Other ACC games Oct 27-29

Another Pitt turnover. Receiver stopped in his route, and DB kept going and had an easy INT.
The Pitt offense is playing like it barely saw the playbook once before the game.
once again, vatech looks ready to play, prepared, and more physical.

it looks like they're playing the old bears 46 defense.
once again, vatech looks ready to play, prepared, and more physical.

it looks like they're playing the old bears 46 defense.
Are you ****ing kidding me?? Looks prepared?? Virginia Tech is trash. Pure trash. Their offense is jump balls to the periphery and QB power runs. Pitt has done everything it possibly can to make VT open up a huge lead and yet it's only 9-0 (for now)

Put hem in the SEC East and they are winless right now.
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i'm talking about their defense...i don't care about their offense.

see 46 defense comment.
Hey look, they just got the bulk of their drive yards on another jump ball.

But yes, their defense is good. I'll give you that. I still like Pitt's chances if they can eliminate turnovers and rectify field position (i.e. don't return kicks to the the 17 every time)
part of the reason pitt is so committed to press man is because their safeties might be the worst coverage safeties in the league...carolina killed them

those corners, especially lewis, are gonna have to win some of these though, he looks the part, like a future pro...not so enamored with hodges, he's just big.
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VT's Evans just went down with an injury. Looked like a knee and he had to be helped off the field. Not good for them. Hate to see a kid get injured and I hope he is OK.
Evans may be out for the game, and Pitt leads 21-19.

Go Panthers.

Conner has 3 TDs. He is a great RB.
the pass interference and non-push off calls in this game are crazy. VT is pushing off and Pitt is grabbing jersey on every play.

VT's offense isn't trash. It doesn't look super diverse, but it doesn't need to be.
Pitt needs to find a defensive back who can stop VT. That pass defense may be worse than our run defense was last year
Pitt needs to find a defensive back who can stop VT. That pass defense may be worse than our run defense was last year

it's pretty'll probably be really good in two years

if they play zone to help those corners, vatech would kill them on the ground...just gotta play man and hope for a break, a drop, etc.
it's pretty'll probably be really good in two years

if they play zone to help those corners, vatech would kill them on the ground...just gotta play man and hope for a break, a drop, etc.

This might be the first time I've ever said this but I agree with Jesse Palmer. Pitt's DB's are grabbing every single time and daring the refs to throw the flag. Methinks someone's been teaching them that way...
This might be the first time I've ever said this but I agree with Jesse Palmer. Pitt's DB's are grabbing every single time and daring the refs to throw the flag. Methinks someone's been teaching them that way...

imo, if you want to play that way, go ahead...they really don't have a choice though with their safeties...but you better be able to live with it if the refs are calling it tight

it doesn't do much for teaching for the next level the way the nfl regards db' can't even touch a receiver past five yards.
Evans came up limping pretty good after than run and slide.

At least Pitt kept them to a FG. Now if they can run it down and get 7 they may have a chance.

Pitt's DB's are dang lucky they haven't been flagged for 100 yards on all those grabs. I don't know that I have ever seen anything like this before. Of course, VT's receivers have been pushing off a ton, too, so I can't say I blame the DB's for grabbing them.
Well, since my 'Heels aren't on I am not staying up to watch it any longer. Especially since it looks like Pitt won't be able to pull this one out. Oh well, maybe someone else can beat them to give us a hand.
This Pitt defensive strategy just hasn't made any sense. Left all of their overmatched corners on an island vs Hodges and Ford. It's going to cost them the game.
evans won't have a solid week of practice that's for sure. He's going to have to rest that thing a bunch unless he wants to be gimpy vs dook

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