Sterling Manley offered

If Roy and staff stay on him (as they should) he could be a Heel. His stock was sure rising prior to the injury.

And on a side note, WVa versus UNC, it's tough but for the collegiate experience come on down Sterling. Nothing could be finer...
Xavier's got a fine basketball program and has been in on Manley a lot longer than we have.
^^THIS^^, and I also heard he has a good vibe with Huggins. And Arch, it kills me how some of these newbies here can't seem to grasp that when a kid has catastrophic injuries in HS it can kill his ranking... and they can't wait to bring some service's (artificially) low number to this board. Thing is, the closer-by coaches actually know what's up (neat concept, huh?), and hope the blue bloods don't catch on. Roy did. We'll see what happens.
Timing is getting interesting here, Mikey. Roy doing in-home w/Manley Weds and Brooks coming this weekend. Brooks's visit will be crucial, as I posted previously, because Pearl gets him after that, and of course has home-court advantage, as it were.
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Ive seen you reference 'newbies" now 3 times in 3 different threads, as if you being here on this board for a long time somehow grants you magical wizard powers and an all seeing basketball eye. You can dress it up and polish it as much as youd like but even WITH injuries being ranked #250 in your class is very low. To pretend hed magically jump 200 spots if he didn't have said injuries lets me know that either A) You are disingenuous or B) You are less knowledgable than the "newbies" Ive seen you snidely try and put down. Either way, its lame. I don't see whats wrong with calling the kid what he is- a project and a big one. I don't see the point in pretending simply because UNC is recruiting him that all of a sudden hes this hidden gem that would be a top 50 player if he hadn't broken a leg. If that were the case- Im sure SOMEONE would've figured that out and hed at the very least be in the top 100. It also is unfair to the kid-people like you pretending hes Shaq in plumlee clothing.
No it doesn't, but I'm glad you got the hint of one of the directions in which it was aimed. Bravo. And I'm not pretending anything. I know basketball talent, and know it damned well, and I'm not gonna apologize for stating that..

I've got nothing against new posters. There are some good ones who come along, and you're more than welcome here... but what is "disingenuous" is to constantly inject negative stuff you pick up somewhere else, as if you need to 'correct' someone here who just may have sussed it out a little more thoroughly. None of these three remaining traditional Bigs are huge projects. They all are "projects" to some degree, as I've stated many times, but each has the ability to give contributions as frosh, and develop into very effective --- maybe even excellent --- players down the road. There are no Desmond Huberts in that trio.
No it doesn't, but I'm glad you got the hint of one of the directions in which it was aimed. Bravo. And I'm not pretending anything. I know basketball talent, and know it damned well, and I'm not gonna apologize for stating that..

I've got nothing against new posters. There are some good ones who come along, and you're more than welcome here... but what is "disingenuous" is to constantly inject negative stuff you pick up somewhere else, as if you need to 'correct' someone here who just may have sussed it out a little more thoroughly. None of these three remaining traditional Bigs are huge projects. They all are "projects" to some degree, as I've stated many times, but each has the ability to give contributions as frosh, and develop into very effective --- maybe even excellent --- players down the road. There are no Desmond Huberts in that trio.

Im glad Im welcome here, that's a huge relief thank God you said so. Its not negatively interjecting anything, its stating facts. Hes ranked 250th. That's a fact. Regardless of how much you think you know about basketball or not. Regardless of injuries. I didn't see Harry Giles drop 90 spots due to an injury. I have no qualms of saying Im concerned with Roys recruiting strategy this cycle, and actually it may just be out of necessity as opposed to strategy. As was posted yesterday, not literally one big ranked outside the top 100 has ever contributed anything beyond a role player at UNC under Roy. If youd like to pretend that Roy would be going after all these lower tier bigs in a normal year, go ahead, but Im not buying it. To say that this is uncharted territory if we get 3 of these guys is an understatement.
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I'm guessing there are more than a few of us who're neither Hatfields, nor McCoys and, this bystander is getting tired of the same crap over and over again.
Oh yeah, with both sides at fault.
Yep, the vast majority of us are neither Hatfields nor McCoys. This constant bickering is getting very old.
Sorry guys. I bit my tongue the first few times Gary in other threads I had participated in referred to "newbies" in a demeaning manner, I knew it was directed at me but didn't say anything. I couldn't help it this time Im not going to just let someone act like they can devalue my posts just because it offends their sensibilities and challenges their ego(quite apparently). I will try and stay above the fray I agree its annoying to have to come into threads and read.
Without taking sides, there does seem to always be one poster who is a common denominator in the ongoing back n forth.
Xavier's got a fine basketball program and has been in on Manley a lot longer than we have.
Doesn't matter, we are UNC and our fans need to act like it. If UNC struggles to beat Xavier for a recruit that it seriously wants then we've got much bigger problems than I imagined. Blue blood schools don't sweat freakin Xavier for a recruit. Y'all need to raise your expectations for this program if you're gonna worry about recruiting against Xavier.
Im glad Im welcome here, that's a huge relief thank God you said so. Its not negatively interjecting anything, its stating facts. Hes ranked 250th. That's a fact. Regardless of how much you think you know about basketball or not. Regardless of injuries. I didn't see Harry Giles drop 90 spots due to an injury. I have no qualms of saying Im concerned with Roys recruiting strategy this cycle, and actually it may just be out of necessity as opposed to strategy. As was posted yesterday, not literally one big ranked outside the top 100 has ever contributed anything beyond a role player at UNC under Roy. If youd like to pretend that Roy would be going after all these lower tier bigs in a normal year, go ahead, but Im not buying it. To say that this is uncharted territory if we get 3 of these guys is an understatement.
Look back at your own history of what?... 106 posts, (again, nothing wrong with that), and see how many are pounding your same narrative. Fine, but amid that how have you managed to miss the intel that Roy is as of now, holding a spot for an elite Hybrid-4, and one of the remaining traditional Bigs?, i.e., he's not going after all three --- it's a first commit, first serve deal. Now, he could decide to take two, if they wanted to come --- he's got the schollies available to do just that and still hold a slot for PJ/Knox/Vanderbilt ---- IF he chooses to. We won't know about that until things shake out in the coming weeks.

If we miss on one of the elite Hybrids, then yeah that's reason to be sorely disappointed, but that ain't happened yet. As for the Bigs, you are obviously welcome to disagree with me or anyone else here, but I'm not "pretending" a damned thing. I'm stating what I see with my very educated eyes (that apparently Roy does as well), along with feedback I've sought out from other coaches who are more familiar with these kids in some cases than I. All three of these guys can play.

And FYI: Unlike Manley, Harry Giles (and Dennis Smith) was already well into his last cycle of notoriety and evaluation and had fully established himself when his injury happened during his Sr HS season, and he was committed to dook. And his injury was not catastrophic, aka, career threatening. Manley's was and came earlier in his development. In other words, totally bogus comparison.
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My point with the Giles comparison was that there was no drop, nor do I think there would've been a huge one had he been injured earlier. We aren't talking about a kid in the top 50 who got hurt and dropped to 70th(much like 7th woods who got injured and dropped 15-30 spots) because that's really all an injury will usually drop someone. Youre arguing with me over a kid ranked in the mid 250s for Christ sake. You come across as a severe homer when you say have "intel" that says guys like this are really players who have just conveniently been totally missed.

And I have no narrative, I am calling it like I see it. If that comes across as "negative" to you, first of all too F****** bad . second of all, that's more or less your projection of what you want to read into my posts. Again, not my problem.
Doesn't matter, we are UNC and our fans need to act like it. If UNC struggles to beat Xavier for a recruit that it seriously wants then we've got much bigger problems than I imagined. Blue blood schools don't sweat freakin Xavier for a recruit. Y'all need to raise your expectations for this program if you're gonna worry about recruiting against Xavier.
As a Heels fan for 55 years, I have my own set of expectations. I've remained a loyal fan through the good times and the bad, thankfully the former far outweigh the latter. And while you're certainly entitled to your own expectations, I don't feel obligated to change mine to suit you. I like the offers to Manley, Stokes, and Brooks. Many don't. That's okay, there's nothing that says we have to agree. It's what makes message boards interesting. And while you perhaps feel that Xavier shouldn't be able to compete with UNC for a recruit, I simply don't agree. In certain instances, they can and do, especially when they've been involved with the recruit much longer than we have.
Sorry guys. I bit my tongue the first few times Gary in other threads I had participated in referred to "newbies" in a demeaning manner, I knew it was directed at me but didn't say anything. I couldn't help it this time Im not going to just let someone act like they can devalue my posts just because it offends their sensibilities and challenges their ego(quite apparently). I will try and stay above the fray I agree its annoying to have to come into threads and read.

EVERYBODY started here with a post count of 1! ALL are welcome and Gary knows that, he just has a very dry sense of humor. But he does know some basketball.
As a Heels fan for 55 years, I have my own set of expectations. I've remained a loyal fan through the good times and the bad, thankfully the former far outweigh the latter. And while you're certainly entitled to your own expectations, I don't feel obligated to change mine to suit you. I like the offers to Manley, Stokes, and Brooks. Many don't. That's okay, there's nothing that says we have to agree. It's what makes message boards interesting. And while you perhaps feel that Xavier shouldn't be able to compete with UNC for a recruit, I simply don't agree. In certain instances, they can and do, especially when they've been involved with the recruit much longer than we have.
Fair enough... while I may somewhat disagree, I enjoyed reading your take. Good post.
To all those currently freaking out, or being negative, or disappointed, or whatever you are doing...what exactly would be the problem with the following class:
5 star instant impact Guard
3 star 3 point specialist
5 star hybrid 4
4 star big
3 star project big

We have a very decent shot at pulling this class. I left the names out because you should all be able to fill them in if you're into this enough to be so upset about it.
To all those currently freaking out, or being negative, or disappointed, or whatever you are doing...what exactly would be the problem with the following class:
5 star instant impact Guard
3 star 3 point specialist
5 star hybrid 4
4 star big
3 star project big

We have a very decent shot at pulling this class. I left the names out because you should all be able to fill them in if you're into this enough to be so upset about it.

Very do-able and would be a heck of a class.
To all those currently freaking out, or being negative, or disappointed, or whatever you are doing...what exactly would be the problem with the following class:
5 star instant impact Guard
3 star 3 point specialist

5 star hybrid 4
4 star big
3 star project big

We have a very decent shot at pulling this class. I left the names out because you should all be able to fill them in if you're into this enough to be so upset about it.
We do indeed have a decent shot at that class. And personally, with the guards/wings we have, I'll be happy with these four plus another 3 star big, even if we don't land Knox or PJ. I guess I'm just higher on the 3* bigs we've offered than most are.
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Sorry guys. I bit my tongue the first few times Gary in other threads I had participated in referred to "newbies" in a demeaning manner, I knew it was directed at me but didn't say anything. I couldn't help it this time Im not going to just let someone act like they can devalue my posts just because it offends their sensibilities and challenges their ego(quite apparently). I will try and stay above the fray I agree its annoying to have to come into threads and read.
No challenge whatsoever, bud :rolleyes:.
And the only thing I'm devaluing is your practice of devaluing the info and evaluations some of us put on this board. Nobody is saying you aren't more than welcome to your opinions, and to swim in the doom & gloom murk if you want. Some like to pump sunshine, and they are welcome to that as well. I'm of the analytical persuasion and end up somewhere in the middle. That doesn't matter --- it's all good.

What isn't good is the approach you've taken, especially recently, of bashing the considered opinions of several members here with stuff from other sites, as if that stuff is somehow necessarily superior. That's where the push-back is coming from --- it's not about simple disagreement. Hell, posters on here have different preferences on which Big or which Hybrid they like most --- that's just grist for discussion. The bigger picture is that there has been a disturbing recent trend of posters --- not just you --- devaluing Radar as a board, and whether intentional or not it comes across that way, and there are always a few egging it on (ITT, in fact).

The thing is that Radar (going back to when it was under another name) was arguably the best Carolina board out there --- and that included the premium ones, so I get prickly about it being attacked. So in all seriousness, bring your opinions and let's talk, but join in.
Doesn't matter, we are UNC and our fans need to act like it. If UNC struggles to beat Xavier for a recruit that it seriously wants then we've got much bigger problems than I imagined. Blue blood schools don't sweat freakin Xavier for a recruit. Y'all need to raise your expectations for this program if you're gonna worry about recruiting against Xavier.

Western Kentucky just beat out Blue Bloods for a top 10 recruit. It happens man. It's not like Xavier is a D3 program.
EVERYBODY started here with a post count of 1! ALL are welcome and Gary knows that, he just has a very dry sense of humor. But he does know some basketball.
Yes indeed. We were all virgins at one time. I love seeing new posters, some of whom are very knowledgeable. In fact, one of my favorite posters just started posting not too long ago. Fresh opinions are always good, I'm not going to agree with all of them but I'll try to be respectful when I disagree. That way, maybe we can both learn something from one another.
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^^THIS^^, and I also heard he has a good vibe with Huggins. And Arch, it kills me how some of these newbies here can't seem to grasp that when a kid has catastrophic injuries in HS it can kill his ranking... and they can't wait to bring some service's (artificially) low number to this board. Thing is, the closer-by coaches actually know what's up (neat concept, huh?), and hope the blue bloods don't catch on. Roy did. We'll see what happens.

gary, I absolutely get how major injury can kill rankings but it also kills a kid's development progress and sets him back to square one.
It certainly doesn't help, Dave. But a lot of the development process is mental and he won't have to relearn that. Bottom line, as stated above, is Roy wouldn't offer if he didn't think these guys were ACC caliber. And no, I didn't say All-ACC caliber, I said ACC caliber.

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