Republican Debate

They can make me the THEIR enemy, that's our of my control. But, I refuse to make them MY enemy. It's part of my moral compass. I learned it from Jesus of Nazareth.
Jesus said to love your enemy but He didn't say to hate those that rightly point out evil. What is wrong with you that you cannot accept gang rapes, sex slavery, beheadings, drownings, torture, etc,....are evil? That's what jihad is and it's a central part of Islam and Mohammed's teachings.

Jesus said to beware of false prophets. You act like pointing out an obvious one is somehow bigotry. And it's really not even close. I know some call people with doctrinal differences "false prophets" but this guy is the real deal. So defend "jihad" and all that entails or condemn it but quit hiding behind stupid ideology you believe is love when it isn't.
I simply offered a very informative, concise film, that was shot IN IRAN, by an objective source. You can watch it and learn, or ignore it and claim you already know everything.
What does that film have to do with Islam? The Germans and Japanese during WWII had a lot of nice, regular people there as well. That didn't change the Holocaust or the Bataan march.
Religions are responsible for creating hundreds, maybe thousands, of "different gods." That's why I don't follow a religion. could mistake you for following a leftist, liberal one. But I'll accept your word here.
Where did I ever say, or even remotely imply, that I "like" rape?
Well, when someone condemns the rape religion, what is your reaction? To defend it and condemn those slamming Islam or what? Couldn't you at least admit Mohammed was a rapist and the religion is evil (regardless of how many nice Muslims there are)?
Who's definition are you referring to? The one in the Bible? Civil unions far predate the bible. The law? Just because a law exists does not mean it is just nor moral. Countless laws have been overturned in this country for that exact reason.

There is no shortage of institutionalized children that would benefit greatly from having a loving home to go to. Even if they have two dads or two moms.

The state already does provide benefits to married couples, so that argument is completely bogus. Equal marriage rights are here to stay. I suggest you accept it and move on. Or you can keep staking your place on the wrong side of history.

How about looking at nature and biology? Oh, and of course the Bible. Interesting how they agree and how you guys reject science. As far as moving on, this isn't something that is going to cause a lot of personal harm. But it is an excuse for the haters to label people bigots for merely pointing out reality.
Okay indulge me then. What problem has come as a result of Islam, that hasn't previously come as a result of Christianity?

Rape? Check.
Holy War? Check.
Murder? Check.
Suppressed rights of women and various minorities? Check.

And that's not a defense of Islam. That ideology is bat $hit crazy. We're talking about people who believe Mohammad literally flew to heaven on a winged horse. But Christians have committed the same atrocities being committed by radical Muslims right now.

Jesus never taught sex slavery, rape, killing the men to enslave their wives, etc,....Mohammed did all that and took a 9 year old to "marry." It's a sicko religion. Always has been and always will be, at it's very root and foundation. I think you know that but don't want to admit it to yourself.
How about looking at nature and biology? Oh, and of course the Bible. Interesting how they agree and how you guys reject science. As far as moving on, this isn't something that is going to cause a lot of personal harm. But it is an excuse for the haters to label people bigots for merely pointing out reality.

Sure. Let's look at nature. There are countless species who engage in homosexuity. Well over 1000 last time I read up on it. The bible is literally 0% relevant to the laws established in this country because of the first amendment. Marriage isn't solely for the sake of procreation genius... Should we deny infertile straight couples the right to marry too? Biology says they have the same chance of successful progeny as a homosexual couple.

Here ya go. Next time study up before you accuse someone else of denying science
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Jesus never taught sex slavery, rape, killing the men to enslave their wives, etc,....Mohammed did all that and took a 9 year old to "marry." It's a sicko religion. Always has been and always will be, at it's very root and foundation. I think you know that but don't want to admit it to yourself.
He actually married her at 6 and had the common decency (LMFAO) to wait until she was 9 to deflower her. I guess he was busy with his other 23 wives since God had come to him and told him it was OK for only him to have 24.
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Sure. Let's look at nature. There are countless species who engage in homosexuity. Well over 1000 last time I read up on it. The bible is literally 0% relevant to the laws established in this country because of the first amendment. Marriage isn't solely for the sake of procreation genius... Should we deny infertile straight couples the right to marry too? Biology says they have the same chance of successful progeny as a homosexual couple.

Here ya go. Next time study up before you accuse someone else of denying science

So what? You missed the point entirely. Children can only occur naturally via heterosexual marriage. That's a fact whether you like it or not. No one is stopping gay couples from living together. But to claim homosexual union is the same as heterosexual union is simply false and unscientific. It's fact they are 2 different things.
Well, when someone condemns the rape religion, what is your reaction? To defend it and condemn those slamming Islam or what? Couldn't you at least admit Mohammed was a rapist and the religion is evil (regardless of how many nice Muslims there are)?
I've never once, EVER, defended it. I simply don't condemn and denounce it as fervently as you do- even though I do rebuke the religion entirely, personally. There's a difference.
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I've never once, EVER, defended it. I simply don't condemn and denounce it as fervently as you do. There's a difference.

I could go back and point out some things but for sake of brevity, let's cut to the chase. You made the following comment:

"But, the problem arises when one religion thinks it's better than the other. When you can't humble yourself to realize you're no better than anyone else, then you put all of us at risk."

There are at least 2 very large errors here. The first is by saying no religion is better than the other, you are saying a religion teaching men to rape and enslave women is just as good as any religion. You don't appear to be suggesting all religion is evil and so the inference is it's wrong to slam Islam over rape, murder, sex slavery, genocide, etc,....Hope you can see that?

The second thing is you use a deceptive tactic, perhaps unwittingly, of actually associating condemning a belief system as the same as thinking one is better than the people captured in that evil belief system. Hey, you aren't better than the Nazis necessarily. You aren't better than anyone on one level. On another level, maybe you are better than the folks that commit genocide. You have to distinguish between talking of actions and motives and a larger judgement which is to think if you were in the same shoes, raised and living the same way, you would be better.

The truth is we don't know. If we were born that person and had the same experience, perhaps we'd be a genocidal monster?

But so what? That's not what we are talking about. We are identifying something wrong and evil and you are essentially defending it by attacking the character of those pointing out the evil as if their argument is simply we are better than others.

Was Jesus doing that when he condemned the Pharisees? Was he wrong, prideful, unspiritual and unloving? What do you think of Jesus?
I could go back and point out some things but for sake of brevity, let's cut to the chase. You made the following comment:

"But, the problem arises when one religion thinks it's better than the other. When you can't humble yourself to realize you're no better than anyone else, then you put all of us at risk."

There are at least 2 very large errors here. The first is by saying no religion is better than the other, you are saying a religion teaching men to rape and enslave women is just as good as any religion. You don't appear to be suggesting all religion is evil and so the inference is it's wrong to slam Islam over rape, murder, sex slavery, genocide, etc,....Hope you can see that?

The second thing is you use a deceptive tactic, perhaps unwittingly, of actually associating condemning a belief system as the same as thinking one is better than the people captured in that evil belief system. Hey, you aren't better than the Nazis necessarily. You aren't better than anyone on one level. On another level, maybe you are better than the folks that commit genocide. You have to distinguish between talking of actions and motives and a larger judgement which is to think if you were in the same shoes, raised and living the same way, you would be better.

The truth is we don't know. If we were born that person and had the same experience, perhaps we'd be a genocidal monster?

But so what? That's not what we are talking about. We are identifying something wrong and evil and you are essentially defending it by attacking the character of those pointing out the evil as if their argument is simply we are better than others.

Was Jesus doing that when he condemned the Pharisees? Was he wrong, prideful, unspiritual and unloving? What do you think of Jesus?
If you're convinced that Islam is all about " teaching men to rape and enslave women... murder, sex slavery, genocide", then it's pretty pointless to continue.

Muslims who believe their religion is superior are just as dangerous as any other religious ideologue. I'm just not preoccupied with being petrified of them. I also don't lump them all together. I try not to lump groups of people together in any regard. If you think they're all degenerates, fine.
If you're convinced that Islam is all about " teaching men to rape and enslave women... murder, sex slavery, genocide", then it's pretty pointless to continue.

Muslims who believe their religion is superior are just as dangerous as any other religious ideologue. I'm just not preoccupied with being petrified of them. I also don't lump them all together. I try not to lump groups of people together in any regard. If you think they're all degenerates, fine.

It is all about that so to speak. It's about more than that of course but jihad a central aspect of Islam, played a central role in Mohammed's life and the spread of Islam. If you want to deny those facts, suit yourself. But don't pretend that denial is honest.

And again, you are playing silly, dishonest games. I don't think all the Soviets, the Klansmen, the Nazis, or Obama-folks :) are all bad people. I don't lump them all together. I am talking about ideas and doctrine, whether religious or not.

Perhaps you are intellectually incapable of discussing such ideas outside of a relational perspective of thought? Is it all about who says something in your world and so unable to look at what is being said and taught regardless of who says it?

And why not answer: what do you think of Jesus?
LOL the IRA didn't want to kill off protestants... Now I've heard it all.

You can read my thesis that got an A that I had to write to graduate with a degree in International Studies if you are so inclined. Or I can point you to a few books to read. Or you can keep jacking your jaws about that which you are ignorant.

Your choice.
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I am sure you would have said "that Hitler he's ok , we are no better than he is" you would have been right at the table with Neville.
Well, The Grand Mufti and the Muslims did side with the Nazis in WWII, so they are kind of teammates, so I guess these two are big fans of Adolf as well? They both had the same goal of exterminating the Jews, only the Muslims are still at it.
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Also, if you watch the film, you'll realize that Iranians aren't a great deal different from any of us.

Their cultures and actions will eventually catch up to the rest of the cultures of the developing world. Threats of war, and sending troops and starting/ending wars, only makes it harder and take longer. That only makes their fringe, vengeful cells more resolved and more radical to enact their revenge.

I refuse to make them my enemy. I refuse to make ANYONE my enemy.
Bless your heart. They have already made you THEIR enemy, your stance on it doesn't really matter to them at this point.
Like Andy Griffith told the young guitarist Jimmy, If somebody digs you, then you should be nice and dig them right back.
Bigotry is such an ugly aspect of human psychology. I bet you guys think every black male is a criminal.

Islam has plenty of problems. Just like every other organized religion. Get off your high horses. Every Muslim is not a rapist. Very few of them are actually.

head in the sand......
Please tell that the thousands of young UK girls that were caught up in the Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham and other cities. Tell that to the blond Swedish girls now that rape has exploded along with the MUSLIM migrant influx. Tell that to the women and girls in the refugee camps in Germany that refrain from going to the bathroom at night because of the prevalence of rape, and sleep in their clothes because they are afraid to be more vulnerable than they already are. Look at the statistics. But you won't, since they would absolutely destroy your narrative.

You'd think that protecting women and children would be a primary concern for a benevolent, caring liberal such as yourself. Someone like you would pretend not to see, and step over a girl being assaulted to commiserate with a feminist about male microaggressions.
criticized by whom? radical muslim groups and libtards.
Yeah, libtards that include libertarian magazine Reason and American Conservative Magazine. CSP's president also "was banned from the CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] ... because its organizers believed him to be a 'crazy bigot.'"

If you're looking for an unbiased view on the opinions of American Muslims, you might not want to cite an organization whose sole purpose is to prove the existence of a worldwide conspiracy to destroy Western civilization and install a caliphate under Sharia law.
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Yeah, libtards that include libertarian magazine Reason and American Conservative Magazine. CSP's president also "was banned from the CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] ... because its organizers believed him to be a 'crazy bigot.'"

If you're looking for an unbiased view on the opinions of American Muslims, you might not want to cite an organization whose sole purpose is to prove the existence of a worldwide conspiracy to destroy Western civilization and install a caliphate under Sharia law.

It's not a conspiracy. It's a fact and an article of the Islamic faith. As far as most American Muslims or even most Muslims globally, that's completely irreverent, as I suspect you know and are just trying to deflect from what Islam really is.
It's not a conspiracy. It's a fact and an article of the Islamic faith. As far as most American Muslims or even most Muslims globally, that's completely irreverent, as I suspect you know and are just trying to deflect from what Islam really is.
You completely missed my point, which was just that the source of the poll is unreliable. It's no different than if I wanted a true reflection of people's opinion on abortion, I wouldn't cite a Planned Parenthood poll. It's biased, and even conservative sources have said so in this case.
You completely missed my point, which was just that the source of the poll is unreliable. It's no different than if I wanted a true reflection of people's opinion on abortion, I wouldn't cite a Planned Parenthood poll. It's biased, and even conservative sources have said so in this case.

What are you talking about? A poll? Your post I read suggested the idea there is a movement wanting to establish Sharia and a global Islamic Caliphate was somehow just a conspiracy theory, or at least in the post I read, as if that wasn't standard Islam.

I am just pointing out what Islam is, not referencing some poll.
Bless your heart. They have already made you THEIR enemy, your stance on it doesn't really matter to them at this point.
Like Andy Griffith told the young guitarist Jimmy, If somebody digs you, then you should be nice and dig them right back.
I'm not concerned with what "they've" done. I have no control over "them." I don't even know which they, or them, you're referring to. The truth is, YOU DON'T KNOW EITHER. You have a vague idea of who you THINK they might be, based on whatever source you've decided is reliable to you, but I generally need more than that to get anywhere close to being concerned. When I was a child, I was told the Soviets were "my enemy." It didn't work on me. This doesn't work on me either.

Do I see the actions of those who take their hatred and violence to extremes as being horrible and reprehensible? Absolutely. But, this may shock you; when I see people commit horrific acts (no matter what their alleged religious views are), I feel sorry for them. I don't feel hatred and vengeful. I think "what has happened to them that doing something like this is even possible?" I don't believe that certain people are just "Evil" by accident, or genetically evil, or dangerous. Something (or things) has made them capable of doing inhumane things. So, I feel sorry for not only the victims when crimes of violence (or acts of violence) occur, but I feel just as much sorrow for the perpetrator(s).
What are you talking about? A poll? Your post I read suggested the idea there is a movement wanting to establish Sharia and a global Islamic Caliphate was somehow just a conspiracy theory, or at least in the post I read, as if that wasn't standard Islam.

I am just pointing out what Islam is, not referencing some poll.
You're pointing out what YOU THINK "Islam is." That is what all people do with all religions. Even the ones they subscribe to and participate in. That's why you rarely find two people who agree, 100%, on their own respective religions. But, they will always be on board with equally-hating the one they don't participate in. That is the basis for the word xenophobe. When you fear something different from you.
You're pointing out what YOU THINK "Islam is." That is what all people do with all religions. Even the ones they subscribe to and participate in. That's why you rarely find two people who agree, 100%, on their own respective religions. But, they will always be on board with equally-hating the one they don't participate in. That is the basis for the word xenophobe. When you fear something different from you.

No, I am pointing out what Islam is, and what mainstream Islam teaches about Mohammed and Islamic doctrine, concerning jihad as one example.

It's not like this stuff isn't written down in black and white via the Koran, the Hadith, traditions, Islamic theology, etc,... Mainstream Muslim scholars themselves say jihad is part of their religion, a duty, that sex slavery and rape are acceptable, as well as beheading and killing the men, that Mohammed himself did these things and did, in fact, have sex with a 9 year old he married when she was just 6, etc, etc,....This is what it is. You just don't want to be honest and admit it.
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No, I am pointing out what Islam is, and what mainstream Islam teaches about Mohammed and Islamic doctrine, concerning jihad as one example.

It's not like this stuff isn't written down in black and white via the Koran, the Hadith, traditions, Islamic theology, etc,... Mainstream Muslim scholars themselves say jihad is part of their religion, a duty, that sex slavery and rape are acceptable, as well as beheading and killing the men, that Mohammed himself did these things and did, in fact, have sex with a 9 year old he married when she was just 6, etc, etc,....This is what it is. You just don't want to be honest and admit it.
I just don't believe that a majority of modern-day Muslims act on these ancient texts in a literal context. The same way I know that modern-day Catholics and Protestants and Jews don't act on their ancient texts in a literal context. It's also why I don't personally subscribe to any of these religions. I further believe it is why ancient, organized religions are becoming more and more obsolete in the human condition. They are no longer needed. When people say otherwise, it only tells me they worship the religion, not God. Personally, I don't believe God needs, or even wants, to be worshiped anyway. Religions make God sound like some ancient monarch with an inferiority complex.

Anyway... continue to be terrified of them, and they'll continue to be terrified of you, I'm sure. You'll all be happy and content with your mutual fear of one another.


You seem much more obsessed with the tenets of their religion than most Muslims I know of.
I just don't believe that a majority of modern-day Muslims act on these ancient texts in a literal context. The same way I know that modern-day Catholics and Protestants and Jews don't act on their ancient texts in a literal context. It's also why I don't personally subscribe to any of these religions. I further believe it is why ancient, organized religions are becoming more and more obsolete in the human condition. They are no longer needed. When people say otherwise, it only tells me they worship the religion, not God. Personally, I don't believe God needs, or even wants, to be worshiped anyway. Religions make God sound like some ancient monarch with an inferiority complex.

Anyway... continue to be terrified of them, and they'll continue to be terrified of you, I'm sure. You'll all be happy and content with your mutual fear of one another.


You seem much more obsessed with the tenets of their religion than most Muslims I know of.

Once again, in reference to your comment on the majority of Muslims, so what? The majority of Germans didn't go around killing Jews either.

You adopt the same old liberal tactic of deception, suggesting disagreeing with someone's ideology means you hate them or are afraid of them. Look, I don't hate Muslims, communists, Neo-nazis, white or black supremacists, etc,....But that doesn't mean their ideology isn't wicked. By deflecting via deception a straight up condemnation of evil ideology, you are defending it.


Why do so many think nothing of condemning say, the Nazis or Khmer Rouge, and then say it's bigotry to condemn Islam? What's the difference? One is a religious ideology and that makes it Ok? Hitler stated the world wouldn't care if he killed the Jews because they did nothing when the Muslims slaughtered the Armenians. He was correct. The Allies would have let him slaughter the Jews and do nothing about it. That's not what the Allies were fighting for.

So get off your high horse and show some moral backbone. Have a heart. You and the whole world are watching Islam in action, raping, killing, enslaving women for sex slavery, torture, beheadings and such, and all you can say is well, most Muslims aren't.

So what? Islam teaches them to do this stuff, and eventually a portion of them will actually obey it's teachings and that's all it takes.
I just don't believe that a majority of modern-day Muslims act on these ancient texts in a literal context. The same way I know that modern-day Catholics and Protestants and Jews don't act on their ancient texts in a literal context. It's also why I don't personally subscribe to any of these religions. I further believe it is why ancient, organized religions are becoming more and more obsolete in the human condition. They are no longer needed. When people say otherwise, it only tells me they worship the religion, not God. Personally, I don't believe God needs, or even wants, to be worshiped anyway. Religions make God sound like some ancient monarch with an inferiority complex.

Anyway... continue to be terrified of them, and they'll continue to be terrified of you, I'm sure. You'll all be happy and content with your mutual fear of one another.


You seem much more obsessed with the tenets of their religion than most Muslims I know of.

"You seem much more obsessed with the tenets of their religion than most Muslims I know of."

Correct and that's because I care about the truth. Eventually some Muslims are going to take Islam seriously and obey it's teachings and so it's worth knowing what Islam teaches if you are a decent human being and care about the people being slaughtered, gang-raped, murdered and tortured.

Perhaps you just don't care? But even so, Islam will spread if not stopped and may well affect you and your family as well.
Once again, in reference to your comment on the majority of Muslims, so what? The majority of Germans didn't go around killing Jews either.

You adopt the same old liberal tactic of deception, suggesting disagreeing with someone's ideology means you hate them or are afraid of them. Look, I don't hate Muslims, communists, Neo-nazis, white or black supremacists, etc,....But that doesn't mean their ideology isn't wicked. By deflecting via deception a straight up condemnation of evil ideology, you are defending it.


Why do so many think nothing of condemning say, the Nazis or Khmer Rouge, and then say it's bigotry to condemn Islam? What's the difference? One is a religious ideology and that makes it Ok? Hitler stated the world wouldn't care if he killed the Jews because they did nothing when the Muslims slaughtered the Armenians. He was correct. The Allies would have let him slaughter the Jews and do nothing about it. That's what the Allies were fighting for.

So get off your high horse and show some moral backbone. Have a heart. You and the whole world is watching Islam in action, raping, killing, enslaving women for sex slavery, torture, beheadings and such, and all you can say is well, most Muslims aren't.

So what? Islam teaches them to do this stuff, and eventually a portion of them will actually obey it's teachings and that's all it takes.
Liberal tactic of deception? You should apply for a job with Dennis Prager. He needs people like you on his staff. What makes a person a "liberal?" If they disagree with you on any subject or just about fearing Islam?

Dude, if you're this obsessed and petrified that Islam is taking over the world? You really need to stop typing and start being more proactive. None of this hysteria you're displaying is having the slightest impact on my beliefs. Hey, you wanna help with sex slavery? There are over 100,000 women in this country being exploited and used in a sex trafficking. It might not be worth your while because you won't find Muslims as the culprits.
So what? You missed the point entirely. Children can only occur naturally via heterosexual marriage. That's a fact whether you like it or not. No one is stopping gay couples from living together. But to claim homosexual union is the same as heterosexual union is simply false and unscientific. It's fact they are 2 different things.

Nature has clearly set a precedent for homosexuality. Nobody said a homosexual union and a heterosexual union are the "same." I simply said you cant deny them the right to marriage, especially when there are tax benefits and other legal benefits to being married. Again, marriage is not for the sole sake of procreation. I don't understand why you cant get that through your head. It doesn't matter if children only occur through heterosexual sex. Marriage doesn't exist for the sole sake of procreation. Try to understand this.
"You seem much more obsessed with the tenets of their religion than most Muslims I know of."

Correct and that's because I care about the truth. Eventually some Muslims are going to take Islam seriously and obey it's teachings and so it's worth knowing what Islam teaches if you are a decent human being and care about the people being slaughtered, gang-raped, murdered and tortured.

Perhaps you just don't care? But even so, Islam will spread if not stopped and may well affect you and your family as well.
Well, start bombing mosques or getting legislators to seek a nation-wide forced evacuation and extermination of Muslims. Go kill them if their such a threat to the human race. Stop typing to me about how their religion is so demented and start eliminating them. I'm not Muslim! I don't participate in their rituals. I don't condone any of the things their religion condones. You should be arguing with, or confronting Muslims, not people like me! Muslims are your enemy, apparently. You're wasting time on me when you should be confronting them. DOn't you CARE about their victims? Get off your keyboard and go terminate them. Declare your own jihad on them.
Nature has clearly set a precedent for homosexuality. Nobody said a homosexual union and a heterosexual union are the "same." I simply said you cant deny them the right to marriage, especially when there are tax benefits and other legal benefits to being married. Again, marriage is not for the sole sake of procreation. I don't understand why you cant get that through your head. It doesn't matter if children only occur through heterosexual sex. Marriage doesn't exist for the sole sake of procreation. Try to understand this.
I sometimes wonder of the prevalence of homosexuality is maybe Nature's way of balancing out human overpopulation. Humans aren't wired to share their resources instinctively. We have an abundance of everything to feed, clothe, shelter and give health care to all of us, many times over. But, our culture has evolved to where the instinct of just sharing them with each other has been shelved for hoarding and charging a price. So, as a result, millions die of hunger, starvation, and we keep having more. Maybe if homosexuality increases, the birth rates will drop and balance it out.
head in the sand......
Please tell that the thousands of young UK girls that were caught up in the Muslim rape gangs in Rotherham and other cities. Tell that to the blond Swedish girls now that rape has exploded along with the MUSLIM migrant influx. Tell that to the women and girls in the refugee camps in Germany that refrain from going to the bathroom at night because of the prevalence of rape, and sleep in their clothes because they are afraid to be more vulnerable than they already are. Look at the statistics. But you won't, since they would absolutely destroy your narrative.

You'd think that protecting women and children would be a primary concern for a benevolent, caring liberal such as yourself. Someone like you would pretend not to see, and step over a girl being assaulted to commiserate with a feminist about male microaggressions.

No I'm merely pointing out the distinction that the rape in those places (which is horrible) does not mean that all Muslims are rapists. You cant operate under that assumption just because rape increased in areas where Muslims immigrated to. Does that mean that within the culture of Islam that abuse of women is a serious issue? Absolutely. Does that make it fair to assume all Muslim men are rapists? Absolutely not.

The Islamic world has no shortage of problems. Many of them stem from their religion, the same way problems in the western world have stemmed from our religions. However the western world was reformed by SECULAR values upon which our laws were formed, so that religion could no longer trample the rights of others. Its not like Christianity magically reformed itself. Men in the Bible took sex slaves the same way that Mohammad did. I think when Moses slaughtered ever Midianites except the virgin girls, (at the command of your god) we all know what they had in mind when they kept the girls as the spoils of victory. Yet Christians have no problem teaching about Moses in sunday school...

Islam is not alone being the problem. Organized religion as a whole is the problem.
Nature has clearly set a precedent for homosexuality. Nobody said a homosexual union and a heterosexual union are the "same." I simply said you cant deny them the right to marriage, especially when there are tax benefits and other legal benefits to being married. Again, marriage is not for the sole sake of procreation. I don't understand why you cant get that through your head. It doesn't matter if children only occur through heterosexual sex. Marriage doesn't exist for the sole sake of procreation. Try to understand this.

I guess I agree that marriage isn't "solely" for procreation. But I still chuckle at the notion that you're going to give a lecture on what marriage is about.
Well, start bombing mosques or getting legislators to seek a nation-wide forced evacuation and extermination of Muslims. Go kill them if their such a threat to the human race. Stop typing to me about how their religion is so demented and start eliminating them. I'm not Muslim! I don't participate in their rituals. I don't condone any of the things their religion condones. You should be arguing with, or confronting Muslims, not people like me! Muslims are your enemy, apparently. You're wasting time on me when you should be confronting them. DOn't you CARE about their victims? Get off your keyboard and go terminate them. Declare your own jihad on them.

Actually, you are wrong there. It is people like yourself that need to be convinced and here is why. Society became less racist when society began to shame racism. You didn't have to go out and kill the Klan folks, and there were plenty of otherwise decent people believe it or not, that were members of the Klan, just as there is with Muslims. What needed to happen and what did happen is society overall began to take a dim view of their racism and of course, laws began to be enforced against terrorist actions they would take.

The second thing is it behooves us to understand the enemy (radical Islam) if we are going to prevail over it. You know why barbarism escalated from Al Qaeda to ISIS with ISIS coming up with new levels of atrocities increasingly and putting it on youtube? This is why. This is their mentality. Every time they did something terrible, whether Bush or Obama and the West in general, we'd go out and say what a wonderful religion Islam is. In their mindset then, they are winning. Their goal is to promote Islam and so they come up with something even worse and they keep getting their desired results; people like an American president defending Islam.

Bet they can't believe it. Never in their wildest dreams did they believe they could get the West to actually promote Islam and now they have found a winning formula; just commit the worst atrocities their religion allows and advertise that to the world, and they can then get the leaders of western, non-Muslim nations to promote Islam and teach everyone how wonderful it is.

READ THIS IF YOU DON'T READ ANYTHING........Jihad is only acceptable if it promotes Islam. IF THE JIHADISTS BELIEVED THEIR ACTIONS WOULD CAUSE HARM TO ISLAM, THAT THE WORLD WOULD REJECT ISLAM, THEY WOULD HAVE TO QUIT BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. Every time you, Obama, Bush, Merkel, etc,....defend Islam, that vindicates their actions in their eyes.
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What are you talking about? A poll? Your post I read suggested the idea there is a movement wanting to establish Sharia and a global Islamic Caliphate was somehow just a conspiracy theory, or at least in the post I read, as if that wasn't standard Islam.

I am just pointing out what Islam is, not referencing some poll.
This is what happens when you try to jump into the middle of an argument. Keyser cited a poll saying a majority of American Muslims want Sharia law in the US. I pointed out that the poll was conducted by an organization, the Center for Security Policy, that has been widely criticized as being obsessively focused on demonstrating a worldwide conspiracy to destroy Western civilization. Even CPAC called its founder a "crazy bigot." Therefore, I said the poll was biased and unreliable, which it is. I'm not interested in debating conspiracy theories with you.
Actually, you are wrong there. It is people like yourself that need to be convinced and here is why. Society became less racist when society began to shame racism. You didn't have to go out and kill the Klan folks, and there were plenty of otherwise decent people believe it or not, that were members of the Klan, just as there is with Muslims. What needed to happen and what did happen is society overall began to take a dim view of their racism and of course, laws began to be enforced against terrorist actions they would take.

The second thing is it behooves us to understand the enemy (radical Islam) if we are going to prevail over it. You know why barbarism escalated from Al Qaeda to ISIS with ISIS coming up with new levels of atrocities increasingly and putting it on youtube? This is why. This is their mentality. Every time they did something terrible, whether Bush or Obama and the West in general, we'd go out and say what a wonderful religion Islam is. In their mindset then, they are winning. Their goal is to promote Islam and so they come up with something even worse and they keep getting their desired results; people like an American president defending Islam.

Bet they can't believe it. Never in their wildest dreams did they believe they could get the West to actually promote Islam and now they have found a winning formula; just commit the worst atrocities their religion allows and advertise that to the world, and they can then get the leaders of western, non-Muslim nations to promote Islam and teach everyone how wonderful it is.

READ THIS IF YOU DON'T READ ANYTHING........Jihad is only acceptable if it promotes Islam. IF THE JIHADISTS BELIEVED THEIR ACTIONS WOULD CAUSE HARM TO ISLAM, THAT THE WORLD WOULD REJECT ISLAM, THEY WOULD HAVE TO QUIT BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. Every time you, Obama, Bush, Merkel, etc,....defend Islam, that vindicates their actions in their eyes.

No, you couldn't have been more wrong if you jumped off a building thinking you could fly.

Racism is the byproduct of social categorization, a subconscious cognitive process, the function of which is to quickly interpret perceived threats. Racism didn't go anywhere just because it became socially unacceptable to be racist. It just became internalized, and different justifications to oneself and others were provided, to make it appear to be something other than a racial prejudice. The term for this is "modern racism."
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No, you couldn't have been more wrong if you jumped off a building thinking you could fly.

Racism is the byproduct of social categorization, a subconscious cognitive process, the function of which is to quickly interpret perceived threats. Racism didn't go anywhere just because it became socially unacceptable to be racist. It just became internalized, and different justifications to oneself and others were provided, to make it appear to be something other than a racial prejudice. The term for this is "modern racism."
That saved me the effort. Thank you.
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No I'm merely pointing out the distinction that the rape in those places (which is horrible) does not mean that all Muslims are rapists. You cant operate under that assumption just because rape increased in areas where Muslims immigrated to. Does that mean that within the culture of Islam that abuse of women is a serious issue? Absolutely. Does that make it fair to assume all Muslim men are rapists? Absolutely not.

The Islamic world has no shortage of problems. Many of them stem from their religion, the same way problems in the western world have stemmed from our religions. However the western world was reformed by SECULAR values upon which our laws were formed, so that religion could no longer trample the rights of others. Its not like Christianity magically reformed itself. Men in the Bible took sex slaves the same way that Mohammad did. I think when Moses slaughtered ever Midianites except the virgin girls, (at the command of your god) we all know what they had in mind when they kept the girls as the spoils of victory. Yet Christians have no problem teaching about Moses in sunday school...

Islam is not alone being the problem. Organized religion as a whole is the problem.

1. No one is saying all Muslims are rapists.

2. Christianity did reform itself by listening to the Christians that always clung to Jesus' teachings.

3. We were not founded or reformed based on what you call secular values. That's a myth. We reformed on Christian values. The idea of separation of Church and State (an idea which the modern concept of separation is the opposite of in many ways) did not stem from secularists. It stemmed from the Anabaptists and other evangelicals before them. That's a historical fact.

That's who pushed for keeping government out of religious affairs. Secularists actually for centuries held an opposite view, namely we had to use government to enforce religious ideology for the sake of unity and power, and they do the same today except it's not a religious ideology but a liberal one.
No, you couldn't have been more wrong if you jumped off a building thinking you could fly.

Racism is the byproduct of social categorization, a subconscious cognitive process, the function of which is to quickly interpret perceived threats. Racism didn't go anywhere just because it became socially unacceptable to be racist. It just became internalized, and different justifications to oneself and others were provided, to make it appear to be something other than a racial prejudice. The term for this is "modern racism."

We are much less racist than we used to be. You can quibble it's still around and probably always will be, but shaming overt racism worked. Shaming Islam would as well.