Post Your Favorite Crackride Comments Here


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2003
We are NC State. We hadn't won many championships but by God we expect them. Forget competing for one even though most times we don't do that either.
From the Holberton play at the plate:

Ump is far more worried about scolding our players then making the call. Getting very fatigued with this small-time series and this small-time stadium.

About the play at the plate- bottom comment came first (They post like Nuk)

Jesus dude. He could have easily worn a bigger glove. Extra leather to apply the tag.
--- EuroWolf wrote:

Austin could've easily been back another foot or two and sealed the plate. Big mistake.

And another

"Ball beats the guy by that much on a play at home, he is called out 9/10 times. Roles reversed big money says we don't get that call"
Aggravating fact: the Holes are a good-looking talented team with good coaching, drive, determination, smarts, talent, and the will to cheat to whatever extent to win. It's what they do.

Posted around the 5th inning- apparently he is new to this MooU thing.

LOL....are we losing 12-0 or something?

I request several of you go watch the NC State 30 for 30 film and don't come back until you are done.
And here we have a veteran Mooer right after we scored to go to 2-0

Game. This is the way it is meant to be.
Poor dude:

'Pack sports got me again. Amazingly, I continue to get excited...only to feel the bitter taste creep in.
Yep. Coaches picked us to win the ACC too, which we failed to do, just like basketball.

Just stating a fact.
2packfans4ever wrote:[/B]
apackfan69 wrote: I tell you guys, it's times like these I wish I hated college sports. Where is the justice when a dumb *** kid like Hobbs Johnson gets put through school and comes out and dominates us to knock us out of the CWS?????????? That damn school continues to cheat and win with no consequences. It really makes me want to stop following any college sports.[/QUOTE]
Pray for an LOIC at UNC soon............I am sure the baseball program is at least as dirty as the rest of the programs.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
2packfans4ever wrote:[/B]
apackfan69 wrote: I tell you guys, it's times like these I wish I hated college sports. Where is the justice when a dumb *** kid like Hobbs Johnson gets put through school and comes out and dominates us to knock us out of the CWS?????????? That damn school continues to cheat and win with no consequences. It really makes me want to stop following any college sports.
Pray for an LOIC at UNC soon............I am sure the baseball program is at least as dirty as the rest of the programs.[/QUOTE] MooU is the prefect college sports example of why many little brothers are seen by their older brothers as at best whiney, needy, demanding, unrealistic pains.
As proof of Hobbs Johnson cheating to stay in school, they have provided this article. Here's the quote:

Johnson, who needed four As in his summer school classes to remain eligible, knew that worrying about starts or appearances down the road is foolish. He learned from experience that the next start is never guaranteed.

What they chose to ignore, however, is the fact that he had a Morehead Scholar helping him with his studies:

Moss made Johnson better, on the field and in the classroom. And Johnson helped ease Moss, who is a Morehead scholar, into college baseball.

I swear, Eddy Landreth (RIP) was spot on. NCSU has never lost to us in any sport ever. All of our wins have come as the result of cheating or some other nefarious method that is the root of all injustice in this world. I almost feel sorry for their trash fans. Almost.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Wolpfackers, on karma:

Funny how a true byproduct of the Carolina Way hands us our asses to end the season.
By God this is a funny one. I fell apart when I read it.
Fun season!! It's capturing the existing fans but more importantly its capturing new fans (like my 7 year old). This will help us in the long run as a school - not everyone will become a Heel fan.


But we've been close a lot of times. Maybe we should win the "Bridesmaid's Trophy".


So gay when you have to win based on your opponents mistakes.

And finally...

This would be a whole lot easier to take if it wasn't those self-righteous mother f#$^ers that sent us home. I f@#^king hate UNC with ever fiber of my being.
This post was edited on 6/21 9:16 AM by UNC '92
Too many hilarious ones to pick out one to post. I just let the hilarity of it all wash over me last night as I laid in bed reading CrackRide..........I'll try to dig out some funny ones right now though.

EDITED TO ADD: my pasting skills suck so I'll just present this as a conversation instead of using the quoted posts

RaleighBound wrote: Only top talent makes that slide at home plate. That's big league.

packfan01 wrote: The funny part of that freeze-frame is it looks like his hand is 3-4" above the plate with Austin's glove on his shoulder.

RaleighBound wrote: The last time State got a close call against the holes in a critical situation would be the first in decades.

sealwolftoo wrote: frustrating to have to listen to frick and frack mess up the discussion after the freeze frame shows him out

This post was edited on 6/21 9:26 AM by TarHeelNation11
coursedoctor wrote: this has to be the most boaring game ever invented. but since the pack plays it I watch it. it amazes me that no matter the sport NC STATE **** happens. I wonder if the bass fishing team ever lets a big one get away and say to themselves "that's some NC STATE **** right there "
Yes, the material coming from fans of Epic Fail University is endless!

Only those arse-clowns could look at that replay and not see he was safe. Was it close? Yep, but he was safe and the ref made the right call AND gave them one by not throwing Rodent and Austin out of the game, which he easily could have. Avent, too, for that matter.

You almost feel sorry for them since their whole existence seems to be wrapped up us failing instead of them excelling. Were it not so funny just how delusional they are, I might actually have some measure of sympathy for them.

But, I don't!
Originally posted by TarHeelNation11:
coursedoctor wrote: this has to be the most boaring game ever invented. but since the pack plays it I watch it. it amazes me that no matter the sport NC STATE **** happens. I wonder if the bass fishing team ever lets a big one get away and say to themselves "that's some NC STATE **** right there "
I envision coursedoctor to look somewhat like an angry Carl Spackler with a Moo truckdriver's hat with the brim folded hard in the middle.
This is comedy gold from CardiacPackAttack, who describes himself as a "Proud Birther!"

Of course we get eliminated by our arch freakin' metrosexual rival that we blew out the first time around. This after we narrowly lost to UCLA, whom I fully expect UNC will throttle now. Jimmy V curse lives on, I guess.

Speaking of Valvano, I was a one year old when Jimmy V ran around the court in New Mexico. Haven't won any dang championships since I've known what being a fan of the Pack means. Football, basketball, baseball...

And I didn't even go to the dang school.
they may have beat us but we can always point at them an laugh for being



Looks like this is their go-to move. Unfortunately, someone has to remind them that between our two schools only one shows up in the Top 29 list of NCAA Cheating Hall of Fame:


This post was edited on 6/21 10:10 AM by Raising Heel
Here's a beaut for you guys:


89Gradv2 wrote: UNC managing to make the whole sleazy mess get swept under the rug is actually a textbook course in how to manage a crisis. Everyone in senior management at NC State (athletic and academic) should actually get the spinmeisters at UNC to come over and put on a clinic. Compare their handling of their issues with our handling of (1) Valvano affair; and (2) Mary Easley affair, and you have, on the other end of the spectrum, a textbook study in how NOT to
handle a crisis. My hat's actually off to them...they will be teaching this in Business or Public Administration School crisis management courses for decades to come.

We only wish we could be as skilled at manipulating the powers that be and presenting our story in the best possible light...


Now, THIS guy won't last long over there:


TampaBayPack; Proud of our team and what they accomplished this year. This experience will help them next year as they will try to get back here again.

Hats off to my second cousin Hobbs Johnson, who is named after my grandfather. He pitched a great game. I wish he had grown up a State fan. He is a good kid and I can't believe that some of you, even a moderator, who do not know anything about him, feel the need to bad mouth him just because he plays for a team you dislike.

Anyway....Avent did a heck of a job this year and I think this is the beginning of a several year run at the NC in baseball. We will have a good team next year. Go Pack!!


But, fear not, they were quick to make sure he was "put in his place:


wolfchicEE: I know it's cool to have a cousin that talented. And I'd be proud of him too. I hope he makes you even prouder in the MLB.

And it's not just because he's a tarheel I say this: But no way I will ever believe he, as a marginal student about to lose eligibility, could legitimately get 4 As in an accelerated summer school to maintain eligibility. It's just not believable. There are some very smart people I know .... people who would have no trouble maintain a high GPA.....that would have problems getting 4 As in accelerated summer school.

UNC has a history of academic cheating. They have a history of no show classes. They have a history of plagiarized papers. They have a history mysterious grade changes. 800 suspect grades that they admit to (who knows how many more they didn't dig into).

I don't have to ignore all that.
This post was edited on 6/21 11:26 AM by Littlejon
wolfchicEE: .

And it's not just because he's a tarheel I say this: But no way I will ever believe he, as a marginal student about to lose eligibility, could legitimately get 4 As in an accelerated summer school to maintain eligibility. It's just not believable. There are some very smart people I know .... people who would have no trouble maintain a high GPA.....that would have problems getting 4 As in accelerated summer school.
Oh, so now it's an accelerated summer school? There they go again, adding new dimensions to their version of reality. And of course they try to make it sound like he was taking all these classes simultaneously, when you're actually not allowed to take more than two classes in each of the two summer school sessions.

It's really not that inconceivable. As someone who has taken post-graduate summer school classes, I can tell you my grades were much better in those sessions. The class sizes are smaller, there's less going on around campus, and you can focus better on the limited number of subjects rather than spreading yourself across five or six areas of study.

But hey. She said no way she would ever believe it, and I believer HER!
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Michael Russell with a hilarious one word tweet after the game:

Hahahahaha. Speaking of Bojangles, here's a quote I heard from a Wuffie fan at a travel center / Wendy's combo somewhere along I-85 in South Carolina (he and his girl were heading down to whatever bowl game they played in Florida a couple years ago or so).

Girl talking to her Wuffie boyfriend: "I like Wendy's but I wish we could've found a Bojangles!"

Wuffie guy: "We probably won't. I don't think they have them outside of North Carolina..." [this is absolutely false lol] and, he paused for a second and then continued, " ...and besides, once you get outside of Raleigh, they just ain't as good!"

I LOL'd like no other. Wanted to turn to the guy and be like "hey man, you know Bojangles was started in Charlotte right...?" But I didn't bother.
That wolfchicEE is a defrocked Admin.

She's also one lying, psycho biatch.
Originally posted by heelbent:

That wolfchicEE is a defrocked Admin.

She's also one lying, psycho biatch.
She also woefully misspelled "chick" unless of course she intentionally is stating that she has a fashionable "wolf chic" style or something.

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