Robinson Earl

Oh dont worry guys I am not divulging. I am just enjoying while I can he could stop at any time. He doesn't keep people as friends or even aquaintances very long. That being said even when I dries up I .keeping his confidence. He is still a customer of mine and I still least want to keep that
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Regardless of the poaster, I take every recruiting prediction on this site with a large dose of skepticism, simply because I don't personally know 99.999% of the posters and because predicting what an 18 year old will do is extremely difficult. There are a few whose opinions I tend to give more credence, for whatever reasons I may have.

But I certainly don't give a hoot if someone, anyone, claims to "have inside sources/know someone close to the program/etc..." and wants to share that "info/BS/total fabrication/etc..." Why some of you seem to get so bent out of shape about it is a mystery to me.

Believe it or not, as you will. Tell someone politely that you think they're full of shite, but then move on for goodness sake. I swear some of you just love to bicker. Note I said bicker, not discuss.
I said that because it is being g said onultiple threads 1st come first serve And that's not the case here. Roy's wants them all,and he thinks he has a legit shot at getting them all

Oh I agree, you take any or all if they want to commit, again, what coach could say no to any of these kids. They are all really good kids that would be great team mates, no Larry Drews in the group! LOL

All I was suggesting is that schollys can be found to allow us ot take all 6.
Oh I agree, you take any or all if they want to commit, again, what coach could say no to any of these kids. They are all really good kids that would be great team mates, no Larry Drews in the group! LOL

All I was suggesting is that schollys can be found to allow us ot take all 6.
I just don't want us to do something shady to get the scholarships.
Even taking things FWIW, just FYI, his guy has been 90+% spot-on on with what @truetarheelraider0806 has shared from him thus far.

Taking that a step further, I don't think he's saying we absolutely get all of Earl/Green/Anthony/Mann, just that we are in better shape with them than many out there seem to think --- and much better in the case of JRE --- and that jibes with what I was told right before the Bahamas trip about the staff's own confidence level.

I’ll reiterate I wasn’t taking a shot @truetarheelraider0806 more that some of our own experts have been fooled the past couple years.

I think it’s entirely possible we nab even three of them. But I’m still hesitant because of all the crap that’s happened with guys like Knox, Zion, etc
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I’ll reiterate I wasn’t taking a shot @truetarheelraider0806 more that some of our own experts have been fooled the past couple years.

I think it’s entirely possible we nab even three of them. But I’m still hesitant because of all the crap that’s happened with guys like Knox, Zion, etc
I have more optimism now because of the stink of the cheating/shoe scandal. It was obvious to anyone who knew anything about basketball recruiting that something shady was going on. Nobody caters to big men in the post more then Carolina/Coach Williams and we couldn't get a 5 star big man to commit. Meanwhile UK and others were getting them 3 deep at every position. I'm not naive enough to say cheating isn't still going on but the playing field is more even now then in the recent past.
It's all good guys I understand why some don't believe Bigwig. And I actually with hold some information. Tbh i probably should have kept my fingers still about some.ofmthenstuff I relayed about JRE, Mann, Green, and Cole... More so the first three than Cole no one except Coles fill knows about his recruitment @carolinablue34 it's all good I was responding to people who were making back handed comments about my poast then getting upset that I respond a certain way claiming I was being defensive. I think what everyone was trying to say was I am not someone who regularly says I have a person who says this this and this. I did it with Knox because I had a friend close to the situation. I didn't do it with this guy until Felton kept getting unfaily judged,and thrown under the bus
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It's all good guys I understand why some don't believe Bigwig. And I actually with hold some information. Tbh i probably should have kept my fingers still about some.ofmthenstuff I relayed about JRE, Mann, Green, and Cole... More so the first three than Cole no one except Coles fill knows about his recruitment @carolinablue34 it's all good I was responding to people who were making back handed comments about my poast then getting upset that I respond a certain way claiming I was being defensive. I think what everyone was trying to say was I am not someone who regularly says I have a person who says this this and this. I did it with Knox because I had a friend close to the situation. I didn't do it with this guy until Felton kept getting unfaily judged,and thrown under the bus
Brother, you've done a pretty good job with discretion so far. I tend to default to overly cautious but you gave me cover to clear the air on Jalek (which was much-needed for sure). But there are some warts-and-all type things that do no good to air, and if someone confides in you, ya don't want to compromise their position.

Hell, I got the skinny on the Knox-to-uk deal several weeks before he announced and that came from another radar poster I talk to off the board... and detailing that ahead of time would have compromised his sources so we held it back. None of the "Crystal balls" called that sh** but it was what it was --- filthy.

Perhaps the larger point is that if folks read carefully and put aside bickering or personal disputes, there's some damned good info available on this board.
Raider... keep providing info that you get... if you turn out to be way off base you will feel and taste the splatter (like someone that used to post here). If you turn out to be right... you will obtain status similar to "lowflight" and "rex".. and a few others.

I tend to take a note... enjoy the info and hope for the best.
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Raider... keep providing info that you get... if you turn out to be way off base you will feel and taste the splatter (like someone that used to post here). If you turn out to be right... you will obtain status similar to "lowflight" and "rex".. and a few others.

I tend to take a note... enjoy the info and hope for the best.
Yeah I know lowflight from Inside Carolina super knowledgeable dude .To be clear I am not claiming that I know this stuff or even Bigwig. He runs in a different circle that I am not privy to. I always say this is second hand info. I am not deeply connected to the bball team. And thanks @gary-7 I appreciate that. I want no status eventually this guy will stop talking .He just happens to be idk amused with me. I'm just enjoying the ride. When the info stops I'll stop poasting stuff as if it is known fact
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Brother, you've done a pretty good job with discretion so far. I tend to default to overly cautious but you gave me cover to clear the air on Jalek (which was much-needed for sure). But there are some warts-and-all type things that do no good to air, and if someone confides in you, ya don't want to compromise their position.

Hell, I got the skinny on the Knox-to-uk deal several weeks before he announced and that came from another radar poster I talk to off the board... and detailing that ahead of time would have compromised his sources so we held it back. None of the "Crystal balls" called that sh** but it was what it was --- filthy.

Perhaps the larger point is that if folks read carefully and put aside bickering or personal disputes, there's some damned good info available on this board.
Yeah wonder if knoxes dad got that car he wanted with that um In$entive to head to UK
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the Funny thing- Bacot gives his verbal to UNC which is what all of us wanted, right?
It's all good guys I understand why some don't believe Bigwig. And I actually with hold some information. Tbh i probably should have kept my fingers still about some.ofmthenstuff I relayed about JRE, Mann, Green, and Cole... More so the first three than Cole no one except Coles fill knows about his recruitment @carolinablue34 it's all good I was responding to people who were making back handed comments about my poast then getting upset that I respond a certain way claiming I was being defensive. I think what everyone was trying to say was I am not someone who regularly says I have a person who says this this and this. I did it with Knox because I had a friend close to the situation. I didn't do it with this guy until Felton kept getting unfaily judged,and thrown under the bus

My thing is I don't believe anybody, well at least anybody I don't know and know is very close to the situations. I take in a lot of info and I try to see how it all fits together, most often when it does not fit it is something I can toss out. I am going to trust my own eyes and ears over anyone else's and I do not mean that in an offensive way.

I learned a few really important things when it comes to the recruiting world, will share the 3 most important things.

1) NO ONE REALLY KNOWS what a 16-17 yr old kid is going to do, not me, not Roy, not any posters here, not the kid's family, and most importantly not even the kid himself. UNtil they commit it is all nothing but guess work, some more educated than others but don't listen to anyone that tells you they know what a kid is going to do before the kid does it.

2) Recruiting may not be as dirty as politics but it is a strong second place finish! You are NEVER going to stop the cheating in recruiting, simply to much money involved, even the best of us at some point have our price.

3) The guys that get caught cheating now days are either really dumb or they just could care less because the NCAA just is not going to do anyt8ing to the biggest violators because to do so takes money out of the NCAA coffers.

4) And just for giggles, will give you another one, the shoe scandal is NOTHING, not sure it would even justify being called the tip of a monster iceberg of the cheating that actually goes on. It is so much bigger than most realize and it takes so many different forms. The shoe stuff is just 1 aspect of MANY, there is an aspect that NO ONE seems to want to delve in to that would blow the college sports world up if it gets in to the light of day, doubt it ever will. Telling ya, FOLLOW THE MONEY, follow it past shoe companies and sports agents, and guys that own clothing stores...
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Sometimes folks have family connections.

For example, my first cousin's 14-year old son (from Atlanta) was invited to Chris Paul's Elite basketball camp a few weeks ago. The kid is 6-3 and growing. He is rated as one of the top eighth graders in the country. His mother is 6-3 and father is 6-9. The doctors say the kid will grow to at least 6-8/6-9 before he stops growing. If the kid continues to progress on the court, he will be a 4/5 star recruit. You can bet your bottom dollar that I will get a lot of inside information about his recruitment going forward. Remember the first and last name initials "JR" down the road. He was one of the top performers there in his age group.
Sometimes folks have family connections.

For example, my first cousin's 14-year old son (from Atlanta) was invited to Chris Paul's Elite basketball camp a few weeks ago. The kid is 6-3 and growing. He is rated as one of the top eighth graders in the country. His mother is 6-3 and father is 6-9. The doctors say the kid will grow to at least 6-8/6-9 before he stops growing. If the kid continues to progress on the court, he will be a 4/5 star recruit. You can bet your bottom dollar that I will get a lot of inside information about his recruitment going forward. Remember the first and last name initials "JR" down the road. He was one of the top performers there in his age group.
And hopefully you can point him towards Chapel Hill.
And hopefully you can point him towards Chapel Hill.

I told his mom that I was an avid UNC fan and participate on the chat boards on a regular basis. I'll be all over this if Roy shows some interest down the road.
I have had a few brief "family" connections to UNC as well. My wife was very good friends with one of Big Marv's cousins so I knew weeks in advance that he was coming here. I shared what I could and kept quiet about the rest. I believe that was in the Radar days before my real handle was banned forcing the initials! (maybe just after the changeover?) It happens, but I still take every word on here with a grain of salt for a lot of reasons, and the capriciousness of the teenage mind is right at the top!

Just reading and discussing the tidbits are the fun parts; being "right" is way far down the list to me!
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Hello everyone. Glad to be here , first let me set this straight right off the bat NO Troll, yes I am a huge KU fan. I have been a member here for sometime just never posted. I love to go to a lot of boards not member of all but just enjoy reading other College fans thoughts. Got to say mercy Duke hate you guys lol. Anyways on Robinson Earle a lot of UNC fans feel pretty confident and that's fine I don't blame you , have to say that some here seem to think however that a lot of KU fans feel that we have lost out - -that's not the case what so ever. Many , Many believe he will land at KU and I still happen to be one. A lot of people seem to think this whole FBI thing is going to sway him away.

Don't think the FBI case which if ANYTHING at all comes from it has no effect on Robinson Earle what so ever. The reasoning is that even if something should happen this whole ordeal could drag on for years they haven't even turned anything over t the NCAA as of yet - Earle would be long gone chances are before any decision is made - just don't see that being as big as factor as some are trying to make it to be. - Another thing also people trying to make more of Robinson Earle going to IMG academy fort his Senior year. - Really this amounts to nothing. Bottom line and Can't blame him Earle wanted to transfer out to be able to compete against better competition he played three years before and his team won the State title every year he dominated. Simply wanting better competition to better his own skills and not so much anything else - not a hard choice for him to make, he wasn't going to get any better by staying his 4th year against kids he had total dominance over.

Bottom line should be interesting anyways. Have always like Roy still do not here to knock anyone - -just my KU side/version that's what I love about America freedom of expression - -speech - - just an ol average College basketball freak a 64 yr old one at that lol - - no issues with anyone here not looking for any Again just love to go to others boards and see what's being talked about - Well the Kentucky side is a whole different issue - those people are ummmmm - - - - ya. Well thanks guys and good luck on your Season
Don't think the FBI case which if ANYTHING at all comes from it has no effect on Robinson Earle what so ever. The reasoning is that even if something should happen this whole ordeal could drag on for years they haven't even turned anything over t the NCAA as of yet - Earle would be long gone chances are before any decision is made - just don't see that being as big as factor as some are trying to make it to be. -

Yeah...we thought that about our academic scandal also but it crippled our recruiting for 3 classes.

The FBI matters. Those who think it doesn't have their head in the sand.
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Yeah...we thought that about our academic scandal also but it crippled our recruiting for 3 classes.

The FBI matters. Those who think it doesn't have their head in the sand.

Yep, what we know about KU right now is that they have done something worse than UNC ever did during our scandal. They have 100% played an ineligible player, and their final four will be vacated because of it.
Hello everyone. Glad to be here , first let me set this straight right off the bat NO Troll, yes I am a huge KU fan. I have been a member here for sometime just never posted. I love to go to a lot of boards not member of all but just enjoy reading other College fans thoughts. Got to say mercy Duke hate you guys lol. Anyways on Robinson Earle a lot of UNC fans feel pretty confident and that's fine I don't blame you , have to say that some here seem to think however that a lot of KU fans feel that we have lost out - -that's not the case what so ever. Many , Many believe he will land at KU and I still happen to be one. A lot of people seem to think this whole FBI thing is going to sway him away.

Don't think the FBI case which if ANYTHING at all comes from it has no effect on Robinson Earle what so ever. The reasoning is that even if something should happen this whole ordeal could drag on for years they haven't even turned anything over t the NCAA as of yet - Earle would be long gone chances are before any decision is made - just don't see that being as big as factor as some are trying to make it to be. - Another thing also people trying to make more of Robinson Earle going to IMG academy fort his Senior year. - Really this amounts to nothing. Bottom line and Can't blame him Earle wanted to transfer out to be able to compete against better competition he played three years before and his team won the State title every year he dominated. Simply wanting better competition to better his own skills and not so much anything else - not a hard choice for him to make, he wasn't going to get any better by staying his 4th year against kids he had total dominance over.

Bottom line should be interesting anyways. Have always like Roy still do not here to knock anyone - -just my KU side/version that's what I love about America freedom of expression - -speech - - just an ol average College basketball freak a 64 yr old one at that lol - - no issues with anyone here not looking for any Again just love to go to others boards and see what's being talked about - Well the Kentucky side is a whole different issue - those people are ummmmm - - - - ya. Well thanks guys and good luck on your Season

Well, here is the thing, you are going to look at things involving a recruit you want at KU thru your Rock Chaulking glasses, truth is as a UNC fan I am going to do the same thru my Tar Heel Blue glasses (note, the world looks much better thru mine, you should try a pair on :). I am going to try to reply as evenly as I can in order to treat your post as fairly as I can. There are multiple pros and cons with both schools.

Pro for his going to kansas - He is a legacy guy, his dad was/is a JayHawk legend, that chit ain't easy to over come. Kansas is or is at least very close to being a Blue Blood school so in any event beating out ANOTHER blue blood is not easy. Kid is from kansas, clearly grew up a KYU fan, may even know what that Rock Chaulk thingy is all about? LOL Kid has been assumed to be Kansas's to lose all along and if I were a betting man, betting on Kansas for him is not a bad bet at all.

Cons for Kansas, clearly this FBI stuff, which we all know will turn in to nasty NCAA problems clearly has Kansas involved. Coming for this UNC fan, that went thru the last what, 6yrs of the NCAA up collective butts, I can tell you that kids shy away from a program in trouble with the NCAA, I would double that with the FBI being involved. We lost guys we should not have lost because the NCAA was up our butt and that is nothing compared to the FBI AND the NCAA.

The kid's dad, Lester Earl, absolutely a Kansas legend but his coach was our own Roy Williams. He loves, respects, and TRUSTS Roy. He may like Self but Roy was HIS coach. In addition, Hubert Davis is long standing friends with the family.

And of course there is the ING deal, Bacot has committed to 2 things, playing for UNC and working as hard as he can to bring his ING team mates to UNC. WE lead for Green, we have Bacot, that is a team mate 1, 2 punch. There can be no Kansas fans that are comfortable with the kid taking his game to Florida and knowing 1 high level team mate is a UNC commit and another that odds are springs for us before all is said and done.

And then there is Roy's preferred playing style, that Lester Earl knows all to well, Roy wants the ball pounded in to the paint to his talented big men for easy baskets, frankly exactly what the kid needs to secure his NBA ops. As it stands right now, our star power forward has no more eligibility after this coming season and his back ups are not YET proven so there is going to be the perception of a ton of available PT.

UNC went to back to back title games in 2 out of the last 3 seasons, won a Natty, been a while for Kansas.

Have you noticed what is going on this weekend at UNC? WE have dedicated the court to Roy and just look at the shear amazing numbers of former players that came back to be part of this honor for Roy, to pay their respects to Roy. It is an amazing collection of players and NBAers, it is enough to give a recruit that loves any other program reason to pause and say, wow, if I were a member of THAT FAMILY>>> that includes the greatest player to ever play the game and so many legends at every level. Pretty amazing thing actually! They are ALL going to come back together for late night with Roy when they PUBLICLY dedicate the court to Roy. Telling ya right now, you Kansas fan, pray the kid does not visit us on Late Night with Roy, cause if he does it is going to be GAME OVER!
I hate to be a Donnie Downer (we have all that we can use already) but if UNC does get Robinson-Earl, will that stop the Heels from getting Isaiah Todd in 2020? Currently, (Billy) Crystal Ball has it "fitty-fitty" between UNC and KU.
I hate to be a Donnie Downer (we have all that we can use already) but if UNC does get Robinson-Earl, will that stop the Heels from getting Isaiah Todd in 2020? Currently, (Billy) Crystal Ball has it "fitty-fitty" between UNC and KU.

Todd a heck of a player but there is this thing about birds in the hand as opposed to birds in the bushes...
Well, here is the thing, you are going to look at things involving a recruit you want at KU thru your Rock Chaulking glasses, truth is as a UNC fan I am going to do the same thru my Tar Heel Blue glasses (note, the world looks much better thru mine, you should try a pair on :). I am going to try to reply as evenly as I can in order to treat your post as fairly as I can. There are multiple pros and cons with both schools.

Pro for his going to kansas - He is a legacy guy, his dad was/is a JayHawk legend, that chit ain't easy to over come. Kansas is or is at least very close to being a Blue Blood school so in any event beating out ANOTHER blue blood is not easy. Kid is from kansas, clearly grew up a KYU fan, may even know what that Rock Chaulk thingy is all about? LOL Kid has been assumed to be Kansas's to lose all along and if I were a betting man, betting on Kansas for him is not a bad bet at all.

Cons for Kansas, clearly this FBI stuff, which we all know will turn in to nasty NCAA problems clearly has Kansas involved. Coming for this UNC fan, that went thru the last what, 6yrs of the NCAA up collective butts, I can tell you that kids shy away from a program in trouble with the NCAA, I would double that with the FBI being involved. We lost guys we should not have lost because the NCAA was up our butt and that is nothing compared to the FBI AND the NCAA.

The kid's dad, Lester Earl, absolutely a Kansas legend but his coach was our own Roy Williams. He loves, respects, and TRUSTS Roy. He may like Self but Roy was HIS coach. In addition, Hubert Davis is long standing friends with the family.

And of course there is the ING deal, Bacot has committed to 2 things, playing for UNC and working as hard as he can to bring his ING team mates to UNC. WE lead for Green, we have Bacot, that is a team mate 1, 2 punch. There can be no Kansas fans that are comfortable with the kid taking his game to Florida and knowing 1 high level team mate is a UNC commit and another that odds are springs for us before all is said and done.

And then there is Roy's preferred playing style, that Lester Earl knows all to well, Roy wants the ball pounded in to the paint to his talented big men for easy baskets, frankly exactly what the kid needs to secure his NBA ops. As it stands right now, our star power forward has no more eligibility after this coming season and his back ups are not YET proven so there is going to be the perception of a ton of available PT.

UNC went to back to back title games in 2 out of the last 3 seasons, won a Natty, been a while for Kansas.

Have you noticed what is going on this weekend at UNC? WE have dedicated the court to Roy and just look at the shear amazing numbers of former players that came back to be part of this honor for Roy, to pay their respects to Roy. It is an amazing collection of players and NBAers, it is enough to give a recruit that loves any other program reason to pause and say, wow, if I were a member of THAT FAMILY>>> that includes the greatest player to ever play the game and so many legends at every level. Pretty amazing thing actually! They are ALL going to come back together for late night with Roy when they PUBLICLY dedicate the court to Roy. Telling ya right now, you Kansas fan, pray the kid does not visit us on Late Night with Roy, cause if he does it is going to be GAME OVER!
Interesting. although I could turn that around and say the same for NC. - - JRE has been to multiple Ku late nights and every recruit that has attended the late night in the Phog has from quotes they have made have talked about how insane late night talking about be overwhelmed - -being able to see the wall , checking out where the original set of rules for the game of basketball lives. - -So as far as that goes with all that KU has going on with the late night and how many recruits that have sealed the deal AFTER attending late night - as far as that goes I'm not to concerned.

Earle having the opportunity to play on a floor that just got named as the toughest place to play in College basketball winning pct of 95% - A hall of fame Coach I like our chances - -still I'm not here to get people riled like I said just enjoy a lot of other teams boards just to hear conversation on multiple topics.

As far as Lester being a legend at Ku or for KU fans - -have to kind of chuckle at that statement. -- -Lester was by far not a stud playing at KU , his knee's were bad and we got only like maybe 65% of the true Lester Earle but if you were to ask if Lester ranks up with KU legends - from other KU fans? - I am pretty sure you would get a resounding no. - -- now Paul Pierce- - - - - - - - -Jo Jo White - - Danny Manning - - -Jo Jo embiied -- -players like that - -ya those KU fans look as as legends. - -Anyways hope you have a great year and hope to see you in the tourney. Have a great night
Interesting. although I could turn that around and say the same for NC. - - JRE has been to multiple Ku late nights and every recruit that has attended the late night in the Phog has from quotes they have made have talked about how insane late night talking about be overwhelmed - -being able to see the wall , checking out where the original set of rules for the game of basketball lives. - -So as far as that goes with all that KU has going on with the late night and how many recruits that have sealed the deal AFTER attending late night - as far as that goes I'm not to concerned.

Earle having the opportunity to play on a floor that just got named as the toughest place to play in College basketball winning pct of 95% - A hall of fame Coach I like our chances - -still I'm not here to get people riled like I said just enjoy a lot of other teams boards just to hear conversation on multiple topics.

As far as Lester being a legend at Ku or for KU fans - -have to kind of chuckle at that statement. -- -Lester was by far not a stud playing at KU , his knee's were bad and we got only like maybe 65% of the true Lester Earle but if you were to ask if Lester ranks up with KU legends - from other KU fans? - I am pretty sure you would get a resounding no. - -- now Paul Pierce- - - - - - - - -Jo Jo White - - Danny Manning - - -Jo Jo embiied -- -players like that - -ya those KU fans look as as legends. - -Anyways hope you have a great year and hope to see you in the tourney. Have a great night

You haven't got one legend that can hold a candle to MJ period.
I hate to be a Donnie Downer (we have all that we can use already) but if UNC does get Robinson-Earl, will that stop the Heels from getting Isaiah Todd in 2020? Currently, (Billy) Crystal Ball has it "fitty-fitty" between UNC and KU.

I can't find a single reason to be disappointed over missing out on a 5 * PF because we already have a 5 * PF
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I can't find a single reason to be disappointed over missing out on a 5 * PF because we already have a 5 * PF
I hear you. Just IMO, Todd is the better player, is bigger and a NC native. Reclaiming NC would be a great step.
I hear you. Just IMO, Todd is the better player, is bigger and a NC native. Reclaiming NC would be a great step.
Roy already has a local PF committed for 2020... Dayron Sharpe.
I know he's not rated as highly as Todd, but he apparently took a huge jump in the summer.
Interesting. although I could turn that around and say the same for NC. - - JRE has been to multiple Ku late nights and every recruit that has attended the late night in the Phog has from quotes they have made have talked about how insane late night talking about be overwhelmed - -being able to see the wall , checking out where the original set of rules for the game of basketball lives. - -So as far as that goes with all that KU has going on with the late night and how many recruits that have sealed the deal AFTER attending late night - as far as that goes I'm not to concerned.

Earle having the opportunity to play on a floor that just got named as the toughest place to play in College basketball winning pct of 95% - A hall of fame Coach I like our chances - -still I'm not here to get people riled like I said just enjoy a lot of other teams boards just to hear conversation on multiple topics.

As far as Lester being a legend at Ku or for KU fans - -have to kind of chuckle at that statement. -- -Lester was by far not a stud playing at KU , his knee's were bad and we got only like maybe 65% of the true Lester Earle but if you were to ask if Lester ranks up with KU legends - from other KU fans? - I am pretty sure you would get a resounding no. - -- now Paul Pierce- - - - - - - - -Jo Jo White - - Danny Manning - - -Jo Jo embiied -- -players like that - -ya those KU fans look as as legends. - -Anyways hope you have a great year and hope to see you in the tourney. Have a great night

What I was referring to is not the typical Late Night with Roy, referring to the huge collection of our former players that will be at our next one for the public dedication of Roy's court.

I am not taking you as being here to rile us up, what you have said, at least so far is fair and reason I am trying to be fair in my reply to you.