NFL 2016-2017

It is utterly amazing that a player is flagged for celebrating a touchdown, but Cam was repeatedly hit in the head in blatant targeting and late hits...not a single f'ing flag. The NFL is a damn joke.
Once again the panthers make Denver look like super heroes. Several bonehead plays tonight for sure. And several head shots not called
It is utterly amazing that a player is flagged for celebrating a touchdown, but Cam was repeatedly hit in the head in blatant targeting and late hits...not a single f'ing flag. The NFL is a damn joke.

To be fair they did throw a flag on Stewart or whoever it was that drilled Newton on that head shot. They just had it offset since he did ground the ball.
That was the only one called.
I held my breath when Benjamin was hit low from the back early in the game.

Panthers looked good I. The first half. They could not adapt the the changed denber made in the second. Not counting ting quit a few bonehead plays that lead to penalties
NFL as an organization, yes absolutely- they suck and they're headed by a bozo of epic proportions. The quality of product of pro football is solid though.
No, I mean the whole thing. Yes, NFL as an organization being such a blatant and unapologetic money whore is a big reason I don't like it, but I don't even really like the product anymore. Too many injuries, too many stale, sterile atmospheres (seriously, what NFL team has college-esque atmosphere save for Seattle, New Orleans, and Green Bay?), and too much roster turnover because of the salary cap. I like the NFL less and less every year.
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I'm not going to sit here and bitch about the loss b/c I think the ceiling for this team remains the same. But that was about as blatant as it gets IMO. Even on Twitter, other NFL players were commenting on how obvious those hits were -- the KB hit in the knees, I saw other NFL players tweeting things like, "Damn man, those dudes are dirty." (referring to Denver).

I'll just leave this here. There's a difference between "playing physical" and obsessively targeting players.




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I didn't watch the 2nd half, but dayum those are so blatantly bad. I heard only one penalty was called out of all those hits? Unbelievable!

An off-setting penalty...clearly the ref didn't realize that the reason Cam's throw didn't reach the line of scrimmage was the other penalty they were calling.

But it's cool...Trai Turner celebrated a TD in the first half, so that deserved an immediate flag. Hell, he probably is facing suspension and 5-figure fine coming. But not those head-hunting, self-shooting SOBs. Nope.
I just can't even conjure up all this anger y'all have this morning. Maybe I'm just too big of a college football fan. NFL just doesn't do it for me. I think the Panthers got the short end of the stick last night, but.....I just can't really get worked up about it.

I do think the NFL should take a look at offsetting penalties when one penalty can be argued to have caused another. It's not like the Panthers' OG held on the play, so that negates the grounding. Cam grounded it right before getting speared in the head.
I just can't even conjure up all this anger y'all have this morning. Maybe I'm just too big of a college football fan. NFL just doesn't do it for me. I think the Panthers got the short end of the stick last night, but.....I just can't really get worked up about it.

I do think the NFL should take a look at offsetting penalties when one penalty can be argued to have caused another. It's not like the Panthers' OG held on the play, so that negates the grounding. Cam grounded it right before getting speared in the head.
I'm not fuming but More than anything, the NFL needs to practice what they preach about trying to keep players safe. They are going to continue to lose fans if they allow teams to blatantly blast away at a dudes head like that with no consequences to the headhunter.
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Here's the thing with the concussion protocol though....

What's stopping defenses from targeting a QBs head so that they can force him to be sidelined for multiple drives while he's evaluated for a concussion? So what if a defender gets ejected? It's easy to replace a CB and face a terrible backup.
What's stopping defenses from targeting a QBs head so that they can force him to be sidelined for multiple drives while he's evaluated for a concussion?
What's stopping them is those $10,000 fines. I think a fine like that for a guy who's only making $10 million a year is a great deterrent.
After watching the film Concussion, the visual of the game is changed for good for me.
If it were Tom Brady, the refs would've had their flags halfway out before dudes got within 3 feet of the golden boy.

Yes. Maybe it's because Cam runs more, so they expect him to take more shots the head. Maybe its that he celebrates like a jackass any time he does anything remotely good, who knows. But they definitely have a different set of rules for different players.
I think it's that you're a Bucs fan that prevents you from enjoying the NFL too much.


On the flip-side, I love football altogether, but I do prefer the NFL game to the college one. I feel like college football is just too predictable.

I think part of it for me, too, is that I'm stuck in UVA country and there could not be a more mediocre-accepting fanbase in the country than these folks. They just lost to freaking Richmond, and you'd never know it -- they simply do not care. It really makes it hard to get hyped when you're surrounded by folks who would just assumed go to a good polo match. I'd probably have a different opinion if I were still in NC.
Yes. Maybe it's because Cam runs more, so they expect him to take more shots the head. Maybe its that he celebrates like a jackass any time he does anything remotely good, who knows. But they definitely have a different set of rules for different players.

It should not matter. Cam celebrates, but does he really cross a line into taunting opposing players? He does a dance and hands the football to a kid in the stands...big f'ing deal. D.Linemen do the same damn thing every time they get a meaningless sack...only half the time they get up and stand over the QB laying on the ground. GMAFB.

On the flip-side, I love football altogether, but I do prefer the NFL game to the college one. I feel like college football is just too predictable.

I think part of it for me, too, is that I'm stuck in UVA country and there could not be a more mediocre-accepting fanbase in the country than these folks. They just lost to freaking Richmond, and you'd never know it -- they simply do not care. It really makes it hard to get hyped when you're surrounded by folks who would just assumed go to a good polo match. I'd probably have a different opinion if I were still in NC.
Maybe the GAME of football is just not that important in the grand scheme of things.

I'd much rather watch college football than the NFL. Although, that is slowly fading, too. The realization of the "all-done-for-profit" aspect makes it less and less appealing. NFL players are paid obscene amounts of money and college players are paid zilch. But, the sponsors, the NFL and the NCAA probably makes more money than a few continents combined.
I'm really depressed after that game. We should have won after going up by 10 against a QB that had played one snap previously and lost key pieces to their defense. The no calls were terrible, but in the end we just didn't execute properly.

Props to Cam for showing resilience during that game and having a much better press conference than the one in the Super Bowl. It's the first game and we'll bounce back after this.
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Well, there's this:

And this:

Which lead to this:


And I'm guessing he would have done it again, had he not done this:


I know where you're coming from, but you're still missing the beginning part of those clips that show who really instigated it. With all the negativity surrounding the GAME, if Cam openly enjoys what he's doing, why have a problem with that? I would MUCH rather have someone who clearly enjoys this that someone who has zero emotion and looks like a robot. JMHO
The league should be able to go back after games and review targeting incidents.
Yes cam is a showboat at times. You don't like him, then stop him. But straight up targeting someone's head has no place in the game anymore. It doesn't matter if he's running the ball or dropping back. Most of the shots he took he was dropping back. You can clearly see from blues poast the defender launching into the headshot.

But even saying all that, they had to game in hand at the last play till they missed that field goal.