THUG who killed NYPD officer.....


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Feb 11, 2002
Greenville, SC
Arrested 28 times since he was 13. Of course he had been to "rehabilitation". How did that work for you lefties? They ought to walk that guy out of the jail, let a few K9's bite his ass for a while then hang him. I am so sick and tired of this bull crap. Meanwhile, Obama keeps releasing them. Have not heard him speak a word about this. This country is so screwed up and only getting worse.
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these are the changes that obama promised!!! To be honest though....I actually kind of like the guy.....compared to Billary he is a saint!!!! He is not the whole pile of sh!t like she is..... just a couple of piece of it......
Can you point to a single example of Obama releasing a prisoner who was convicted of killing a cop?

You do realize the president doesn't have any control of NYC courtrooms right? This is on the D.A. and nobody else.

I get that you guys love to rip on Obama, but try to keep at least one foot in the real world here...
Can you point to a single example of Obama releasing a prisoner who was convicted of killing a cop?

You do realize the president doesn't have any control of NYC courtrooms right? This is on the D.A. and nobody else.

I get that you guys love to rip on Obama, but try to keep at least one foot in the real world here...

Come on man. The guy wants to release drug offenders and has done so. This waste of human flesh never killed a cop until yesterday but the cops locked him up 28 times. If that does not make you sick then you need more help than I ever imagined.
Come on man. The guy wants to release drug offenders and has done so. This waste of human flesh never killed a cop until yesterday but the cops locked him up 28 times. If that does not make you sick then you need more help than I ever imagined.

He released ***non-violent*** drug offenders. Surely you aren't equating recreational use of a drug to killing cops...

Of course it makes me sick. But I'm going to blame the prosecutor and judge who allowed it to happen, not the president who has absolutely no control over what goes on in that courtroom.
Is this the one that the blacklivesmatter people were celebrating the death outside the hospital? I couldnt believe it. Broke my heart.
I mean, the amount of time some these people have served for minor things is pretty ridiculous. That really has nothing to do with this particular story. This guy should have been put away for good a long, long time ago.
I'm not Jesus strum and I'm far from perfect but by all accounts this thugs actions make him a waste. It was his choice.
I'm not Jesus strum and I'm far from perfect but by all accounts this thugs actions make him a waste. It was his choice.

I'm not talking about him. You're making a choice now, too.

"... and forgive me of my trespasses AS I FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS..."

You're right... not much of a presence of Jesus in your comments.
How convenient of Strum to use and quote the Bible when it is convenient for him……doesn't really surprise me though!
How convenient of Strum to use and quote the Bible when it is convenient for him……doesn't really surprise me though!
And, how inconvenient for for you...

Are there convenient and inconvenient times to quote Scripture?

That's the best time to refer to it, right? When you deviate from it? Are you claiming my reference is incorrect? Did I do it wrong? I can hear you now: "Dammit! Right when we were all enjoying a good hatred and judging this guy and agreeing that he was scum, and a worthless POS, here comes Strum reminding us that Jesus would have forgiven the guy." Sorry to spoil the fun. Go back to wanting the guy drawn and quartered and screaming for his head.

For the record, I don't like what he did. But, as I said, it never fails to attract the self-proclaimed Christians to show up and call them every terrible name they can imagine.
He's intentionally letting violent offenders out onto the streets of tis nation. Is that not enough for you? So a cop has to die before you have a problem with people that have committed crimes just being released into the community?
I'm not talking about him. You're making a choice now, too.

"... and forgive me of my trespasses AS I FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS..."

You're right... not much of a presence of Jesus in your comments.

I'd say murder is a bit more than a trespass. Some forfeit their right to live among us by their actions. Like this guy.
He's intentionally letting violent offenders out onto the streets of tis nation.

Are you sure you know what you are talking about?? I was under the impression that the only ones with reduced sentences were non-violent drug offenders who were harshly punished. I actually wasn't crazy about it but it doesn't seem to fit what you are claiming either.
He's intentionally letting violent offenders out onto the streets of tis nation. Is that not enough for you? So a cop has to die before you have a problem with people that have committed crimes just being released into the community?

I'd say murder is a bit more than a trespass. Some forfeit their right to live among us by their actions. Like this guy.
Jesus is dying on the cross and begs God to forgive his murderers while they ridicule him. Forgiveness knows no boundaries if you follow Christ.
NY must be a 29 strikes law state.

He released ***non-violent*** drug offenders. Surely you aren't equating recreational use of a drug to killing cops...

Of course it makes me sick. But I'm going to blame the prosecutor and judge who allowed it to happen, not the president who has absolutely no control over what goes on in that courtroom.

No, no one is equating recreational drug use to cop killing. And yes, we all know that Obama hasn't released cop killers. But as is common with you, you don't like to read between the lines or to try and understand the larger picture. You're so literal. The point that some are making is that Obama is setting the tone. The tone that he continuously sets is that while crime is bad, there are circumstances where it's understandable and even excused. When you are the country's leader, you cannot set that tone. Because it's human nature for people to manipulate and take advantage - you know, survival instincts and all. And people trying to survive are not rational thinkers. They often can't determine the difference in breaking one law and breaking the next. But when they see their president making excuses for some lawbreakers, it sends the message that "what I'm doing isn't really all that bad."

Do you not understand that?
It's funny how "reading between the lines" always seems to mean blaming Obama for shit that he had absolutely nothing to do with. If this guy had at least been in federal prison, then maybe there would be some tenuous link to Obama. But it was a New York judge interpreting New York law who sent him to rehab instead of to a state prison. This had jack to do with the feds.

Criminals have always murdered cops, and they don't do it because the president favors reducing sentences for non-violent drug offenders. That's just silly.
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It's funny how "reading between the lines" always seems to mean blaming Obama for shit that he had absolutely nothing to do with. If this guy had at least been in federal prison, then maybe there would be some tenuous link to Obama. But it was a New York judge interpreting New York law who sent him to rehab instead of to a state prison. This had jack to do with the feds.

Criminals have always murdered cops, and they don't do it because the president favors reducing sentences for non-violent drug offenders. That's just silly.

Again, he's a tone setter. He releases criminals. He makes excuses for other criminals. It's no surprise that many people believe we are on the verge of a major crime spike nationwide.
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Using this logic, you can blame Obama for every crime committed anywhere in the country by anyone. It's absurd. But not surprising.

You're being purposely obtuse. No, I'm not blaming him for every crime committed. I'm saying that he has created and supported a culture where people are more regularly challenging authority. So it's not a shock to see violent crime numbers spike in many cities across America. So either Obama is just terrible at delivering the right message or he's purposely delivering the wrong message. I tend to think it's the latter because I think so lowly of him.
You're being purposely obtuse. No, I'm not blaming him for every crime committed. I'm saying that he has created and supported a culture where people are more regularly challenging authority. So it's not a shock to see violent crime numbers spike in many cities across America. So either Obama is just terrible at delivering the right message or he's purposely delivering the wrong message. I tend to think it's the latter because I think so lowly of him.
The article you linked said crime had spiked in some cities like Baltimore and Houston but had dropped in others like LA and Dallas. It also said it was unclear which way crime was trending overall or what the causes were. But you seem to know that the trend is up and the cause is Obama.

Officer deaths in the line of duty are actually lower during Obama's term than they were during Reagan's. What does that say about the cultures they created?
No, I'm not blaming him for every crime committed.

That's exactly what you're doing. Unless you're just terrible at delivering the message that you don't blame him, directly and indirectly, for all the crimes, or you're purposely trying to deny that you've been claiming that he is to blame because it sounds ridiculous, and is ridiculous. I think he's a terrible president. But, you guys, who claim to be conservatives, give the man super-human powers that he doesn't remotely have in reality.
Is this discussion for real? First of all, are those on-duty deaths murders? Secondly, did Reagan ever take sides with a known criminal when he was shot dead by a police officer? Did Reagan ever publicly challenge police officers? Did Reagan ever suggest that police officers were shady? Did Reagan ever excuse mob violence? If the answer is "no", then I don't think you could attribute police officer deaths to what Reagan was doing. Now ask yourself all those questions in regards to Obama. I think you'll find the answer you're avoiding.
That's exactly what you're doing. Unless you're just terrible at delivering the message that you don't blame him, directly and indirectly, for all the crimes, or you're purposely trying to deny that you've been claiming that he is to blame because it sounds ridiculous, and is ridiculous. I think he's a terrible president. But, you guys, who claim to be conservatives, give the man super-human powers that he doesn't remotely have in reality.

Oh look, the peanut gallery has arrived.

I stated I'm not blaming him for all the crime committed. What I am saying is that he has created and supported a culture that lends itself to law breaking. That's as clearly as I can write it. If you're not getting it now, then you're a moron and I can't do anything else for you.
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WTF does Ronald Reagan have to do with this??? He's just another damned flunkie that did what he was told and is somehow aggrandized like he was some sort of super-human. He was a great public-speaking bullsh*tter. He wasn't responsible for a fraction of what he GETS credited for all the time either.
WTF does Ronald Reagan have to do with this??? He's just another damned flunkie that did what he was told and is somehow aggrandized like he was some sort of super-human. He was a great public-speaking bullsh*tter. He wasn't responsible for a fraction of what he GETS credited for all the time either.

You're jumping in the kool-aid and don't know the flavor. I was responding to HiS's post. Get your shit together before you question me and before you go off on another one of your rants.
Oh look, the peanut gallery has arrived.

I stated I'm not blaming him for all the crime committed. What I am saying is that he has created and supported a culture that lends itself to law breaking. That's as clearly as I can write it. If you're not getting it now, then you're a moron and I can't do anything else for you.

Bull-f*cking-sh*t! As much as I dislike the man's administration, I can at least take comfort in the fact that I haven't become ridiculously paranoid about things the man has absolutely no control over. There's plenty he's actually done to be critical about and concerned with.
You're jumping in the kool-aid and don't know the flavor. I was responding to HiS's post. Get your shit together before you question me and before you go off on another one of your rants.
I'm responding directly to what you offered. I couldn't care less what Ronald Reagan supposedly did or didn't do. He gets credited for doing far, FAR more than he ever did. It's clearly no different now with the current president.
Jesus is dying on the cross and begs God to forgive his murderers while they ridicule him. Forgiveness knows no boundaries if you follow Christ.
What a pantload that is. I'm not Jesus, and neither are you. The law enforcement system doesn't deal in forgiveness- they deal in protecting our citizens from violent criminals. That's what we pay them to do. Forgiveness is not in the law. Do a crime- do the time IS in the law. But you know that. This is a society- not a ministry. Turn the other cheek is not part of our criminal justice philosophy.
Bull-f*cking-sh*t! As much as I dislike the man's administration, I can at least take comfort in the fact that I haven't become ridiculously paranoid about things the man has absolutely no control over. There's plenty he's actually done to be critical about and concerned with.

He's clearly created and supported a culture of questioning authority and law breaking. What you think is of little consequence to me. I already know you're an idiot who's opinion I give no credence. So you can say all the curse words you want and it doesn't make your post mean anything more to me than had you not. Either way, I don't give your opinion any merit whatsoever.

I'm responding directly to what you offered. I couldn't care less what Ronald Reagan supposedly did or didn't do. He gets credited for doing far, FAR more than he ever did. It's clearly no different now with the current president.

My comment was in response to what HiS asked. You saw it as another attempt to derail a thread - because that's what you do. And now instead of saying, "yep, I reread the the thread and I jumped the gun because I'm a dumbass", you're doubling down with more derailing attempts. Your idiocy always impresses.
Either way, I don't give your opinion any merit whatsoever.
Except to take the time to reply to everything I say, in a very detailed manner. Thank you. I know how you really feel. I always have. I'm actually impressed by how much you obviously DO pay attention to everything I do and say on the board. For someone to not care, you sure seem to display the opposite.
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What a pantload that is. I'm not Jesus, and neither are you. The law enforcement system doesn't deal in forgiveness- they deal in protecting our citizens from violent criminals. That's what we pay them to do. Forgiveness is not in the law. Do a crime- do the time IS in the law. But you know that. This is a society- not a ministry. Turn the other cheek is not part of our criminal justice philosophy.
Actually, we are all Jesus. But, let's not derail the thread. Dick might have his IBS act-up if other people discuss something he doesn't feel belongs on an internet chat board thread.

I'm not defending the actions of this man. I'm merely taking the opportunity to point-out how a poster who incessantly tries to claim he is a Christian has the decency to offer "They ought to walk that guy out of the jail, let a few K9's bite his ass for a while then hang him." That's not part of our criminal justice philosophy either, is it? Or, is it?

Too many Christians give Christ a bad rep.
Is this discussion for real? First of all, are those on-duty deaths murders? Secondly, did Reagan ever take sides with a known criminal when he was shot dead by a police officer? Did Reagan ever publicly challenge police officers? Did Reagan ever suggest that police officers were shady? Did Reagan ever excuse mob violence? If the answer is "no", then I don't think you could attribute police officer deaths to what Reagan was doing. Now ask yourself all those questions in regards to Obama. I think you'll find the answer you're avoiding.
It makes no difference if Reagan did those things. That's the point. Street criminals don't decide whether or not to kill cops based on what the president may or may not have said during a rose garden speech. And that's evidenced by the fact that, even though Obama supposedly created this anti-LEO culture, officer deaths are down significantly from where they were during tough-on-crime Reagan's administration. You're pointing to events that have happened throughout this country's history as evidence of Obama's poor leadership. Like I said, it's silly.
Except to take the time to reply to everything I say, in a very detailed manner. Thank you. I know how you really feel. I always have.

Don't get it twisted. My disdain for you and my disregarding of your opinions are two totally different things. I can call you a schmuck and not value your opinion at all. In fact, I'm doing that right now.
It makes no difference if Reagan did those things. That's the point. Street criminals don't decide whether or not to kill cops based on what the president may or may not have said during a rose garden speech. And that's evidenced by the fact that, even though Obama supposedly created this anti-LEO culture, officer deaths are down significantly from where they were during tough-on-crime Reagan's administration. You're pointing to events that have happened throughout this country's history as evidence of Obama's poor leadership. Like I said, it's silly.

Officer deaths and bounties on officer's heads are completely different. But you knew that. And that's why you avoided speaking to that part of my post.
Don't get it twisted. My disdain for you and my disregarding of your opinions are two totally different things. I can call you a schmuck and not value your opinion at all. In fact, I'm doing that right now.
Believe me... I'm NOT getting it twisted.
Actually, we are all Jesus. But, let's not derail the thread. Dick might have his IBS act-up if other people discuss something he doesn't feel belongs on an internet chat board thread.

It's not just my IBS. Other posters here have consistently reminded you about your habit of derailing threads. So don't act like I'm the only one that gets tired of your schtick.

But good job on staying on topic. You're learning. We'll have you whipped into shape in no time.

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