Who did better in the Debate?

No. It is completely accurate. A more detailed headline would read:

UN makes weak ass power play against Trump- what else would you expect from a bunch of people in the tank for the Clintons?

What's the power play? Weak or otherwise. They just wanted to make sure he couldn't cancel it for THEM. This has absolutely zero effect on whether or not it's implemented in the US.
What's the power play? Weak or otherwise. They just wanted to make sure he couldn't cancel it for THEM. This has absolutely zero effect on whether or not it's implemented in the US.

It is always more difficult to reverse something already in place than it is to prevent initial implementation
Trump is a life-long member of "the establishment". He's been in bed with politicians his entire adult life. He's the guy paying them to get what he wants - he admits it.

That's not the establishment. Bernie has been a politician most of his life and he wasn't an establishment candidate either.
Bernie doesn't play the game. Trump revels in it. He bragged about it. How can you not be a member of the "establishment" when you are bribing politicians to do your bidding?

Establishment refers to most politicians and the groups which fund their campaigns. Bribing someone in order to get a permit or favor- not establishment. Donating millions to PACs to get candidates elected- establishment.

For instance- Saudi Arabia and Russian oligarchs who bribed the Clintons to get specific favors are not establishment.

Goldman Sachs, Soros, NRA, Unions and many corporations are examples of establishment.

But you know this- you are just trying to justify the sale of your soul which occurred when you abandoned the principles which led you to Bernie in the first place. All of the things you disliked about Hillary during primaries are still there and in fact, have been magnified in some cases. But like the good loyal Democrat that you are, your defining principle is to elect the Democrat, even if she does behave in exactly the same way as many Republicans, all of whom you have always loathed.

Remember when Democrats claimed to be for the little guy? Today the only candidate for the little guy is Trump. But because Trump doesn't have a D next to his name, you have to vote for the candidate who has the backing of the defense industry and Wall Street. I actually feel sorry for you.
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^ It boggles my mind that Bernie supporters have hopped on the Hillary bandwagon given how the primary went down, and the ideals of the former being in stark contrast with the actions of the latter.
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Establishment refers to most politicians and the groups which fund their campaigns. Bribing someone in order to get a permit or favor- not establishment. Donating millions to PACs to get candidates elected- establishment.

For instance- Saudi Arabia and Russian oligarchs who bribed the Clintons to get specific favors are not establishment.

Goldman Sachs, Soros, NRA, Unions and many corporations are examples of establishment.

But you know this- you are just trying to justify the sale of your soul which occurred when you abandoned the principles which led you to Bernie in the first place. All of the things you disliked about Hillary during primaries are still there and in fact, have been magnified in some cases. But like the good loyal Democrat that you are, your defining principle is to elect the Democrat, even if she does behave in exactly the same way as many Republicans, all of whom you have always loathed.

Remember when Democrats claimed to be for the little guy? Today the only candidate for the little guy is Trump. But because Trump doesn't have a D next to his name, you have to vote for the candidate who has the backing of the defense industry and Wall Street. I actually feel sorry for you.
How can you think any Bernie supporters will vote for Trump? Sure, they hate Hillary but not as much as Trump which, come to think of it, is how a big portion of American voters feel also.
Today the only candidate for the little guy is Trump.
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Just based on my unscientific polling of people I see, the only ones that support Trump are the ones that are delusional and believe the Democrats are going to come take our guns, and they're typically the people who have a gun strapped to their hip lol

The Bernie supporters have all said they are voting for Hillary as well as the usual Republicans I know who don't care about guns.
How can you think any Bernie supporters will vote for Trump? Sure, they hate Hillary but not as much as Trump which, come to think of it, is how a big portion of American voters feel also.

I just cant imagine any Bernie supporters voting for Hillary. Thats like Occupy Wall St voting for Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo
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I just cant imagine any Bernie supporters voting for Hillary. Thats like Occupy Wall St voting for Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo
No it isn't. I'd say that would be the case for them voting for Trump. Hillary and Bernie have more political things in line with each other than he does with Trump. Obviously you were making a joke that I didn't get.
I just cant imagine any Bernie supporters voting for Hillary. Thats like Occupy Wall St voting for Goldman Sachs and Wells Fargo

If the choice is between a vanity vote that accomplishes nothing and a vote to keep Trump as far from the WH as possible...I'm taking option 2 as would any rational person. That's how bad the GOP nominee is.
Just based on my unscientific polling of people I see, the only ones that support Trump are the ones that are delusional and believe the Democrats are going to come take our guns, and they're typically the people who have a gun strapped to their hip lol
That tells me a lot about who you surround yourself with and how open minded they are.
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Are we actually going to talk about policy comparisons? That would be a shocking new development for OOTB.

On maternity leave, I'm thrilled both candidates have brought forth proposals. It's an important issue and one that hits close to home for my family, although it comes too late to do us any good. I'll give credit where it's due in that Trump's proposal is better than what we have now (which is zero, in terms of paid leave) but it doesn't go far enough and doesn't go as far as Clinton's.

On taxes, his plan lowers the top income tax rate, the corporate tax rate, and the capital gains tax rate, while creating a yuuuuge deficit. It is more favorable to corporations and the very wealthy than Clinton's proposed plan.

But aside from that, I simply found it laughable and absurd that Donald J. Trump has any f***s to give for "the little guy."

Only my always-humble opinion.
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Trump being for the little guy? That would be interesting. He's completely detached from us, so maybe it's his attempt to gain some kind of empathetic experience for himself.

Or... maybe, he's just in this for himself like every other endeavor in his life. When the term "selfless" comes to mind, one of the last names I associate with that is Donald Trump. I mean, the guy is the epitome of narcissism. Trump Tower, Trump Steaks, Trump Vodka, Trump Ice, Trump Hotel.

United States of Trump, or Trump States of America sounds more likely.
Are we actually going to talk about policy comparisons? That would be a shocking new development for OOTB.

On maternity leave, I'm thrilled both candidates have brought forth proposals. It's an important issue and one that hits close to home for my family, although it comes too late to do us any good. I'll give credit where it's due in that Trump's proposal is better than what we have now (which is zero, in terms of paid leave) but it doesn't go far enough and doesn't go as far as Clinton's.

On taxes, his plan lowers the top income tax rate, the corporate tax rate, and the capital gains tax rate, while creating a yuuuuge deficit. It is more favorable to corporations and the very wealthy than Clinton's proposed plan.

But aside from that, I simply found it laughable and absurd that Donald J. Trump has any f***s to give for "the little guy."

Only my always-humble opinion.

Curious that Clinton's maternity leave plan came after Trump put his forth. And if you think any of her corporate bosses will let her implement that plan, then you probably also think that Hillary wiped her server with a cloth and that's why all of those emails disappeared.

As far as cutting taxes to all social classes which pay taxes, that would be Trump's plan. And that by reducing the corporate tax, all of that money sitting offshore will come back to the US and much will be invested, resulting in more jobs for everyone. Over 90 million Americans don't have a job and want a job. That's what Obama's policies have given us and Hillary will do nothing but more of the same.

Although I hear supplies of government jobs are growing. Maybe I should get one of those.
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Not what he should be doing - which is running for president. He coulda run on his own since he's not a democrat anyways.

Bernie would be killing Trump if Hillary hadn't stolen the election from him the same way she stole hundreds of millions of dollars from poor Haitians.

However let's all back her because sexism.
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Way off on this one friend, way way off.....
Every Bernie supporter I know is voting for Hillary.

Except my neighbor across the street. They took their Bernie yard signs and literally drew, with black and silver markers, the word "Jill" on both sides.