Silent Sam Toppled by Protestors

So let's recap Charlottesville. A bunch of right wingers were protesting statues being removed. A bunch of left wingers showed up and started with violence and harassing the right wingers. Some right winger flipped and ran over a left winger with his car.

Note which act of violence and harassment happened first.

The dude murdered someone with his car. If right wingers are so easily provoked, maybe you shouldn’t gather in public...

When you go out wearing nazi gear, you should expect violence. I’m not saying that’s the best solution, or even an acceptable one. But realistically, you’d have to be a dumbass not to expect a violent backlash to an alt-right rally. Running someone over with your car because you’re a scared little bitch is not excusable.

I think it’s important to note that the “unite the right” protests were organized by the far right, not moderate conservatives. Speakers typically include characters like Richard Spencer. IMO that kind of crap needs to be counter protested. But I’m not advocating for violence.
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Interesting article. Another example of things not always being black and white.
Jackson was not a proponent of chattel slavery.

It's really interesting how that war drew lines of allegiance. Look at so many of the Confederate generals who were proven officers from West Point! They had already fought and suffered fighting for the USA. And, they chose to serve and possibly die, for the CSA.

I will give props to Robert E. Lee who advised that no monuments to Confederate generals or the South be erected. The whole "Lost Cause" phenomena didn't do any favors to the legacy of the Southern loss. It made it much worse, actually. Of course, the perceptions and scenarios presented in SOME of that is actually fairly accurate, in my opinion.

At this point, all we have are the written accounts and our own interpretation. Hopefully, going forward, we don't make more mistakes that impede the healing and the reconciliation. It was as it should be that the South was defeated and the African slaves were freed.
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I dunno about a shark, but a nice sized largemouth bass. The Southerners weren't systematically trying to exterminate people of African descent. They were much too valuable as property to do that. Of course, that's another line of morality crossed!

If you want to be really accurate; the Germans responsible for genocide weren't much different from all of us right now, in this current culture. All you need is a fear exploited and a scapegoat. Those were some of the most advanced people in human society. With the right circumstances, anything can happen and it be perfectly acceptable, even encouraged and expected.
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If you want to be really accurate; the Germans responsible for genocide weren't much different from all of us right now, in this current culture.

Come on dude. I know you're trying to make some cultural statement but come on dude. Talk to me when we murder 6,000,000 Americans because of their race/religion in 2018.

Comparing them to today is humanizing monsters that weren't human.
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When you go out wearing nazi gear, you should expect violence. I’m not saying that’s the best solution, or even an acceptable one. But realistically, you’d have to be a dumbass not to expect a violent backlash to an alt-right rally. Running someone over with your car because you’re a scared little bitch is not excusable.

So chicks shouldn't go out dressed in hot clothes and if they do, they should expect to be raped. Got it.
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Jackson was not a proponent of chattel slavery.

It's really interesting how that war drew lines of allegiance. Look at so many of the Confederate generals who were proven officers from West Point! They had already fought and suffered fighting for the USA. And, they chose to serve and possibly die, for the CSA.

I will give props to Robert E. Lee who advised that no monuments to Confederate generals or the South be erected. The whole "Lost Cause" phenomena didn't do any favors to the legacy of the Southern loss. It made it much worse, actually. Of course, the perceptions and scenarios presented in SOME of that is actually fairly accurate, in my opinion.

At this point, all we have are the written accounts and our own interpretation. Hopefully, going forward, we don't make more mistakes that impede the healing and the reconciliation. It was as it should be that the South was defeated and the African slaves were freed.

Lee's views on race are fascinating and how they evolved I think is a testament to his character. He wasn't afraid to grow with the times and change his perception when new events, facts, or just life moved around him.
The dude murdered someone with his car. If right wingers are so easily provoked, maybe you shouldn’t gather in public...

One guy does not equal "right wingers easily provoked". Left wing mobs on the other hand, are not one guy. See the difference?

But realistically, you’d have to be a dumbass not to expect a violent backlash to an alt-right rally.

Huh. That's interesting. Almost like you are trying to intimidate someone.

I think it’s important to note that the “unite the right” protests were organized by the far right, not moderate conservatives. Speakers typically include characters like Richard Spencer. IMO that kind of crap needs to be counter protested. But I’m not advocating for violence.

You have pretty much said that right wingers get what they deserve. It sounds exactly like you are advocating for violence.
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Come on dude. I know you're trying to make some cultural statement but come on dude. Talk to me when we murder 6,000,000 Americans because of their race/religion in 2018.

Comparing them to today is humanizing monsters that weren't human.
Well, dude, come on. They were very much human beings. You'd better start realizing that they were humans in every way, shape and form. They were not built in a lab. They were regular human beings that think, eat, sleep, cry and hunger just like we do. It's impossible to humanize humans. They were people. It's pretty foolish and dangerous to act as if they were anything but human beings. I believe that was the purpose they served to the human legacy- to show OTHER human beings just how bad we can be if the circumstances are a certain way.

I didn't say that WE ARE the Nazis. I said we are all capable of doing what was done. If it has been done, it can be done again. It's our (as individuals and as a society) obligation to pay attention to what we consider mistakes of the past so we don't repeat them. But, make no mistake, the Germans of that era were very culturally advanced. That society produced incredible minds and examples of human evolution. The choices they made based out of fear and revenge shows all of us how bad we can be if we make certain choices and decisions and act on them. They were as human as you and I.
And, I wish people who oppose the statues, and hate the South would stop comparing the American Civil War to World War II, and the South as the Nazis. Comparing the circumstances of wars is not always an accurate depiction for an argument.

The Civil War had Americans on BOTH SIDES!

Northern soldiers didn't care about African slaves being "free" any more than the average Southern soldier. This idea that all the Northern soldiers were Horace Greeley's and John Brown's is a terrible inaccuracy.

The South lost at least 300,000 men. The South was allowed back into the Union. They were also allowed to commemorate their fallen soldiers and lost loved ones.

I guess because of Jim Crow and the civil rights issues of the 20th Century, the entire understanding (at present) of the Civil War is not quite the same as it was at the time of the war itself or when it ended.

That’s a good post. The idea that the North was a beacon of morality and the South was some evil empire is what pisses many Southerners off. And the way people from each region are portrayed (then and now) is largely why Southerners continue to celebrate their Southern roots and what makes people even identify as “Southern”. Yankees don’t refer to themselves as Northerners or celebrate any “Northern” heritage. Certainly not as much as Southerners do. It’s somewhat akin to Red Sox fans for years and years. The pain of being “done wrong” bonds groups. They share in their collective pain/irritation/etc.

I do wish there wasn't a 24 news hour cycle, but how do you fix it?


Probably because they’re too busy running people over with their cars. :rolleyes:

If Heather Heyer disregards the alt-right March, she’d be alive today. I’m certainly not saying that killing her was acceptable. It was a terrible thing. But if she and others would have simply ignored the march, there would have been no violence. There would have been very little news coverage. It would have been almost like it didn’t even happen. There would have been “hate speech”. But if there’s hate speech and no one around to hear it, is it effective?

That’s where we need to get to. We, as individuals, need to stop putting fuel on the fire. The biggest win is to disregard hate. I have a dream...where a black girl is walking down the street in front of an alt-right march. She’s talking on the phone to a friend of hers laughing and carrying on. She walks by the alt-right marchers, without breaking stride in her step or her phone conversation. She doesn’t even know they’re there. And she goes about her very average day.
If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.

ETA this will not save children from the catholics though...
If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.

ETA this will not save children from the catholics though...

Recommending women stay at home to avoid rape is just like recommending people ignore hate speech to avoid conflict. Good analogy.
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If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.

ETA this will not save children from the catholics though...

Now do it with black people and racism.
If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.

I like this so much I might make it my signature line.
If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.

ETA this will not save children from the catholics though...
As long as they are in the kitchen I'm ok with that.
When you go out wearing nazi gear, you should expect violence. I’m not saying that’s the best solution, or even an acceptable one. But realistically, you’d have to be a dumbass not to expect a violent backlash to an alt-right rally.

If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped

So are both of the above serious, or are both sarcastic? Because I know you'd never be susceptible to the logic fail of having one be serious and one sarcastic.
Set up like a bowling pin
Knocked down, it gets to wearing thin
Why dont they just let me be?
If you have to ask about that being sarcasm then sarcasm isn’t for you lol
I checked a couple of sources finally, and it just says "protesters." There's no distinction as to who exactly they were. From the video footage seen, it seems to be all white people. In a way it kind of seems like they were allowed to do it. I can't imagine pulling that thing down just took a couple of ropes.
If women would just stay at home, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. I’m not saying rape is okay, but if they just stayed at home then they probably wouldn’t get raped.
What you probably meant to say is that if women would just not attend the National Rapist Convention, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. At least I'm hoping that's what you meant. Because otherwise this is quite possibly the stupidest argument you've ever concocted and it's a very crowded field.
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What you probably meant to say is that if women would just not attend the National Rapist Convention, then we could pretty much eliminate rape. At least I'm hoping that's what you meant. Because otherwise this is quite possibly the stupidest argument you've ever concocted and it's a very crowded field.

Maybe you should learn how sarcasm works before taking a shot at someone's intelligence.

And just fyi, I genuinely could not give less of a fuk about your opinion of anything I poast.
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Jackson was not a proponent of chattel slavery.

It's really interesting how that war drew lines of allegiance. Look at so many of the Confederate generals who were proven officers from West Point! They had already fought and suffered fighting for the USA. And, they chose to serve and possibly die, for the CSA.

I will give props to Robert E. Lee who advised that no monuments to Confederate generals or the South be erected. The whole "Lost Cause" phenomena didn't do any favors to the legacy of the Southern loss. It made it much worse, actually. Of course, the perceptions and scenarios presented in SOME of that is actually fairly accurate, in my opinion.

At this point, all we have are the written accounts and our own interpretation. Hopefully, going forward, we don't make more mistakes that impede the healing and the reconciliation. It was as it should be that the South was defeated and the African slaves were freed.

Robert E Lee was a good man and hero. Don't care what anyone says.
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Maybe you should learn how sarcasm works before taking a shot at someone's intelligence.
Oh, it was sarcasm? Thank you so much for pointing that out. I actually thought you were being literal. That was a thing I actually believed.

Now that we've cleared that up, I'd like to reiterate my stance that it was among the stupidest things you've ever said.
And just fyi, I genuinely could not give less of a fuk about your opinion of anything I poast.
Oh no.
Oh, it was sarcasm? Thank you so much for pointing that out. I actually thought you were being literal. That was a thing I actually believed.

Now that we've cleared that up, I'd like to reiterate my stance that it was among the stupidest things you've ever said.
Oh no.

I don't even think you understood the point. But thanks for playing...
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We better let the righties simmer down from the Cohen news that just came out before someone gets hit by a car.
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It's generally a bad idea for mobs to tear down statues.

In our society, we use democracy to battle among one another. When one side subverts this system it makes real battles inch that much closer.
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No surprise with Cohen. Guy is a fake all day long.

You better hope so because he just testified that trump committed a felony. Maybe he is lying... that totally seems like the most plausible explanation...