
I told u guys this would be the most entertaining presidency EVER!

And look....once again in case anyone missed it...i didnt vote for him. BUT once again...he only makes the mistake of vocalizing thoughts anyone else has the sense to keep to themselves. Every one thinks those countries are shit holes. They’re third world countries. So lets not play the holier than thou card with mock indignation for someone saying what we all know is true. However as president he needs to stfu.
I told u guys this would be the most entertaining presidency EVER!

And look....once again in case anyone missed it...i didnt vote for him. BUT once again...he only makes the mistake of vocalizing thoughts anyone else has the sense to keep to themselves. Every one thinks those countries are shit holes. They’re third world countries. So lets not play the holier than thou card with mock indignation for someone saying what we all know is true. However as president he needs to stfu.
True many feel the same way and say the same things in the company of our friends. Our friends don't leak our conversations to the press. Trump needs to remember everything he says will get out so some hypocrite can slam him for it. He needs to quit providing ammunition and just keep getting things done.
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His mouth is killing him.
Yes, but you don't honestly believe that there has been a president that hasn't said something behind closed doors that would be considered something he shouldn't say. It's not really about what he says, it's that the whole world finds out about it. The leaks are his main problem, well that and his love of twitter. @heelmanwilm summed it up well in his post.
I'm not a big fan of stupid, shithole people and I generally don't defend them, but what Donald Trump is doing to all of those idiots who voted for him and still blindly support him -- lying to and deceiving them and betraying their trust -- is truly despicable.

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Also, I hope someone takes Keith Oberman out. I might do it. From way downtown, BANG.

Lol, funny. Olberman needs to STFU along with Trump.

I have no issues with bad language. I golf. I just think Trump can actually potentially be decent at the job. All he has to do is just stop talking and using Twitter to air out his impetuous rambling thoughts. It would be nice if he wasn't such a terrible person but that's even ok with me. Just try and come across as decent. I do think there is some value in that.
Yes, but you don't honestly believe that there has been a president that hasn't said something behind closed doors that would be considered something he shouldn't say. It's not really about what he says, it's that the whole world finds out about it. The leaks are his main problem, well that and his love of twitter. @heelmanwilm summed it up well in his post.
He's our lowest common denominator made public, personified as our president. It's embarrassing.
Lol, funny. Olberman needs to STFU along with Trump.

I have no issues with bad language. I golf. I just think Trump can actually potentially be decent at the job. All he has to do is just stop talking and using Twitter to air out his impetuous rambling thoughts. It would be nice if he wasn't such a terrible person but that's even ok with me. Just try and come across as decent. I do think there is some value in that.
Funny thing is, before he announced his run for president many libs loved him. Oprah fawned over him, he got an award from the NAACP.
Lol, funny. Olberman needs to STFU along with Trump.

I have no issues with bad language. I golf. I just think Trump can actually potentially be decent at the job. All he has to do is just stop talking and using Twitter to air out his impetuous rambling thoughts. It would be nice if he wasn't such a terrible person but that's even ok with me. Just try and come across as decent. I do think there is some value in that.
Agree 100%

Don't be a jerk in public settings... easy.
I don’t care that much to be actually embarrassed. You do?

No president in my lifetime has made me or broke me. Trumps no different. I live to the beat of my own drum and love every minute of it.
I don't feel embarrassed personally, no. I'm embarrassed for him. If I were him, kinda thing.

I don't follow his lead or examples.
Lol, funny. Olberman needs to STFU along with Trump.

I have no issues with bad language. I golf. I just think Trump can actually potentially be decent at the job. All he has to do is just stop talking and using Twitter to air out his impetuous rambling thoughts. It would be nice if he wasn't such a terrible person but that's even ok with me. Just try and come across as decent. I do think there is some value in that.

That's a great poast. I agree with most, if not all of it. I think the job he's doing and will continue to do is pretty good. His focus is on things that I want tended to - most notably immigration and the economy. But I agree. He can think Haiti is a shithole - most people do - but you can't say that out loud. He can even ban citizens from certain countries and I'm perfectly ok with that. But for me, I wish he would learn how to dress up his message. He can still be a total dick for all I care. Just put on a front. Is that so hard?
I don't feel embarrassed personally, no. I'm embarrassed for him. If I were him, kinda thing.
I’m not embarrassed for him. I don’t give enough shits about Donald J Trump to be embarrassed for him.

Say my gf got drunk at a bar and made an ass out of herself. I’d be embarrassed for her bc I love and care for her. There’s no public figure I’d ever be embarrassed for. Saying all that, I get what you’re saying.
I don't follow his lead or examples.
I personally don’t know anybody who has ever followed the lead or example of ANY president. Ever.
I didn't condone Biden's remarks and never would have.

He's a sewer mouth, too. Those comments are improper and unacceptable for someone in his role.

I didn't care about Biden's language and I don't care about Trump's. I'm consistent as well. I don't let a couple "shits" and "fvcks" ruin my day, a little something I learned back in kindergarten "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" - that little saying has done wonders for me.
I didn't care about Biden's language and I don't care about Trump's. I'm consistent as well. I don't let a couple "shits" and "fvcks" ruin my day, a little something I learned back in kindergarten "sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me" - that little saying has done wonders for me.
But in all fairness isn’t “shit” and “fvck” a staple for 1st grade spelling in New England?
I'm not a big fan of stupid, shithole people and I generally don't defend them, but what Donald Trump is doing to all of those idiots who voted for him and still blindly support him -- lying to and deceiving them and betraying their trust -- is truly despicable.


I think all the idiots that voted for Trump ought to stop paying taxes and working.

You know...let all the sorry MF'ers that didn't vote for him starve.

You just pulled a @gunslingerdick and projected your personal experience/opinion/action onto the whole nation. Go to any restaurant or public place with heavy foot traffic and sit and listen for 10 minutes. Even in the uber conservative (in terms of social norms) Upstate South Carolina area, you'll hear it. Everyone cusses.

that’s false ^^^

you were done with this thread a while ago, no?
Everyone is a hypocrite. I'm honestly too tired to argue in this thread, and it's Friday.

My last poast in this thread: We elected Trump because he wasn't stereotypical "presidential" in what he says. Are y'all surprised by any of this?
My workload freed up, and I generally participate in like 1 out of every 45 political threads that pop up here on OOTB. Figured I'd play ball in this one.

Speaking of shit holes, how's Columbia?
Same with Atlanta... THAT is a shithole! Flying turds, even!
I'd be curious what @bleeduncblue thinks of the POUTUS' comments . . he spends quite a bit of time in Haiti, his family adopted a 4 yr old girl from that country IIRC.

Who needs Haitians . . ? Trump does to work his Mar-a- Lago club and he can't get enough of 'em . .

Trump asked why the US needs more Haitians. Mar-a-Lago may hold the answer
  • President Donald Trump reportedly stunned lawmakers Thursday when he asked, "Why do we need more Haitians" in the United States
  • Yet Trump's own Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, reportedly employs Haitian guest workers to do a variety of jobs
  • Mar-a-Lago received 70 H-2B visas for foreign workers in 2017 — ahead of the current high season

From the article linked :

Luckily for Trump, the answer to one of them — namely, why America "needs more Haitians" — lies right outside the president's front door.

That's because The Mar-a-Lago Club, Trump's mansion-cum-golf resort in Palm Beach, Florida, reportedly hires more of its seasonal foreign workers from Haiti than it does from nearly any other country.

Those Haitians come to the United States to work for Trump on H-2B visas, temporary work permits issued by the Department of Labor to employers who can't find enough American workers to fill their need for low-skilled, seasonal labor.

At Mar-a-Lago, the season runs from November to April, when sunny Palm Beach is a mecca for wealthy Northerners escaping the cold.

For the 2017-18 season, the club applied for and received 70 H-2B visas. The foreign workers serve as cooks, housekeepers and servers, paid between $10 and $13 an hour, according to filings Mar-a-Lago submitted to the DOL.

In other words, Trump is an American who literally petitioned the government for "more Haitians."

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If your "Whoops!" implies that I'm a hypocrite because I changed my mind on poasting on a message board thread, that's a pretty weak attempt.

Thank you, I'll be here all week.

Same with Atlanta... THAT is a shithole! Flying turds, even!
Yeah I know. I've never argued it isn't. HOWEVA, it's better/safer than Columbia.....well in certain parts, at least. Lol.

notches above your habitat
It was a harmless barb. To each their own on liking where they live.

Gotta agree. Columbia sucks for sure. But someone in Atlanta can't criticize.
I also agree. I thought this was a given ;)
I think all the idiots that voted for Trump ought to stop paying taxes and working.

You know...let all the sorry MF'ers that didn't vote for him starve.

It wouldn't bother me. I work hard, eat smart and eat well, and, oh yeah, I didn't vote for that moron.
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