Orlando Night Club Shooting

@strummingram I'm not going to bother to go back and quote all your posts, but your "I'm just gonna choose peace and love in my heart" plan ain't gonna work, dude. It may make you feel better but it isn't going to stop extremists from killing people in America. So you look extremely naive with your constant repetition of "I choose to be peaceful." Well that's great, others do not choose the same. Would it be awesome if they did? Yes. But they don't and they won't.

I fear his response.
So should we fear statistics?
If we're YOU we should. Fear seems to be like heroin for you. I had no idea someone could be so addicted to it and prefer it. You seem to count on it.

Fear is fear. Fear of this or that is almost redundant.

There really is no should or shouldn't... it's all relative. But, I'd say there's really no need to fear anything!

Statistics have their place. They're part of our reality. Do they trump common sense, or compassion, or better nature, or intuition? I guess you have to answer that for yourself. Hopefully you answer it without fear as your motivator.
@strummingram I'm not going to bother to go back and quote all your posts, but your "I'm just gonna choose peace and love in my heart" plan ain't gonna work, dude. It may make you feel better but it isn't going to stop extremists from killing people in America. So you look extremely naive with your constant repetition of "I choose to be peaceful." Well that's great, others do not choose the same. Would it be awesome if they did? Yes. But they don't and they won't.

@chick_bleeds_carolina_blue awww the poor widdle Muslim was made fun of at work?? :(

Too fuggin bad. Be a man and either A) suck it up, B) punch the bullies in the face and settle it mano y mano, or C) report them to your company's HR. Him potentially being bullied is zero excuse for shooting one person, much less 50+. I was bullied as a kid in elementary school because one of my hands is noticeably different than normal because of a birth defect. Did I turn into a mass murderer as an adult? Uhhh, no. It just hardened me and thickened up my skin. Did it upset me a lot at the time? Absolutely. But I sacked up and got over it. People who commit violent atrocities like this because of ANY reason are weak, cowardly, disgusting human beings.

The verbal word is NOT cause to hurt someone. That's basic law. Someone can walk up to you and call you a bitch 1,000 times in a row and it gives you ZERO legal cause to harm them. Sorry, life is tough. Sticks and stones, love.

ETA: @Blue2010 's story about bullying is a much better example than mine.

@TarHeelNation11 is in my head.
Empathy means you understand where someone else is coming from...that only equips you to better understand how to deal with them. Which, unfortunately for us in this thread, gets us back to Square One.
That's a good place to start. Empathy is crucial. How would YOU want to be treated?
But it's not nearly as wrong as going and shooting up a place
THAT is "bullying and teasing" taken to it's highest level. That is what he was doing. He was bullying and teasing as hard as you can do it! It was him pushing back. I'm not condoning it, just trying to identify it.
That's a good place to start. Empathy is crucial. How would YOU want to be treated?

I learned that it doesn't matter what I (or any of us) wants. You're given a hand of learn how to deal with them. You learn how to become adaptive and better position yourself for the next hand to be dealt, regardless of what kind of hand that may be.
Statistics have their place. They're part of our reality. Do they trump common sense, or compassion, or better nature, or intuition?

Statistics are common sense (they literally tell you the most likely things to happen). But yes - they do trump the rest of those things (compassion, better nature, or intuition) because those are all emotions and feelings - which are the enemy of logic.
THAT is "bullying and teasing" taken to it's highest level. That is what he was doing. He was bullying and teasing as hard as you can do it! It was him pushing back. I'm not condoning it, just trying to identify it.
Statistics are common sense (they literally tell you the most likely things to happen). But yes - they do trump the rest of those things (compassion, better nature, or intuition) because those are all emotions and feelings - which are the enemy of logic.
Well, we obviously have a different reality.
THAT is "bullying and teasing" taken to it's highest level. That is what he was doing. He was bullying and teasing as hard as you can do it! It was him pushing back. I'm not condoning it, just trying to identify it.

I'd argue there is a difference between bullying and mass killing, but even if you don't see it that way - I pointed out that the bullying in the first place was wrong, and said the whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing.
@strummingram I'm not going to bother to go back and quote all your posts, but your "I'm just gonna choose peace and love in my heart" plan ain't gonna work, dude. It may make you feel better but it isn't going to stop extremists from killing people in America. So you look extremely naive with your constant repetition of "I choose to be peaceful." Well that's great, others do not choose the same. Would it be awesome if they did? Yes. But they don't and they won't.
If I "look naive" to you, or anyone, that's on you. Not me. And, you're right, you don't have to choose what I choose. I agree 100%. Just like I don't have to choose to be afraid.

And, "I'm going to choose peace and love" works every time for me. I cannot personally control all extremists and radicals from doing what they are going to do. I can control ME, however.
I'd argue there is a difference between bullying and mass killing, but even if you don't see it that way - I pointed out that the bullying in the first place was wrong, and said the whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing.
Yes, I agree. They are both wrong. There is a difference, too, I agree again. One has a body count. In fact, the two wrongs really don't make a right, and that is proven with the end result which we saw yesterday! We can shake hands on this one!
I do actually. It's pretty basic -- the poor bullied guy uprises to show everyone how tough he really is. This isn't a new concept. We just disagree on the approach to dealing with it. I was bullied growing beat the crap out of me b/c I was a quiet, introverted kid with glasses and braces. My own teacher wrote "How's that silver spoon working out for you now, kid?" on my end of year plaque thing we got in 5th grade (never mind the fact that I was, at this time, routinely broken into, house caught fire and damn near burnt to the ground...parents divorced, etc). I never played the victim card. I never ran off to find some cult feeding those emotions with the hope of shooting up the place. I've become one of the most (quietly) arrogant sum-bitches you'd ever come across b/c every day I'm fueled by what that felt like growing up and CHOSE to use it in a more positive way to be a better person, a better parent, and loving the fact that those folks now ask me if I would like paper or plastic.

I humbly apologize, but please spare me the "he was bullied" line. I have zero sympathy.
Great post, Blue. I can identify with SOME of that as I was bullied 5th thru 12th grades. It made me stronger but I still have a thin skin. Don't get the silver spoon comment if u were adopted.
I did well in life financially at least and probably a lot better than 90% of those bullies. It scarred me of course.
Bulling and teasing have nothing to do with this. Saying crap like that just makes the problem worse because you are completely ignoring the reality of who these people are. I mentioned it in an early post, but I'll say it again. This guy and people like him are either pure evil and do this for no logical reason or they have mental health issues. That's it. It's nobody else's fault. Lets place the blame with the person who committed the crime. Don't deflect it and ignore reality.
Great post, Blue. I can identify with SOME of that as I was bullied 5th thru 12th grades. It made me stronger but I still have a thin skin. Don't get the silver spoon comment if u were adopted.
I did well in life financially at least and probably a lot better than 90% of those bullies. It scarred me of course.

The teacher (and most people) didn't know. My biological father gave me and my brother away b/c he didn't want to pay child support for us. We were put on a phone when I was 5 with some lawyer and told "just say yes to everything" with no clue what was happening. They changed our last name to my step-father', nobody really knew after that point.
I've noticed. Are you saying that in your reality - things such as emotions and feelings should trump logic?
"Logic" is a human construct. "Morality" is a human construct. They're all relative. If they were absolutes, we wouldn't be asking each other these questions. You can say that statistics back-up logic, and that's fine. Statistics are human constructs, too! They are still relative and they make our experience in this life interesting and colorful. But, it's still all relative. To me, there are truths and falsehoods, based on my experience in this life. Actually, to be mores specific, it comes down to; there are things that serve me, and things that do not. We all have beliefs, preferences, likelihoods, coincidences, and a myriad of other relative variables at play all the time. I look for what brings me the most peace.
"Logic" is a human construct. "Morality" is a human construct. They're all relative. If they were absolutes, we wouldn't be asking each other these questions. You can say that statistics back-up logic, and that's fine. Statistics are human constructs, too! They are still relative and they make our experience in this life interesting and colorful. But, it's still all relative. To me, there are truths and falsehoods, based on my experience in this life. Actually, to be mores specific, it comes down to; there are things that serve me, and things that do not. We all have beliefs, preferences, likelihoods, coincidences, and a myriad of other relative variables at play all the time. I look for what brings me the most peace.

Statistics are absolute - they're not relative at all - which is why I like them so much, and feel like they are useful in proving things. Statistics track the truths and falsehoods of the world - and quantify them.
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Statistics are absolute - they're not relative at all - which is why I like them so much, and feel like they are useful in proving things. Statistics track the truths and falsehoods of the world - and quantify them.
Except when they're relative, yes.

We EXIST in the "relative", okay?
[QUOTE="Hark_The_Sound_2010, post: 596841, member: 3138"

The way it should be handled is fairly easy. If there's a certain group of people who have been statistically proven to be more likely to commit these types of crimes (whether it be people who are over 7 feet tall, people with the first name "Peter", or oh say - I dunno - happen to practice the muslim religion), then they should be subject to more strict searches and monitoring. If one of those groups is 37 times more likely to commit an act of terror, then people of that group should be subjected to 37 times as many searches, 37 times as much surveillance/monitoring, etc. Again, just based on math/probability/statistics.[/QUOTE]

100% of the shooters have been men. Do you apply the above to that group?
[QUOTE="Hark_The_Sound_2010, post: 596841, member: 3138"

The way it should be handled is fairly easy. If there's a certain group of people who have been statistically proven to be more likely to commit these types of crimes (whether it be people who are over 7 feet tall, people with the first name "Peter", or oh say - I dunno - happen to practice the muslim religion), then they should be subject to more strict searches and monitoring. If one of those groups is 37 times more likely to commit an act of terror, then people of that group should be subjected to 37 times as many searches, 37 times as much surveillance/monitoring, etc. Again, just based on math/probability/statistics.

100% of the shooters have been men. Do you apply the above to that group?[/QUOTE]

They were also all humans and all breathe air. But the idea is that we boil it down as specific as we can.
Well I could never wish torture on any one but you're right justice around here lately usually is never served to anyone. I personally do not see death necessarily as a "bad" thing like most people do so with the perpetrator being dead now I see him as being free as well as those of us still living, we are free from his presence.

I just wish we could figure out the real root of the hate in this country. Why do so many have hateful hearts and feel the need to do things like this to complete strangers??

I too pray for peace and comfort for all involved in any way and pray we find a way to have true respect, love and peace with each other.
Radical Islamic Terrorist. That is the root cause of hate in this and just about every other major terror attack in the WORLD today.
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I know I'm in the minority on this way of thinking. How crazy of me to think peace, respect and love would have to begin with the same. We get what we give and the tragedy in Orlando is absolute proof of that!

I don't expect much around here from the testosterone pool :(;)
So, this is our (U.S.A., collectively) fault?!?!?! Do you know the history of USA relations with Radical Islamic Terrorism dating all the way back to the Barbary Pirates in Thomas Jefferson's days?
Correct. That's why anybody who utters such idiotic shit such as "don't fall victim to the hate" and "you have a choice to retaliate with love" simply doesn't get it. Yeah, fear,...I fear. I love fearing. Fear keeps people safe. Fear is what will hopefully help us put a plan together that will decrease the frequency of events such as the shooting in Orlando. Because as cool as it would be for all people to be standing around singing Kum-by-yah together, that's not reality. At all. Evil will always abound. So you can retaliate with love and then catch a bullet to the dome one day at the grocery store but I'll choose fear and hopefully a protective plan that is born out of it.

Even if there wasn't a direct order to stand down, this administration has created the culture where law enforcement can't afford to be wrong on this type of thing. Because if you're wrong about a muslim being a potential threat, your life is basically over. You don't offend muslims. No way, no how.
a candle light vigil will prevent it from happening again.
So, this is our (U.S.A., collectively) fault?!?!?! Do you know the history of USA relations with Radical Islamic Terrorism dating all the way back to the Barbary Pirates in Thomas Jefferson's days?
Keep right on fvcking with these people. You guarantee more of the same. Propping up regimes, overthrowing elected leaders we don't like, selling arms to one group, selling arms to their enemies, invading their homeland, occupying their homeland, trying to westernize their culture, killing innocent civilians, drone-bombing people over there, supporting Israel and showing disdain for the Palestinians, and just promoting general chaos and disruption, since the end of WWII is what has contributed to this behavior.

If you refuse to believe and accept that culpability, you will just guarantee more terror attacks.
Non-Muslim. No more Muslims should be allowed to enter this country. As for the ones already here, the gov't needs to give serious consideration to wire-tapping / monitoring any and all that seem like a threat.

Again, I know this is a breach of civil liberties, but the actions of Muslim extremists have driven us to the point where it is now necessary. Don't give me PC shit about "it could be ANYONE!" It's Muslims 99% of the time. Sorry, not sorry. If we don't ramp up security measures specifically against those of the Islamic faith, then we are dumbass ostriches with our heads in the sand and we cannot then cry and whine when more terrorist attacks happen.
Muslims more so than any group don't want to assimilate to this country , they want the country to assimilate to them. The same goes for any group that doesn't want to assimilate to our laws.
Really??? Muslims? The extremists, sure! but a religion??? hmmmm That dude yesterday was born here, he was a homophobic extremist for ISIS apparently but his family isn't. I think doing that will piss the extremists off even more!
His father is. He does a pro-isis segment on you tube. That you tube will come back to bite you.