Overly Sensitive People

Even if they did use him exclusively as a stereotype, who tf cares?
I just think it's funny that all of these people complaining and saying that he is just a stereotype are completely wrong. He's one of the most well developed characters on the show. Especially considering he isn't a main character. One can only assume that there are a lot of bandwagon haters out there.
I just think it's funny that all of these people complaining and saying that he is just a stereotype are completely wrong. He's one of the most well developed characters on the show. Especially considering he isn't a main character. One can only assume that there are a lot of bandwagon haters out there.
It's a cartoon. Heaven forbid these people ever watch one episode of South Park. They'd have an aneurysm.
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I'm about ready to just quit, y'all. I love ( /sarcasm) this quote from Thunder VP of Broadcasting Dan Mahoney, who apparently, is the moral compass for us all about what is and isn't offensive: "Again, we've expressed to [the announcer who said "cotton-pickin'"] strongly that it was offensive and inappropriate..." (emphasis mine).

Not "We felt it was offensive" or "We think it was offensive." Nope, it just IS. Everything is black and white in 2018. There's no room for varying opinions or debate or discourse or even stopping for half a second to think 'Am I overreacting here?' Nope, it's all gas no brakes.

I'm about ready to just quit, y'all. I love ( /sarcasm) this quote from Thunder VP of Broadcasting Dan Mahoney, who apparently, is the moral compass for us all about what is and isn't offensive: "Again, we've expressed to [the announcer who said "cotton-pickin'"] strongly that it was offensive and inappropriate..." (emphasis mine).

Not "We felt it was offensive" or "We think it was offensive." Nope, it just IS. Everything is black and white in 2018. There's no room for varying opinions or debate or discourse or even stopping for half a second to think 'Am I overreacting here?' Nope, it's all gas no brakes.
I had no clue that was an offensive phrase. Should I apologise to the hundreds of white people I've said it to?
A local (for me) entry here:

So this Hispanic guy jokingly asks a Taco Bell worker if the tacos are made by Mexicans, to judge the authenticity of the product. The worker gets up in arms, challenges the dude to a fight, and gets rocked.

The best line: "Police noted in their report that the worker is not Mexican, "but was offended" by the question."

I heard this one on my morning commute today. Some preschool in MA is banning the term "best friend" because it supposedly makes everyone that isn't your best friend feel bad. They say the term leads to the formation of cliques and outsiders.

At the time, I thought "Massachusetts liberalism strikes again". Until I searched for the link to poast here... then I saw that this same initiative has been taken on in several other places over the years. What the hell is going on?

I heard this one on my morning commute today. Some preschool in MA is banning the term "best friend" because it supposedly makes everyone that isn't your best friend feel bad. They say the term leads to the formation of cliques and outsiders.

At the time, I thought "Massachusetts liberalism strikes again". Until I searched for the link to poast here... then I saw that this same initiative has been taken on in several other places over the years. What the hell is going on?
Just play it safe and stick with this one


I heard this one on my morning commute today. Some preschool in MA is banning the term "best friend" because it supposedly makes everyone that isn't your best friend feel bad. They say the term leads to the formation of cliques and outsiders.

At the time, I thought "Massachusetts liberalism strikes again". Until I searched for the link to poast here... then I saw that this same initiative has been taken on in several other places over the years. What the hell is going on?
So I just got yelled at and called disrespectful by a lady in my neighborhood for letting the dog pee* in her yard.

(*Not poop, for which I had a bag visibly tied to the leash, but pee.)

Hope nobody tells her about the squirrels and deer.

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So I just got yelled at and called disrespectful by a lady in my neighborhood for letting the dog pee* in her yard.
I was in Boulder, Colorado circa 1988 when I witnessed someone get yelled at for letting their dog urinate in a public park. The angry woman actually asked, "Are you going to clean that up?!" which of course left me wondering how you clean urine out of grass. Maybe dog owners are supposed to carry around a water bottle to pour on it?

ETA: I'd rather have neighbor dogs poop in my yard. That's good for the grass, unlike urine which kills it.
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So I just got yelled at and called disrespectful by a lady in my neighborhood for letting the dog pee* in her yard.

(*Not poop, for which I had a bag visibly tied to the leash, but pee.)

Hope nobody tells her about the squirrels and deer.

I'm going to have to side with her on this one. Keep your damn dog and kids off my lawn.
I was in Boulder, Colorado circa 1988 when I witnessed someone get yelled at for letting their dog urinate in a public park. The angry woman actually asked, "Are you going to clean that up?!" which of course left me wondering how you clean urine out of grass. Maybe dog owners are supposed to carry around a water bottle to pour on it?

ETA: I'd rather have neighbor dogs poop in my yard. That's good for the grass, unlike urine which kills it.
Last summer the kid across the street, probably 3rd grade, pooped in his front yard. Pooped, looked at it, pulled his pants up and got back on the trampoline. I lovingly refer to him as Lucifer.
I can only read so many more of these stories before I will lose my mind and give up entirely on society.

Usually its a few internet trolls that are the “uproar” that the story gets written about. Nobody at her prom apparently had a problem with it. This stuff just gets blown out of proportion on the internet because so many people are trying to virtue signal to make a name for themselves. Ezra Klein is an example of someone who did exactly that but now has a career in journalism
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Usually its a few internet trolls that are the “uproar” that the story gets written about. Nobody at her prom apparently had a problem with it. This stuff just gets blown out of proportion on the internet because so many people are trying to virtue signal to make a name for themselves. Ezra Klein is an example of someone who did exactly that but now has a career in journalism

But it's bigger than that. We've completely caved to the culture of victimhood. We've endorsed a culture that makes people feel like we care if they're offended. We should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago by telling people complaining to f*ck off and then paid them no attention.
But it's bigger than that. We've completely caved to the culture of victimhood. We've endorsed a culture that makes people feel like we care if they're offended. We should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago by telling people complaining to f*ck off and then paid them no attention.
"This isn't ok. I wouldn't wear a traditional Korean, Japanese or any other traditional dress and I'm Asian. I wouldn't wear traditional Irish or Swedish or Greek dress either. There's a lot of history behind these clothes."

It's amazing how we live in a society that will castigate you for not being open-minded and inclusive while at the same time accuse you of cultural appropriation when you try to be open-minded and inclusive.
I’m pissed that Clemson doesn’t have a (official) blowjob closet. All we got are “diy stress balls” and free packets of crystal light and hot chocolate :(
But it's bigger than that. We've completely caved to the culture of victimhood. We've endorsed a culture that makes people feel like we care if they're offended. We should have nipped this in the bud a long time ago by telling people complaining to f*ck off and then paid them no attention.

PC culture has gotten out of hand but it’s hard to estimate how far out of hand when every story is sensationalized by the internet. I agree with you but I still think the problem is overstated.
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You should create an "Overly Confident People" thread with your proud face adorning the original post along with a list of your pseudo leadership qualities. Or maybe a "Choose Your Battles" thread cautioning others about the dangers of sticking one's head in the mouth of a lion. Or how about this: a thread entitled "I Am Really Butthurt Right About Now" with no explanation necessary.
You should create an "Overly Confident People" thread with your proud face adorning the original post along with a list of your pseudo leadership qualities. Or maybe a "Choose Your Battles" thread cautioning others of the danger of sticking one's head in the mouth of a lion. Or how about this: a thread entitled "I Am Really Butt-hurt Right About Now" with no explanation necessary.

Daaaammn... @Raising Heel has wound you up.

Not a south park fan myself more of an American Dad/ family Guy type of dude...
IMHO, American Dad is awful. I don't know why I dislike it so bad because I enjoy Family Guy and it's essentially the same exact characters from Family Guy. But I just don't like it.

South Park is way funnier (and more clever) than both, though. I didn't watch South Park as a kid and discovered it a bit later in life. To that point in time, Family Guy was my jam (or my jelly... I don't know the difference @JuleZ '02 HEEL), but then I met SP. Sooo much more clever in its writing.
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