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Lindsey Graham has spoken that he heard it and "directly challenged" the POUTUS over it . .

He better watch his back. He'll end up going down for a dirt nap.

In all seriousness, Durbin mentioned Graham challenged the President on it. But I still would like to see it so I can gather the context and his demeanor when saying it and make my own judgement. I mean, I'm not going start running around and screaming like my hair is on fire just because some others are.
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Yes, Donny Lemon... Haiti, El Salvador and the vast majority of African and Asian countries are in fact SHIT HOLES!!! Embrace it!

Maybe one of these days we'll reciprocate that lack of support and stop shipping money/supplies to all of them. That'd do more good for the country's bottom line than any tax reform ever could.
There are some pretty interesting documentaries that show us stopping SOME of the support would actually be good for the s-hole countries themselves. The premise is that all the 'aid' we're giving them makes them dependent on us, cripples their own (not just their gov but their commerce) ability to fend for themselves.

A lovely god-fearing church donated eggs to a haiti village for a whole yr. The local haitian chicken-farmer went out of biz cuz he couldn't keep up with the all the free egg handouts. So he's broke, lost his stock and everything, now subsiding off US corn. At the end of the year the church started donating their eggs to some other country in crisis and now the haitian village has ZERO eggs, no farmer has money to start-up a new biz.
don’t forget about him wanting more people from norway rather than those “shithole countries”.
So, you have $3K or better to spend on a foreign vacation and your only choices are Haiti, El Salvador, Mali or Norway. Where you goin'?

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There are some pretty interesting documentaries that show us stopping SOME of the support would actually be good for the s-hole countries themselves. The premise is that all the 'aid' we're giving them makes them dependent on us, cripples their own (not just their gov but their commerce) ability to fend for themselves.

A lovely god-fearing church donated eggs to a haiti village for a whole yr. The local haitian chicken-farmer went out of biz cuz he couldn't keep up with the all the free egg handouts. So he's broke, lost his stock and everything, now subsiding off US corn. At the end of the year the church started donating their eggs to some other country in crisis and now the haitian village has ZERO eggs, no farmer has money to start-up a new biz.

That definitely makes sense. Sort of the whole give a man a fish vs. teaching him to fish type deal.
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I'm not agreeing with the "racist" connotation here. I don't think there was a direct racial/racist attitude going on. I don't think Trump is prejudice toward black people any more than most people from his generation are. Of course, that is probably very prejudiced when compared to an average 25 year old in the USA today.

I would rather live in Haiti than Norway. I'd sneak into the Dominican Republic, too. Norway is subzero temps. After my last trip to Minnesota (that is a shit hole... a frozen shithole), I have no tolerance for polar bear climates.
It wouldn't bother me. I work hard, eat smart and eat well, and, oh yeah, I didn't vote for that moron.

And I'm not an idiot. I work hard, eat smart and eat well, and, oh yeah, I voted for Trump. I'm not disillusioned, disappointed or feeling betrayed at all. I do wish he'd STFU sometimes and lay off the twitter crap. I wish he had thicker skin. But I'll take him hands down compared to the alternative and the fellow that occupied the office previously.
And I'm not an idiot. I work hard, eat smart and eat well, and, oh yeah, I voted for Trump. I'm not disillusioned, disappointed or feeling betrayed at all. I do wish he'd STFU sometimes and lay off the twitter crap. I wish he had thicker skin. But I'll take him hands down compared to the alternative and the fellow that occupied the office previously.

My vote for poast of the year! (OK, so it IS still early in the year, but damn good poast!)
People are defending this, and then they also wonder why Trump supporters get attacked for being morons.

Haiti is a sovereign state. The POTUS is the leader of the free world, and expected to negotiate and discuss important issues with the world's leaders. He just referred to an entire country as a "shithole" and asked why we need more Haitians... That is egregiously stupid, and anyone who defends him for it is also probably a moron. Especially considering these are the same people who attacked Obama for not being presidential when he wore a tan suit.

I'm sure the Haitians in our armed forces loved hearing their commander in chief speak about them and their native country in such obviously racist derogatory terms. This is shameful, and disgusting.
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