"The Hidden History of Trump’s First Trip to Moscow"

Early this morning a navy aircraft went down in the Pacific ocean, Trumps first tweet of the day (as Commander in Chief) about 4:00 o'clock in the morning, was about Ball not thanking him and about Ball's haircut.......he's a major POS

The man has lost it. He truly cares only about himself. It's always all about him.

"I" this . .

"I" that . .

Mine was larger.

Where's my thanks . . ? (and btw, what if, Trump traded something of value for 3 thieves ?)

He got elected bc he's TRUMP ...and he'll get re-elected bc he's TRUMP. That includes the good, bad and ugly of him, but we know who he is and that matters.

the Left has no one that can match his popularity in a national electorate. If a frickin CLINTON (Royal Democratic family) couldn't do it, they're screwed. He has and will continue to speak to the masses. Wait and see.

LOL . . wait 'n see what . . ? As of right now, DT would get run over in an election. Only his die-hard supporters are behind him at this point, and some of what put him in office(independents) are running from him.

There will be nothing left of rump when Mueller takes this freaking fvcking douchebag of crook down.

My money is on Mueller . . and it's bet heavily.
No I know, I was just pointing that out because I think its funny that those two examples are always brought up.

Nelson Mandela would probably make the list for me.
I wanted to start a Sexual Predator Pool.

Who would be in your Top 5 that would really disappoint you to find out they'd been accused of "indecency?"

I'm trying to think of anyone in Hollywood and cannot come up with a single name. Anyone who is known primarily for comedy wouldn't surprise me.

I think I'd feel really betrayed if I heard that Ron Paul had tried to "move on her like a bitch."
I would be disappointed if someone like Tom Hanks was involved in all that mess.

At this point however, I don't think I'd be shocked by any actor or politician being accused of being a sexual predator, or just a general perv.
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I wanted to start a Sexual Predator Pool.

Who would be in your Top 5 that would really disappoint you to find out they'd been accused of "indecency?"

I'm trying to think of anyone in Hollywood and cannot come up with a single name. Anyone who is known primarily for comedy wouldn't surprise me.

I think I'd feel really betrayed if I heard that Ron Paul had tried to "move on her like a bitch."

Bernie Sanders.
Any truth to the latest rumor on the Trump legal team & witness tampering . . ? There was something on the radio, but, the station was fading in and out . . I dunno.

Could it be connected to the recent Flynn team notifying the Trump team there will be no further sharing of information . . ?

More questions . . than answers.

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