Which one of you...( Morphed my thread into a cartoon debate?)

I can see where OOTB is a world wide threat.
What are we going to do tonight OOTB posters?

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What are we going to do tonight OOTB posters?

This show was awesome and is a good example of how kids are dumber now + how everything is PC now. There's no way Pinky and the Brain would fly today.

For one, it's too complex of a show -- kids now would be like WTF. And even beyond that, it's way too "dark" for PC-conscious networks to show now.
This show was awesome and is a good example of how kids are dumber now + how everything is PC now. There's no way Pinky and the Brain would fly today.

For one, it's too complex of a show -- kids now would be like WTF. And even beyond that, it's way too "dark" for PC-conscious networks to show now.
It's on Netflix now. My kids have watched a few episodes and like it. I doubt they understand all of it because they are so young, but it's something I don't mind watching with them. I can't stand Spongebob or the loud house.
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Ren & Stimpy was the best 90s cartoon, hands down. Wanna talk about shows that wouldn't fly today? It starts there.
I liked your poast because it was another example of a show that wouldn't fly. I personally thought that show was overrated though, and at times, just gross lol. But so many cartoons from the 90s wouldn't fly now. Even more innocuous ones like the Animaniacs (on WB the same time as Pinky and the Brain) were chock full of innuendo and such
HOW THE FUK does agreeing with the premise that the acc was overrated warrant a mod's criticism and not so subtle ridicule? I swear to god its absolutely pathetic.
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I don't care what anyone says, South Park will always be the GOAT.
Pinky & the Brain was legit though.

And WTF is this "Archer" show that is on now? My wife was watching some program on Hulu and fell asleep...woke up to Archer playing b/c Hulu just rolls into the next show in its sequence...I get toilet humor, but just b/c a cartoon uses every sexual innuendo imaginable and 90% of every sentence is a curse word...that's not even remotely funny. It's just stupid. Kids really get into that crap? No wonder we're a country of idiots.
And this is proof you have never watched the show.
I've watched the show. If you're going to honestly say that South Park isn't full of that type of humor then that means that you are not paying attention to what you are watching.
I've watched the show. If you're going to honestly say that South Park isn't full of that type of humor then that means that you are not paying attention to what you are watching.

Then we have different perspectives. I've always thought South Park cleverly makes a mockery of society, and yes, there is toilet humor involved. Toilet humor is hilarious when used in the right context. But the other show I referenced...within 5 minutes was basically this:

Character 1: F*cking sh*t, asshole, WTF are you f*cking doing?
Character 2: Get off my nuts, d*ck monster.
Female character: Suck my tits, you two asshats.
Character 1: (gets arm chopped off randomly)
Character 2: Take that, f*ckster.

There is no correlation between these two shows. None.
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@Blue2010 I'mma go ahead and say you should probably never speak about TV shows again. We bonded over the South Park thing, but I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to see the sheer genius that is Archer, which is easily the funniest animated show on TV right now, especially since South Park has gone so serious and serial.

Archer is bae. The creator of that show -- a UNC grad, mind you -- is a genius.

I'm willing to listen to apologies and recantations.
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@Blue2010 I'mma go ahead and say you should probably never speak about TV shows again. We bonded over the South Park thing, but I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to see the sheer genius that is Archer, which is easily the funniest animated show on TV right now, especially since South Park has gone so serious and serial.

Archer is bae. The creator of that show -- a UNC grad, mind you -- is a genius.

I'm willing to listen to apologies and recantations.

You've gotta be kidding me.
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Maybe you should watch more than one part of one episode before developing your view of the entire show.

I haven't the time. If I were in college, I "might" give them ten more minutes of consideration, but I'm old now...I have to be selective of the shows I devote time to.
I haven't the time. If I were in college, I "might" give them ten more minutes of consideration, but I'm old now...I have to be selective of the shows I devote time to.
Sounds like a you problem, then mi amigo.

I mean I love South Park too, but let's not pretend it isn't toilet humor when Sheila pisses on Gerald, or Mr./Mrs. Garrison scissors a lesbian, or Cartman's mom gets banged by every male character in the first few seasons, etc. etc. etc. etc.
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Sounds like a you problem, then mi amigo.

I mean I love South Park too, but let's not pretend it isn't toilet humor when Sheila pisses on Gerald, or Mr./Mrs. Garrison scissors a lesbian, or Cartman's mom gets banged by every male character in the first few seasons, etc. etc. etc. etc.

...or that Randy and PC Principal are arguably two of the greatest cartoon characters ever to appear on TV.

I understand if you stumbled onto the Terrance & Phillip episode as the first impression of South Park, you'd likely have the same opinion I currently do about Archer.

And yes, it is a "me" problem. I'll own that one. No arguments.
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No one is debating that South Park is funny or isn't funny. I love South Park. But not every damn episode is a hit. Some of their episodes are classic but some of them blow.
I'm avoiding this thread until some real cartoons like Road Runner/Wil E Coyote, Tom and Jerry, Yosemite Sam etc. are being discussed.
Ok, you've hit on the reason @Blue2010 is wrong about the subject and his problem is he doesn't have the knowledge to be involved in this discussion. Almost every character trait of a cartoon character can be traced back to Bugs Bunny. That is just a fact, IMO. To say that a character that you like today is one of the best just because you like his jokes is ignoring history. Just because a character is funny doesn't mean that he is one of the best. He has to have contributed something unique or made some kind of historical impact.