That's not true. I have changed my mind about plenty of people on here over the past year.

Yea, but you're just a mean ol'white don't count. Well, you didn't used to. I guess we'll have to wait and see if anything's changed.
does all of that make you happy or mad?

you didn't vote for the guy, yet you sound disappointed and it's your opinion that he failed you and possibly this country.

surely you didn't expect to agree with every policy of his, right?

some dude on fb today called him a "traitor" his policies have divided this country so much that people believe he's a traitor?
DEMs and Nobama have only themselves to blame for their impending looooooong wandering through their self-imposed political wilderness. DEMs are responsible for the most tepid economic recovery in the history of economic recoveries.

The last eight years have brought the lowest labor participation rates since the 1970s, with 95 million Americans out of the labor force. The so-called recovery has been the weakest one since the 1940s. We have the lowest home ownership rate in 51 years – despite mortgage rates artificially kept at record lows. Over 11 million more Americans are on food stamps since he became president and more than 43 million Americans now live in poverty. One of every six men between 18 and 34 are either in prison or out of work.

And by the time he left office, President Obama added more to our national debt that all the other presidents before him combined. When President Obama finally left office, the national debt ballooned to almost $20 trillion. Prior to taking office, the man who has tacked on $9.3 trillion to what our children and grandchildren owe once said the then $9 trillion national debt was “unpatriotic.”

Then, of course, there's President Obama's assault on the business community through his burdensome regulations. Consider this: The estimated cost of regulations under Obama is a staggering $873 billion. That includes a shocking $344 billion cost in Environmental Protection Agency regulations alone. All told, the number of new regulations that been finalized under President Obama checks in at almost 3,000.

When it comes to jobs, President Obama always bragged about how many he created, but facts are stubborn things. In the past eight years, America has lost more than 300,000 manufacturing jobs and, although the president doesn’t mention it, America had a global trade deficit of over $732 billion last year. Of the jobs that Obama "created", many were very low paying, part-time jobs...

Yet another drag on the American economy is ObamaCare, his signature legislation and crowning achievement. Remember when Obama repeatedly told you that under his plan you could keep your doctor, you keep your plan and that that it would drive down overall health costs to the point the average family would save $2,500 a year? And how ObamaCare would actually reduce the deficit?

“No matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people,” Obama said on June 15, 2009. “If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan, period.”

Well, millions of people lost their doctors and their insurance plans, but that was just the start of the ObamaCare disaster. This year, Affordable Care Act premiums are exploding by 25 percent on average. In Arizona, they're jumping by a stunning 116 percent. Deductibles are so high that even if ObamaCare recipients pay their premiums, they can’t afford to use their coverage in many cases.

As for the average American family saving $2,500 a year on health care, the exact opposite has happened. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the increase in health care costs for employer-sponsored benefits since 2008 is now $5,462. That is a 43 percent increase.

It just keeps getting worse. Choice in health care providers available through ObamaCare is evaporating. In states like Alabama, Alaska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Wyoming, people buying on the exchanges have a single insurer to choose from. It’s because insurers are now pulling out after losing massive amounts of money. So much for choice.

So what about foreign policy? Obama gave Iran, the No. 1 state sponsor of terror, $150 billion and allows them to continue to spin their centrifuges? And of course, he paid a ransom for four U.S. citizens Iran held prisoner, reversing longstanding policy and signaling to the world that there’s money to be made from taking Americans captive.

Obama drew a “red line” when he warned Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad not to use chemical weapons. When Assad crossed it, Obama did nothing. Partly as a result, that country civil war continues and has created a massive worldwide humanitarian crisis.

In Egypt, Obama he gave Mohammed Morsi, the former Muslim Brotherhood head who became president but is now in prison for murder, F-16s, tanks and $1.5 billion in taxpayer funds.

In Libya, the president helped overthrew Qaddafi, and that country has since fallen into chaos, creating a hotbed for ISIS.

And speaking of ISIS, back 2014, President Obama called the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization the”JayVee” team. The next year, just hours before the horrific ISIS attack in Paris that killed 130 people, Obama assured us that ISIS was “contained.” ISIS was never a junior varsity team, and certainly was not contained. In fact, it seized vast parts of Iraq because Obama created a vacuum when he pulled U.S. troops out too early for purely political reasons.

There's no doubt President Obama's legacy is one of severe damage to the country. But the good news is that we new president.

The president-elect has promised to clean up this mess and he has a very clear plan to do it. He will create millions of new jobs, lower taxes, reform the tax code, negotiate better and fairer trade deals, cut burdensome regulations, encourage multi-national corporations to bring back trillions of dollars, promote energy independence repeal and replace ObamaCare, build a border wall, vet refugees and appoint originalist justices to the U.S. Supreme Court.

President Trump wasn’t afraid to say "radical Islam" while destroying ISIS in his inauguration speech. He will “drain the swamp,” and reduce the size of government, eliminate bureaucratic waste, fraud, abuse and send control over public education back to the states.

There’s reason to believe real, lasting change is coming our way. It will be up to all of us to hold Trump and his team accountable.
Well shit . . these pics didn't go over very well with our new POTUS. They were re-tweeted by the National Park Service yesterday. Trump has now told the Park Service to stop all tweeting.

LMFAO at this thin-skinned, egotistical pussy grabber with his itty bitty hurt feelings.

LMFAO at this thin-skinned, egotistical pussy grabber with his itty bitty hurt feelings.

That's "thin-skinned, egotistical pussy grabbing President with itty bitty hurt feelings". C'mon, let's show a little respect.
That's "thin-skinned, egotistical pussy grabbing President with itty bitty hurt feelings". C'mon, let's show a little respect.
See, that's the problem. Trump will not be treated with respect by anyone including world leaders until he starts acting in a way that commands respect. So far, he has not done so. What world leader is going to respect a man who has called his daughter a "piece of ass". who has bragged about how big her tits are, etc.
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Trump now claiming there were 1 million folks at his inaugural event yesterday . . sorry, Mr. President Liar, it was a lot closer to 250K.

Friday was only Bigly in your mind . . now, I'll give ya that the Saturday crowd is another story entirely.
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Well shit . . these pics didn't go over very well with our new POTUS. They were re-tweeted by the National Park Service yesterday. Trump has now told the Park Service to stop all tweeting.

LMFAO at this thin-skinned, egotistical pussy grabber with his itty bitty hurt feelings.


Think that one is about this doozy:


Damn near NOBODY showed up.

Oh wait...perhaps they didn't take the photo at the same time of day? No, no....can't be....everything in the news is true, accurate, and trustworthy.

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Sean Spicer announced this evening that POTUS is going to hold the news media accountable . . LOL

Clearly, this amateur hour shit-show is now off to a most fantastic start. Trump's ass is still burning over attendance numbers reported at his inauguration.
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I'm sure Barry's inauguration would have had similar numbers if his opposition boycotted en masses and if any one not fond of him ridiculed those that cared to attend or show support. His opposition was classier though.

On second thought, who GAF about inauguration turnout? Does it matter one iota?
There's no law on record that says anyone has to like or even respect Trump. His behavior is one of the main reasons so many despise him. I agree with the sentiment that he needs to get off the twitter and start conducting himself in a manner befitting the leader of the most powerful nation on the earth.

That being said, I am also not one of those in full blown panic mode either. Which is why those marches puzzled me today. What were they trying to prove? No one's rights have been taken away. No one is getting locked up, no gay person is being forced to be straight by a government authority. It seemed pointless to me. Protest when Trump ACTUALLY does something while in office, but the man has been President for little more than 24 hours.

I am currently in "wait and see" mode. I'm not optimistic. I hope his Presidency is successful in that it benefits the country as a whole. But let's face it, given his unpredictable nature, we have no idea what to expect.
There were some awful nasty, skanky women in DC yesterday - march organizer has ties to Islamic Terror (met with Hamas operatives and her family has ties to terror organizations); Michael Moore (Trump didn't take power on Friday), Madonna (wants to blow up the WH), Ashley Judd (DJT has wet dreams about his own daughter). Yep, some real nasty bee-atches...
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Sean Spicer announced this evening that POTUS is going to hold the news media accountable . . LOL

Clearly, this amateur hour shit-show is now off to a most fantastic start. Trump's ass is still burning over attendance numbers reported at his inauguration.
BillyL, Noir-boy, et al in FULL MELT DOWN MODE!!! I LOVE IT!!!
There were some awful nasty, skanky women in DC yesterday - march organizer has ties to Islamic Terror (met with Hamas operatives and her family has ties to terror organizations); Michael Moore (Trump didn't take power on Friday), Madonna (wants to blow up the WH), Ashley Judd (DJT has wet dreams about his own daughter). Yep, some real nasty bee-atches...
Typical smh