Palin to Stump for Trump

i appreciate trump like i appreciated cartoon characters when i was a kid...or now as an adult like michael from the office or norm from cheers...but this whole thing is a joke.

bill parcells had a saying a few years ago about guys like this; "he has a tendency to suck some of you guys in...well, consider yourself sucked"

I will check back with you in October to see what you think at that point.
The "Any other party" at +5000 might not be the worst bet in the world. Assuming if Trump and/or Sanders don't win their current party's election, that they would run as an independent?

Although if that happens, I imagine they just cannibalize the candidate they lost to in the primary - and wouldn't actually win. Aka, Bernie running as independent screws Clinton and helps Trump, and Trump running as independent screws the republican nominee and helps Clinton.
Yeah I gave some thought to that, just cannot see that scenario ever occurring. Maybe it's worth a $20 bet, just in case. Pretty solid pay off if things get real bizarre
I will check back with you in October to see what you think at that point.
It's amazing how badly Trump's presence just PISSES PEOPLE OFF. So amusing! Been going on for 6 months and it ain't slowing down. "But but but he sucks...he's a moron...he's arrogant ...but but but ...."
It's amazing how badly Trump's presence just PISSES PEOPLE OFF. So amusing! Been going on for 6 months and it ain't slowing down. "But but but he sucks...he's a moron...he's arrogant ...but but but ...."

This is one of the things I really like about Trump- that he pisses people off. I also like that he has no ties to special interests or either party- he might as well be a third party candidate.

As far as his policies, about which he has been pretty vague other than immigration, i have no opinion because he hasnt put anything out there. And I dont care if he offers a more concrete platform before the election. Why should I- when was the last time a president actually fulfilled his campaign promises?
They are the exception.


Ome other thing and I will leave it alone. Trumps favorability among Republicans is below:
Cruz- 26pts
Carson- 20 pts
Rubio- 19 pts
Huckabee- 13 pts
Fiorina- 3pta

Yet he is killing them. How is that possible?

Furthermore- your little poll shows Democrats prefer Huckabee and Cruz 2 to 1 over Trump. Can we all agree thats a bunch of bullshit?

Your poll sucks. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it like a bowl of fruity pebbles.
Cruz sucks. He takes huge money from Wall Street (his wife is a Goldman Sachs VP) like any other candidate and has made his bones by pissing people off.

Thank you for that info. I was hardly on-the-fence about Cruz. But, now I have very serious reason to dislike his candidacy.
This is one of the things I really like about Trump- that he pisses people off. I also like that he has no ties to special interests or either party- he might as well be a third party candidate.

As far as his policies, about which he has been pretty vague other than immigration, i have no opinion because he hasnt put anything out there. And I dont care if he offers a more concrete platform before the election. Why should I- when was the last time a president actually fulfilled his campaign promises?
EXACTLY....he's not another freaking politician! He may get into the WH and flat out bomb, but I'd rather give him a shot vs HRC and her horrendous, dangerous, deceitful track record.

He is big time and clearly anti-illegals, that's a huge appeal to me. He will not be anti-gun, another huge appeal and he will do whatever he can to reverse this stupid healthcare law. Ding, ding, ding!
EXACTLY....he's not another freaking politician! He may get into the WH and flat out bomb, but I'd rather give him a shot vs HRC and her horrendous, dangerous, deceitful track record.

He is big time and clearly anti-illegals, that's a huge appeal to me. He will not be anti-gun, another huge appeal and he will do whatever he can to reverse this stupid healthcare law. Ding, ding, ding!

This is where people miss the boat on conservatives, For instance, I know you are pro-life, against gay marriage, etc. By all accounts, Huckabee or to a lesser extent Cruz, should be your man. But you are going with the guy who you think has the greatest chance to get things done and shake up the establishment, as am I. However on the issues of pro-life and gay marriage, we completely disagree.

That's the thing about Trump- he has done well getting people with very different views to join the same team. And if continues to do well with this, he wins big.
Yeah I hear ya, and don't get me wrong, I would prefer Cruz ....however, I personally don't think he has ANY chance of beating Hildabeast so I'll fully support Trump. Huck? Bleh! What a loaf.
he pisses conservatives off, i hear it daily here...but if that's what pulls your crank, have at it...he's a joke, and the fact that at this point, part of this country doesn't even see it, that's the punch line.

just in case you didn't know, he's not ross perot.
I want to know how Cruz is allowed to run? He was born in Canada, and being born in the USA is a criteria to being president. Same argument that surfaced with Obama during his run. Now, they did finally supply an American birth certificate for Obama after awhile (whether that was genuine or not I'll leave open to debate), but as we all know Cruz was born in Canada I figured that would disqualify him.

As 71 and Bleed have said, we need someone who is gonna get in there and not be the same old same old. While I more align with Trump than Sanders (and think Sanders is a moonbat), I'd rather have Sanders than Clinton (or most of the rest of the Republican nominees outside Trump and maybe one or two others) because he will be much different than the run of the mill, same old politician.
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It's funny to hear the same people who supported a community organizer for President talk about how unqualified Trump is to hold the Office. The election of Obama completely paved the way for a guy like Trump to take a run at it.
what's wrong with america, right here...^^^

Not at all. We know HRC will screw everything up worse. That's a given. And I have about as much confidence in any other career politician.

Might as well give an outsider a shot.
It's funny to hear the same people who supported a community organizer for President talk about how unqualified Trump is to hold the Office. The election of Obama completely paved the way for a guy like Trump to take a run at it.

In so many ways.

Electing Obama paved the way for Trump, but Obamas attitude and performance accounts for Trumps popularity.
The problem with that is this: I'm not going to stay home and not vote, too many folks have fought and died to give me that right and I'm going to use it. And I'm certainly not going to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate who has no shot - I might as well vote for HRC in that case. So I can deal with a vote for a candidate who I think will do the best job, given the two main choices.
The problem with that is this: I'm not going to stay home and not vote, too many folks have fought and died to give me that right and I'm going to use it. And I'm certainly not going to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate who has no shot - I might as well vote for HRC in that case. So I can deal with a vote for a candidate who I think will do the best job, given the two main choices.
and Trump and Bernie both might as well be 3rd party candidates
The problem with that is this: I'm not going to stay home and not vote, too many folks have fought and died to give me that right and I'm going to use it. And I'm certainly not going to waste my vote on a 3rd party candidate who has no shot - I might as well vote for HRC in that case. So I can deal with a vote for a candidate who I think will do the best job, given the two main choices.
So, some token gesture of honor? Honoring them by voting between the crap and sh*t that it has dwindled to? Be my guest.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Hillary and Jeb and Ted are the same thing. But, I understand how that falls on deaf ears.
and Trump and Bernie both might as well be 3rd party candidates
I can buy that.

Ron Paul was 3rd Party, even as a Republican. That is why HE was as popular as he was. He just wasn't selling the same ideology as Trump. Trump is selling fear and playing on peoples' inherent fears. Especially when it comes to Muslims. That is a huge "Trump card" for him. He could win it on that alone, I think.
So, some token gesture of honor? Honoring them by voting between the crap and sh*t that it has dwindled to? Be my guest.

I hate to burst your bubble, but Hillary and Jeb and Ted are the same thing. But, I understand how that falls on deaf ears.
No they're not ... I do not believe that Jeb would continue to chip away at the Constitution the way that Obama has and the way HRC likely would ... I don't like Jeb but he does not have the blood of US soldiers and diplomats on his hands and on his email server ... he doesn't have the Clinton Crime Syndicate track record. They're not the same. Nice try.
I can buy that.

Ron Paul was 3rd Party, even as a Republican. That is why HE was as popular as he was. He just wasn't selling the same ideology as Trump. Trump is selling fear and playing on peoples' inherent fears. Especially when it comes to Muslims. That is a huge "Trump card" for him. He could win it on that alone, I think.

i can go with this
What do you guys make of this?


I can't ever remember a prominent conservative publication coming out specifically against a Republican candidate.
No they're not ... I do not believe that Jeb would continue to chip away at the Constitution the way that Obama has and the way HRC likely would ... I don't like Jeb but he does not have the blood of US soldiers and diplomats on his hands and on his email server ... he doesn't have the Clinton Crime Syndicate track record. They're not the same. Nice try.
So, the Bush's have no blood of US Soldiers in their wake? Gotcha. I realize you're the typical right partisan disciple. That's fine. But, at least accept that you're contributing to the ever-dwindling choices of good leadership.

Picking between the Corleones or the Tatalias. Yay!
i don't watch the news, really at all...i pay attention to reddit, and maybe some local news sometimes...mainly because they're all after the same the thing with the same agenda.

anyway, speaking of the national review article above me, i've made it a point in the last month to watch more news, especially fox news...and i have to say, after watching the last week, conservatives are piling on his's really interesting to hear some rail on him about policy, personality, and language.
No they're not ... I do not believe that Jeb would continue to chip away at the Constitution the way that Obama has and the way HRC likely would ... I don't like Jeb but he does not have the blood of US soldiers and diplomats on his hands and on his email server ... he doesn't have the Clinton Crime Syndicate track record. They're not the same. Nice try.

this is about as misinformed as it gets.
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I also wouldn't count Bernie Sanders out yet. If Ron Paul only had Mitt Romney as his opponent in primaries, it would have been much closer. I'm not certain that Hillary Clinton is a shoe-in.
So, the Bush's have no blood of US Soldiers in their wake? Gotcha. I realize you're the typical right partisan disciple. That's fine. But, at least accept that you're contributing to the ever-dwindling choices of good leadership.

Picking between the Corleones or the Tatalias. Yay!
Geez, took you long enough to bring GWB into it. Congrats. Hey, did you hear Johnny Cash died?

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