RIP Billy Graham

That poast is saying a whole lot of nothing. But I do at least respect the fact that you didn't try to deny that you're all talk and no action. I have most of you liberals pegged correctly.

I'm not going to sit around on a message board and brag anyonymously about community service or political engagement. It's pretty stupid to try to start a pissing contest like that but you do you.
I'm not going to sit around on a message board and brag anyonymously about community service or political engagement. It's pretty stupid to try to start a pissing contest like that but you do you.

Riiiight. I'm sure you're really making an impact.
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Or it's perfectly ok for someone to interpret the Bible however they see fit and if their interpretation calls for them to believe homosexuality is a sin, then so be it. He's not a bad person for believing that. And he would take a gay man in from the rain quicker than any self-professed "open-minded" chump here.

That's what hilarious about @uncboy10 and other whiny liberals that want to take down statues, shit on evangelists, etc. Those people they're denigrating, while having faults for sure, have done far more for humanity than they themselves have ever done or will ever do. Some think they're saving the world by being bitter, liberal loudmouths that do nothing but poast angry comments on message boards and social media. UNCboy and his ilk aren't making change or helping anyone. They grandstand and pontificate about their version of right and wrong and when they're done, they go back to doing nothing in their safe, meaningless lives. While pillars like Billy Graham, Thomas Jefferson and other targets of the left are actually improving people's lives.

Believing that homosexuality is a sin is one thing, enforcing it as national morality is quite another. As a Christian myself, I don’t like it when religion becomes dogmatic and rigid.

If you have every right to believe being gay is a sin, those who are gay have every right to live their lives as equal citizens under the law. But those such as Graham didn’t exactly promote that.
If you have every right to believe being gay is a sin, those who are gay have every right to live their lives as equal citizens under the law. But those such as Graham didn’t exactly promote that.

He's not a lawmaker. He had no control over gays getting a seat at the table. But he loved them and would have done what he could to help them find their way.
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I love this...

It's not much of a stretch from how many evangelicals actually believe their "after life" to be. It's a very mortal scenario, too. This even has a cult-vibe too it, if you put it in a certain context.
He's not a lawmaker. He had no control over gays getting a seat at the table. But he loved them and would have done what he could to help them find their way.
Help them find their way where? And, how do you know he "loved" them?

And, you can greatly affect laws and law-making and never stoop to being a politician. Read about William Lloyd Garrison as just one of many examples.
I love this...

It's not much of a stretch from how many evangelicals actually believe their "after life" to be. It's a very mortal scenario, too. This even has a cult-vibe too it, if you put it in a certain context.
Could you please tell us what Heaven is like? From this post I gather you must know.
I love this...

It's not much of a stretch from how many evangelicals actually believe their "after life" to be. It's a very mortal scenario, too. This even has a cult-vibe too it, if you put it in a certain context.

Me too.

(in my best John C. Reily voice) "I like to picture heaven as a giant golf course where I shoot par with my dad and best friends everyday. And then after a round, we all are treated to a feast and then a music show of my favorite bands while I fish for smallmouth in the adjacent river."
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Could you please tell us what Heaven is like? From this post I gather you must know.
I'd have to say that it is like whatever you want it to be. That was the whole point of the comment. The "vision" or imagery of Heaven, or Hell for that matter, are very mortal and haven't changed much from the imagery of medieval times, or even earlier. People never really think about it much, and, so they seem to go with the cartoon.

Same with "God", too. God is that old white guy with the long beard seated at a throne. Reminds me of a dozens of monarchs that ruled over societies centuries ago when these ancient texts were written. It's very reflective of the setting that surrounded the authors.
And, you can greatly affect laws and law-making and never stoop to being a politician. Read about William Lloyd Garrison as just one of many examples.

That's not on him. That's on the lawmakers that have let him influence their decision making.

And what does “find their way” mean? Because trying to turn them straight is almost as harmful.

Help them to see the err of their ways.
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Same with "God", too. God is that old white guy with the long beard seated at a throne. Reminds me of a dozens of monarchs that ruled over societies centuries ago when these ancient texts were written. It's very reflective of the setting that surrounded the authors.

When you say grace, you can say it to whatever version of Jesus you like. I like the baby version best.

Dear 8 lbs, 6 oz, baby Jesus...
I'd have to say that it is like whatever you want it to be. That was the whole point of the comment. The "vision" or imagery of Heaven, or Hell for that matter, are very mortal and haven't changed much from the imagery of medieval times, or even earlier. People never really think about it much, and, so they seem to go with the cartoon.

Same with "God", too. God is that old white guy with the long beard seated at a throne. Reminds me of a dozens of monarchs that ruled over societies centuries ago when these ancient texts were written. It's very reflective of the setting that surrounded the authors.
He wouldn't have a beard duh, he's since invented razors.
That's not on him. That's on the lawmakers that have let him influence their decision making.
And, without his influence, they would have sold their vote to the next most influential source. I credit those who influence at least as much as the one who sits in a senate seat. After having met a lot of legislators in person, I can comfortably say that I wouldn't credit them with having many ideas of their own.
That's not on him. That's on the lawmakers that have let him influence their decision making.

Help them to see the err of their ways.

The errors of being gay in other words. Of which there is none.

I’m sorry, GSD. But that’s a pretty poor cover for basically thinking gays are lesser humans. You can’t criticize liberals for being whiny and intolerant when you believe a similar kind of intolerance.
The errors of being gay in other words. Of which there is none.

I’m sorry, GSD. But that’s a pretty poor cover for basically thinking gays are lesser humans. You can’t criticize liberals for being whiny and intolerant when you believe a similar kind of intolerance.


First of all, I don't give a good goddam about people being gay. Be gay all you want. I really don't care. Secondly, from a Christian point of view and certainly from the perspective of a evangelist like Graham, just because one has sinned does not make them "lesser humans". Not sure where you're getting that. Any Baptist minister will tell you, "love the sinner, hate the sin". So no, you're 100% inaccurate in your characterization of my feelings.
And, without his influence, they would have sold their vote to the next most influential source. I credit those who influence at least as much as the one who sits in a senate seat. After having met a lot of legislators in person, I can comfortably say that I wouldn't credit them with having many ideas of their own.

Ok. Then you and I see it differently. Imagine that.
He wouldn't have a beard duh, he's since invented razors.
I've managed to totally de-genderize God for my own understanding. It's been awesome. I don't think I was ever able to conceptualize God in the typical western model. It always felt like a fairy tale. I have a more eastern approach.

As I think I've said here before, try changing your personal reference to God for a period of 6 months to a year from: He, Him, His, Father... to: She, Her, Hers, and Mother and your subconscious image of God changes. Now, of course most religious people would never abide to this and they'd say "The Bible says 'He'..." which is exactly what I mean. A patriarchal god and patriarchal society is what has been in-place for centuries. But, it really limits God, from my perspective. God can be he, or she, or it all at once, or not at all. God is everything. God is the hot and the cold. God is the "good" and the "bad." To use the Bible: "The Alpha and the Omega."

First of all, I don't give a good goddam about people being gay. Be gay all you want. I really don't care. Secondly, from a Christian point of view and certainly from the perspective of a evangelist like Graham, just because one has sinned does not make them "lesser humans". Not sure where you're getting that. Any Baptist minister will tell you, "love the sinner, hate the sin". So no, you're 100% inaccurate in your characterization of my feelings.

Well I’m Presbyterian or raised as one. I believe in Christ and his example. I don’t think his example would be to exclude anyone. I understand you’re not hating the person, but you’re still condemning the behavior, which does no conceivable harm to anyone.

It’s long past due we got over this ridiculous stigma of homosexuality. As a straight guy, I don’t pretend to understand what makes a person like the same sex. But I don’t give enough of a shit to think less of them for it. They are citizens of merit with the same rights as anyone else.
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First of all, I don't give a good goddam about people being gay.
See... that's a lie. You can lie to yourself, but I doubt even you believe it. You absolutely do care. You can deny that as much as you want. But, it's abundantly clear that you definitely do "give a good goddam" about it.

Any Baptist minister will tell you, "love the sinner, hate the sin". So no, you're 100% inaccurate in your characterization of my feelings.
We're not asking "any Baptist minister" here. Who cares what they would say? I wouldn't want to speak for any and all of them either. You use your tenuous association with religion as a cover when you think it appeals to the other bro's here.
It’s long past due we got over this ridiculous stigma of homosexuality. As a straight guy, I don’t pretend to understand what makes a person like the same sex. But I don’t give enough of a shit to think less of them for it. They are citizens of merit with the same rights as anyone else.

Good. You be you. I'm of the same thought. But I'm also not in the business of telling other people that their faith is wrong. Just like you want them to let gays be you should role model that behavior by letting them be.
See... that's a lie. You can lie to yourself, but I doubt even you believe it. You absolutely do care. You can deny that as much as you want. But, it's abundantly clear that you definitely do "give a good goddam" about it.

We're not asking "any Baptist minister" here. Who cares what they would say? I wouldn't want to speak for any and all of them either. You use your tenuous association with religion as a cover when you think it appeals to the other bro's here.

Ok. Thanks for chiming in. I appreciate your thoughts.
I've managed to totally de-genderize God for my own understanding. It's been awesome. I don't think I was ever able to conceptualize God in the typical western model. It always felt like a fairy tale. I have a more eastern approach.

As I think I've said here before, try changing your personal reference to God for a period of 6 months to a year from: He, Him, His, Father... to: She, Her, Hers, and Mother and your subconscious image of God changes. Now, of course most religious people would never abide to this and they'd say "The Bible says 'He'..." which is exactly what I mean. A patriarchal god and patriarchal society is what has been in-place for centuries. But, it really limits God, from my perspective. God can be he, or she, or it all at once, or not at all. God is everything. God is the hot and the cold. God is the "good" and the "bad." To use the Bible: "The Alpha and the Omega."
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As long as they know their place, then it's cool.

Man, you have such a hard-on for me today. Why is that? Although I did see you took your signature down which was a quote of mine. Was that not getting the reaction you were hoping for? I'm sorry. I can get mad about it and act like I care about what you do if it would make you feel better about yourself. Let me know.
Man, you have such a hard-on for me today. Why is that? Although I did see you took your signature down which was a quote of mine. Was that not getting the reaction you were hoping for? I'm sorry. I can get mad about it and act like I care about what you do if it would make you feel better about yourself. Let me know.
Oh, no... you're doing great just like you are!

And, I just got the reaction I was hoping for with the sig. Thank you again!

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