So basically they are going to release this ncaa crap Friday before LNWR

I choose to rise above that kind of stuff. Now... don't get me wrong, I ain't no saint. I'll be reading Pack Pride all day and LOLing.

But our reputation took a ginormous hit the past few years. I'm just ready to move on. I think everyone is, even the NCAA.
Did UNC's reputation take a hit? For having classes every other school has? UNC still has one of the top rankings for public universities year in and out. If anything, ****, PJ Hairston gave us more of a hit for our reputation than this.
@heelmanwilm can speak to it better than I can, but there were folks who (literally) work for UNC who were saying "expect the worst." So this result is surprising to me!

That is the last I'll say of it though. In the end, doesn't matter. I'm so glad it's over.

I agree with that, but it still shows human emotion drives things. No one knew. Speculation can be poison if it is accepted as fact. I go in businesses all the time to evaluate them and help them. Without fail, the rumor starts that the business is for sale and people start worrying about their jobs when the reality is ownership is paying to have my business in to help grow the business.

Internal people at UNC didn't know either. They just guessed. Don't get me wrong, I completely thought there would be some sanctions and UNC would fight it. Maybe the FBI thing helped make this go away too.

Like you said, I'll take the result and be happy.
I'm celebrating not because of us getting off, but for each and every one of the rival fans who simply wanted to see us punished regardless of what happened because of the amount of banners in the Dean Dome, not because of any real interest in our academics.

And I'm having a great time at their expense.
I'm celebrating not because of us getting off, but for each and every one of the rival fans who simply wanted to see us punished regardless of what happened because of the amount of banners in the Dean Dome, not because of any real interest in our academics.

And I'm having a great time at their expense.

This is the truth. They hid behind a mirage of pretending they were outraged about some academic misgivings when really it's just jealousy.
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While we are all excited as hell (!!!!!) it's important to remember we shouldn't really "brag" about getting off with no sanctions. Let's be real, we made decades worth of mistakes and, although we didn't break NCAA rules, we did royally screw up and make mistakes unbecoming of our great university.

Just my two cents. That being said, we have gone above and beyond to correct those mistakes and we are stronger for it. All that being said, time to celebrate the beginning of a new lease on life!!!!


But they have damaged UNC beyond measure ... perhaps this should be the subject of our appeal. They raked us through the coals for years. What has this cost UNC in travel expenses, salaries, reputation. I would expect NCAA to make an offer to UNC to quell some of this!

Again I say ... F the NCAA!!!
@heelmanwilm can speak to it better than I can, but there were folks who (literally) work for UNC who were saying "expect the worst." So this result is surprising to me!

That is the last I'll say of it though. In the end, doesn't matter. I'm so glad it's over.

Ain't we all! Especially Roy.
But they have damaged UNC beyond measure ... perhaps this should be the subject of our appeal. They raked us through the coals for years. What has this cost UNC in travel expenses, salaries, reputation. I would expect NCAA to make an offer to UNC to quell some of this!

Again I say ... F the NCAA!!!

I don't think we are damaged beyond repair. Recruits, etc live in the short term so we will be fine. We just won a Title and that says a lot more. If we get recruits and win, more recruits will come.
I agree with that, but it still shows human emotion drives things. No one knew. Speculation can be poison if it is accepted as fact. I go in businesses all the time to evaluate them and help them. Without fail, the rumor starts that the business is for sale and people start worrying about their jobs when the reality is ownership is paying to have my business in to help grow the business.

Internal people at UNC didn't know either. They just guessed. Don't get me wrong, I completely thought there would be some sanctions and UNC would fight it. Maybe the FBI thing helped make this go away too.

Like you said, I'll take the result and be happy.

When it was reported that the NCAA has maybe wanted to release their findings last friday but didn't due to a scheduling conflict, UNC statement by the way, then it was clear, we didn't have their findings so how could anyone have known what was going to be found it UNC did not know and the NCAA had to at least give us their findings before they released them publicly.

I think very clearly that is absolutely proven today because had UNC known what those findings were going to be do ya really think UNC would not have LOVED to have that BEFORE their big time fund raising event?
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Hearing they are hammering us ridiculously hard. Guess we will find out soon.

Are you Jeff Goodman's twin?
Kow Kollege fans are too busy looking for tall seems that this morning the NCAA followed up our finding with news that a peckerhead recruit has been declared academically ineligible for attending Ohio State. :)
I'm not starting a battle at all. A number of people claimed they knew stuff and didn't. It's a good reminder that message boards are fueled with emotion and rumor a lot of times.
You're correct, and some of them are in this thread celebrating with amnesia.
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So I am at sup dogs as we type with my family first was in Johnny t-shirt buying yet another UNC shirt. When I looked at my phone and realized it's 11:50 I jumped on my phone and found this.TAARRRR HEELLLLLLSSSSSS!!! No santions and I am so ready for late night. Going to the art museum and then finishing up at the Carolina basketball museum. See everyone there tonight yeeeesssss
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