if they keep getting taxed more and more.
Hard to know with certainty which is closer to the truth. I know GSD talks about letting people decide where to contribute rather than putting that in the government's hands. I believe his general argument is that the worthy causes will thrive while the unworthy ones fail, but I don't know. I'm cynical enough to think most people will just keep the money and spend it on themselves.
Hard to know with certainty which is closer to the truth. I know GSD talks about letting people decide where to contribute rather than putting that in the government's hands. I believe his general argument is that the worthy causes will thrive while the unworthy ones fail, but I don't know. I'm cynical enough to think most people will just keep the money and spend it on themselves.


Do I get bonus points for connecting this thread to the Hall & Oates thread via @strummingram 's The Wedding Singer comment?
Or.......if you didn't tax the shit out of people, maybe then they would DONATE more money to charities such as community food banks which, wait for it, give food to the needy.

and any other message board abbreviation that indicates I feel the same way.

That is my belief as well. The govt should get out of the helping business and let private NPOs in individual communities handle that. We're always going to be taxed, so they can use some of that tax money for federal grants that local organizations can apply for. And then organizations can raise money locally. This is a win on all accounts because local organizations are going to have a much larger stake in their own community than a bunch of govt workers. The orgs can operate far more efficiently than govt agencies and lastly and most importantly, when local orgs raise their own money, we actually see what people in each community want to support. Oh, and donors feel better about giving their money than having it taken from them.
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the people who give NOW would be the ones to continue to give, the ones who are pissed about helping with food stamps are less likely to donate, sadly.

Not neccessarily. They're pissed they don't have the choice. Give the people the power to say where their money goes and they're more likely to donate with a smile on their face. Instead, it's taken from them and they resent it. But who doesn't like to pat themselves on the back for making someone's life better? choice?
the people who give NOW would be the ones to continue to give, the ones who are pissed about helping with food stamps are less likely to donate, sadly.
Is that a fact? I am pissed about my money being used for food stamps under their past and current processes. However I still give through food drives and through the church. I wouldn't think of not doing it unless there comes a time that I am financially unable to do so. And by doing all of this I run into people just like me, unhappy about their tax burdens.
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Is that a fact? I am pissed about my money being used for food stamps under their past and current processes. However I still give through food drives and through the church. I wouldn't think of not doing it unless their comes a time that I am financially unable to do so. And by doing all of this I run into people just like me, right Posen to their tax burdens.

I would love to decide where my money goes. I would love to use it for helping people that need help in America and NOT the stupid wars we are perpetually in. I donate as well and try to help anyone I can when I can.
The food stamp money comes from somewhere so if $36 is not going towards it, where are they getting it then? that made no sense! ???
What I was trying to say is that if you give the money to charity you get more bang for the buck. Take that $36 down to your church and $36 will go towards buying food. Give that $36 to the government and it's used to pay all kinds of unnecessary and overpriced expenses. I'd be surprised if more than half of the money would go towards the actual food stamps.

because we have been educated on this thread that ALL people who need help ARE LAZY bums who rely on YOU to take care of them, it's their goal in life! Every dang one of them!
Guess I need to be educated more because I don't recall anyone saying that they were all lazy bums. I can tell you who does rely on me though, my own family. They are far more important to me than someone I don't know getting food stamps. I don't care if they are lazy or not. My job is to make sure my family is taken care of, not someone else's. I'll help someone out if I can, but I should be able to make sure my own is taken care of first.
Nice. I notice he didn't answer your question about laborers having to give back pay if the company is failing.

The whole idea about income inequality is garbage. So there are people that make more money than someone else. The only thing that riles me up about that is that I'm not one of those making a killing.

Also, all this shit about "it's not fair, it's not fair". Who the f**k are you to decide what's fair?

When i would complain to my grand ma that something "wasnt fair" she would say "the fair's in october!" Took me a while to figure that one out.
I've hit bottom twice in my life. Once after rock mtn spotted fever nearly killed me and my employees stole and sold everything from under me while hospitalized, other time when the economy tanked in '08 and the resort i managed was sold to the patels. Both times i turned to the govt short term for food stamps and unemployment benefits but Both times i took horrible jobs as stop gaps and sacrificed my pride and dignity rather than "working the system". It was incredible to me the waste and sheer lunacy attached to the programs. I do appreciate that they were there for me, but i recognize that i could have manipulated the programs with deceit so easily. There is hardly any accountability.
What I was trying to say is that if you give the money to charity you get more bang for the buck. Take that $36 down to your church and $36 will go towards buying food. Give that $36 to the government and it's used to pay all kinds of unnecessary and overpriced expenses. I'd be surprised if more than half of the money would go towards the actual food stamps.

Guess I need to be educated more because I don't recall anyone saying that they were all lazy bums. I can tell you who does rely on me though, my own family. They are far more important to me than someone I don't know getting food stamps. I don't care if they are lazy or not. My job is to make sure my family is taken care of, not someone else's. I'll help someone out if I can, but I should be able to make sure my own is taken care of first.

you're absolutely correct... I just got a little hot over a couple of statements referring to people wanting to raise the minimum wage (or not raise it) and people on food stamps as being lazy. There were a few poAsts where that was stated and several where it was indicated. I don't want to help a person who is not willing to help themselves and especially a person who thinks they are entitled to it for no reason.

It frustrates me because we should not have an issue like this in a country this "rich" and I see the slow progression of this line between wealth and poverty slowly shrinking and soon you will be one or the other, hopefully not in my lifetime, but I still don't want that for anyone, even the a-holes on here! I want everyone to have blessings and rewards for their work but at the same time, I know some are in situations where they cannot really help themselves and rely on others to help them. Churches help, yes, but... well this should be switched to another thread or dropped. this was about marijuana LOL
And you know what the real irony in this thread is with what I have stated about my daughter who is mentally ill..... the ONLY thing that actually helps her..... marijuana!

Noticed this post as well as another where you share she is working in the only job she can get. I am a little confused, is your daughter mentally handicapped? I am not sure if you are saying she for example has serious depression which is treatable? If she is mentally disabled then she can qualify for medicare possibly as well as disability check? I am sure you have checked this if she is handicapped but just wanted to toss that out for ya.
Noticed this post as well as another where you share she is working in the only job she can get. I am a little confused, is your daughter mentally handicapped? I am not sure if you are saying she for example has serious depression which is treatable? If she is mentally disabled then she can qualify for medicare possibly as well as disability check? I am sure you have checked this if she is handicapped but just wanted to toss that out for ya.

One of my twin daughters has schizoaffective disorder and borderline personality disorder. She works at a place where she can sit alone and make calls for credit card companies and do surveys for them. She has tried other jobs like Walmart and grocery stores and she has had episodes there and had to leave. She could not handle it.

On one particular day at Walmart, she was working in the pharmacy and on two separate occasions that same day, older men came up to her and said some very inappropriate sexual things and she lost her sh*t, it sent her into an emotional roller coaster. When she got home she was in the weirdest state I have ever seen, almost catatonic, and she had several days of uncontrollable outbursts and hallucinations. I was afraid!

My daughter has been tried on every medication out there and nothing works. She will occasionally when she has a really, really bad episode smoke a joint if she can find her friend to bring her one and that calms her down. She gets pretty extreme with this and she cannot control it.. She had a friend change the time for them to do something and she ended up in a box inside the closet rocking back and forth, mumbling for hours, crying her eyes out. It is the most heartbreaking thing for a parent to have to see their child go through and not be able to really help her.

She has applied for disability but of course the government is giving her the run around like they do others who actually need it...They give it to the ones who are lying and don't actually need it.

Side note on disability: I know someone who was depressed because their husband died (who wouldn't be?) and she got full disability for that and she is fine, not depressed now, doing house cleaning under the table and collecting money. This lady was always one of the more trusting people in the community and her husband had worked hard and taken really good care of her and their daughter so she was not the pond scum some of you will probably suggest she was her entire life... she is taking advantage now and I am unsure why. Someone else reported her but they have not done anything about it yet.
you're absolutely correct... I just got a little hot over a couple of statements referring to people wanting to raise the minimum wage (or not raise it) and people on food stamps as being lazy. There were a few poAsts where that was stated and several where it was indicated. I don't want to help a person who is not willing to help themselves and especially a person who thinks they are entitled to it for no reason.

It frustrates me because we should not have an issue like this in a country this "rich" and I see the slow progression of this line between wealth and poverty slowly shrinking and soon you will be one or the other, hopefully not in my lifetime, but I still don't want that for anyone, even the a-holes on here! I want everyone to have blessings and rewards for their work but at the same time, I know some are in situations where they cannot really help themselves and rely on others to help them. Churches help, yes, but... well this should be switched to another thread or dropped. this was about marijuana LOL

I don't really like to blame folks on assistence programs, I blame our government for not dealing with the problem more efficiently. There is a cycle that is very unfortunate that has really picked up steam in the last few years. We have to break the cycles that have been allowed to festure for far to many years now. We can do that with a government that is willing to handle the problem with a broken education system to those most in need and jobs for those willing to work them that pay a decent income.

But our government does just the opposite, they want to rule down from the top and dictate what the states do to educate while never improving the environment that the education is offered in. They want to be in bed with the unions so bad teachers get to keep on being bad teachers that do not care about educating their students. They create a hostile environment for employers with awful tax structures and mandate after mandate until the employer decides to take his jobs out of the country. And we want to lock up for life the guy on the street slinging dope because that is the only way he knows?
I don't really like to blame folks on assistence programs, I blame our government for not dealing with the problem more efficiently. There is a cycle that is very unfortunate that has really picked up steam in the last few years. We have to break the cycles that have been allowed to festure for far to many years now. We can do that with a government that is willing to handle the problem with a broken education system to those most in need and jobs for those willing to work them that pay a decent income.

But our government does just the opposite, they want to rule down from the top and dictate what the states do to educate while never improving the environment that the education is offered in. They want to be in bed with the unions so bad teachers get to keep on being bad teachers that do not care about educating their students. They create a hostile environment for employers with awful tax structures and mandate after mandate until the employer decides to take his jobs out of the country. And we want to lock up for life the guy on the street slinging dope because that is the only way he knows?

But some of these guys on here won't accept that, they believe because they did things and it worked out for them that it automatically works for everyone and that everyone has been in the same exact situation they are in and should have no problems whatsoever..... makes me crazy reading some of this BS on here some times..... and what is really sad to me is if I had posted something like "Hey, I know someone who has lost a few jobs for having mental issues/breakdowns and only pot helps and the government will not approve them for disability, what should I do?" A couple of the a-holes on this thread (not naming names) would have said the most horrible, mean things about that and called that person (that they do not even know) a bum, lazy, someone who just wants to sit on their butt and let THEM take care of them with all that money they contribute in their taxes, and more.... It would have been ugly.

Until you walk in someones shoes you do not know their story so maybe consider that not everyone out there is trying to mooch and be a lazy butt! Some people really NEED HELP and cannot get it or are too ashamed of the backlash from idiots like that to try!
One of my twin daughters has schizoaffective disorder and borderline personality disorder. She works at a place where she can sit alone and make calls for credit card companies and do surveys for them. She has tried other jobs like Walmart and grocery stores and she has had episodes there and had to leave. She could not handle it.

On one particular day at Walmart, she was working in the pharmacy and on two separate occasions that same day, older men came up to her and said some very inappropriate sexual things and she lost her sh*t, it sent her into an emotional roller coaster. When she got home she was in the weirdest state I have ever seen, almost catatonic, and she had several days of uncontrollable outbursts and hallucinations. I was afraid!

My daughter has been tried on every medication out there and nothing works. She will occasionally when she has a really, really bad episode smoke a joint if she can find her friend to bring her one and that calms her down. She gets pretty extreme with this and she cannot control it.. She had a friend change the time for them to do something and she ended up in a box inside the closet rocking back and forth, mumbling for hours, crying her eyes out. It is the most heartbreaking thing for a parent to have to see their child go through and not be able to really help her.

She has applied for disability but of course the government is giving her the run around like they do others who actually need it...They give it to the ones who are lying and don't actually need it.

Side note on disability: I know someone who was depressed because their husband died (who wouldn't be?) and she got full disability for that and she is fine, not depressed now, doing house cleaning under the table and collecting money. This lady was always one of the more trusting people in the community and her husband had worked hard and taken really good care of her and their daughter so she was not the pond scum some of you will probably suggest she was her entire life... she is taking advantage now and I am unsure why. Someone else reported her but they have not done anything about it yet.

First, we should not consider the lady to be scum now either, this one lady is not going to break the system, truth is a very high % of those getting disability checks each month also get money under the table. I do not know how disabled the lady is, it may be more than she lets people know.

Your daughter on the other hand, you should keep pressing for her disability, if need be take it to your congressman or senator, don't let them stop you on the local level if your daughter is as bad as you describe. I know people right now getting full disablility and medicade for far less so you can not give up that fight.
But some of these guys on here won't accept that, they believe because they did things and it worked out for them that it automatically works for everyone and that everyone has been in the same exact situation they are in and should have no problems whatsoever..... makes me crazy reading some of this BS on here some times..... and what is really sad to me is if I had posted something like "Hey, I know someone who has lost a few jobs for having mental issues/breakdowns and only pot helps and the government will not approve them for disability, what should I do?" A couple of the a-holes on this thread (not naming names) would have said the most horrible, mean things about that and called that person (that they do not even know) a bum, lazy, someone who just wants to sit on their butt and let THEM take care of them with all that money they contribute in their taxes, and more.... It would have been ugly.

Until you walk in someones shoes you do not know their story so maybe consider that not everyone out there is trying to mooch and be a lazy butt! Some people really NEED HELP and cannot get it or are too ashamed of the backlash from idiots like that to try!
I think only like one of 20+ posters who've contributed to this thread have flat-out said pot should be kept illegal. EVERYONE else either wants it legalized or is accepting of it being legalized. Soooo you kinda sound like a broken record with your "outrage."
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First, we should not consider the lady to be scum now either, this one lady is not going to break the system, truth is a very high % of those getting disability checks each month also get money under the table. I do not know how disabled the lady is, it may be more than she lets people know.

Your daughter on the other hand, you should keep pressing for her disability, if need be take it to your congressman or senator, don't let them stop you on the local level if your daughter is as bad as you describe. I know people right now getting full disablility and medicade for far less so you can not give up that fight.

Oh I wasn't calling that lady scum but I was just jumping ahead before "they" started it because I know one of them would suggest that she probably had always been like that all of her life, when she really wasn't. She was depressed but says she is fine now but I don't know.

As for my daughter, yes, we are going to keep trying. I may contact Lindsey Graham again. I am not a fan of his and he isn't one of mine I am sure but he did help me with my step-fathers VA disability stuff that took us almost 8 years to finally get straight. It is so aggravating dealing with the government.
chick, you're personally invested in this issue and confusing poasters' generalizations with absolutes. There are undoubtedly situations where people need public assistance, which is why it exists. The complaints in this thread are about able-bodied, able-minded people who make a conscious choice to not try harder, to not better themselves, and abuse the loopholes in the system so that others have to carry their dead weight.

ETA: I've mentioned it before, but I have seen with my own eyes people in other countries who literally have nowhere to live, don't know where their next meal is coming from, and whose only possessions are the threadbare shirts on their backs. The difference is that, unlike in the U.S., there are no soup kitchens or homeless shelters to help them out. That's why I get so pissed off about "free riders" in this country...they're draining resources that should be directed to people who truly need it, not people who have adopted a lifestyle of having as much handed to them as possible.
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But some of these guys on here won't accept that, they believe because they did things and it worked out for them that it automatically works for everyone and that everyone has been in the same exact situation they are in and should have no problems whatsoever..... makes me crazy reading some of this BS on here some times..... and what is really sad to me is if I had posted something like "Hey, I know someone who has lost a few jobs for having mental issues/breakdowns and only pot helps and the government will not approve them for disability, what should I do?" A couple of the a-holes on this thread (not naming names) would have said the most horrible, mean things about that and called that person (that they do not even know) a bum, lazy, someone who just wants to sit on their butt and let THEM take care of them with all that money they contribute in their taxes, and more.... It would have been ugly.

Until you walk in someones shoes you do not know their story so maybe consider that not everyone out there is trying to mooch and be a lazy butt! Some people really NEED HELP and cannot get it or are too ashamed of the backlash from idiots like that to try!

The first time I was in Miami, will never forget it because this made a huge impression on me and I have never forgotten it. A couple of us were walking down town Miami and looked over at a Walgreens that had a sign board on the front of the building. On that sign board was one very simple but important message that has stuck with me for the rest of my life.

It read: "Do not judge an injun until you have walked a mile in his moccasins". I have NEVER forgotten that and I try as best I can to live my life according to that simple statement.

Ya know, if we as people could find a way to understand and find empathy with those less fortunate, if we spent a 10th of the energy doing that as opposed to judging other people without caring what their situation actually is, we would all be better humans and citizens. I don't want to judge people, I prefer to consider the problem and try to fix what is not right. Who the heck am I to judge you or anyone else, I got my hands full trying to do things as best as I can! LOL

Darlin, what you should have replied with when they said those things to you: "are there no prisons, are there no work houses, it is best they go there and get what they need. But many would rather die than to go there? Them let them do it and decrease the surplus population"! Those words came back to haunt Scrooge, they should haunt those uttering similar things today. But for the grace of God go I...
chick, you're personally invested in this issue and confusing poasters' generalizations with absolutes. There are undoubtedly situations where people need public assistance, which is why it exists. The complaints in this thread are about able-bodied, able-minded people who make a conscious choice to not try harder, to not better themselves, and abuse the loopholes in the system so that others have to carry their dead weight.

I understand. I guess I have read too many awful things on facebook comments and here when someone says these people are all lazy and that they don't want to pay for food stamps out of their tax dollars, I lumped it up as ALL people on food stamps or whatever.... thanks :)
Yep lol. That meme is CLASSIC Liberal. Dance around a ton of other facts and go straight for the "tug on the heart strings" angle.

Do not get me started on Food Stamps. You can buy fuggin Red Bull on food stamps and in some states you can use the damn thing like a credit card. Food stamps should cover the following and NOTHING more:

- bottles of water
- milk
- orange juice
- fruit
- bread
- lettuce
- cheese
- chicken breasts
- peanut butter and jelly
- eggs

That's it. Not Red Bull, not Cliff Bars, not potato chips, none of that. Also, LOL that they changed the name because "food stamps" sounded too offensive.

What about QT taquitos?
Especially now, since we have a culture that is based on consumption and electronic comforts and whatever other gadget.

Isn't it amazing how many people on govt assistance actually have all the latest gadgets and electronic comforts?

I've always said we will never have a revolution in America as long as 98% of the population that needs it has air conditioning. No one is really that uncomfortable.
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Isn't it amazing how many people on govt assistance actually have all the latest gadgets and electronic comforts?

I've always said we will never have a revolution in America as long as 98% of the population that needs it has air conditioning. No one is really that uncomfortable.

Damn straight. What we consider "poverty" is another nation's fantasy.
Is that a fact? I am pissed about my money being used for food stamps under their past and current processes. However I still give through food drives and through the church. I wouldn't think of not doing it unless there comes a time that I am financially unable to do so. And by doing all of this I run into people just like me, unhappy about their tax burdens.

This line of thinking is very strong today in this country but I think it is misplaced. We focus on those that do abuse the system but that isn't really the problem. The problem is our government talks about solving the problems but they never actually do anything that solves them. They tax the heck out of you and you get pissed when you see your money wasted.

The government needs to deal with the problems that they created that got us where we are today and a lot of that does not need to come from taxes. To handle the trade issues that screw us and end up with our jobs being out sourced does not require additional taxes. I don't even think ending the national disgrace of the inner city as well as rural area school systems would require more money, just the existing money being properly spent. Stop jailing young people for dealing in what they consider recreational activity, drugs, prostitution, ect. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time...

Don't blame those that use the system to their best advantage, fix the broken system! Fix the problem and the symptoms of the problem go away, try to fix symptoms and not the problem and other symptoms will always arise. I am a very strong conservative but that does not mean nor should it, that I do not have compassion for the plight of those in this country who struggle. I want people in this country educated, America should not trail any nation in its quality of education available for its citizens. I want jobs for those willing to dedicate to their education. Personal responsibility is to me about making good choices but fairness is about having some good choices available to you.

There should be a national effort underway right now today to teach kids early that college should be considered a business decision. I for example would love to see fed student loans either reduced or eliminated for college degree problems that have very few clear employment opportunities available at graduation and more forgiveness in Federal Student loans for those graduating in degree programs that have strong employment opportunities after they graduate. Maybe tie a degree of student loan forgiveness in to their getting a job post college, like many school systems do for their teachers. Maybe certain professions most needed like Medical fields, science, engineering ect could have tax breaks for employers that pay their employees student loans or use a tax credit for the person to have money paid on student loans to be a tax credit, like you home mortgage interest is today.

You take away the ability to have good choices available to you and what you get is people giving up trying and turning to a life of scamming what ever they can get. I find it hard to blame them when I realize that at some point every one of us would do what ever it took to feed our family even if it were illegal. Before IMO it is fair to look down on those living a life scamming the system, I think first they should have something of a good choice to be available to them and only then should personal responsibility kick in and they deserve to suffer for their bad choices.

If you increase our tax base, especially by having more middle class employment, you not only receive more in tax money but you reduce what is being paid out in social programs. then we can focus in on those with special needs more effectively. We have been doing just the opposite and that has to stop or there will not be a middle class in this country...And we will all be looking for ways to scam the system...
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This line of thinking is very strong today in this country but I think it is misplaced. We focus on those that do abuse the system but that isn't really the problem. The problem is our government talks about solving the problems but they never actually do anything that solves them. They tax the heck out of you and you get pissed when you see your money wasted.

The government needs to deal with the problems that they created that got us where we are today and a lot of that does not need to come from taxes. To handle the trade issues that screw us and end up with our jobs being out sourced does not require additional taxes. I don't even think ending the national disgrace of the inner city as well as rural area school systems would require more money, just the existing money being properly spent. Stop jailing young people for dealing in what they consider recreational activity, drugs, prostitution, ect. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time...

Don't blame those that use the system to their best advantage, fix the broken system! Fix the problem and the symptoms of the problem go away, try to fix symptoms and not the problem and other symptoms will always arise. I am a very strong conservative but that does not mean nor should it, that I do not have compassion for the plight of those in this country who struggle. I want people in this country educated, America should not trail any nation in its quality of education available for its citizens. I want jobs for those willing to dedicate to their education. Personal responsibility is to me about making good choices but fairness is about having some good choices available to you.

There should be a national effort underway right now today to teach kids early that college should be considered a business decision. I for example would love to see fed student loans either reduced or eliminated for college degree problems that have very few clear employment opportunities available at graduation and more forgiveness in Federal Student loans for those graduating in degree programs that have strong employment opportunities after they graduate. Maybe tie a degree of student loan forgiveness in to their getting a job post college, like many school systems do for their teachers. Maybe certain professions most needed like Medical fields, science, engineering ect could have tax breaks for employers that pay their employees student loans or use a tax credit for the person to have money paid on student loans to be a tax credit, like you home mortgage interest is today.

You take away the ability to have good choices available to you and what you get is people giving up trying and turning to a life of scamming what ever they can get. I find it hard to blame them when I realize that at some point every one of us would do what ever it took to feed our family even if it were illegal. Before IMO it is fair to look down on those living a life scamming the system, I think first they should have something of a good choice to be available to them and only then should personal responsibility kick in and they deserve to suffer for their bad choices.

If you increase our tax base, especially by having more middle class employment, you not only receive more in tax money but you reduce what is being paid out in social programs. then we can focus in on those with special needs more effectively. We have been doing just the opposite and that has to stop or there will not be a middle class in this country...And we will all be looking for ways to scam the system...

You, sir, deserve a medal! WOW! Perfectly stated! I agree completely. Maybe you should run for office! :) You have definitely hit the nail on the head. We do blame too much and then with the "sides" we tend to take to see which one screws up the most, it just allows more and more of the BS to happen. I love everything you said! Thumbs up x1000000
This line of thinking is very strong today in this country but I think it is misplaced. We focus on those that do abuse the system but that isn't really the problem. The problem is our government talks about solving the problems but they never actually do anything that solves them. They tax the heck out of you and you get pissed when you see your money wasted.

The government needs to deal with the problems that they created that got us where we are today and a lot of that does not need to come from taxes. To handle the trade issues that screw us and end up with our jobs being out sourced does not require additional taxes. I don't even think ending the national disgrace of the inner city as well as rural area school systems would require more money, just the existing money being properly spent. Stop jailing young people for dealing in what they consider recreational activity, drugs, prostitution, ect. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time...

Don't blame those that use the system to their best advantage, fix the broken system! Fix the problem and the symptoms of the problem go away, try to fix symptoms and not the problem and other symptoms will always arise. I am a very strong conservative but that does not mean nor should it, that I do not have compassion for the plight of those in this country who struggle. I want people in this country educated, America should not trail any nation in its quality of education available for its citizens. I want jobs for those willing to dedicate to their education. Personal responsibility is to me about making good choices but fairness is about having some good choices available to you.

There should be a national effort underway right now today to teach kids early that college should be considered a business decision. I for example would love to see fed student loans either reduced or eliminated for college degree problems that have very few clear employment opportunities available at graduation and more forgiveness in Federal Student loans for those graduating in degree programs that have strong employment opportunities after they graduate. Maybe tie a degree of student loan forgiveness in to their getting a job post college, like many school systems do for their teachers. Maybe certain professions most needed like Medical fields, science, engineering ect could have tax breaks for employers that pay their employees student loans or use a tax credit for the person to have money paid on student loans to be a tax credit, like you home mortgage interest is today.

You take away the ability to have good choices available to you and what you get is people giving up trying and turning to a life of scamming what ever they can get. I find it hard to blame them when I realize that at some point every one of us would do what ever it took to feed our family even if it were illegal. Before IMO it is fair to look down on those living a life scamming the system, I think first they should have something of a good choice to be available to them and only then should personal responsibility kick in and they deserve to suffer for their bad choices.

If you increase our tax base, especially by having more middle class employment, you not only receive more in tax money but you reduce what is being paid out in social programs. then we can focus in on those with special needs more effectively. We have been doing just the opposite and that has to stop or there will not be a middle class in this country...And we will all be looking for ways to scam the system...
You misunderstood my point entirely. My point is, if I get to where my tax burden is too high, and welfare monies is part of that reason, then I will no longer be able to give to the charities I currently do at the same rate or at all. And this is because I am not left with a choice to opt out of one of them on my own. My donations to food drives and churches has zero to do with blaming those who scam the system, however they do burden the system and make it worse for everyone else. And to that end they aren't exactly blameless for the higher tax burdens, they do share some responsibility as I believe they know the difference between right and wrong. However I would agree with you that the govt is the biggest single factor in where we are with this mess and the money wasted on it.
Damn straight. What we consider "poverty" is another nation's fantasy.

May be but this is not some other 3rd world country, at least it isn't yet. Our standard should be much higher and in truth the results should be much higher than they are. Our government gets in the way much more than it fixes anything and that should work just the opposite way, it can work just the opposite way when our tax dollars are properly spent.

For example, the feds should make sure the inner city and rural area schools are safe places to learn and outfitted with the technology available in areas where higher income parents send their kids. The feds should stop allowing unions to force bad teachers to be able to keep their jobs. And then the feds should get out of the K-12 educational system and allow the states to run their schools systems day to day.

Here is just 2 examples of huge wastes of your tax dollars.

1) A tax system that has no way to tax the under ground economy so it over taxes those honest citizens working honest jobs every day. You can NEVER have a fair tax system if it is based on you reporting 100% of what you earn. So the ONLY fair way to tax is based on what you buy, not what you earn. Imagine if everyone were taxed on what they bought as opposed to what they say they earn, our revenues would explode, we could strongly reduce the tax rates and knock down the national debt (which has to be a HUGE goal) in a few short years, rebuild our infrastructure, rebuild our military that we have seen destroyed by the current POTUS. and solve the education problem we have.

2) By the time this election is over, how much of our tax money will go toward the election of politicians? In both federal matching funds as well as tax deductions for those donating to politician campaigns? Why do we spend our tax dollars for a politician to get a job? Your tax money, not one dime of it should be used for politicians to get a job, I mean think about it, total waste to pay for people to get a job that turn around and lie tpo us anyway and do a piss poor job at that job? STOP IT !

Ya see, we do things backwards in this country and when you do that you are always going to get the opposite result from what you want. example, we put in place Obamacare and forced everyone to buy health insurance no matter if they could afford it or not. What should have happened is the cost of medical treatment and drugs should have been worked on first, take down the cost side first. Then we should have worked with the insurance companies to drive down the cost of health insurance because the cost of medical services and drugs would have been reduced strongly. But the government, rather than do this the smart and cost effective way forced on us a program that we can not afford, not as a country and certainly not as individual house holds. So rather than helping us all they did was give us yet another burden, the opposite of what should have happened.