Republican Debate


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Looked and sounded like a slugfest last evening. The moderators were just awful . . (sound familiar . . ?)
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couldn't bring myself to watch another one of these... I mean, it's still over a YEAR away from election; and 4-5 months until primaries... ugh!

so, who were the winners and losers of round 3?
couldn't bring myself to watch another one of these... I mean, it's still over a YEAR away from election; and 4-5 months until primaries... ugh!

so, who were the winners and losers of round 3?

The losers were the moderators. I believe that Christie and Rubio had strong performances, JEB looked meek . . Kasich came out swinging though I'm not sure he gained much. Fiorina was 'meh' . . Trump seemed more like a spectator this go 'round, Dr. Ben Carson looked like he was drying his hand under a restroom air blower whenever he spoke.
Cruz, Paul and Huckabee kinda just filled out the line-up without a lot of hoorah.

The moderators were in it simply to ask "gotcha" questions...they got called out on it numerous times! for the most part the candidates did not fall into the trap! I guess these so called journalists believe in the tabloid type of journalism instead of dealing with the issues of the day that will actually help this Country out.

Bush looked stupid and needs to get out of the race!
Kasich should have already been out of the race!
Ryan did OK but really seems like the lost puppy out there...nobody really giving him the time of day! It is a shame really because I think he has some good ideas!
Trump is all about marketing Trump. The ONLY thing that he has over the rest of the field is that he is more polished in front of the camera. I simply can't take him seriously..most of his answers are suited for Jerry Springer
Fiorina is smart and very quick on her feet...I am just not sold on her for some reason
Huckabee has some of the best fiscal ideas in my opinion....I like the concept of the flat tax! He will not win but will be on someones cabinet if the GOP gets elected.
Carson stumbled some last night but I still like him. People take his deliberate answers as a problem but I think it is about time that we have some thoughtful answers. I also think he very well may be the most honest/direct and not PC person in this election......period! He is certainly in my Top 3
Rubio was attacked a lot last night by the moderators...not sure why but he was on the defensive all night. I like his ideas and way of thinking although I do disagree with him in some areas...immigration being one of them.
Cruz won the debate last night in my opinion. From hammering the moderators to hammering the establishment. Probably the smartest guy on the stage in regard to the law and certainly the most polished politician...too stiff for me but that position needs that. Top 3
I like Chris Christie personally and would rather hang out with him then vote for him...but I think he is a fence rider and that turns me off. I think that the Moderates love him because of that.
Didn't watch. Just no great candidates for the GOP which is depressing.

That being said, Fiorina and Carson are smarter than just about anyone else running (with the possible exception of Trump). Are either electable? Doubt it, and that's a shame.
Trump's "Jerry Springer" style answers are exactly what's appealing to so many people -- as opposed to the standard "Capitol Hill" style answers.
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Did anybody else think it was strange that Carson denied "any involvement" with Mannatech when he actually has a lengthy and fairly well-documented history with them? Seems like potentially one of those situations where the denial could end up being worse for him than his actual involvement.
unless the other contenders can get it figured out soon, they are all just auditioning to be Trumps running mate
Gac looks to be the only guy that paid attention. He summarized the evening well. I think the consensus is that Rubio and Cruz performed the best. Cruz is becoming more appealing to me and Carson is becoming less appealing to me.

I kind of agree with 71 though in that it's still Trump's show. I thought he would have fizzled out by now but I'm impressed with his staying power of nothing else.

But I'm still calling Rubio as the GOP candidate. He's the most well rounded and polished.
Gac looks to be the only guy that paid attention. He summarized the evening well. I think the consensus is that Rubio and Cruz performed the best. Cruz is becoming more appealing to me and Carson is becoming less appealing to me.

I kind of agree with 71 though in that it's still Trump's show. I thought he would have fizzled out by now but I'm impressed with his staying power of nothing else.

But I'm still calling Rubio as the GOP candidate. He's the most well rounded and polished.

Almost Every single poll showed that the viewers thought Trump won. Why do you think consensus says Cruz or Rubio?
I made it through about 30-45 minutes and the questions and pandering got to be more than I could handle.

No one up there is worthwhile for the office they're running for, to me. Some of them are downright dangerous... the scary-kind of dangerous.

ETA: If Trump wins, it's not as scary as if some of the others were to win. But, ya never know. Trump represents someone that works this corrupted system for himself and pays both sides to get ahead. That's hardly the kind of leader I'd want. But, if you like the corrupt system, he's ideal.
The fact that Strum doesn't think any of them are qualified is good enough for me. That means that they are ALL EXCEEDINGLY qualified. Except for Jeb, maybe.
If Cruz starts to pick up momentum, look out. He is the only one that terrifies the liberals.
Criuz, with Trump or Rubio as VP. That's the ticket.
I made it through about 30-45 minutes and the questions and pandering got to be more than I could handle.

No one up there is worthwhile for the office they're running for, to me. Some of them are downright dangerous... the scary-kind of dangerous.

ETA: If Trump wins, it's not as scary as if some of the others were to win. But, ya never know. Trump represents someone that works this corrupted system for himself and pays both sides to get ahead. That's hardly the kind of leader I'd want. But, if you like the corrupt system, he's ideal.

Who, among candidates running for prez from any party, is worth voting for in your opinion?
unless the other contenders can get it figured out soon, they are all just auditioning to be Trumps running mate
I am afraid you may be right and I don't get it.....Trump is simply the loudest one up there and says everything with a cock assurance...but if you really listen to him, he doesn't make sense half the time! He LOVES to point out that HE is the only one to have done something...HE is the only one to have accomplished something....HE is the only one to have......well maybe that is because HE was the only one in that situation! He is tabloid material all day long and if he is the nominee, then this Country has officially lost it collective mind!!!!
I am afraid you may be right and I don't get it.....Trump is simply the loudest one up there and says everything with a cock assurance...but if you really listen to him, he doesn't make sense half the time! He LOVES to point out that HE is the only one to have done something...HE is the only one to have accomplished something....HE is the only one to have......well maybe that is because HE was the only one in that situation! He is tabloid material all day long and if he is the nominee, then this Country has officially lost it collective mind!!!!
So he'd be worse than Hillary???
Did anybody else think it was strange that Carson denied "any involvement" with Mannatech when he actually has a lengthy and fairly well-documented history with them? Seems like potentially one of those situations where the denial could end up being worse for him than his actual involvement.

He uses their product, he has spoken at several of their conferences, he has endorsed a supplement that they and others use and he recorded a video about said supplement! Is there more or less to this story?
So he'd be worse than Hillary???

hahaha. I said "nominee" meaning from the GOP.....and if it is Trump v Billary...Lord have mercy on our souls!!!! I would vote for Trump because there could not possibly be much worse than Billary!!!
Almost Every single poll showed that the viewers thought Trump won. Why do you think consensus says Cruz or Rubio?

Well, ok. I guess what the polls show is the true indicator of who "won". But all the news outlet talking heads say that Rubio and Cruz were the ones that won. But to your point, it's not just the talking heads that will be voting.
I am afraid you may be right and I don't get it.....Trump is simply the loudest one up there and says everything with a cock assurance...but if you really listen to him, he doesn't make sense half the time! He LOVES to point out that HE is the only one to have done something...HE is the only one to have accomplished something....HE is the only one to have......well maybe that is because HE was the only one in that situation! He is tabloid material all day long and if he is the nominee, then this Country has officially lost it collective mind!!!!

Unless they can dig up some dirt on Trump, he's your nominee. And he will beat Hillary by double digits if that is the case.

Trump has differentiated himself in a number of ways- we can go through them if you like, but bottom line is that the man has learned how to persuade his audience to take his side. And watch him come back to the middle once he wins the GOP nomination, and he will do it in a way that mollifies the far right wingers.
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Well, ok. I guess what the polls show is the true indicator of who "won". But all the news outlet talking heads say that Rubio and Cruz were the ones that won. But to your point, it's not just the talking heads that will be voting.

And less than 5% of the talking heads will be voting for a Republican, so take what those guys say with a grain of salt. That bunch examines it from a beltway point of view- they are the same people who think John Boehner did a good job as Speaker.
hahaha. I said "nominee" meaning from the GOP.....and if it is Trump v Billary...Lord have mercy on our souls!!!! I would vote for Trump because there could not possibly be much worse than Billary!!!

There is a better chance that you (and me and most of the rest of us on this board) will get to the polls at 6am to vote for Trump you will be so excited than there is that you will begrudgingly cast a vote for the Donald.

I wager even Boy will vote for Trump over Hillary.
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Unless they can dig up some dirt on Trump, he's your nominee. And he will beat Hillary by double digits if that is the case.

Trump has differentiated himself in a number of ways- we can go through them if you like, but bottom line is that the man has learned how to persuade his audience to take his side. And watch him come back to the middle once he wins the GOP nomination, and he will do it in a way that mollifies the far right wingers.
I just hope he stays firm on his immigration stance
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I just hope he stays firm on his immigration stance

If you mean round up every illegal and send them home, that's not happening because it is impossible.

But he will arrange a way for the illegals who are here, obeying the law and contributing to get guest worker status with a path to citizenship and them deport all the others. And he will build a wall. So if you are good with that, then you wont be disappointed.

Oh, and I think he will announce his revised plan during the election and it will take even more support from Hillary, assuming she hasnt been indicted by that point.
CNDNC did a miserable job of conducting a debate that ensured the voters were informed about the candidates position on major issues. That was their job - they utterly failed to do that job. Hopefully, the next debate will be more informative with respect to candidates actual positions on the issues.
I can vote for anyone against Hillary with a clear conciensce.
Well, I certainly agree with that. But, if Rubio is on the ballot by the time the GOP primary happens in VA, I could vote for him... If not, I would have to re-evaluate the other options...
Unless they can dig up some dirt on Trump, he's your nominee. And he will beat Hillary by double digits if that is the case.

Trump has differentiated himself in a number of ways- we can go through them if you like, but bottom line is that the man has learned how to persuade his audience to take his side. And watch him come back to the middle once he wins the GOP nomination, and he will do it in a way that mollifies the far right wingers.

and that is why the talking heads like him...he is Romney with a beligerant personality!!!!!
He uses their product, he has spoken at several of their conferences, he has endorsed a supplement that they and others use and he recorded a video about said supplement! Is there more or less to this story?
Just that he did much of that after the company had admitted to making fraudulent claims about the benefits of the product. Probably not a huge deal, but a legitimate question since he doesn't have a political record to run on. I was just surprised he said he had "no relationship" with them given the associations you listed, which span more than ten years.
and that is why the talking heads like him...he is Romney with a beligerant personality!!!!!

The Talking Heads hate Trump, Gac, WTH you talkin bout? In fact, just about everyone hates Trump, but somehow he has a commanding lead.
There is a better chance that you (and me and most of the rest of us on this board) will get to the polls at 6am to vote for Trump you will be so excited than there is that you will begrudgingly cast a vote for the Donald.

I wager even Boy will vote for Trump over Hillary.

Write-in is always an option. lol
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I give Trump much credit. He's got balls and takes no crap from anyone. That will make him effective against anyone; but especially, he will be effective when he has to combat both the moderators, press, and Billary simultaneously in a POTUS campaign.
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The moderators were in it simply to ask "gotcha" questions...they got called out on it numerous times! for the most part the candidates did not fall into the trap! I guess these so called journalists believe in the tabloid type of journalism instead of dealing with the issues of the day that will actually help this Country out.

Bush looked stupid and needs to get out of the race!
Kasich should have already been out of the race!
Ryan did OK but really seems like the lost puppy out there...nobody really giving him the time of day! It is a shame really because I think he has some good ideas!
Trump is all about marketing Trump. The ONLY thing that he has over the rest of the field is that he is more polished in front of the camera. I simply can't take him seriously..most of his answers are suited for Jerry Springer
Fiorina is smart and very quick on her feet...I am just not sold on her for some reason
Huckabee has some of the best fiscal ideas in my opinion....I like the concept of the flat tax! He will not win but will be on someones cabinet if the GOP gets elected.
Carson stumbled some last night but I still like him. People take his deliberate answers as a problem but I think it is about time that we have some thoughtful answers. I also think he very well may be the most honest/direct and not PC person in this election......period! He is certainly in my Top 3
Rubio was attacked a lot last night by the moderators...not sure why but he was on the defensive all night. I like his ideas and way of thinking although I do disagree with him in some areas...immigration being one of them.
Cruz won the debate last night in my opinion. From hammering the moderators to hammering the establishment. Probably the smartest guy on the stage in regard to the law and certainly the most polished politician...too stiff for me but that position needs that. Top 3
I like Chris Christie personally and would rather hang out with him then vote for him...but I think he is a fence rider and that turns me off. I think that the Moderates love him because of that.
The moderators were true light uh I mean featherweights. You work for an investment channel and you are so stupid you think 18 trillion in debt is OK. They really made themselves look dumb.

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