Roy/team may skip White House visit

I can't wait to see how many non-regular folks keep poasting now that it's over here. I'm setting the O/U at 2.5
So you think some of them won't post?

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I want to know why anyone gives a fuk what Dean would do in this situation. He's not the be all end all beacon of righteousness.
I think we know the answer to that question.

This makes sense that you're a Bills fan. They're a joke of a franchise, and you're a joke of a poaster.
LOL. He's a bills fan and he thinks Trump would be "terrible and a joke of an owner"? Guess he hasn't followed the team for the last couple of decades.
I think we know the answer to that question.

LOL. He's a bills fan and he thinks Trump would be "terrible and a joke of an owner"? Guess he hasn't followed the team for the last couple of decades.

Hahah, oh I have followed and lived the misery for the last 17 years. It's been absolutely embarrassing and saddening. How does this change the opinion that he would have been a terrible and joke of an owner? There is a reason he wasn't even taken seriously in the process by the 31 other owners, so I guess our fan base weren't the only ones who thought that. How did the USFL turn out? Who was blamed for the demise of the USFL?
Are you still going with this??? The polls had her WINNING the electoral college by a wide margin , in fact many were predicting a landslide of Reganesque proportions. Republican/Conservative pollsters couldn't even map out a victory in best case predictions. I think maybe you should stick to Canadian politics because obviously U.S. politics are just over your head. Hell , in our last argument my sarcastic remark about "passing it , to see what's in it" went completely over your head.
How do you conduct a poll according to the electoral college? Not being a smartass I really don't know.
Hahah, oh I have followed and lived the misery for the last 17 years. It's been absolutely embarrassing and saddening. How does this change the opinion that he would have been a terrible and joke of an owner? There is a reason he wasn't even taken seriously in the process by the 31 other owners, so I guess our fan base weren't the only ones who thought that. How did the USFL turn out? Who was blamed for the demise of the USFL?
Well, it doesn't change your opinion, but you made it sound as if he would have destroyed the franchise. The Bills haven't been a good franchise since the 90's, so there isn't much he could have done to make it worse.
Well, it doesn't change your opinion, but you made it sound as if he would have destroyed the franchise. The Bills haven't been a good franchise since the 90's, so there isn't much he could have done to make it worse.
They shouldn't even still be in Buffalo. That town is a relic from a bygone era of America. There are -- literally -- 50 cities in America without NFL teams that would be a better place for the Bills to go.
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The USFL was doing fine, until Trump tried to go toe to toe with the NFL. They played in the spring. Trump pushed the rest of the owners to move the games to the fall, and go head to head with the NFL. When it failed, he tried to go after the NFL legally.

The USFL was doing fine, until Trump tried to go toe to toe with the NFL. They played in the spring. Trump pushed the rest of the owners to move the games to the fall, and go head to head with the NFL. When it failed, he tried to go after the NFL legally.
I've seen the 30 for 30. And I know the history. The USFL wasn't doing "fine."
How do you conduct a poll according to the electoral college? Not being a smartass I really don't know.
Well, it's almost unheard of that an electoral college member votes against the popular vote of the voters they represent. Some states even have laws that force you to vote the same way they did. So, if you look at the polling for the popular vote state by state you can attempt to determine the EC vote. This is why national polls are useless when it comes to the presidential vote. State by state polls are the only ones that matter.
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They shouldn't even still be in Buffalo. That town is a relic from a bygone era of America. There are -- literally -- 50 cities in America without NFL teams that would be a better place for the Bills to go.

This is my city, so forgive me if I am not going to appreciate you bashing it. When was the last time you were here? Some good things are starting to happen. You won't get your wish on them moving, since we have the 7th richest owner in the NFL, and his wife is from the area.
have you been to jacksonville?'s nickname is buffalo by the sea.
Yes I have. I know you hate Jax with a passion and I can also see the similarities between the two towns (miles and miles of "industry" AKA abandoned train cars, railroads, warehouses, mills, etc.) but Jacksonville runs circles around Buffalo... because weather.

And like you said, right by the river and right near the ocean. Buffalo is right by..... Canada.
Yes I have. I know you hate Jax with a passion and I can also see the similarities between the two towns (miles and miles of "industry" AKA abandoned train cars, railroads, warehouses, mills, etc.) but Jacksonville runs circles around Buffalo... because weather.

And like you said, right by the river and right near the ocean. Buffalo is right by..... Canada.

Like I said, things are changing and looking up. Keep talking about a city you have no idea about though.
Let me get this thread back on track real quick with a question I legitimately want to hear y'all answer:

I see the argument "let the players decide" and I can respect that. My question is this, do the players/team "owe" the university community and university alumni anything in terms of going to the White House? I.E., is it okay to simply say "it's the players' call" and leave it at that, or, as an extension of the University of North Carolina, UNC's student body, UNC's faculty, and UNC's alumni and generous athletics donors as well as academics donors, does the team need to check the pulse of all of those entities before making a decision about going or skipping?
To answer your question though, no they don't owe anyone with respect to going to the white house. Their job, and what they owe us, is to work hard on the court and in the classroom and to not act like a fool. Their personal and political beliefs shouldn't be dictated by who they work for.
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Let me get this thread back on track real quick with a question I legitimately want to hear y'all answer:

I see the argument "let the players decide" and I can respect that. My question is this, do the players/team "owe" the university community and university alumni anything in terms of going to the White House? I.E., is it okay to simply say "it's the players' call" and leave it at that, or, as an extension of the University of North Carolina, UNC's student body, UNC's faculty, and UNC's alumni and generous athletics donors as well as academics donors, does the team need to check the pulse of all of those entities before making a decision about going or skipping?
My take FWIW. If an invitation is extended, it's to honor the players and coaches for their achievement; it's not something that's owed to the fans and donors. Roy and UNC should provide an opportunity/means for any players wishing to accept that honor and visit the White House; those who don't wish to go shouldn't be forced to. Personally if members of his team do wish to go I would like to see Roy accompany them as their coach, but I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if he chose not to due to his own beliefs. Again, it's to honor them and if they don't want to be honored in that way, that's their choice. Also, I wouldn't be surprised if this is a complete non-issue because this administration may choose not to honor sports teams in this way. Were the Patriots ever invited? Clemson?
"Hillary won by 3%" isn't a fact no matter how much you want it to be. Since having more total votes isn't how we determine the winner in this country, you need to clarify your statement that she won the popular vote by 3%. Since Trump won the vote that matters, the electoral, it is appropriate to say "Trump won the vote" without needing to clarify which you're talking about.

It'd be like a basketball game. If you say "UNC won by 5" everyone knows you're talking about points, since that's the count that matters. If you're going to talk about rebounding margin or something that isn't the determining factor of victor, you need to clarify "Gonzaga won the rebounding battle by 3"

Not really. You can act all obtuse if you want but you know I'm referring to the popular vote when I say that. How many polls do you remember saying HC has a XX lead in electoral votes? Almost all the polls were HC has a x% lead in votes and then you had to dig into the data to find the electoral prediction or have some talking head give you a rundown on a state by state level and the electoral college impact.

i don't have a problem with buffalo, i'm just relaying the support your team at least.

Yeah I know. I just haven't heard that saying before. We have a very loyal fan base, sometimes to a fault.

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