Who did better in the Debate?

I just I just got home and reading all this utter BS. You guys could not be farther from the truth of anything you said about me, my fella and as usual your warped political BS.

I'm not even going to waste my time with you idiots (you know who the four of you bullies are). I think tarheelbybirth has all of your gonads in a sling. He's making all of you show how ridiculous you all are.

Clueless Four lol smdh.

It's good to know you can show the entire board your REAL true colors. You're nothing more than typical right wing, whiney ass bullies. And I say that with complete luv lol

And I choked when I read 71 say he was a lover not a fighter. He wouldn't know what being a lover is if Aphrodite herself came and showed his mean ass! lol
I just I just got home and reading all this utter BS. You guys could not be farther from the truth of anything you said about me, my fella and as usual your warped political BS.

I'm not even going to waste my time with you idiots (you know who the four of you bullies are). I think tarheelbybirth has all of your gonads in a sling. He's making all of you show how ridiculous you all are.

Clueless Four lol smdh.

It's good to know you can show the entire board your REAL true colors. You're nothing more than typical right wing, whiney ass bullies. And I say that with complete luv lol

And I choked when I read 71 say he was a lover not a fighter. He wouldn't know what being a lover is if Aphrodite herself came and showed his mean ass! lol

Just for clarification, I'm one of the four, right? Because last week I wasn't included when you mentioned the big meanies here. It was just @UNC '92, @HeelFan58 and of course, @UNC71-00 and I gotta be honest; it hurt a little that you left me out.
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As a non-profit, the finances of the Clinton Foundation are an open book...or books. It's kinda the law. The only thing the IRS is looking into is whether there was evidence of a quid pro quo for donations. There wasn't but you won't believe that when it's reported so the investigation is really a waste of time as far as you're concerned. Remember when you guys were crowing about the FBI investigation? How'd that turn out for you? The Gowdy congressional investigation (#7) of Benghazi? You really had her then, didn't you? Turns out they're all in the pocket of the Clinton's as well. Must be frustrating when every single investigative agency in the world - including a congressional committee in a GOP controlled Congress - is protecting the Clintons
Oh they found plenty it's just pretty damn hard to move forward when the FBI and DOJ are both in the pocket of the democrat libtards. I wonder how you would feel if your son ,husband or father had died because of Hillary's incompetence in Benghazi? As far as the FBI investigation it is obvious to everybody in America that she lied and the FBI for what ever reason didn't act on it. Hell , Hillary lies when there is no reason to lie.
Could you point to my first "personal attack"? TIA

Sure thing Sport.

And from Politifact:

But, in your world, I'm sure The Daily Caller is more credible than WHO.

And I'm sure the Daily Caller has more credibility than Doctors Without your world.

From there, you got popped back and started whining.

But I'm sure, in your world, that saying "in your world" is not actually a personal attack, right Sport?
I just I just got home and reading all this utter BS. You guys could not be farther from the truth of anything you said about me, my fella and as usual your warped political BS.

I'm not even going to waste my time with you idiots (you know who the four of you bullies are). I think tarheelbybirth has all of your gonads in a sling. He's making all of you show how ridiculous you all are.

Clueless Four lol smdh.

It's good to know you can show the entire board your REAL true colors. You're nothing more than typical right wing, whiney ass bullies. And I say that with complete luv lol

And I choked when I read 71 say he was a lover not a fighter. He wouldn't know what being a lover is if Aphrodite herself came and showed his mean ass! lol

I am now beginning to think that Chick is a parody account and that one of you sumbitches has been laughing at the rest of us for a few months.
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Lol you're gonna take offense to THAT as a personal attack and then call HIM out for whining?

Except I didn't whine nor take any offense. I don't take offense to anything anyone says to me on OOTB. I just gave him one back and he then began whining about personal attacks and calling for Mike. It's all on page 6- hell, you liked all of his poasts, so I thought you would have remembered.

Try to keep up Julez.
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I just I just got home and reading all this utter BS. You guys could not be farther from the truth of anything you said about me, my fella and as usual your warped political BS.

I'm not even going to waste my time with you idiots (you know who the four of you bullies are). I think tarheelbybirth has all of your gonads in a sling. He's making all of you show how ridiculous you all are.

Clueless Four lol smdh.

It's good to know you can show the entire board your REAL true colors. You're nothing more than typical right wing, whiney ass bullies. And I say that with complete luv lol

And I choked when I read 71 say he was a lover not a fighter. He wouldn't know what being a lover is if Aphrodite herself came and showed his mean ass! lol

Being real is just not on your list of things to do is it? You aren't going to waste your time with us, however you proceeded to do just that. You can't even be real with yourself. So let's see here, I asked you to point out my crazy poasts about immigration. Not talk off subject and redirect the conversation to your pitiful social life. Predictably, you didn't manage to do that.

Of course you got enough courage to finally come back and continue and do what you do so horribly, try and label folks who call you out on your bs as bullies. Not because anyone actually bullied you, but because you don't like it when folks fight back. As a matter of fact, you put my name in your mouth in this very thread without a single previous comment from me.

By pointing out what a cold hearted ass you are, I should leave? By making YOU uncomfortable by making you face the fact that you are a minority around here and actually part of the group with warped, old ideas that are no longer cutting it in this country that IS moving forward and not going back to a time that was favorable to only white men???

Funny thing, I've had a few private messages telling me not to listen to your (and a couple of others) bitterness because y'all basically are the typical white guys that are stuck mentally and refuse to accept changes, etc. maybe you should go crawl back in your hole. You're safer there.

As much as you'd like to believe it, I can assure you, heelfan58 and 92 that you do not intimidate me. I enjoy my daily chuckle as I roll my eyes and shake my head at the asinine things you guys believe.

Have a good day.

Oops forgot but even I can admit he's not as bad as you other three.

So if you think my responding to you calling me out for minding my own business is bullying you, then be prepared for the eventual ass-kicking I place upon your oral diarrhea. I don't mind showing the board my true colors, I'm not ashamed of them. I don't run around here and pick fights only to cry about getting my ass beat afterwards.

Man, I love ya Brother, but, I have to agree with JuleZ . . . what THBB posted wasn't much of a personal attack.

Theres some very sharp-tongued poasters here on OOTB, THBB isn't one of those.

He argues the liberal side of many topics which is why he gets treated like he does here on the board.


Man, I love ya Brother, but, I have to agree with JuleZ . . . what THBB posted wasn't much of a personal attack.

Theres some very sharp-tongued poasters here on OOTB, THBB isn't one of those.

He argues the liberal side of many topics which is why he gets treated like he does here on the board.


My previous encounters with him have been different and they go all the way back to Terry Schivo.

There is no doubt that saying to someone "that's the way things your world" is a personal swipe. Granted, it's fairly low on the scale of OOTB swipes, but fact remains he fired the first shot over the bow. I just chose to fire back harder.
Sure thing Sport.

From there, you got popped back and started whining.

But I'm sure, in your world, that saying "in your world" is not actually a personal attack, right Sport?'s like saying "The way you think..." but I suppose wording it that way would be giving you far too much credit.

FTR - that's a personal attack.'s like saying "The way you think..." but I suppose wording it that way would be giving you far too much credit.

FTR - that's a personal attack.

And saying "the way you think" is also a personal attack, albeit also a mild one.

And I am quite certain that failing to meet your standards for thinking is a positive for everyone not in your world. However don't fret- I'm sure you and Chick think just alike, so you are in excellent company.
Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeper - because, you know, she's Hispanic. Funny guy, huh?

The horror of thinking someone might laugh at that!

Please stick around. Remarkably the "so stupid it's funny" poasts on this board haven't been as abundant recently (or maybe I'm just becoming immune to the usual contributors).

But your stupid stuff is nice new material for a chuckle.
The horror of thinking someone might laugh at that!

Please stick around. Remarkably the "so stupid it's funny" poasts on this board haven't been as abundant recently (or maybe I'm just becoming immune to the usual contributors).

But your stupid stuff is nice new material for a chuckle.

LOL...the guy who's been identified as misogynistic and prejudiced really can't afford press like that. You do understand that point, right? And if you laugh when someone calls a Hispanic woman Miss Housekeeper...that's not even funny without the "racial" overtone.
The horror of thinking someone might laugh at that!

Please stick around. Remarkably the "so stupid it's funny" poasts on this board haven't been as abundant recently (or maybe I'm just becoming immune to the usual contributors).

But your stupid stuff is nice new material for a chuckle.

Which poast number was that? I can't find it.
LOL...the guy who's been identified as misogynistic and prejudiced really can't afford press like that. You do understand that point, right? And if you laugh when someone calls a Hispanic woman Miss Housekeeper...that's not even funny without the "racial" overtone.

Why... because people like you determine someone's ability to be President by how good (or more accurately, how PC) their jokes are?

Which poast number was that? I can't find it.

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LOL...the guy who's been identified as misogynistic and prejudiced really can't afford press like that. You do understand that point, right? And if you laugh when someone calls a Hispanic woman Miss Housekeeper...that's not even funny without the "racial" overtone.

Clinton has a much better sense of humor. Like that time she laughed about getting a child rapist off the hook.

In 2014, the Washington Free Beacon published the audio of an interview that Arkansas reporter Roy Reed conducted with Clinton in the 1980s. In the interview, Clinton recalls some unusual details of the rape case, and she can be heard laughing in three instances, beginning with a joke she makes about the accuracy of polygraphs.

Clinton: Of course he claimed he didn’t. All this stuff. He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs. [laughs]

But I'm sure to a deep thinker like you, such behavior is your world.
Why... because people like you determine someone's ability to be President by how good (or more accurately, how PC) their jokes are?

You insist on calling that a joke. That's a weird sense of humor. As for your point, yeah, I look at what they say as an indication of character. You don't?
You insist on calling that a joke. That's a weird sense of humor. As for your point, yeah, I look at what they say as an indication of character. You don't?

No you don't. You only look at what the other side says. You couldn't care less what HRC has said or done.
No you don't. You only look at what the other side says. You couldn't care less what HRC has said or done.

I am not and never have been a Clinton supporter. When the email story broke, I said it was a damn stupid thing to do....but it didn't appear to be illegal. Turned out to be correct.

I worked with and donated to the Sanders campaign. Now, facing a choice between Clinton and Trump, I'll hold my nose and vote for Clinton because Trump is a f'n walking disaster. Feel free to cast a vanity vote for Johnson or not vote...if you truly can't stand the thought of Clinton being president over anyone else, that's an effective vote for her. The only way that doesn't work is if you truly believe that Trump and Clinton are absolutely equal in their "evilness".
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Remember the 80s and 90s...when people laughed at racial jokes? Black folks laughed at racial jokes. Latinos (although they were called "Hispanics" back then) laughed at racial jokes. Asians (although they were called "Orientals" back then) laughed at racial jokes Even white folks used to be able to join in the fun. We all laughed at these jokes and no one got all bent. No safe spaces were needed. Those were the days.

Could you imagine what George Allen would face if he made that macaca comment in today's overly sensitive, pu$$ified environment? I honestly believe someone might have killed him.
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I'll try to go further back but here's a couple from March:

State's unclassified system - the one Clinton should have been using - has been hacked by the Russians so it's not like it's secure. Unlike Clinton's server, State's system does have security people designated to the task - that's the big difference. Obviously, they have issues.

And the rules at the time Clinton took office did not require it. So that point is moot as well. You guys need to sharpen up your arguments. She absolutely should have used her official account...but you guys don't seem to have any idea why and the fact is that nothing you're talking about here is a violation of any law.'re full of something.
I'll try to go further back but here's a couple from March:'re full of something.

First of all, how in the hell am I supposed to know you poasted those in March? Am I to take your word for it? But that's not even what I was laughing about. It was the part where you try to dress it up as not criminal. That was the knee slapper. But my fault for not being more clear. Next time I heckle you, I'll be more specific.
First of all, how in the hell am I supposed to know you poasted those in March? Am I to take your word for it? But that's not even what I was laughing about. It was the part where you try to dress it up as not criminal. That was the knee slapper. But my fault for not being more clear. Next time I heckle you, I'll be more specific.

Why wouldn't you take my word for it? Am I a liar? As for "dressing it up"....I know, I know...the FBI is in the bag for the Clintons. Guess I knew that way back when. Or was she charged and I missed it?
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Why wouldn't you take my word for it? Am I a liar? As for "dressing it up"....I know, I know...the FBI is in the bag for the Clintons. Guess I knew that way back when. Or was she charged and I missed it?

Today the DOJ (you know, the organization of which the FBI is a part) dismissed all charges against an arms dealer who has dirt on the Clintons.

But no way is the FBI on Hillary's side. None whatsoever.
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