Orlando Night Club Shooting

I don't have any problem with the Muslim faith. One of my good friends and coworker is Muslim. He just got back from Mecca with his family about a month ago. He goes into the computer closet to say his prayers everyday. He is one of the most loving and caring persons I know.

The problem is there are too many Muslims that are radical and we have know way of knowing exactly who. All I know is that we must stop the immigration to figure it out ASAP. On this I agree with Trump.

Well good luck rounding them up too! This cat today was "on the FBI radar for months" yet he was able to murder at least 50 people all by himself this morning.
I don't have any problem with the Muslim faith. One of my good friends and coworker is Muslim. He just got back from Mecca with his family about a month ago. He goes into the computer closet to say his prayers everyday. He is one of the most loving and caring persons I know.

The problem is there are too many Muslims that are radical and we have know way of knowing exactly who. All I know is that we must stop the immigration to figure it out ASAP. On this I agree with Trump.
Well, after today, he'll have many more who agree.
Well good luck rounding them up too! This cat today was "on the FBI radar for months" yet he was able to murder at least 50 people all by himself this morning.
Well, The FBI has been ordered to stand down on folks who are like the one who committed terror today. WE can round these cats up just fine if we didn't have such a dolt in charge.
Well, The FBI has been ordered to stand down on folks who are like the one who committed terror today. WE can round these cats up just fine if we didn't have such a dolt in charge.
So, Obama has told the FBI to disregard people like this one who shot-up the club in Orlando?
Hmmm interesting. I'll have to look into that. Doesn't make sense. It sounds like the typical anti-Obama response but if it's true I will apologize for being doubtful.

Why would anyone running the country just ignore something that significant??.
Well, Considering I have very good friends and family in federal law enforcement and retired federal law enforcement at a very high level, I will trust my sources vs. any OOTB web links etc. Believe what you want. I know the truth.

Also, how does it not make sense? This administration has bent over backwards to avoid call radical Islamic terrorism what it is and stopped using war on terror language many years ago.
Well, Considering I have very good friends and family in federal law enforcement and retired federal law enforcement at a very high level, I will trust my sources vs. any OOTB web links etc. Believe what you want. I know the truth.

Also, how does it not make sense? This administration has bent over backwards to avoid call radical Islamic terrorism what it is and stopped using war on terror language many years ago.

It just sounds like some nonsense you see on those idiotic websites like natural or something. I guess you believe George W Bush knew beforehand those buildings were coming down too??? Granted, there are plenty of questions I have about that catastrophe but I have a hard time believing any president would be doing things with intent to allow innocent Americans to die like that. Maybe I need to be enlightened.

All the BS that floats through the Internet about Obama that is absurd (like his Muslim prayer curtain, BEING a Muslim, etc) makes me very unlikely to buy the rest of this crap.
I guess you believe George W Bush knew beforehand those buildings were coming down too???
This is probably the stupidest response ever and complete deflection of issue at hand. I may have to use it as my sig.

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Well, The FBI has been ordered to stand down on folks who are like the one who committed terror today. WE can round these cats up just fine if we didn't have such a dolt in charge.

Republicans blocked legislation (which Obama supported) in December that would've prevented suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. The perp in Orlando, who was on a watch list, bought his weapons over the course of the last week. Not surprisingly, many of the Republicans who voted against the bill have accepted campaign funding from the NRA -- some as much as $2.6 million. There's an informal list of them being compiled on this Twitter account.

Also, this:

Hopper said the FBI had previously carried out two separate investigations of Mateen. They interviewed him twice in 2013 "when he made inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties" — but were "unable to verify the substance of his comments." He was interviewed again in 2014 over possible ties to U.S. suicide bomber Moner Mohammad Abusalha — but they determined the contact was "minimal" and did not constitute a threat.

You're suggesting we violate his due process rights, which is exactly the same reason Paul Ryan said we can't ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. So which is it?
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This is probably the stupidest response ever and complete deflection of issue at hand. I may have to use it as my sig.


Ah-ha! Call my response stupid all you want. I put that on purpose because I knew if you reacted to it the way I thought you would, I'd know exactly the kind of person you are that I am no longer dealing with on this thread.... You're just another "everything is Obama's fault" person.... I can't take anything you say seriously now.
In related news, authorities in California have arrested an Indiana man:

...with a cache of weapons, ammunition and explosive-making materials in his car and apparent plans to attend the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood.

Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said on Twitter that the suspect told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm Gay Pride event.” But she did not provide any details, and officials said they are still trying to sort out his motives.

Evil is everywhere.
In related news, authorities in California have arrested an Indiana man:

...with a cache of weapons, ammunition and explosive-making materials in his car and apparent plans to attend the L.A. Pride festival in West Hollywood.

Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks said on Twitter that the suspect told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm Gay Pride event.” But she did not provide any details, and officials said they are still trying to sort out his motives.

Evil is everywhere.

That's probably Obama's fault too lol

It is everywhere and the deeper we get into this election, the more I am seeing where it's really coming from.
Ah-ha! Call my response stupid all you want. I put that on purpose because I knew if you reacted to it the way I thought you would, I'd know exactly the kind of person you are that I am no longer dealing with on this thread.... You're just another "everything is Obama's fault" person.... I can't take anything you say seriously now.
Thank you
Republicans blocked legislation (which Obama supported) in December that would've prevented suspected terrorists from being able to buy guns. The perp in Orlando, who was on a watch list, bought his weapons over the course of the last week. Not surprisingly, many of the Republicans who voted against the bill have accepted campaign funding from the NRA -- some as much as $2.6 million. There's an informal list of them being compiled on this Twitter account.

Also, this:

Hopper said the FBI had previously carried out two separate investigations of Mateen. They interviewed him twice in 2013 "when he made inflammatory comments to coworkers alleging possible terrorist ties" — but were "unable to verify the substance of his comments." He was interviewed again in 2014 over possible ties to U.S. suicide bomber Moner Mohammad Abusalha — but they determined the contact was "minimal" and did not constitute a threat.

You're suggesting we violate his due process rights, which is exactly the same reason Paul Ryan said we can't ban suspected terrorists from buying guns. So which is it?
There is no "which is it" He was a legal citizen and charged with no crime, and not mentally ill etc. There is nothing to prevent him from buying guns, nor should there have been unless deemed a legitimate threat. The Obama admin has put the screws on this and one of the reasons the FBI backs down
He was a legal citizen and charged with no crime, and not mentally ill etc. There is nothing to prevent him from buying guns, nor should there have been unless deemed a legitimate threat.
Agreed, because it would be a violation of his constitutional rights.

The Obama admin has put the screws on this and one of the reasons the FBI backs down
Disagreed, because holding him without cause would be a violation of his constitutional rights.

I have yet to hear you articulate exactly what Obama, the FBI, or anybody else could have legally done to prevent this tragedy.

This is the reason (IMO) that Obama hasn't declared these acts of Muslim extremism. All that does is empower like-minded extremists without granting him any additional power to do anything about it. I personally disagree with his refusal to do so, because the motives are obvious and it would at least apply pressure on the Muslim community to address the issue among their followers.
I have yet to hear you articulate exactly what Obama, the FBI, or anybody else could have legally done to prevent this tragedy.

This is where we get into the minutia of leadership. The Obama admin has shown no leadership on this issue and have done everything in their power to diminish the domestic characterization and pursuit of radical Islamic terrorists. Man caused disasters are only what we hear of mindset. That has a psychological effect on our law enforcement that cannot be measured. The lack of understanding a political correctness is to blame for curbing the pursuit of these "folks". It is selective discretion gone awry. and yes, I do blame Obama, not necessarily for what happened today, but for the "JV team" approach to this whole matter.

I have too many contacts in federal law enforcement that have expressed their frustration.

It is not what they do, it is what they do not do, legally.
I'm late to this thread, but i'll just give my two cents anyway.

1. I do not give a damn that the liberals aren't calling this "radical islamic terrorism." I know this criticism has been floated and IMHO it's completely pointless.

2. We had the worst terrorist attack in American history occur on the heels of Bill Clinton's presidency. GWB - love him or (most as most people) hate him - he put a stop to that crap. He even predicted the rise of a worse terrorism organization if we ever let up on them. See link:

3. We have a president who has allowed that to happen...and then some. We have endured Sandy Hook under this president. We have endured countless mass murders under this president. We continue to see mass killing on a routine basis -- by home grown terrorists -- under this president.

4. Somehow, we are coming up on an election involving the spouse of the president mentioned in #1...who coincidentally is being investigated for criminally storing classified information on her personal computer -- which was presumably hacked by an Iranian. Again, see link:

So...I'm really sorry here. I would love to believe in the "pretty flowers and love wins" bullshit, but get that passed yourself and snap back into reality. These people want everyone in our country - regardless of religion - dead. The media portrayal of these killings is advertisement from their side. Their name gets into a history book...and they (as they believe) are off to whatever heaven they believe in. Having lived around Camp LeJune and was roommates for years with marines who were deployed routinely after 9/11 -- the horror you hear from those who have been there are NOTHING compared to the scratch of the surface you see on CNN every few weeks when another of these events happen. It's easy for hollywood celebrities and, really, any of us to sit behind a computer and wish for "love wins" and all...but that is not reality. Sometimes the bad apple(s) have to be destroyed in order to save the bunch.
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It's easy for... any of us to sit behind a computer and wish for "love wins" and all...but that is not reality.
No, it absolutely is reality. It's not a wish, either. It just is. I'm not sitting behind a computer wishing for it. I live it. I encourage others to do the same. An act of revenge only mimics what you saw happen in Orlando.
We are a weaker country as a result of the past 8 years, and the rest of the world knows it. I really don't see how that can be disputed.

I know everyone here has his / her / its mind made up and there's no convincing otherwise. I would love it if the peace route could win, but until that group is in the majority and is capable / willing to do what is necessary to rid this earth of the vast group of people who are pure evil to their core -- that route won't win.

A guy walked into an elementary school and slaughtered innocent children. A guy walked into a church in SC and calmly sat and listened to them hold a Bible session before slaughtering them. If you think that you can give that person a hug and tell them it's all gonna be okay...and live to tell the story...then you might as well have added a +1 to that death toll. You simply cannot reason with an unreasonable person...much less a massive group of them.
There's simply too much evil in the world and too many opportunities to do the unspeakable, and both seem to be on the rise.


Correct. That's why anybody who utters such idiotic shit such as "don't fall victim to the hate" and "you have a choice to retaliate with love" simply doesn't get it. Yeah, fear,...I fear. I love fearing. Fear keeps people safe. Fear is what will hopefully help us put a plan together that will decrease the frequency of events such as the shooting in Orlando. Because as cool as it would be for all people to be standing around singing Kum-by-yah together, that's not reality. At all. Evil will always abound. So you can retaliate with love and then catch a bullet to the dome one day at the grocery store but I'll choose fear and hopefully a protective plan that is born out of it.

Well, The FBI has been ordered to stand down on folks who are like the one who committed terror today. WE can round these cats up just fine if we didn't have such a dolt in charge.

Even if there wasn't a direct order to stand down, this administration has created the culture where law enforcement can't afford to be wrong on this type of thing. Because if you're wrong about a muslim being a potential threat, your life is basically over. You don't offend muslims. No way, no how.
It is not that those of us who want to find ways to leave peacefully among people with which we differ believe there is no evil and by being nice suddenly every d*ckhead is going to just pause and say "you know, you're right, we need to change our evil ways..." I am saying by choosing how to react different CAN make a difference. Perfect example is those beautiful people in Charleston and how they reacted to that horrible tragedy they endured. They did not riot and retaliate by wanting to blow up every dumbass, flag toting redneck spewing hate and kill them in return, they chose to forgive and live in peace and pray for we as human beings find a way to live together in love and peace, something most of you twits obviously don't understand.

I KNOW there are going to be a bunch of idiots that are all too happy to blow us up, shoot up people they are afraid of or disagree with and honestly, I am not afraid to die, so if they choose to do that, fine. I will die knowing I tried to make a difference and show others how to love anyway. I get irritated as crap at the way some of you think, but I still want the absolute best for you and your families and love you regardless of how warped I think your mind is sometimes. I care about you too! If you don't like me for trying to be a good person and show how I believe we need to love one another, then that is your choice. I am fine with it.
It is not that those of us who want to find ways to leave peacefully among people with which we differ believe there is no evil and by being nice suddenly every d*ckhead is going to just pause and say "you know, you're right, we need to change our evil ways..." I am saying by choosing how to react different CAN make a difference. Perfect example is those beautiful people in Charleston and how they reacted to that horrible tragedy they endured. They did not riot and retaliate by wanting to blow up every dumbass, flag toting redneck spewing hate and kill them in return, they chose to forgive and live in peace and pray for we as human beings find a way to live together in love and peace, something most of you twits obviously don't understand.

I KNOW there are going to be a bunch of idiots that are all too happy to blow us up, shoot up people they are afraid of or disagree with and honestly, I am not afraid to die, so if they choose to do that, fine. I will die knowing I tried to make a difference and show others how to love anyway. I get irritated as crap at the way some of you think, but I still want the absolute best for you and your families and love you regardless of how warped I think your mind is sometimes. I care about you too! If you don't like me for trying to be a good person and show how I believe we need to love one another, then that is your choice. I am fine with it.
Can you show me where the majority here said we should blow up all Muslims who love their religion and way of life or suggested riots to solve the problem? If so I would agree that's not the answer. But if you can't I'll assume you are just full of shit and are again veering off topic.
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It is not that those of us who want to find ways to leave peacefully among people with which we differ believe there is no evil and by being nice suddenly every d*ckhead is going to just pause and say "you know, you're right, we need to change our evil ways..." I am saying by choosing how to react different CAN make a difference. Perfect example is those beautiful people in Charleston and how they reacted to that horrible tragedy they endured. They did not riot and retaliate by wanting to blow up every dumbass, flag toting redneck spewing hate and kill them in return, they chose to forgive and live in peace and pray for we as human beings find a way to live together in love and peace, something most of you twits obviously don't understand.

I KNOW there are going to be a bunch of idiots that are all too happy to blow us up, shoot up people they are afraid of or disagree with and honestly, I am not afraid to die, so if they choose to do that, fine. I will die knowing I tried to make a difference and show others how to love anyway. I get irritated as crap at the way some of you think, but I still want the absolute best for you and your families and love you regardless of how warped I think your mind is sometimes. I care about you too! If you don't like me for trying to be a good person and show how I believe we need to love one another, then that is your choice. I am fine with it.

See the bolded remark above. The part of my brain that was generating a thoughtful reply shifted elsewhere as I realized the irony in how you ended that paragraph. Very "peaceful, loving" comment you have there. Welcome to our side.
Heard something on the radio where the shooter's employer knew he was mentally unstable but was afraid to do anything about it for fear of being seen as racist/discriminatory.

There ya go. Yet another example of my thread from the other day about how the "sue culture" has crippled this country. Blend that with the ever-present PC and fear of being called a racist or bigot, and it has rendered our country completely paralyzed.

We better hope that every future would-be terrorist / mass shooter from here on out is a white, straight, Christian (or Jewish) male.....because that's the only type of person people will feel comfortable calling the authorities on.
Heard something on the radio where the shooter's employer knew he was mentally unstable but was afraid to do anything about it for fear of being seen as racist/discriminatory.

There ya go. Yet another example of my thread from the other day about how the "sue culture" has crippled this country. Blend that with the ever-present PC and fear of being called a racist or bigot, and it has rendered our country completely paralyzed.

We better hope that every future would-be terrorist / mass shooter from here on out is a white, straight, Christian (or Jewish) male.....because that's the only type of person people will feel comfortable calling the authorities on.


I think we'll see a shift here in January.
Adding to my post from above, was he a security guard for the club he shot up? I wasn't able to ascertain that from the bit I heard on the radio. They cited a NY Post or NY Daily News article that was quoting a co-worker. The shooter was a security guard somewhere, whether it was that club or somewhere else.
Adding to my post from above, was he a security guard for the club he shot up? I wasn't able to ascertain that from the bit I heard on the radio. They cited a NY Post or NY Daily News article that was quoting a co-worker. The shooter was a security guard somewhere, whether it was that club or somewhere else.
No he was working for the PGA Village in Port St. Lucie.
Radical Islamic hatred of the us stems from our support of israel. So long as that remains these attacks will continue.
I think that's only part of it. I think it's a big part, but not the only part. And, America's "support" of Israel will never change, either.
Can you show me where the majority here said we should blow up all Muslims who love their religion and way of life or suggested riots to solve the problem? If so I would agree that's not the answer. But if you can't I'll assume you are just full of shit and are again veering off topic.

I never said any of you said we should blow up all Muslims. What are you referring to exactly that I said? I said the people in Charleston did not state they wanted to blow up all the flag toting racists like the kid that killed their members/loved ones.
I never said any of you said we should blow up all Muslims. What are you referring to exactly that I said? I said the people in Charleston did not state they wanted to blow up all the flag toting racists like the kid that killed their members/loved ones.
No, instead they went after a flag that had nothing to do with the people being killed. Classic misplaced anger, as always happens after tragic shootings. We can't get mad at the culprit, we need to get mad at a symbol or something inanimate like gun control.
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we need to get mad at a symbol or something inanimate like gun control.
Guns are not the culprit either. That is another aspect of this that I will ever understand. It's like blaming booze for alcoholism. People make the choice. Protecting people from themselves is an effort in futility. Banning guns is like prohibition of alcohol or drugs... it will only make a black market thrive and a criminal element become even more uncontrollable.

The solution is within each person. I learned that whatever I do to someone else, I do it to myself. It's so simple, but it took a long time to understand.

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